Read Destined to Be Three Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Destined to Be Three (24 page)

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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“Wouldn’t have mattered,” Cade said on a mumble as he reached for his belt buckle.

Damn it, she didn’t want to stand here and argue. The things she did want would give them too much satisfaction. She would rather cut off her nose to spite her face than give in too easily. They were right, and they would win in the end, but she was going to hold out as long as humanly possible.
Good luck with that.

Gray stopped undressing. “Okay. If we’re going to be fair, you get a vote.” His ability to be ridiculously reasonable made her want to stomp her feet and throw things.

“Cade’s right, damn it. It doesn’t matter. It’ll always be two to one.”

“Damn straight.” Cade’s arrogance was awfully brazen for a half-naked man in the direct vicinity of her in a fit of temper. Make that a naked man, she thought as he dropped his last piece of clothing to the floor.

Keeping one eye on the naked man and one on the placating one, she started removing her clothing as well.

“Now, sweetheart, we will always look out for your best interests,” Gray told her as he resumed his striptease. He unbuttoned his pants, sliding the zipper down before pulling his erect cock out with one hand. No underwear for her men

Removing her oversize T-shirt, she said, “Sure you will,” with false sweetness that made her teeth ache.

Cade walked over to Gray and helped him push his faded jeans over his hips and down his long legs. Stepping out of the fabric puddle at his feet, Gray was naked with every glorious, fine inch of him on display.

Her eyes focused on the two men circling each other like bulls, making undressing herself nearly impossible. Her hands fumbled at the snap on her jeans and the zipper stuck.

Gray grabbed Cade around the back of his neck, pulling him close until their faces met. They were nose to nose, close enough to kiss, but they made no move. Both of them looked into each other’s eyes, communicating without words, giving her enough time to remove the last of her clothing. By the time her jeans fell away, their mouths were meshed in a scorching kiss. She could feel the heat sparking between them several feet away.

Watching them, fulfilling her voyeuristic tendencies, she couldn’t resist the urge to touch herself. She moved to the chair by the window and lowered herself into it.

Ever so lightly, her fingertips trailed across her collarbone, tickling her and teasing her. She drew a pathway down the valley between her breasts with swirls and twirls, then up the side of one swollen mound, seeking her nipple. Using the tip of her polished nails, she grazed her hardened nipple without giving it the sensual gratification of a true touch. The peak stiffened further, straining toward her finger for a more substantial touch—which she denied.

Gray tore his mouth away from Cade’s, panting harshly. None too gently, he pushed Cade to his knees. No instruction was needed for Cade, who grasped the thick stalk of Gray’s cock in his hand and licked the head, his tongue probing the slit. With a groan that sounded far more painful than pleasurable, Gray’s head flew backward, ecstasy etched in every line on his face.

Her hand didn’t linger at her breasts. It forged downward languidly from her rib cage, to the flat muscles of her abdomen, and onward to her belly button. She let her hand roam lower and lower still.

Reaching her destination, she ran a lone fingertip down the outside of one pussy lip, turned, and ran back up the other side. Having been waxed recently, the skin had a luxurious silky feel. The smoothness was only enhanced by the moisture seeping from her own slit. As she repeated the action, her finger drew closer to the soft tissue inside her pussy with each sweep.

Unlike last time, the men were too lost in their passion for each other to stop her wandering hand.
Damn, this is better than porn, and I can watch it whenever I want.
She shuddered.
Maybe they’ll make a few videos of their own.
A second shudder tore through her body.

Gray’s eyes burned with ardor as he stared down at Cade. The muscles in his neck stood out severely, illustrating that his impatience was growing to a peak magnitude. She saw his restraint break. He shoved his cock into Cade’s mouth in one masterful stroke. “Good God, Cade!”

With hollowed cheeks, Cade began voraciously sucking. Gray’s cock disappeared and reappeared rhythmically.

Greedily, Gray propelled his cock forward, crowding Cade’s mouth, meeting it halfway. The muscles in his ass flexed with each plunge. “Fuck, yeah, Cade. Suck it.” He perched his hands on top of Cade’s head, not hindering yet not facilitating, just resting there. “Like that. Oh, fuck yeah. Just. Like. That.”

Cade, on the other hand, wasn’t resting at all. He seemed to be energized as he bobbed his head up and down. Sucking like a madman, he was moaning against Gray’s cock in succession. She never would have thought anyone could enjoy a blow job like her Cade was. He was consumed with his actions, not because he was thinking or worrying, but because he was spellbound by the eroticism.

She couldn’t take it anymore. Her clit swelled, begging for attention, and she refused to deny herself any longer. The solo finger burrowed inside, going straight to her clitoris without a hesitation. She wasn’t gentle, couldn’t be gentle. The need to mimic the demanding nature of the men overwhelmed her. She rubbed her clitoris in circles, methodically. But she bore down with enough force to give her the strong sensations she desired. The impact bordered painful. Her clitoris was tender and throbbing, but she was inflamed and out of control.

Cade’s wet sucking sounds and Gray’s grunts spurred her on. Without taking her eyes off them, she jammed three fingers inside her cunt. Gray looked up, staring into her eyes intently as if he could sense every ounce of pleasure inside of her body. She was hypnotized by the intensity of the moment.

Removing her fingers from her pussy, she sauntered across the space between them, swaying her hips dramatically.

“Stop.” Gray’s gravelly order stopped her, partly because it was an order and partly because she was shocked by his tone. “Taste it.”

“What?” she asked, her eyes going wide because she had a feeling where this was going.

“Lick your fingers, sweetheart.”

She shook her head vehemently. “No way.”

Gray fisted Cade’s hair, pulling him off of his cock. “Yes. Suck those delicate fingers in your mouth. Taste your pussy.” He swiveled Cade around so that he could watch.

The rapture in their eyes drove her to do something she had never considered before. With a trembling hand, she sucked one finger into her mouth. Her essence exploded across her taste buds. The flavor was unique, definitely not what she expected. The mixture of salty and sour, sweet and savory was a one-of-a-kind combination.

The men’s reaction was more than she could have hoped for. Amidst moans and groans, she licked all three fingers clean. By the time she was through, she decided this was way too much fun. If they gave her this kind of reception for licking her own juices, she would be more than happy to repeat herself.

“Holy mother of God,” Cade exclaimed salaciously then strode over to the bed. He yanked the blue-flowered comforter off the bed along with the photos, frames, and jewelry. Everything landed in a jumble on the floor.

Jaycee smiled seductively. Knowing she had this kind of impact on them made her feel a sense of power beyond imagination.

Stalking forward, Gray grabbed her, picked her up easily, and threw her on the bed. He followed her down, laying himself out over her body. “Jaycee, you are one fucking hot tease, but that isn’t going to get you out of the hot water. I’m warning you to not ever pull a stunt like earlier again. Do you understand me?”

Nodding, she waited to find out what her punishment would be.

She saw Cade over Gray’s shoulder as he came up behind them. “My vote is ten swats, Gray.”

Her pussy wept. She wanted to shout
Oh, yes, Cade. Pretty, pretty please.
But she held her tongue.

Gray, who had watched her expression, said to Cade, “I think someone likes that idea. Make it fifteen.”

With a huge smirk, she reminded them cheekily, “Don’t forget the stolen car.”

“Twenty,” Gray growled before he rolled over onto his back and sat up, pulling her with him. Scooting to the edge of the bed, he laid her over his knees. Gray’s hand massaged her left ass cheek, testing the malleability and the firmness. His hand glided over her supple cheek, cupping the bottom of one cheek, then the other.


“Ouch,” she yelped in agony. The burning and stinging wasn’t pleasurable—at all. She wanted to know who the hell thought this felt good.

Before she finished her thought, Gray’s hand rubbed her sore cheek soothingly. The discomfort morphed into the sweetest pleasure. The burning became warmth and the stinging shifted to tingling.


Her back arched, and she cried out as his hand landed on the opposing cheek. This blow was no less severe, but she held strong through the bite with knowledge of the euphoria that would follow.

Gray gave her no warning, no soothing, just another slap to the same cheek, surprising her. Her body’s response to this painful pleasure was everything she’d anticipated, but a whole lot more. The rush of fluid from her cunt was a prime example of that.

By the fourth strike, her ass was meeting his hand. The smacks that followed increased her arousal, making her lose all sense of reality. She cried and begged, writhed and arched. All she cared about was the emptiness in her pussy. The physical ache where his hand was spanking her had moved to the back of her mind.

Gray stopped. Letting out the air she didn’t know she’d been holding, she cried out in protest, “Gray, please. Please don’t stop.”

“I think she likes it,” Gray said smugly, pushing open her legs and swiping his finger between her labia. She knew that he would find an abundant amount of juice, but she didn’t give a flying fig. If it convinced him to continue with this sinfully satisfying torture, then she hoped his finger drowned in her juices. “Oh yeah. She loves it. Go hard on her, Cade.”

Gray lifted her off of him and switched places with Cade, who chuckled with an intimidating darkness. Cade gave her no adjustment time, no breathing room. His hand came down with more sharpness and strength than even Gray’s had. She wasn’t sure if it was that he was going harder on her or if it felt that way after Gray’s treatment of her ass.

Instead of fighting him, though, like most people, she screamed, “Motherfucker!” Breathing through her nostrils, she pleaded with Cade, “Do it again. Please. Please, Cade. Just please. I need it. Harder.”

Cade indulged her, his hand an instrument of diabolical, decadent torment.


Wow, that one packed a wallop. “Oh,” she moaned uninhibitedly, her eyes closing. “Fuck.”

“Somebody’s mouth seems to be offending me. I think I am going to shut her up.” Her eyes snapped open to find Gray’s colossal cock in front of her lips. He rubbed her lips with the head, a drop of pre-cum forming. She licked the salty substance, relishing the musky flavor that belonged only to Gray.

As he pushed his cock into her mouth as far as she could handle, Cade struck again. She nearly bit Gray’s cock. Afraid that she had hurt him, she looked at his face, seeking any signs of injury. Instead of pain, she saw the lust-filled gratification, the bliss. He roared, “Cade, hurry the fuck up. She is going to make me come before we fuck her, goddamn it.”

Cade’s blows were closer together, coming faster. He gave her no sympathy and no compassion, just pure, cold ruthlessness. By the time he was done, she was a mass of hormones with no shred of humanity. Rearing back, she challenged, “Fuck me or die, you horny bastards.”

“I’ll show you horny, darlin’,” Cade threatened. His intended effect was lost on her as her cunt convulsed and gushed more moisture.

Gray’s cock vanished from her mouth, but she had no chance to complain when he yanked her off of Cade’s lap. He stood her up on wobbly feet, giving her only a second to acclimate. “Bend over, Jaycee. We have to get your ass ready for Cade’s cock. I’m going to fuck that pretty pussy while Cade takes your ass.”

BOOK: Destined to Be Three
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