Dethroning the King (63 page)

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Authors: Julie MacIntosh

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board of directors (
Board of directors of A-B)
Busch family lack of control
corporate culture under The Fourth
corporate culture under The Third
corporate security staff
cost-cutting program
culture clashes with Grupo Modelo
distribution system
diversification efforts
executive dining room
founding of company
free-spending habits
global expansion opportunities
global financial crisis of 2007-2009
graft scandal
hangar at Spirit of St. Louis Airport
InBev lawsuit to overturn A-B board of directors
InBev takeover threat (
InBev takeover threat)
job cuts
Lake of the Ozarks compound
lobbying activities
loose merger plan with InBev
market share
merger and acquisition activities
merger discussions with Grupo Modelo
merger discussions with InBev
merger with InBev
partnership with InBev
Project Montague
pulls back from merger discussions with Modelo
renamed Anheuser-Busch InBev
stake in Grupo Modelo
strategy committee
succession plans
vulnerability to takeover
Anheuser-Busch Entertainment
Anheuser-Busch Soccer Park
Antitrust regulation
AON Center (Chicago)
Aquila, Francis:
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Aramburuzabala, Pablo
Aramburuzabala Larregui de Garza, María Asunción “Mariasun,”
ASU (“A Sense of Urgency”)
Athanas, Evan
Busch, August A. III “Augie/ The Third/The Chief ”
August A. Busch Conservation Nature Center
August A. Busch Shooting Range
Augusta National Golf Club
Baker, W. Randolph “Randy”:
as CFO
cost-cutting measures
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Ball, Lucille
Ball Corporation
Banco Nacional de Mexico (Banamex)
Banco Santander
Bank of America
Baxter International
“Bear hug” strategy
Bear Stearns
Beer Institute
Beer Marketer's Insights
“Beer occasions,”
“Beer wars,”
Belushi, John
Berle, Milton
Birra Peroni
Blackstone Group
Blue Ocean program
Board of directors of A-B
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
A-B stake in Grupo Modelo
approval of merger with InBev
Augusta connection
company vulnerability to takeover
conflicts of interest
cost-cutting program
father-son dynamics and
fees paid
InBev/A-B takeover threat
InBev attempt to eject
InBev offer of higher price
independent directors
management style of The Third
meeting format
merger discussions with Modelo
paranoia about lawsuits
strategy committee
summary of members
Bond, Christopher “Kit,”
Boord, John
Bostock, Roy
Botín, Emilio
Bowl Championship Series
Branson, Richard
Braunstein, Douglas:
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Breaux, John
Brewers & Maltsters union
Brito, Carlos:
as CEO of InBev
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
InBev offer of higher price for A-B
inside knowledge of Anheuser-Busch
loose merger plan with A-B
management style
price increase for A-B
visit to Washington, D.C.
Brock, John
Brunswick Group
Bud Dry
Budejovicky Budvar
Bud Light
Budweiser beer
Bud Dry
Bud Light
global growth
as King of Beers
Budweiser blimp
Buffett, Warren
as A-B shareholder
connection to InBev
sale of A-B stock
Tony Lama boots and
Burkle, Ronald
Busch, Adolphus (founder of A-B)
Busch, Adolphus III (brother of Gussie)
Busch, Adolphus IV (half-brother of The Third)
Busch, Andrew (half-brother of The Third)
Busch, August A. III “Augie/ The Third/The Chief ”:
becomes president of A-B
beer marketing/branding and
as brand manager
“Busch time” and
Cancun, Mexico conference with bankers (2007)
corporate culture under
diversification efforts
dynamic with father, Gussie
dynamic with son, The Fourth
education of
family background
Grupo Modelo deal and
health crisis
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat and
insular world view
lack of trust
lobbying activities
love of flying
management style
marriages of
modernization campaign
as paid consultant
public scandals
resistance to expansion
retirement plans
succession plans
Teamsters strike
youthful antics
Busch, August A. IV “The Fourth”:
A-B vulnerability to takeover
Cancun, Mexico conference with bankers (2007)
corporate culture under
cost-cutting measures
distance from company operations
dynamic with father, The Third
early years with A-B
education of
on FedEx board
“Frogs” advertising campaign
Grupo Modelo deal and
as head of brewing division
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat and
loose merger plan with InBev
love of hunting
management style
marketing skills of
marriage of
openness to merger ideas
as president and CEO
resistance to debt
succession plans
as vice president of marketing
“Wassup?!” ad campaign
womanizing and
youthful antics
Busch, August Anheuser Busch Jr. “Gussie/Junior,”
dynamic with son, The Third
forced out of company
as head of A-B
Busch, Billy (half-brother of The Third)
Busch, Gertrude (wife of Gussie)
Busch, Kathryn Thatcher (wife of The Fourth)
Busch, Peter (son of Gussie)
Busch, Steven (son of The Third)
Busch, Susan Hornibeck (wife of The Third)
Busch, Susie (daughter of The Third)
Busch, Trudy (wife of Gussie)
Busch, Virginia Lee Wiley “Ginny” (wife of The Third)
Busch Bavarian beer
Busch beer
Busch Gardens (Florida)
Busch Gardens (Virginia)
Busch Stadium
Busch Student Center (St. Louis University)
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Bush, Laura
Cady, John
Cameron, David
Campbell Taggart
Captain Morgan
Caray, Harry
Caray, Marion
Chapin, Allan
Chase Manhattan Bank
Chicago Blackhawks
Chicago Cubs
Chicago White Sox
Chief, The.
Busch, August A. III “Augie/ The Third/The Chief ”
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
A-B vulnerability to takeover
acquisition of Banco Nacional de Mexico (Banamex)
Grupo Modelo and
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover rumors
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Claggett, Charlie:
advertising and
on the Busch family
on The Fourth
“Know When to Way When” moderation campaign
on The Third
“This Bud's for You” slogan
Clifford Chance
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Clyburn, James
Cogut, Charles “Casey,”
Cohen, H. Rodgin
Colbert, Stephen
Comedy Central
Coors, Adolph
Coors, Peter
Coors, William K.
Coors beer
Coors Light
Coors Brewing Company
Coors Light
Corona Extra
Corporate Library, The
Coulis, Marlene
Cravath, Swaine & Moore
Credit Suisse First Boston
Cristerna, Hernan
Budweiser “Frogs” campaign
loses A-B account
Davies, Thomas
Davis, Sammy Jr.
DDB Needham
Descheemaeker, Stéfan
Deutsche Bank
Devlin, Nina
Díez, Valentín
Dimon, Jamie
Dow Chemical
Dow Jones
Dubai Ports World
Eagle Snacks
Edmond, Louis Fernando
Elizabeth II, Queen of England
Emerson Electric
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Excise tax on alcohol
“Fan cans,”
Fannie Mae
Federal Trade Commission
FedEx Corp.
Fernández González, Carlos:
on A-B board
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
as CEO of Grupo Modelo
InBev/A-B takeover threat
merger discussions with A-B
as proposed CEO after Modelo/A-B merger
relationship with The Third
resignation from A-B board
Fernández Rodríguez, Antonino
Finnie, William “Bill”:
on acquisition activities
on the Busch family
on The Fourth
on Teamsters strike
on The Third
Flom, Joseph:
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Focus groups
Fomento Económico Mexicano SA (FEMSA)
Ford, William C.
Ford Motor Company
Forese, James, J., Sr.:
on A-B board
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
on The Fourth
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
on staggered board
Forese, James A.
Forster, Julie
Four Seasons restaurant (New York City)
Fourth, The.
Busch, August A. IV “The Fourth”
Fowler, Wren
Frank, Joele
Freddie Mac
Frederick, Michele
Frederick the Great
“Frogs” advertising campaign
Fuld, Richard
Garza, Antonio “Tony” Jr.
Garza, María Asunción “Mariasun,”
Gates, Bill
General American Life Insurance
General Electric
General Foods
General Motors
Gephardt, Dick
Gephardt Group
Gerstner, Louis, Jr.
Gillette, Susan
Ginnaire Rental
Girls Incorporated
Glaxo Holdings
Golden, Robert
Goldman Sachs:
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
Bevcon sale
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Golub, Steven
Grant's Farm
Great Depression
Greenberg, Tom
Greening, John
Greenspan, Alan
Gross, Peter:
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Grupo Damm
Grupo Empresarial Bavaria
Grupo Modelo
A-B pulls back from merger discussions
A-B stake in

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