Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure (31 page)

BOOK: Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure
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Beside Luc, Aldric and Soren stood with him as his best men. Across from them, her sister Serena and Harley acted as her maid of honor and bridesmaid. Though Luc had invited her other sisters, Kass didn’t feel too awful that they hadn’t come. Aside from helping the Fontaines defeat the werewolves, they’d never been supportive or loving, and Millicent was simply downright mean.

She passed Legion, who was seated in the congregation. Her friend gave her a wink, and she wondered what mischief he was up to. Across the aisle from him, she noted Valafar staring at Legion with a sad, faraway look in his eyes, and she also wondered how they’d ever fix what had gone so terribly wrong between them. Legion had confided the story to her years ago, and it never failed to bring tears to her eyes.

Except today. This was a day to celebrate love and forever. Nothing but joy was allowed into her mind and heart today.

On the platform, Odin handed her to Luc, and her mate took her hand in his.

The priest began the ceremony, which passed quickly, as such things tend to do. When they were finally pronounced husband and wife, the guests laughed and then cheered as Luc planted a kiss on her that threatened to make her burst into flames in front of everyone.

The next hour and a half was a whirlwind of pictures, greeting guests, shoving the traditional wedding cake in each other’s faces, and throwing the garter and the bouquet. She and Luc had planned every single detail to make for the most traditional wedding day possible.

“I’m so happy for you both,” Aldric said with a huge smile. He hugged Kass and then his brother.

Luc grinned. “Thanks, bro.” He yanked Kass into his side. “On that note, I think my new wife and I have overstayed our welcome.”

Lots of well-wishing ensued as Luc called hasty good-byes and pulled her from the garden, eager to get them out of there. When she saw they were following the path around to the front of the house, she tugged on his hand.

“Where are we going? I thought we were staying in our own room.”

Kass had moved into Luc’s suite at the resort, and she loved it there.

“Not tonight. I thought we’d go into the city and stay at one of the fancy hotels there. I made us a reservation.”

“I’d love that!” She enjoyed trying new things, and he loved spoiling her often.

She was a lucky woman.

Out front, she practically squealed to see a black stretch limo waiting. Riding in style was another aspect of her new life she was rapidly coming to love. Transporting had been handy, but it was
nothing like the intimacy of riding in the back of the plush car with her mate, sitting close, holding his hand, kissing him, being able to drink him in. There was something to be said for slowing down and taking one’s time on the way to a destination.

Luc popped a bottle of champagne and poured them each a flute. “Here’s to a bright, happy future together. And to the end of our evening being not nearly as vanilla as the beginning of it.”

“I’ll second that!”

They sipped all the way to the hotel, and Kass was flying high when they arrived, but not nearly as high as she soon would, as it turned out.

Luc checked them in at the front desk and retrieved their key card. Then they went upstairs with just the clothing on their backs—which wasn’t destined to remain there for very long. Inside their spacious suite, Kass explored the sitting room.

“It’s gorgeous!”

“I thought you might like this. It’s one of the oldest, grandest hotels in New Orleans. Five star all the way.”

“I feel much too overdressed for this place. It calls out for nakedness, as soon as possible.”

“I agree,” he said flirtatiously. “Let’s see who can strip the fastest.”

It was a draw. In record time, they were naked and entwined, her mate’s hot cock pushing into her belly. He was so eager, and she loved that about him. He always wanted her, and the feeling was mutual.

“I love you, Kass.”

“I love you, too, my vampire.”

He smiled. “I’m glad we agreed that we only play with others together.”

“It might be selfish, but that makes me happy.”

“It’s not selfish; it’s just what happens when couples commit. There’s no harm in playing as long as everyone’s on the same page.”

“And what page are we on tonight? The naughty page?” she asked, rubbing his front like a cat in heat.

“We’d better be, or I’m going to explode.”

She practically shivered in anticipation as Luc led her into the bedroom. A king-sized four-poster dominated the room. And in the center of that bed was sprawled a very sexy, naked demon, his lithe form gleaming and his hard cock resting against his thigh.

“What took you both so long?” Legion complained. “I beat you here by half an hour.”

“Bitch, bitch.” Stalking to the bed, Luc jumped on it, bouncing them both. “Why don’t we give your mouth something more productive to do? What do you say, Kass?”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Yum. “Are you going to fuck our demon’s ass, honey?”

“Whoa, time-out. Nobody takes my ass,” their friend said. “I do the pitching.”

“How about we tie up this woman and teach her a lesson, then?” Luc waggled his brows.

“Now you’re talking.” Legion made room for her in the middle. “On your back, slave.”

“Oh, I’m the slave now, am I? Fine. Do your worst.”

“You mean
,” Luc told her.

Kass stretched out on her back and waited to see what they’d do next. Luc had obviously had some help getting the room prepared. He went to the dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out
two sets of padded cuffs on lengths of chain. Handing one set to the demon, he took each of her ankles, spreading them and fastening them to the posts. Legion did the same with her wrists, and she found herself totally exposed to their lust, helpless to stop whatever they wanted to do.

Both males sat on the bottom half of the bed, gazing at her bound body. Her sex warmed, and the slow burn of arousal flickered to life and caught. Luc reached out and rubbed her clit lightly, a glance he shared with Legion, confirming they were loving the show.

“Isn’t she pretty?” Luc praised.

“You’re a lucky bastard, vampire. Let me see you suck and eat her pussy.” His voice was slightly breathless.

Luc hummed in appreciation and positioned himself between her thighs. Angling himself so that Legion could see, he gave her slit a long, slow lick. Then another. He sucked her clit, making naughty noises, and her desire spiked to another level. Her body began that wonderful buzz that worked through her every cell as her brain began to fall into the erotic spell they wove.

“Beautiful,” Legion whispered, his raven wings rustling in excitement. “May I join you?”

“Yeah, have a taste with me.”

Kass’s heart leaped. Two gorgeous males eating her pussy at the same time? Gods, they were trying to kill her. Her bottom was lifted, a pillow shoved underneath to give them better access. Legion crawled between her legs with Luc, and the two of them bent, putting their heads together. One dark, one light, both were wicked and ravenous.

Two slick tongues swirled her sensitive flesh and she moaned, spreading herself as wide as possible. Together they licked and
sucked, eating her. It was positively decadent, having two mouths feast on her pussy, so much that she almost came. Whimpering, she bucked, needing to finish.

“Not yet, my love,” Luc said. “You’ll have to wait a bit longer.”

“I want to straddle her face and stuff my cock down her throat while you fuck her.”

Luc played with one of her nipples, pinching it. “What do you think, honey? Do you want two cocks filling you?”

“Yes, please,” she begged. “Give me two cocks. I need them.”

Legion straddled her face, his back to the headboard so Luc could see. Slowly he fed her his rod while Luc continued to finger her clit, keeping her terribly on edge. They controlled her body, and she loved it. The thick cock slid further down her throat, so large it almost restricted her airway. That in itself was so damned erotic, she could hardly stand not being able to come.

“Now for the second one.”

Luc’s cock probed between the folds of her sex and began to push inside. In and out, matching the pace of Legion’s in her throat. Two rods fucking her, making her theirs, her body strained with the need for release, but she didn’t want to disappoint them by losing control too soon. This was their scene, and she wanted to please them, and herself in turn.

Legion slammed into her throat, and she swallowed him eagerly with each thrust that was more forceful than the last. She hollowed her cheeks to increase the suction, feeling every ridge and vein. Luc quickened his pace as well, and soon they were both fucking her hard and fast. Her body strained in the cuffs, pushed to the limit. She was on fire, burning, burning.

Oh yes! Fuck both of my holes! Ride me!

Kass reached the breaking point, unable to hold off coming for even one more second. Luc seemed to sense this and shouted.

“Come for us, baby! Soak my dick!”

She gave a muffled cry around Legion’s cock and did just that. Her orgasm exploded and she rode it hard, shuddering on and on. She creamed Luc’s cock as he pumped his juice into her as well, yelling again.

Legion came next, ribbons of creamy seed shooting down her throat. She drank all of him she was able, but some ran from the sides of her mouth and into her hair. There was something really naughty about being soaked with cum—two males’ plus her own. The scent of sex permeated the air around them, and she basked in it, bringing the demon down with gentle sucks and cleaning off every bit of cum she could. When she could milk no more, the demon carefully withdrew from her mouth and moved off her.

Luc finished and pulled out, placing a kiss to her thigh as he did. She floated as her wrists and ankles were released.

“Shower, baby. Then we’ll rest.”

She made a noise of protest. “I’m comfortable right here.”

“But we’re a mess. Come on, we’ll help you,” their friend said.

True to their word, they practically carried her to the shower where they soaped, washed, and rinsed her from head to toe before taking care of themselves. A little groping and a lot of kissing were involved, promising another round for the three of them later.

After they’d dried off and toweled their hair, they snuggled into bed, Kass in the middle. She was floating on a sea of content when Legion spoke softly.

“Thank you, both of you, for including me tonight. I’ve
missed this sort of closeness, and it’s nice that I have two good friends to share it with.”

They both hugged him, and Kass smiled. “Well, you’ve got us until that stubborn ass of a mate of yours sees the chance right in front of him.”

“That’s not going to happen, Kass.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. You didn’t see the way he was staring at you during the ceremony, as if he wanted nothing more than to snatch you and take you away somewhere private.”

“You’re making that up.” But hope and wonder colored his voice.

“Nope, and you know me better than that. Val is hurting, and I think he regrets what’s happened.”

“That doesn’t mean it will ever work.”

“But it’s more than you had before,” Luc told him.

“So keep the faith?” Legion’s smile was mocking, but his eyes couldn’t lie. The demon was still hopelessly in love with his mate, and he wanted the chance to fix things.

Maybe that day would come.

Kass kissed his cheek. “Exactly. If Luc and I can beat the odds we had stacked against us, anyone can.”

“With some help from our friends, anything is possible,” Luc agreed.

Nothing held more truth than that, Kass knew.

“If you say so, vampire.”

“I do. Shut up and go to sleep.”

“When we could be making your gorgeous mate scream with pleasure?”

“Good point.”

Laughing, Kass tried to fend off two very ravenous
males—although she admittedly didn’t try very hard. In her opinion, sleep was highly overrated. That was why she never got much that night, or on any of the nights to come, for a very long time.

And being thoroughly loved by her vampire suited her just fine.

Holding his wife’s hand, Luc guided her through the crowd on Bourbon Street—no easy task since she kept stopping to marvel over every bar, restaurant, shop, and sex parlor they passed.

“This is amazing!” she gasped, her eyes round. “Everything a person could ever want is right here on this one street!”

Laughing, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Only New Orleans has the ability to surprise those who think they’ve seen everything.”

“I didn’t get a chance to look around last time, but you’re right. This place is so sleazy, I love it.”

“You were here, on Bourbon Street?”

“Yes, after I was made human, when I was looking for you.” Some of the joy dimmed in her eyes.

Well, he wouldn’t have that. “You’re going to love discovering the city, then. She’s a gaudy old whore who tells a helluva story, and you can’t help but love her.”

She smiled. “I like that idea. Almost as much as I like you.”

“You say the sweetest things.” He was half teasing. Though her mushy center showed on carefree days like today, Kass was still a tough warrior at heart. “Why don’t we sit down and have a drink?”

“Sounds good.”

Pulling her along, he took them to one of the open bars along the sidewalk. There were a few tables just under the awning, out of the way of the crowd, but close enough to enjoy the excellent people-watching. When he reached a small table, he pulled out a chair for her and gestured to it. She looked puzzled for a moment before sitting.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to the customs of your world,” she remarked, bemused.

“You will, baby. Don’t worry.” After kissing her temple, he squeezed her shoulder. “Wait right here. There’s something I want you to try.”

Striding to the bar, he ordered two drinks. The bartender mixed them up fast, and Luc paid cash, giving the man a generous tip. Then he went back to their table and set Kass’s huge glass in front of her.

Her brows rose. “Is that thing all for me?”

“Yep.” He sat across from her. “Got one of my own right here.”

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