Determined (Determined Trilogy Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Determined (Determined Trilogy Book 1)
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We turned off the freeway and were headed toward the airport when Thomas turned off onto a side road.

“Where are we going, Thomas?” I asked, concerned about the sudden change.

“Tarmac, miss.”

Of course. Why would one need to go through the airport if they were flying on a private jet?

We sped across the tarmac, and ended up in front of an aircraft that was much bigger than I had imagined. I don’t know why I had been picturing a small four-seater, but this was not that. It was large, sleek, and very sexy. It had ‘Keith Ventures’ written across the side in script.

I followed Thomas out of the SUV and up the stairs to the cabin door. David was standing there, waiting for me.

Our eyes locked. Fuck. This man was fucking gorgeous. He was dressed down, in dark denim and leather boots, with a black North Face jacket over a dress shirt and tie. I eyed the tie as I walked over to him.

“Hey, baby.” He wrapped his arms around me.

“Hey, boyfriend,” I whispered in his ear.

He looked down at me and pulled my chin up so that our eyes met.

“I like that,” he murmured with a twinkle in his eye. “I missed you. Remind me to never go away ever again.” He said it with a slight smile, and then he pulled back; suddenly I was aware that we were not alone.

“Let me introduce you to the crew.”

I turned around to face the rest of the cabin.

“Ron and Ian, our pilots. They are former Air Force Special Operations, best in the business.” They nodded at me, and I returned the nod. “And this is Lucinda, who is in charge of cabin operations.” An older blonde woman dressed in a black sweater and skirt stepped forward and offered her hand.

“Lovely to meet you Miss Sharp.” She had a British accent.

“Lucinda,” I almost curtsied, but I stopped myself.

“And I believe you’ve met Thomas and Cooper.” He gestured to Thomas, who I did know, and another large man, all dressed in black, standing close to the door. He moved forward and offered his hand.

“Actually, I don’t think we’ve formerly met,” I said reluctantly as I shook his hand.

“I’ve known you from a distance, Miss Sharp,” he said. Oh, I see. I was starting to understand how this whole ‘security detail’ thing works. I prayed quietly that I’d been clothed all those times.

“How are we looking for take-off, guys?”

Ron replies, “On time, sir. We can begin taxiing now if you’d like.”

“No time like the present,” David agreed and turned to me. “Would you like something to drink?”

“That’d be great.” Between seeing him again and flying on my first private jet, my nerves were working overtime. I’d welcome something to sooth them.

The plane was spacious inside, as well. Much larger than I thought. The cabin was outfitted with cream-colored leather seats and rich, handsome wood inlay.

Lucinda came up gently behind us.

“We are ready for take-off, sir.” She handed us two glasses with an amber liquid in them. I took a sip. Brandy. The warmth coated my throat, and I exhaled.

“Thank you, Lucinda.” David turned to me. “Ready?”

“Ready.” I swallowed. My excitement was starting to take over.

He led me to two supple leather chairs, and we buckled our seatbelts. Lucinda, Thomas, and Cooper strapped themselves into chairs toward the front of the plane. With a gentle jolt, we began to move. It was dark outside, so I couldn’t tell how fast we were moving and could only judge based on the lights in the distance. We jolted again, stopped, and then the engines roared to life as we prepared for take off. I gripped David’s hand tighter, and he looked over at me. I nestled into his shoulder as the plane picked up speed, growling as it hurtled through space. And then suddenly, quickly, the vibrations stopped, and we were airborne. I looked out the window and the sparkling city came into view as we banked a turn, and then faded away into darkness as we headed toward the mountains.


The flight was quick, and we landed at the small Lake Tahoe Airport within the hour. It was dark, and the air bit at me as we exited the plane. The weather in the mountains always surprised me. I was glad I had worn my boots. David wrapped his arm around me as we sprinted for a set of Audi SUVs waiting on the tarmac. Thomas and Cooper put our luggage in the back of the first one, and we settled into the heated cabin. Thomas got in front to drive, and Cooper got into the matching SUV behind us, as we set off for my family’s cabin.

Snow had been falling pretty consistently in the area for the past two weeks, and the soft, white landscape was an exquisite background for our drive toward the cabin.

My family’s cabin was situated on the north edge of Lake Tahoe, a gorgeous, blue mountain lake that boasts crystal clear water. It makes an exceptional backdrop for skiing in the area, but is also popular year-round for boating and fishing. The cabin was built by my dad’s grandfather in the early 1950s when the area was just starting to become popular with the weekend road trip set. He used to spend entire summers here as a child, and since his dad passed away, it has been his to maintain. It was a beautiful traditional wood cabin; three stories tall, with a peaked roof, and huge windows that looked off toward the lake. As we pulled up, I noticed the lights were on, but no cars were in the drive. Jeannie, the neighbor who’s lived next door forever, always prepped the house for us so that we didn’t have to fuss with the furnace or gas when we got in late at night. She was a sweetie.

“We must be the first ones here,” I said, turning to David.

“Benefits of air travel,” he mused, his eyes glinting with a dark fire.

I knew that look. Suddenly, I had to have him. I had waited over twenty-four hours and then endured a plane flight and car ride. My body wanted him. Needed him.

“Let’s uh, get our stuff inside.” My eyes looked into his, trying to convey my real meaning:
Can we make this quick?

“Let’s,” he agreed; his voice was full of understanding and dark intent.

We both practically jumped out of the car, and David went around the back to grab the bags.

“That will be all for tonight, Thomas,” he said as Thomas came to assist.

“Very good, sir,” Thomas said obediently, and he retreated to the second SUV with Cooper.

David turned to me and threw the bags over his shoulder like they weighed nothing at all.

“Shall we?” he said. The fire burning inside me tamped down to only coals, suddenly erupted. I needed to have this man. I fumbled to find the key on my key ring and finally let us into the house.

I turned away from him to lock the door behind me. “Would you like a tour?”

I heard bags drop to the floor. I turned around and David drew me into him, kissing me deeply, roughly, as if he owned my mouth. He pushed me up against the door, and I took in the weight of his body. There was no denying it; I needed this man like air and water.

“Yes.” He breathed into me as he pulled back, looking down at me, admiring my body.

I stared at him, understanding. I led him by his hand down the hallway, towards the room I usually used as my bedroom. I mentally calculated how much time we had until—eek! My parents got here. If they left around six, we had an hour, maybe two. Air travel
awesome, I concluded.

He caressed my hips from behind as we headed to the hallway, and I felt my whole body roar to life. My sex was aching and wet.

Fuck, just take me now
, I thought silently.

Without hearing me, he stopped and whipped me around, pulling me against him. His leg angled between mine. He removed his jacket and then loosened his tie in a rush. I started unbuttoning his shirt, kissing his neck. He was warm, hot to the touch.

“God, you smell so good,” he exclaimed, inhaling deeply at my neck.

He pulled off his white undershirt, and I peeled myself out of my sweater. He released me from his hold so that I could remove my boots and jeans, and I was out of them in record time. Once I was down to my bra and panties, he yanked me closer once again.

He was still wearing his jeans, but had the top button undone. His torso, lean and muscular, gleamed in the soft glow of the cabin. He grabbed my breasts, pulling them free of the bra cups. He rubbed the nipples between his finger and thumb, making them hard. I guided my hand down to feel what was waiting for me on the other side of the jeans. He was so hard. My whole body quivered with excitement. I unbuttoned his jeans the rest of the way, and tugged them down, exposing red boxer briefs. I rubbed his manhood from outside the fabric for a little while, and then yanked the briefs down, too, exposing the thickness. I used one hand to feel the power of his length. It was so strong. I needed him inside me. My body screamed for attention, and my hips jerked forward, grinding onto him. He caressed my torso, his hand finding its way down onto my sex. He slid a finger inside my silk panties. I was dripping wet, and I knew the panties showed it.

“Fuck Samantha, you are so ready.” I blushed. I was still not used to how this guy talked. But his interest in me was very arousing.

He picked me up, and we made our way to the nearest flat surface, a leather sofa in the living room. The windows overlooking the lake were wide open, and the lights of the house, while dim, were on.

I hope no one is boating tonight. They would have a free show.

My boyfriend, the gambler.

He positioned me tenderly on the couch, and he pulled off his boots and pants. Damn, this man was so fucking hot. He stared down at me, savagely, as if he had been wandering the desert, and I was an oasis. It was too intense, and I had to look away. I shut my eyes.

“Open your eyes, Samantha. I want to see you,” he commanded, softly. He was on top of me and pushed my legs open, positioning his manhood at the opening of my sex. He stroked my sex with his cock, gently, and my hips rocked toward him, angling for more resistance, more pleasure. He teased me again and again, understanding exactly how to bring me to the edge of orgasm, and driving me crazy with desire.

Finally, I begged him.


“Please what Ms. Sharp?” There was playfulness in his voice.


Oh, why was he doing this? My body ached with lust.
Don’t make me say it.

“Tell me what you want, Samantha”

Oh fuck, I loved it when he said my name.

“Fuck me.”

“What’s that?” Oh, he was cruel.

“Fuck me, please.” I could not believe he was making me beg for it.

“With pleasure.” And with that, he plunged his huge cock into me, and I felt waves of fullness and pleasure course through my body. He continued, pounding me with a delicious rhythm. He knew exactly what my body wanted. I felt my core heave, as it tightened with delight. My hips meshed with his, and I pushed myself to gain more friction until I exploded into a thousand little pieces.

My sex still pulsing with orgasm, I brought him to the edge. He pulled me close and deep guttural sounds echoed into my ear. His body tightened, and his hands brought my hips to his. I felt the hot cum rocket hard and deep inside me. We both groaned in delight, giving ourselves over to the pleasure.

We fell down onto the leather sofa, and laid there for a while, naked, catching our breath.

“That was really nice,” I ventured, carefully.

“Samantha, that was better than nice. That might have been the best orgasm I ever had. I feel a little high right now.”

I grinned from ear to ear, and was glad he couldn’t see my face.

“Mmm,” I agreed.

“Remind me to never go away again,” he said, again, for the second time that evening.

“No problem. You can just quit your job and become my sex slave,” I teased.

“Sounds good to me, Ms. Sharp,” he murmured, wrapping his arm around me.

And we laid there for another twenty minutes or so, just listening to each other’s breath, before straightening up for my parents.


We had just built a roaring fire and uncorked a bottle of wine when headlights appeared in the driveway. I turned to David, who was now fully dressed in his fleece and jeans.

“That must be them.”

He nodded. Did he look nervous? I couldn’t tell. Whatever it was, it was definitely not an expression I was used to seeing on him.

“Ready to meet the parents of the girl you are fucking?” I joked, trying to lighten the mood. He swallowed.

“I am glad to meet my girlfriend’s parents,” he corrected me. I sparkled inside. Hearing that was never, ever, going to get old.

The front door flew open.

A small torpedo of energy bounded through the front door and jumped upon us.

David’s face erupted into a huge smile, and he got down on one knee to meet the giant fur ball.

“Hey boy,” he turned to me, “and who is this?”

“That is Rex. He’s my family’s dog. I forgot to mention he’d be coming. I hope you aren’t allergic.” Rex is a ten-year-old English sheepdog. He’s big and so fluffy you can’t see his eyes. I bent down to hug him. I loved Rex. We got him when I was a sophomore in high school, after I begged my parents for a dog for years.

“Rex, this is David,” I said, bending over to pet my beloved dog.

“It’s nice to meet you, David,” chirped a perky voice. I looked up. My mom was in the threshold.

“Hey Mom!” I went to the door and threw my arms around her. She looked beat from the drive, but she was smiling, and she was looking right at David. I couldn’t blame her, he was hard to resist. It was so good to see her.

“Mom, this is David Keith, my boyfriend,” I said, trying out the new moniker.

David put his hand out.

“Excellent to meet you, Mrs. Sharp. It is very kind of you to have me this week.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” My mom ignored the hand and went straight in for a hug. David blushed. “It’s been a while since Sammie has brought anyone by,” she said as she eased off him.

I shot her a look and almost died.

“And we always say, the more the merrier. It’s Thanksgiving for heaven’s sake!”

“Can I help you unload?” David motioned to the car outside.

My mom’s expression melted.

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