Bitch Reloaded

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Authors: Deja King

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Revenge, #Fiction, #Urban Life, #Suspense Fiction, #African American women

BOOK: Bitch Reloaded
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A King Production presents...

She's -Back... crud ix'idz a verzgeaizce


Part 2

A Novel


This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, events, establishments, or locales are intended only to give the faction a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, and incidents occurring in the work are either the product of the author's imagination or are used factitiously, as those fictionalized events and incidents that involve real persons. Any character that happens to share the name o f a person who is an acquaintance of the author past orpresent, is purely coincidental and is in no way intended to be an actual account involving that person.

ISBN 10: 0984332529 ISBN 13: 9780984332526 Cover concept by Deja King & Cover model: Deja King Cover layout and graphic design by: Typesetting: MarionDesigns Editor: Linda Williams, Dolly Lopez and Suzy McGlown Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; King, Deja Bitch Reloaded a novel/by Deja King For complete Library of Congress Copyright info visit;

A King Production P.O. Box 912, Collierville, TN 38027 A King Production and the above portrayal log are trademarks of A King Production LLC Copyright O 2010 by Deja King. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission from the publisher, except by reviewer who may quote brief passage to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.

This Book is Dodicaled To My,

Family, Readers and Supporters. I LOVE you guys so much. Please believe that! t

A Publisher's Nile

Think of David vs. Goliath and yes the underdog won!! I've been in a vicious legal battle with Triple Crown Publications and Vickie Stringer for almost 2 years now. This fight has been draining on me and my family but I refused to lie down and let the wrong that had been done to me, defeat me! My mother once told me, "You have not because you ask not." I asked for it and it was delivered. I feel as if I stood up and fought for all the little people who are cheated, manipulated and done dirty in a cutthroat business. With faith and determination we shall continue to rise to the top! I feel blessed that the entire Bitch Series is under its rightful home, A King Production. I put my heart and soul into these books for my fans and now I know when I leave this earth my family can reap the rewards of my work. Soon I will upload video blogs to my website and Facebook page detailing my long legal journey and how I came to get the rights back to my books. Many said it couldn't be done but never underestimate one of God's children! ! You know I had to share this because I LOVE my readers so much and I hope that I can prevent many of you from making some of the same mistakes I did. So please keep hope alive. If anybody in your life is doing you wrong, rebel and stand up for your rights. You will prevail! !

Hugs and Kisses from Your Literary Sweetheart! !

Joy (Deja Xing


Special'Fianks'o.. .

Linda Williams; 'You said it would Happen and you were rigfit! 'You always believed in me and stayed true and loyal'Fiat means everytfiing to me.

Jonesy; You were tfie first radio personality tfiat embraced my books! 'You set cBitcfi on fire in JVew 'orkand I willforever love you for tfiat!! rVow you can set it back on fire under A King (Production!! Kisses to you!

'racy Taylor; Girl you stay grindin' for tfie cause and 6e cute doing it!

Ann .ifopson; I see you girl... "You're so (Pretty. "O

jazzy; I still adore you because I can always count on you being you!!

Reitfi Saunders; You're my dude!! Enougfi said.. .

cBook(Bullies; I see you making isfi Happen in 2010!!

Tureko "Virgo" Straughter, Renee Tolson, Jeanni Dixon, Ms KiKi, Andrea Denise, Sunshine716, Ms. (Nichelle) Mona Lisa, Lady Scorpio, Travis Williams, Brittney, Donell Adams, Myra Green, Leona Romich, Sexy Xanyell. To vendors and distributors like African World Books, Teddy Okafor, Black & Nobel, DaBook Joint, The Cartel, LaQuita Adams, DCBookman, Tiah, Vanessa and Glenn Ledbetter, Junior Job, Anjekee Books, Andy Carter, Urban Xclusive DVD & Bookstore, Future Endeavors. Also, to Yvette George, Velva White, Carla Stotts and the rest of Diva's of Memphis, Devin Steel, Big Sue, Thaddeus Mathews, Sherita Nunn, James Davis, Marcus & Wayne Moody, Trista Russell, Don Diva and Dolly Lopez.. .thank you all for your support! !

Special, special thanks to Cover 2 Cover Book Club; Christian Davis, Angela Slater, Pamela Rice, Ahmita Blanks, Melony Blanks, Marcia Harvey, Melinda Woodson, Tonnetta Smith, Tiffany Neal, Miisha Fleming, Tamika Rice and Bar. I so enjoyed our book chats for "Hooker to Housewife" and "Superstar". All of you ladies are wonderful! !

She's -Back... and with a vengeance


Part 2

"' ~Vac-e,

The Present...

It's been said that every time a child is born, someone has to die. I prayed at that moment that someone wouldn't be me.

"Push! I need you to push, Precious!" the doctor ordered.

I had been in labor for what seemed like a lifetime. "I can't fucking push no more. I been pushing all fucking night. Now here it is, the morning, and this baby still don't wanna come out!" I said, damn near in tears.

"I know you're overwhelmed and in a lot of pain, but I can see the baby's head. One more push and it will all be over with."

"Doctor, you been saying that shit for the last couple of hours. Now is the head coming or going; which one is it?" I screamed breathlessly, ready to beat the doctor and the nurse's asses. I was on the edge of becoming delusional. This was not how I imagined childbirth. The girls in my hood always made it seem that after you got your epidural it was smooth sailing, but that wasn't the case for me. My mind and body were drained, and all I wanted to do was fall back and go into a deep sleep.

"Doctor, we're losing her. Her vitals are weak," said the nurse.

"We might have to perform a cesarean." The doctor couldn't hide his fear. "If we don't do something, both mother and baby will die."

I could hear the commotion in the room as my mind began drifting off. My life started flashing right before my eyes. All the hell I had caused and endured. The many battles I'd fought; some I'd lost, but many I'd won. This here was the biggest battle of all, saving the life of me and my unborn child. It seemed as if I was leaving my body and my mind was taking a journey back in time. I began reminiscing about the road I'd traveled that brought me to where I was right now, some of it good, but most bad. With all the pain and heartache, would this be how my life ended? Would my last breath be in a hospital giving birth to the baby I wanted more than anything else in this world?


The Past

Summer 2006

They say a cat has nine lives. Although many described me as having feline characteristics, the skill of escaping death seemed to be what we shared most in common. Less than two hours ago, Nico left me for dead with a bullet to the chest. When my eyes closed, that is exactly what I believe my fate would be. As my husband, Supreme cradled my limp body, begging God to let me live, someone up above must have heard him because here I was, still holding on. My body seemed to be in another place, but my mind was perfectly coherent and I could hear the chaos that was going on around me. A male voice yelled, "Clear the area! Prepare this patient for emergency surgery!"

"Yes, Doctor," a lady replied.

The atmosphere was hectic and all I could think about was Supreme and the baby that was growing inside of me. I wondered where he was and if he believed I would survive.

"The bullet entered the right anterior chest, perforated the lung and is lodged in the right lateral chest wall. If we don't remove the bullet immediately, she will die within the next few hours," I heard the doctor explain to his staff. The nurse must have given me medicine to numb my entire body, because from the conversation, I knew they were operating, but I didn't feel any pain.

I was still in shock, not grasping that Nico tried to take me out. He didn't hesitate when he pulled the trigger. His eyes were dark and cold. I guess the same way mine looked when I was about to leave a nigga leakin' by the curb. If I survived this knock on death's door, I would have to contemplate what my next move in life would be.

After replaying in my mind Nico pulling the trigger and feeling the heat bum a hole in my chest over and over again, I heard the doctor say, "Make sure the wound is completely drained before I close the incision." Did that mean the procedure was a success and my peoples 'final visit to see me wouldn't be in black suits? Before I could find out the answer to that question, I lost consciousness.

"Baby, can you hear me?" Supreme asked as I slowly began coming out of my daze. His face was blurry, but his signature diamond-encrusted medallion was like a bright light flashing in my eyes. My vision soon became clearer.

"Supreme, is that you?"

"Yeah, baby, I'm right here."

"Our baby!" I reached for my stomach, but Supreme grabbed my hands and brought them up to his face.

"Ssshhh, we'll talk about that later," he said, placing my hands on each side of his face. "You're still weak and it's touch and go. The doctor believes you should make a full recovery, but you have to relax.

"I can't believe I pulled through. I thought this was it for me," I said, straining my voice.

"We'll talk about all of this later. Just get some rest. I promise I'm going to stay right here with you day and night until you get outta here." Supreme kissed me on my forehead, and I knew that meant out baby wasn't as lucky. Nico got his wish ... well sort of. He did take my life-at least part of it. I fell back asleep because knowing that the future I wanted so desperately was no longer growing inside of me was more than I could bear.

For the next four weeks I basically slept, rested and had physical therapy twice a week to help regain my upper body strength. Just as he promised, Supreme never left my side.

"Good morning." I had just woken up, and as always, Supreme was the first thing I laid my eyes on.

"Hi, baby. How are you feeling?" he asked while holding my hand.

"A lot better, especially waking up with you beside me."

"I told you I wasn't going nowhere."

"I know, but I'm ready to wake up with you beside me in our own bed, not this stinky-ass hospital room."

"I see your sassy attitude is coming back. That must mean you're close to a full recovery," Supreme said with a slight laugh.

"You got that right. I'm ready to get the hell outta here. Plus, this hospital food is about to give me a crack head body. You so worried about following the doctor's orders that you won't even sneak me in no jerk chicken or rice and beans. This shit is for the birds, baby. I'm ready to go."

"I feel you. It was going to be a surprise, but the doctor is making arrangements for your release as we speak."

"What! I'm leaving today?" I screamed, ready to snatch off the rinky-dink green smock and hit the front door.

"Calm down. More like tomorrow afternoon."

"Thank ma'fuckin' goodness. Another day in this place was gonna make me go postal."

"We can't have that. I don't want to take no more chances losing you."

"Especially since we lost the baby," I said, turning our light conversation serious.

"Precious, we don't have to talk about the baby."

"Supreme, how long do you plan to avoid it? I know I lost the baby and I'm sick about it. This child meant everything to us."

"It did, but I'm so grateful that I didn't lose you too. That's something I would never have gotten over."

"The first thing I want to do the moment the doctor gives us the green light is start creating another baby. This time we'll make sure it's protected."

"No doubt. Nico Carter will never have the chance to take another child of mine."

"Baby, what's going on with Nico? Have you heard anything?"

"Besides the police, I hired three different private investigators to hunt him down. No one has seen him. They're thinking that maybe he was able to get out of the country, But don't worry, Nico is far away and won't be able to hurt you again. Wherever he is hiding, my men will find him. He's already dead and doesn't even know it."

Since being in the hospital, that night was the first night I fell asleep without Supreme by my side. He said he wanted to make sure the house was perfect for my arrival, and he was the only one that could guarantee that.

"No, no, no !" I yelled, waking up in the middle of the night. My body was drenched in sweat and my hands were shaking. I immediately picked up the phone and called Supreme.

"Hello," Supreme said in a muzzled voiced.

"Baby, wake up. It's me."

"Precious, is everything a'ight? He asked, waking up out of his sleep.

"I just had to hear your voice. I had the worst nightmare. I dreamed that Nico showed up at the house and shot you dead. It seemed so real."

"Baby, I'm fine. I've added extra security. It's like Fort Knox up in here. Nobody is getting in, especially not Nico. I'll be there tomorrow to bring you home. Now get some sleep. I love you."

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