Destiny of Souls (17 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

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Dr. N: Okay, Puruian, remember you are explaining to me how you use your spiritual training and earthly training in combination to heal energy. You have the memory right now of both aspects. Tell me about the slow method.


Spiritual Energy Restoration 111 *S: (takes a deep breath) I close my eyes and kind of go into a semi trance when I cup my hands near my patient’s head. I see now that what I have learned in the spirit world helps me more than what I learned in my classes down here. I guess that doesn’t matter, really.

Dr. *N: We receive power to help others from many sources. Please go on about your healing by the slow method with your patients on Earth.

S: Well, I work with geometric shapes, such as spirals of energy, forming them in my mind to match the configuration of the particular trouble spot. Then I lay these energy structures around the gray areas. This sets up the areas to be repaired with my slow healing vibrations, like placing a hot pad on a sore muscle. (pause) You see, these souls were damaged on the way in and this
… infirmity
… only grows worse as the body develops on Earth.

Dr. N: (surprised) Back up a minute. What do you mean, “damaged on the way in”? I thought your work on Earth mostly involved contaminated energy from life’s trials?

S: That’s only part of the problem. When souls enter the human body on Earth they come into dense matter. Their host bodies, after all, contain primitive animal energy which is thick. The soul has a natural sort of pure, refined energy which does not easily blend with some human hosts. It takes experience to get used to all this. The younger souls especially can be damaged. They get knocked off their tracks early on and are *… twisted.

Dr. N: And you might project different energy configurations with different people who are your patients.

S: Uh-huh, that is the job of the transformer. Their damaged energy lines are so … squiggly *… they must be rearranged to remove the toxic energy. These muddled souls are so unbalanced that a lot of our work must be directed at all the cells of the body where negative energy is trapping the free flow of the positive. When this is performed properly the soul is more fully engaged with the human brain.


< Destiny of Souls Dr.
N: This sounds very worthwhile, indeed.

*S: It is gratifying although I still have a lot to learn (laughs) We call ourselves psychic sponges for refined energy.

It is not surprising that case 25 uses reiki in her work on Earth. *Reiki is an ancient art of healing by the hands. After evaluating and working on damaged energy, practitioners of this art close gaps in the human energy field with body alignments to bring symmetry. There are theories that damaged energy, physical or mental, in the human body causes gaps in our auras through which a demonic negative force can enter. This is another of those fear-based myths that receives undeserved attention. I have been told by restoration specialists that this does not happen because there is no outside force of evil trying to take over your body. However, negative energy blockages in our energy field do cause a reduction in functional capacity.

I am also disturbed by scientific articles debunking energy work with the hands, such as therapeutic touch, because I have seen the power of this kind of healing with the sick. It is often freely given by certain nurses in hospital settings out of a genuine concern to nurture and heal. Our bodies are composed of an energy field of particles that appears solid but is fluid and acts as a vibrational conductor. One of my transformer souls had this to say about her therapeutic touch methods:

The secret to healing is removing my conscious self so as to avoid inhibiting the free flow of energy between us. My objective is to merge with the energy flow of the patient to bring out the highest good in that body. This is done with love as well as technique.

If the receiving party is resistant and inhibits the free-flowing passageways of chi, or life force, through their own mental negativism, they are perfectly capable of blocking the detection of their energy field by a healer. As we begin a new millennium, more people are becoming aware of the healing properties of meditation and guided imagery to build energy within themselves. There are many ways to reach the center of our inner wisdom by tapping into a higher energy source. Massage, yoga, acupuncture and bio magnetic healing are some of the techniques available to help balance our chi.


Spiritual Energy Restoration 113 Body energy and soul energy are adversely affected by vibrational resonances not in harmony with each other. Each person has their own fingerprint of natural rhythm. Body and soul must smoothly coexist for humans to be productive. If we take a holistic approach to body health, our creative self is better able to function with the human brain. Being in harmony with our outer and inner self positions us to more energetically engage in physical, spiritual and environmental interrelationships.

Healers of the Environment Before my research into the spirit world, I had no idea of the special gifts of environmental healers on our planet. I have learned the Earth itself has its own vibrational rate and there are people capable of tuning into this ecological energy. One of the cases that opened my eyes was a woman who works for the Forest Service in the Pacific Northwest. In her letter requesting a session, she explained:

In the last few years I have felt a tingling, sparking sensation in my hands whenever I am around heavy vegetation. It is not painful, but there is an urgency for something to be released during my work in the forests. Lately, I have dreams about lightning going out of my hands and my wanting to pull it back into a bottle to save it. These dreams seem to fulfill a need inside me and upon awakening I feel happy. Am I going crazy?

I am drawn to people who think they are going crazy because of unexplained phenomena in their lives. I know what this feels like personally. Many of my old, traditional colleagues are convinced I have lost my marbles. Therefore, I was glad to take this woman as a client after she agreed to see a physician to make sure there was nothing causing neurological problems with her hands. I will pick up the dialogue of this case at the point where we are discussing her participation in an advanced independent studies group in the spirit world.

Case 24 Dr. *N: Why did the five of you come together in this study group?

*S: Because we work with energy the same way. It helps raise our consciousness our abilities when we are together.


114 Destiny of Souls Dr. *N: Please explain this to me.

*S: Well, our situation right now is that individually we cannot sustain an energy flow of sufficient quality to last very long and have the necessary effect.

Dr. N: So you accomplish what you wish to do collectively?

S: Yes, to some degree. That’s why we enjoy working together so we can throw energy out in unison and bottle it up in concentrated reserves. Working alone our energy is not as potent, not as refined it goes in all directions.

Dr. N: Is this why you are having these dreams and feeling these hand sensations right now in your life?

S: (reflects) Yes, I see that it is a message for me. I must alter my life to include more energy work.

Dr. N: You mean to store and use energy to heal people?

S: (quickly responds to my wrong assumption) No, my study group works with energy differently. We are healers of plants, trees and the land. That is why we pick lives as caretakers of the environment.

Dr. N: Did you choose your current vocation for a specific reason related to your skills?

S: Yes.

Dr. N: How about other members of your spirit world study group?

S: (with a big grin) Two of them work with me in the forest service.

Dr. N: I would think as planetary healers you and your friends have your work cut out for you with all the environmental destruction going on around Earth.

S: (sadly) It’s terrible and we are so needed here.

Dr. N: Tell me, have you and the members of your study group been involved with using energy environmentally in many past lives on Earth?

S: Oh, yes … for a long time.


Spiritual Energy Restoration
s~ 115 Dr.
N: Give me an example.

S: In my last
\ was an Algonquian Indian with the name of
Snging Tree.
jo nsu re our land would continue to supply us with food. I used to stand out in the forest for hours and hold out my hands. The tribe thought I was talking to the trees and thr soil actually I was exchanging energy with the land. It *s an extension of mind and body with some help from our guides.

Dr. N: And *hov about today?

S: (pause) When you create and support beauty and growth from the land, you also give power to others who live here. From your hands you provide a means by which others are motvated with the beauty o That they see around them, as well as receiving sustenance from the environment.

Sometimes I reeive letters years later from clients who want to say they finally reached their goals in life. A person with environmental healing talents
miit write me to announce they have become a landscape architect, op garden nursery, or oined a protest group to stop the logging
o; old redwood trees. I enjoy these aspects of career counseling in my
v’, at begin with the question, “Why am I here?” When I became
m.oed with delving into the mysteries of the spirit world, I thought *pepl ould mostly want to know about their spirit guides and soul ma instead. I found their primary interest was their purpose in life.

Before leaving *t. subject of our environment on Earth, and the manner
in which
g energy vibrations of this planet, I
l y a word about sacred sites. A number of researchers have re
rted on the fact that there are places in the world which give off inter,:, pulses of magnetic energy In the last chapter I spoke about vibrato energy layers which vary in density around the Earth. Some sacred
v o th are well-known to the public, such as the places of stone Se dona Arizona;
Picchu in Peru; and Ayers Rock
in Aus tn name a few. People standing in these places feel a heightened *avess and physical well-being.


116 Destiny of Souls Planetary magnetic fields do affect our physical and spiritual consciousness, and I find a curious similarity here with descriptions about the spirit world. My clients say the home ground of their cluster group is “a space within a space” whose non-solid boundaries have a specific vibrational concentration of energy generated by that particular group. Perhaps certain human habitations on Earth, considered to be sacred by the ancients, contain vortexes of energy concentrations caused by what are called natural “ley lines.” The places where these magnetic grid lines converge are said to enhance unconscious thought and make it easier to open our mental passages into spiritual realms. Knowledge of vortex locations are very useful to planetary healers. In chapter 8, under the section of soul explorers in other worlds, I will touch again on planetary vibrational grid patterns which affect intelligent life away from Earth.

Soul Division and Reunification The capacity for souls to divide their energy essence influences many aspects of soul life. Perhaps soul extension would be a more accurate term than soul division. As I reported in the section under ghosts, all souls who come to Earth leave a part of their energy behind in the spirit world, even those living parallel lives in more than one body. The percentages of energy souls leave behind may vary but each particle of light is an exact duplicate of every other Self and replicates the whole identity. This phenomenon is analogous to the way light images are split and duplicated in a hologram. Yet there are differences with a hologram. If only a small percentage of a soul’s energy is left behind in the spirit world, that particle of Self is more dormant because it is less concentrated. However, because this energy remains in a pure, uncontaminated state, it is still potent.

When I made the discovery of our energy reserve in the spirit world, so much fell into place for me. The grandeur of this system of soul duality impacts many spiritual aspects of our life. For example, if someone you loved died thirty years ahead of you and has since reincarnated, you can still see them again upon your own return to the spirit world.


Spiritual Energy Restoration *. 117 The ability of a soul to unite with itself is a natural process of energy regeneration after physical death. A client emphatically told me, “If we were to bring 100 percent of our energy into one body during an incarnation, we would blow the circuits of the brain.” A full charge of all a soul’s energy into one human body would totally subjugate the brain to the soul’s power. Apparently, this could happen with even the less potent, undeveloped souls. I suppose this factor of soul occupation in a host body was evaluated in the early stages of human evolution by those spiritual grandmasters who chose Earth as a planetary school.

Moreover, having all the soul’s energy capacity in one body would negate the whole process of growth for the soul on Earth because it would have no challenge coping with the brain. By strengthening a variety of parts of a soul’s total energy in different incarnations, the whole is made stronger. Full awareness at 100 percent would have another adverse effect. If we did not divide our energy, we would experience a higher level of spiritual memory retention in each human body. Amnesia forces us to go into the testing area of the laboratory of Earth without the answers for the tasks we were sent here to accomplish. Amnesia also relieves us of the baggage for past failures so we may use new approaches with more confidence.

The ghost in case 15 indicated how it is possible for souls to miscalculate the percentage of energy concentration they bring into a life. One client called this “our light quotient.” In a strange fashion, I find my level IV and *V subjects shortchange themselves more than the less developed souls. This was demonstrated by the warrior soul in case 22. Typically, a highly advanced soul will bring no more than 25 percent of its total capacity to Earth where the average, less confident soul has 50-70 percent. The energy of a more evolved soul is refined, elastic and vigorous in smaller quantities. This is why the younger soul must bring ore energy into their early incarnations. Thus, it is not the volume of energy which gives potency to the soul but the quality of vibrational power representing a soul’s experience and wisdom.

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