Dethroning the King (61 page)

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Authors: Julie MacIntosh

BOOK: Dethroning the King
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Page 65 “When the conventions took place in California . . .” Charlie Claggett, interview by author, St. Louis, Missouri, November 4, 2009.
Page 66 “Then he flipped off the projector . . .” William Finnie, phone interview by author, October 20. 2009.
Page 68 “He later dieted to lose 75 pounds . . .” Gary Prindiville, phone interview by author, October 26, 2009.
Page 69 “He doesn't approve of barbecue sauce . . .” John Greening, phone interview by author, October 6, 2009.
Page 70 “His plate was still bare . . .” Claggett interview.
Page 74 “What a bunch of thugs . . .” Ibid.
Page 74 “The ad men turned to look straight at August III . . .” Greening interview.
Chapter 5 The Fourth Abides
Page 77 “On June 15, 1964 . . .” Callaway Ludington, “Bud Man Prince of Beers August Busch IV Pours a Little Dash into the Family Business,”
Chicago Tribune
, June 14, 1991, C1.
Page 78 “By the time he was in second grade ...” Patricia Sellers, “Bud-Weis-Heir August Busch IV Is Rebellious, Risk-Taking—and (Nearly) Ready to Rule the World's Largest Brewer,”
, January 13, 1997.
Page 78 “By his senior year in high school . . .” Ludington, “Bud Man,” C1.
Page 80 “It wasn't clear they could prove . . .”
Under the Influence
, 337-352.
Page 80 “She felt her son had been unfairly treated . . .” Jerry Berger and John M. McGuire, “Near Beer,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, June 13, 1995, 1D.
Page 80 “He said alcohol was not involved in the crash . . .” Melanie Wells, “Busch IV Likely to Pop to Top,”
USA Today
, September 4, 1998, 2B.
Page 80 “The assault charges stemmed . . .” “Busch Heir Arrested After Wild Chase,”
San Francisco Chronicle
/Associated Press, June 1, 1985.
Page 81 “You get me out of this . . .”
Under the Influence
, 350.
Page 81 “After a three-day trial . . .” Ludington, “Bud Man,” C1.
Page 81 “Yet even during the takeover battle . . .” Andrew Ross Sorkin, “Chilling a Deal for Bud,”
New York Times
DealBook, June 17, 2008.
Page 82 “You have to do three times as good as the next guy . . .” Ludington, “Bud Man,” C1.
Page 83 “After dropping out of the University of Arizona . . .” “Interview Heir Apparent,”
Modern Brewery Age,
September 19, 1994, S10.
Page 83 “In February of 1990 . . .” Ludington, “Bud Man,” C1.
Page 83 “Budweiser's branding under his command . . .” Barbara Lippert,
, July 20, 1992, Critique.
Page 88 “August Busch III has always seemed . . .” Bill McClellan, “To Sell Beer Takes More Than a Glare,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
July 7, 1997.
Page 90 “We just hope it doesn't come to that . . .” Ludington, “Bud Man.”
Page 90 “I don't know that it's true . . .” Gerry Khermouch, Julie Forster, and John Cady, “Is This Bud for You, August IV?”
, November 11, 2002.
Page 90 “That wasn't something I was looking for . . .” Christopher Tritto, “Brewery Heir Steven Busch Acquires Krey Distributing,”
St. Louis Business Journal,
” December 8, 2006.
Page 90 “August IV's sister . . .” Matthew Hathaway, “History of the Busch Family,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
July 9, 2008, A6.
Page 91 “I don't think anyone can say . . .” Sellers, “Bud-Weis-Heir.”
Page 91 “If my brother continues to perform . . .” Ibid.
Page 92 “Every senior Anheuser-Busch officer ...” Al Stamborski, “Anheuser-Busch Chairman Undergoes Heart-Bypass Surgery,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, September 29, 1999.
Page 92 “He owned just 3.4 million shares . . .” Wells, “Busch IV Likely to Pop to Top.”
Page 92 “Considering the history . . .” Sellers, “Bud-Weis-Heir.”
Page 93 “I wouldn't operate under the assumption . . .” Wells, “Busch IV Likely to Pop to Top.”
Page 94 “I'm not going to consider . . .” Ibid.
Page 94 “He's not a character . . .” Khermouch, Forster, and Cady, “Is This Bud for You, August IV?”
Page 95 “
Business Week
called The Third's decision . . .” Ibid.
Page 95 “It's not a foregone conclusion . . .” Ibid.
Page 96 “The goal was for The Fourth ...” General Henry Hugh Shelton, phone interview by author, June 10, 2010.
Page 98 “If this is successful discounting . . .” “Anheuser Profits Fall in Tough Market,”
, October 27, 2005.
Page 100 “He also added non-alcoholic drinks . . .” Greg Edwards, “Anheuser's New Chief Faces Challenges,”
Wall Street Journal
, December 6, 2006, B3G.
Page 100 “The Third's eyes welled visibly with tears . . .” Mike Beirne, “A-B Marketing Ready to Rumble,”
(online), March 25, 2005.
Page 101 “His home, which had once been owned . . .” Khermouch, Forster, and Cady, “Is This Bud for You, August IV?”
Page 101 “Their engagement was called off . . .” Ludington, “Bud Man.”
Page 101 “I'm not making predictions . . .” Sellers, “Bud-Weis-Heir.”
Page 102 “The Fourth spent a good amount of time . . .” Jason Horowitz, “The Complete Ron Burkle,”
New York Observer
, April 12, 2006.
Page 102 “If I don't start seriously working on a relationship . . .” Wells, “Busch IV Likely to Pop to Top.”
Page 102 “Where's the cutoff? ...” Ellen Florian Kratz, “A Busch (Beer) Marries for the Corner Office,”
, September 15, 2006.
Page 102 “To the chagrin of some disgruntled locals . . .” Carolyn Kylstra, “Clydesdales Grace Green for Wedding,”
The Dartmouth,
August 8, 2006.
Page 103 “The Fourth's decision to get married . . .” Andrew Ward, “Anheuser Keeps Crown in the Family,”
Financial Times,
December 5, 2006, 28.
Page 103 “It was ‘August, until you settle down . . .” Kratz, “A Busch (Beer) Marries for the Corner Office.”
Page 104 “It also pledged . . .” Christopher Tritto, “A-B Picks up Aircraft, Beer Tabs for Busch IV, Stokes,”
St. Louis Business Journal,
December 1, 2006.
Page 104 “Stokes made a similar election ...” Anheuser-Busch Companies Securities and Exchange Commission Filing Form 8-K, December 15, 2006.
Page 105 “Beer's total share of the alcohol market . . .” Edwards, “Anheuser's Chief Faces New Challenges.”
Page 106 “Mr. Busch now has center stage for himself . . .” Ward, “Anheuser Keeps Crown in the Family.”
Page 107 “The Fourth said in one newspaper interview . . .” David Kesmodel, “Beer Clan Anheuser CEO Fights for His Legacy—As Rival Weighs a Bid, Busch Heir Still Seeks Father's Approval,”
Wall Street Journal,
May 27, 2008, A1.
Page 108 “Mr. Busch remains a bit of a mystery . . .” Edwards, “Anheuser's Chief Faces New Challenges.”
Page 109 “The Fourth spread his net wide . . .” Ward, “Anheuser Keeps Crown in the Family.”
Page 110 “He concluded, “I honestly do believe . . .” Kesmodel, “Beer Clan Anheuser CEO Fights for His Legacy.”
Page 110 “He later regretted making those comments ...” Schuhmacher, phone interview by author, April 27, 2010.
Page 110 “In his first decade . . .” Sellers, “Bud-Weis-Heir.”
Page 110 “The Third, as usual, stayed silent on the matter . . .” Kesmodel, “Beer Clan Anheuser CEO Fights for His Legacy.”
Chapter 6 The Hunter's Frozen Trigger Finger
Page 113 “We made our share of mistakes . . .” Ellyn E. Spragins, Marc Frons, “When You Say Busch, You've Said it All,
, February 17, 1986, 58-63.
Page 117 “The globalization of American culture . . .” “The World Beer & Beverage Forum Power Brands Made by Power Men,”
Modern Brewery Age,
November 10, 1997.
Page 117 “He weighed the possibility . . .” Rick Hill and Walter Reisinger, Jr., interview by author, St. Louis, Missouri, November 4, 2009.
Page 118 “Two gunmen had unleashed a torrent . . .” Simon Romero, “Cashing In on Security Worries: Bad Times Are Good Times for Car Armorers in Brazil,”
New York Times,
July 24, 1999.
Page 118 “Lemann moved his family . . .” Tony Smith, “A Bet on a Brazilian Brewery Pays Off for 3 Investors,”
New York Times,
March 4, 2004, W7.
Page 118 “They funneled a fraction of that cash . . .” Ibid.
Page 119 “Brahma won clearance for the deal ...” “AmBev: Third Largest Brewer Created with Merger Approval,”
Food & Drink Weekly,
April 3, 2000, 1.
Page 126 “The United States and China were well illuminated . . .” Jeremiah McWilliams, “Brito Begins to Brew New Company: CEO Meets A-B Chief with Eye on Bottom Line, Employee Angst,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
July 16, 2008, A1.
Chapter 9 Mr. Brito Goes to Washington
Page 162 “In Missouri, where McCain ended up beating Obama . . .” Election Results,
New York Times,
Tuesday, December 9, 2008.
Page 162 “But this is about something bigger . . .” Heidi N. Moore, “One Couple's Crusade to Save Budweiser,”
Deal Journal, June 2, 2008.
Page 163 “Cindy McCain, who was known to drive around Phoenix . . .” Susan Davis, “McCains to Profit on Anheuser, InBev Deal,”
Washington Wire, July 14, 2008.
Page 165 “Its political action committee ...” Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, “InBev, Anheuser Battle in Washington,”
Washington Post
, June 28, 2008.
Page 165 “A team of eight Anheuser Clydesdales . . .” “Hey, Bill, This Bud's for You,”
Seattle Times,
January 16, 1993, A3.
Page 166 “That put it ahead of other heavily active PACs . . .” The Center for Responsive Politics.
Page 167 “It started paying operatives . . .” Birnbaum, “InBev, Anheuser Battle in Washington.”
Page 168 “The meeting adjourned after half an hour . . .” Ibid.
Page 168 “I said, ‘Not going to happen.' . . .” “McCaskill Questions InBev CEO about Anheuser-Busch,” Associated Press, June 17, 2008.
Page 168 “We do not have a ‘For Sale' sign on our front lawn in America . . .” Deirdre Shesgreen and Rachel Melcer, “InBev Chief Feels Heat,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, June 18, 2008, A1.
Page 168 “Brito called his meeting . . .” “McCaskill Questions InBev,” Associated Press.
Page 168 “She issued a letter . . .” Senator Claire McCaskill, “McCaskill Urges Anheuser-Busch Board to Reject Offer,” June 18, 2008.
Page 168 “It would mean job losses . . .” Birnbaum, “InBev, Anheuser Battle in Washington.”
Page 170 “The strongest words spoken against InBev ...”
The Colbert Report,
Comedy Central.
Page 171 “Brito wrote an opinion piece . . .” Carlos Brito,
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
June 17, 2008, Commentary.
Page 177 “
Advertising Age
ran an article . . .” Jeremy Mullman and Michael Bush, “A-B Losing the PR War to InBev,”
Advertising Age,
July 7, 2008.
Chapter 10 Angry Bedfellows
Page 181 “During a meeting two weeks earlier . . .” Anheuser-Busch 2008 proxy.
Page 184 “If Modelo's biggest rival was going to tie up . . .” Jack Purnell, phone interview by author, October 29. 2009.
Page 185 “In late 1996 ...” William Flannery, “A-B Invests in Mexican Brewer; Raises Grupo Modelo Stake to 37 Percent,”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, December 19, 1996, 3B.
Page 185 “Three months later . . .” Bloomberg News, “Anheuser-Busch to Increase Stake in Mexican Brewer,”
New York Times,
May 23, 1997, 3.
Page 190 “By high school, he was working there part-time . . .” David Luhnow and David Kesmodel, “Modelo CEO Faces Limits of Family Firm,”
Wall Street Journal,
June 27, 2008, B11.
Page 191 “Fernández was elected to Modelo's board . . .” “Who's News Anheuser-Busch Cos.,”
Wall Street Journal
, February 29, 1996.
Page 191 “She decided to throw herself into the family business . . .” Ginger Thompson, “Daddy's Girl Turns Beer-and-TV Billionaire,”
New York Times,
July 21, 2002, Saturday Profile, 4.
Page 191 “María proceeded to build a reputation . . .” David Luhnow, “Crashing Barriers,”
Wall Street Journal
, October 1, 2001, R9.
Page 191 “Known by the nickname Mariasun . . .” Kevin Sullivan, “Bilaterally in Love,”
Washington Post,
February 7, 2005, C1.
Page 192 “The “golden couple's” 2005 wedding . . .” Susana Hayward, “‘Golden Couple' All the Buzz,”
Miami Herald
, Knight Ridder News Service, February 8, 2005, 16A.
Page 192 “In 2007, just before the global banking system . . .” Luisa Kroll and Allison Fass, “Special Report The World's Billionaires,”

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