Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure (21 page)

BOOK: Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure
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“Thanks. You’re no slouch yourself.”

The demon chuckled. “Spread your legs some.”

He did, and got thoroughly soaped and rinsed. By the time Legion poured more soap into his palm and brought their cocks together, he was burning, hard as a diamond. Backing him into the wall, Legion used the soapy hand to grasp their rods and pump.

“Fuck! Gods, yes.”

“Been too long?”

“Days,” he admitted, bucking into the touch.

“I’ll take care of you.”


Their hardness slid together, heightening the pleasure with every stroke. Legion’s fist worked them, so slick and good. Naughty. It wasn’t long before the pressure increased to an unbearable level.

“Gonna come,” he warned.

“Paint me, pretty boy. Drink from me.”

Luc’s release exploded, and he shot at the same time as the demon, creamy ropes decorating their stomachs. As they continued to pump, he leaned forward and bit down on the demon’s neck. Hard. Another detonation rocked them both and wrung a few more ribbons out of them.

Sated, they broke apart, finished rinsing, and stepped out to dry off. The silence was comfortable, and he was surprised. He liked the demon’s company and couldn’t help but recall their session at Kass’s palace.

Kass. A wave of guilt washed over him.

“What’s the matter, Luc?”

“Kass. She’s probably frantic by now, thinking I’m dead.”

“If she cares about you so much, how in Hades did she lose you?”

The question wasn’t flip, but serious. The demon really didn’t understand how the Valkyrie could be so careless. “It wasn’t her fault. I was abducted by ogres in the marketplace.”

Quickly, he related the tale. At its conclusion, Legion gave a soft whistle.

“You were lucky to escape. Only the lower class associates with ogres, because they can’t afford to trade with anyone better. You’d likely have ended up spreading that pretty ass for some frustrated farmer or laborer.”

“Yeah, and then the fucker nearly pounded me into the dirt for my trouble.”

“They have vile tempers.”

“You don’t say.”

The demon laughed. “And then I rescued you. I’m glad I did.”

“There was a question, like you might not have?”

“I didn’t know it was you at first. I don’t meddle in the affairs of the lowlifes in the Boiler area, and you had half the dirt in town coating you. If I hadn’t caught your real scent underneath the stench, your story would’ve ended quite sadly.”

“Thank you, again. I don’t know how to repay you, but I’ll do my best.”

“You’ll thank me by staying.” All traces of humor fled from Legion’s face. A light entered the demon’s eyes, a light of desire—of want.

“I can’t.” A part of him truly regretted that, but…“Kass is my mate. And I’m falling for her.”

“Are you, really? And yet here you are, naked and fresh from
coming apart in my hands.” He stepped into Luc’s space, stalking his prey. “Coming all over me, in fact.”

Legion’s closeness, his heat, branded Luc as the other male brought their hips together. Supple flesh, the demon’s cock hardening once more, pressed into his belly. His own shaft thickened to rub the inside of the demon’s thigh, and he couldn’t deny the powerful lure of the creature before him.

Amethyst eyes bored deep into him, caught him, and refused to let go. How could he have let Legion’s playfulness blind him into forgetting what the demon was—a seductive, dangerous creature? Belatedly he realized that was what Legion intended—to make him forget, then to move in for the kill. Figuratively, he hoped.

And now it was too late to escape. Did he want to? He could drown in those eyes.

A languid haze settled over him, not unlike a drug or two he’d tried in his youth. He knew the demon was responsible, but he couldn’t fight it. His cock was a fiery torch between his legs, aching to be stroked, sucked. Anything as long as he got relief.

“You need me,” the demon crooned, cupping his face with both hands.


“Oh, you do.”

A tongue lapped at his lips and slipped into his mouth. Tasted and licked until he was clinging to the other male’s lean shoulders, humping a toned thigh.

The demon chuckled, pushing him back some. “No, greedy boy. Not until you give me what I want first.”

“Dammit,” he hissed, gazing into the gorgeous creature’s face. Those eyes…“I need you.”

Triumph flared on Legion’s face, quickly hidden. “There,
was that so difficult? Come, beauty. Let me show you how incredible it will be between us. How satisfying to be mine.”

Those words caused a thrill of alarm, but try as he might to break the demon’s hold, he couldn’t. His body was nothing but heat, need, pulsing through his blood. As Legion pulled him into the bedroom, pushed him onto his back and spread his legs, it was more and more impossible to recall why he should fight against this.

“In the dungeon, you wanted me to do this again, remember? To have you again, to be at my mercy. And now I’ll honor my promise.”

“I remember.” He did, and he shook in need.

Legion’s raven wings arched behind him as he knelt and cupped Luc’s ass, raising it off the bed. Luc thought he’d never seen anything as naughty, as decadent, as the sight of that long, wicked tongue snaking around his cock, licking and wetting his length as it pumped like a fist.

“Oh gods,” Luc groaned, hips jerking. “Please.”

Purple eyes met his, glinting with satisfaction as Legion heard him beg. But the demon said nothing. He continued his tasting of Luc’s genitals, laving his balls with long, slow swipes and then trailing along the seam behind them to his hole. His breath caught, and the demon chuckled.

“You like that, I recall. It’s even better now that you can see, isn’t it? Watch me eat you, my pet.”

Nothing could have prompted Luc to stop him now. Slender, strong fingers pried his ass cheeks wider, completely exposing him to Legion’s attentions. The nubile tongue wetted his hole, setting his nerve endings to singing. He whimpered, clutching the sheets.

“Tell me what you want.”

“I—I want you to eat me.”

“Now beg me.”

Fucker! But he’d do it. Anything so that the wonderful sensations didn’t stop. “Please, eat my ass. Legion, please!”

“That will do nicely.”

And he proceeded to do as Luc had begged, the long tongue working past the taut ring and slipping inside to lick and stroke. It drove him out of his mind, especially now that he had such an awesome view. The demon was stunning, black and silver hair flowing over them both, wings high, lean chest and biceps rippling as he held Luc up to his mouth. He really got into tasting Luc, eating his asshole as no one ever had.

“I’m gonna come,” Luc panted.

“No, you’re not. You’ll come when I give you permission.”

The steely tone was not to be disobeyed. Luc held off his orgasm by sheer force of will as the demon continued to slurp at his hole, no doubt testing his control as much as he was enjoying his body. At last he lowered Luc’s ass to the bed and crawled over him.

“I’m going to fuck you now, hard and nasty,” Legion growled.

“Yes, please! Fuck me!”

Placing the head of his thick cock to Luc’s hole, the demon slammed in to the hilt. Pain and pleasure swamped him so intensely he shouted out, gripping the demon’s hips to steady himself. True to his word, Legion fucked him relentlessly. Pounded him into the mattress, leaving him hanging on for a wild, wicked ride.

Luc loved it. Yes, he wanted this—the huge cock taking his ass and the demon owning him. The thick tool was suddenly angled to hit his prostate, upping the stakes. Luc gasped, seeing
stars, and struggled to stave off the orgasm tingling in his balls as they tightened.

“Can’t hold on!”

Legion stuffed his cock as deep as it would go, sealing them together. Immediately, his release began to flood Luc’s inner passage. “Come for me, vampire!”

Not a second too soon. Luc yelled, his cock jerking as his orgasm exploded, pumping ribbons of cum between their bodies. When the demon’s teeth sank into the curve of his neck and shoulder, he spasmed again and again, until he was limp and sated. Soon, the demon pulled off him and licked his wound to heal it.

Situating himself beside Luc, he buried his fingers into the vampire’s hair and forced him to meet his gaze. “Did you enjoy that? Being fucked by me, giving your body to me?”

“You know I did.”

“Then you’ll do it again.”


“Because you’re going to be mine forever,” the demon said, his gaze never wavering.

The stare was intense, and the buzzing in Luc’s brain increased. “Wh-what?”

Legion frowned but continued to push. “You belong to me now.”

“Yes.” Luc felt himself giving over to the idea. He belonged to Legion. Of course he did.

“Say it, and you’ll be bound to me. Say it—‘I pledge my body and soul to you, now and forever.’”

“I pledge…” The words stuck in his throat, and he blinked in confusion. He must give himself to Legion! He desired him above all others! Right?

“Say it!”

“I pledge my body and—wait, no.” He shook his head. Part of him wanted to obey the demon, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t right. “I already belong to Kass. What are you doing to me?”

The demon blinked. “Don’t fight it, my pet. Tell me again. To whom do you belong?”

“I belong to
.” The weird buzzing began to abate, and the fog drifted away. He was still attracted to Legion, but he no longer felt he’d go crazy if he didn’t have him.

“You successfully resisted my compulsion,” Legion said in disbelief, and no little awe.

“Mind control? No wonder I felt so strange,” he muttered. “Listen, you’re a masterful and exciting lover, Legion. Don’t doubt that. But you shouldn’t have to resort to tactics like that to make someone want to stay with you.”

The demon winced but didn’t look away. “I had to try.”

“It might have worked, but…I’m bonded to my mate. I have feelings for her, and I won’t leave her alone and rejected. She doesn’t deserve that.”

“No, she doesn’t. No one does,” Legion said softly. “The good ones are always taken. Isn’t that what they say?”

“I’m sorry.”

“I could simply hold you captive and make you stay with me forever.” But the threat didn’t carry much steel, now that he’d lost the battle of wills.

“You wouldn’t. When you find the right companion, he’ll want to stay because of you, nothing else.”

His companion laughed, the sound bitter. “Who would want me? No, I’ve been thrown away before, with good reason. I’m selfish, vain, and destructive.”

“I don’t believe that for a second.”

“Believe it, because it’s true.” The demon smiled sadly. “Enough. Let me find you something to wear.”

He disappeared, and Luc ran a hand through his hair, feeling like shit. Legion had saved his ass, and he truly liked the guy. The demon had a thing for Luc, but he wanted more than Luc could give.

The demon returned with clothes in hand. “I’m taller than you, but we’re both lean. I think they’ll do until I get you back to Kass.”

“Legion, I—”

“Don’t. I’ve been alone a long time, vampire. I’d like to take a lover, but I don’t need one to survive.” That statement might have been more convincing if not for the pain in his eyes.

“The three of us can still play, though. I want that, and so does Kass.”

“You do?” He brightened some. “Well, I’ll look forward to it.”

Luc donned the pants and shirt the demon loaned him. They were a bit long, but as his friend had said, they’d suffice. He held out his arms. “This will work.”

“Good. Ready to go?”


Legion wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and in moments they were standing in the foyer of Kass’s palace. Nobody was around, and Luc turned to say good-bye to the demon.

“I meant what I said—if there’s anything I can ever do for you, please let me know.”

“I will. And Luc? Should you ever find yourself in need of me, simply call my name. I’ll hear you, no matter where you are.”

“I will,” he said, repeating the demon’s words.

His new friend smiled and then vanished. Luc had a feeling he’d see him again before too long. With a sigh, he put a foot on the stair to go find Kass.

And he ended up nearly being knocked over by an armful of excited woman.


ass exited her room and stopped dead in her tracks. There were voices coming from downstairs—two male voices that sounded very familiar.

Heart in her throat, she took off. As she reached the landing, she stopped and stared. “Oh gods.”

Luc and Legion were standing in the foyer talking, saying good-bye. Then the demon smiled and vanished. Kass bounded down the stairs two at a time. When Luc turned, she launched herself into his arms.

“You’re all right! I can’t believe you’re here, and you’re safe!”

“Where else would I be?”

“Don’t you dare tease me,” she scolded, hugging the breath out of her vampire. “I’ve been worried sick for almost four days, and you come waltzing in here with Legion, of all beings, chatting as if you don’t have a care in the world.”

“Not waltzing. More like limping.”

BOOK: Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure
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