Deporting Dominic (36 page)

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Authors: Renee Lindemann

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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“Geez, I am so proud of my friend Sam,” he whispered. I know his support to Dominic was instrumental in helping Dominic to be successful in Beijing. When we part Dominic and Drake embrace, sharing a few emotional seconds. Aunt Rosa and Uncle Hector bound from the house to cover Dominic in hugs, handshakes, and kisses. The pride beaming from his Phoenix family members is palpable as it brings most everyone in attendance to tears. My husband receives the hero’s welcome, as he should.  I watch in awe as the massive party swallows up my husband for the next few hours.

“Wow, you know he couldn’t have done this without you
Sammie,” Mackenzie offered as she made her way to the celebrations. Other members of the Olympic team, including Coach Anderson join the festive celebrations.

“I am not so sure about that. I think this was his destiny,” I said smiling. Mackenzie shakes her head to the negative. “No really, this Olympic run was all for you and your family Samantha.”

I try not to smile too hard under her words, as I am still leery of her presence. However I allow them, just this once, to have their intended effect and beam proudly in the direction of my husband. Dominic lifts his bottle of Corona beer in my direction as he is inundated with questions from his cousins.  I see the kids are posing for pictures with his medals as Bryce walks around wearing Dominic’s Olympic jogging suit jacket.

“You might just be right Mackenzie,” I replied. When others notice Mackenzie’s medals, she
gets a hero’s welcome as well.

“Bryce sweetheart you are going to burst into flames with that hot jacket on.” I tried to remove the jacket but he launches a staunch protest. Instead I mop his sweating brow as he proudly brags to his friend Enrique that his daddy was in the ‘Lympics’.

“Buenos días mama,” I said into the cell phone. Sofia Castillo cries into the phone as I try to locate my husband. Eventually I find him and pull him away from his adoring fans. We find our way to the basement bathroom so that he can talk to his eager parents. Dominic talks to his mom as I shut and lock the bathroom door. I can see the tears streaming down his cheeks as he stammers in Spanish.  Luis Castillo gets on the phone and Dominic is so overcome with emotion that I put the phone on speaker. His father launches into a litany of praise and pride for his son’s accomplishments.  Dominic continues to cry as he listens to his father’s fluid Spanish accolades. Both his parents acknowledge my contribution to Dominic’s success before we end the call. I put the phone on the sink counter as Dominic slumps into my arms. My own tears reappear, as my husband finally understands the weight of his victories.

“You did really good husband. I am so proud of you,” I stammered softly. Dominic kisses me tenderly as we both continue to cry. “I couldn’t have done this without you Sammie. I love you so much.”  I am unable to
respond as the kissing increases in intensity. I am weakened under the assault of his wonderful tongue.  I feel Dominic’s hand snatch at my panties as I pull his jogging pants down. Carefully he places me on the counter and sinks into me. I give a muted cry as I wrap my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life as he pumps into me. When he finds his rhythm we continue to frantically kiss. This passionate exchange happens with virtually no noise. We are gazing into each other’s eyes as we reach our climax together. Both our mouths are open, however no sound escapes as our eyes do all the screaming. I retain my hold as Dominic buries his face in the crook of my neck. Finally we release for a quick wash up before exiting the bathroom. Thankfully the basement is empty as we rejoin the party in progress.

I can’t help throwing coy looks at my husband the remainder of the party. Dominic gives me a “you are going to get it later” look that sends shivers down my spine.  Sidney pulls me out of his line of sight to catch up.

“Damn Sammie you are glowing,” Sidney exclaimed as we sat on the front porch. With most of the party in the back we do not have to shout over the noise. I blush immediately giving away my hand. “You two went somewhere and fucked?”

“Shh Sid, dang! I can’t help that husband of mine. He is so damn fuckable.” I replied giggling as I remembered the feel of him and the intensity of the moment.

“Dominic has turned you into a naughty girl. No you have always been a naughty girl, it took Dominic to bring that part of you out.” Sidney and I laugh even harder as I nod my head to the affirmative. 

“I love that man Sidney.” I gush with seriousness. Sidney takes a swig from her beer bottle nodding that she understood that along time ago. Sidney and I fell into an easy conversation talking of Beijing, INS, and being a newlywed. 

“So I have some exciting news from me for once,” Sidney informed. I immediately halted my words feeling like the worst friend. It’s been all me for the last three months.

“What? Tell me right now. Are you pregnant?” I asked in rapid succession. Sidney goes wide-eyed and shakes her head in the negative. “Spill it girl.”

“Mario and I are engaged and I am moving back to Tucson.” Sidney and I quickly embrace as I scream my happiness. Sidney and Mario settling down and being close to me again, is too much and the tears start again.  We both end up in a cryfest as Mario and Dominic made their way to the front of the house.

“So I guess you heard the good news,” Mario asked. I shake my tearful face in his direction pulling him in for a hug. Dominic hugs Sidney as she produces the engagement ring. I
push Sidney’s blond tendrils behind her ear as I eye the gorgeous ring. “Beautiful.”

“We didn’t want to overshadow your victories Dominic,” Sidney explained.

“I will get on that microphone myself if you two do not speak up,” I said as Dominic agreed. Sidney explained that her mom wants to move with her sister in Florida.

“My aunt wants her there and my mom doesn’t want me to put my life on hold anymore taking care of her. I am not sure how I feel about that but I want to be with Mario.” I hug her once more, as I understand the tough decision she had to make to live in Tucson.  We make our way to the party and happily shout out the announcement, giving the two an impromptu engagement party.

The night ends with us packing our sleepy family into the minivan. We head to our apartment, unwilling to let the kids spend one more night at my Aunt and Uncle’s house. We have missed our kids too much to let them stay no matter how frisky we are feeling. Dominic drives clutching my hand when I look back at our sleeping family. Bryce is still clad in the Olympic jacket, while Charlie wears Dominic’s gold medals. Morgan is busy texting her friends as they continue to gush over Dominic, posting his pictures on social websites.

“Dad, you have a Facebook fan page started by Sabrina, Maggie, and Victoria,” she said, yawning and giggling at the same time.

“Hey they better behave,” I replied, as Dominic kissed the back of my hand.

“I missed my family,” Dominic admitted looking at Morgan in the rearview mirror. In the apartment Bryce refused to take off the jacket insisting it will be his blanket for the night. Dominic is so proud as his sons look at him with admiration. Charlie reluctantly hands over the medals, as he gets ready for bed. Before he closes his bedroom door he gives Dominic a monster hug. Dominic plants a kiss atop Charlie’s head beaming with pride and love for his sons, as Bryce sleepily joins the hug. I fight my tears wondering if I will be an emotional wreck for the next few weeks as this sinks in. Dominic and Morgan share an athletic embrace. I know he is giving her all his strength to compete in the 2012 games.

Inside our room Dominic spies the large present on the bed with a huge white bow adorning the red, white, and blue wrapping paper. He throws me a quizzical look as he walks over to the package.

“Who is that from?” He asked as he picks up the heavy present.

“I left that on our bed two weeks ago,” I remark nonchalantly. “It’s for you sweetheart.” Dominic gives me a soft kiss before removing the wrapping paper. The ornate wood has his full name engraved in gold at the top. The very expensive medal display case has the Olympic
logo on the bottom.  Dominic gives me an astonished look taking in the display case.  There is plenty of room for his current medals and any he acquires in the next games.

“I had every faith that you would
be bringing medals home Dominic,” I replied as he scooped me up in his arms. Dominic hugs me tightly before plying me with kisses.

“Your faith in me is what brought these medals home Sammie.”

I can see that he is emotional once more and I allow him some time to appreciate the gift. I slip into the bathroom and change my clothes into something befitting my new Olympian. Dominic is placing the medals in the case when I make my exit from the bathroom. In one fluid movement the medals and case are on my office desk. Dominic takes a few moments to absorb my attire. Red, white, and blue lace and mesh greet my husband. The sheer fabric of the garter slip leaves nothing to the imagination.

“Damn Sammie,” Dominic exclaimed
. Immediately he places the IPod on the docking station selecting a lengthy playlist of love songs.  “Please tell me those panties are crotchless too.”

“If I didn’t know any better I would think they were your favorite kind,” I laughed nodding my head to the affirmative.
Dominic hurriedly removed his clothes to show his appreciation for my current attire. Pulling me down to the bed he runs his hands over the mesh fabric taking in the sight of his gorgeous wife. Initially thinking that he might be too tired for additional lovemaking, the sexy lingerie changed his mind. Dominic enjoyed the remainder of the night teasing, kissing, licking, and sucking on me. This time he slowly removed each thigh high stocking, before working on the slip itself. He purposely left the crotchless panties in place as he slipped inside my overly wet body. After contorting my body in a multitude of positions Dominic found his release. It was in his favorite place that he spent the night, falling fast asleep thereafter.

The morning brought about the realization that while Dominic was a local hero. His success in the games would bring new
national rewards. Dominic was overwhelmed with endorsement offers from several major companies. While Dominic never lost his focus he handled the newfound success with stride, keeping God and his family first. The proceeds from his endorsement deals were enough for us to purchase a new eight-apartment unit and give heavily to the campus ministries. Dominic was happy to replenish our nearly depleted savings account. I stood proudly by my husband through it all and when the fall semester started Dominic eagerly attacked his physician’s assistance classes. Every chance he could, Dominic took our family with him whenever his endorsement requirements took him from Arizona. The kids sometimes missed school, but it was worth it to show the world our greatest achievement, our family.

Bonus Material

Bella Baby By Renee Lindemann

Copyright 2014 Renee Lindemann & 4 Girls Publishing LLC

Cover Graphics by EnigmaGraphics

Chapter 1

“Attention,” the drill sergeant shouted, causing the cadets to fall in line.  The shortest cadet had trouble tying his shoes and tripped as he rushed to fall in line.  The other cadets tried not to laugh but it was becoming increasingly difficult due to this little cadet’s constant fowl ups. 

“What the hell is your problem little maggot?  I am really starting to tire of your screw-ups. Now drop and give me twenty,” the drill sergeant spat. The little cadet dropped to the ground and gave the drill sergeant just what he asked for; he learned early on that begging and pleading were only going to earn him more push-ups.

Chaz contemplated this memory as he entered the
Cherry Pit
, a social club for yuppies and business professionals.  The bouncer patting him down made him think of that day, because he sounded just like his drill sergeant over the music playing. 

Confidently Chaz strolled in the club checking out the scenery looking for a comfortable and safe place to sit his party.  Surrounded by friends he walked to a table near the emergency exit and sat on the banana shaped bench. After a few minutes of surveying the scenery and Chaz was ready to order.

“I’ll have a Corona and a whiskey sour,” he said to the petite waitress who came over to take their order.  The other people at the table started shouting out their orders as well, but the waitress seemed oblivious to their presence and concentrated more on Chaz. 

“Anything else?” She flashed her one hundred watt smile.

“No baby, but these other fellas want to order something,” he said smiling.

This club was not Chaz’s normal scene but his business manager was supposed to meet him here and he assured Chaz that he would get a kick out of the female clientele. Just as Chaz spotted a female that captured his attention, Michael showed up obnoxious as usual.

“Did you order some Moet or what?” Michael questioned as loud as he could. Michael Riverton was a business manager for the last four years and his last couple of clients included two drug dealers and a pimp.  He had no problem making dirty money clean and he loved his job.  Michael was a short thin man always wrapped in an expensive suit with his dark hair neatly tamed at the collar. He felt more empowered as a business manager than he ever did as a lawyer, his degreed profession. The desire to surround himself with the finer things in life was easier to achieve as a business manager. There were plenty of perks to the job, such as ordering the most expensive drinks but never footing the bill.

“No man, you can order your own Moet. Now move I was trying to peep the ladies in this corny joint,” Chaz said motioning Michael out of his way.  Michael immediately flagged down a waitress and instructed her to bring a bottle of Moet to their table, and to put it on Chaz’s bill.

Bella entered the
Cherry Pit
with her two co-workers ranting own about the days work events. 

“Would you heifers leave work at work?  We came here to have a good time,” she said.

“Fine!” Kennedy spat while surveying the atmosphere.

“Oh my God! Thug table over by the door,” Julie pointed out.

“What are they doing here?  Maybe they want a little Anne Klein wearing skank?” Kennedy said laughing.

“Yeah, I am sure they are just trying to show off their ill-gotten gains.” Bella snickered as they took their usual table near the dance floor.

Cherry Pit
was decorated in tasteful red decorum, with oversized chairs, and cozy benches.  The dance floor featured a large red glowing cherry instead of the classic disco ball.  The waitresses wore red pantsuits and were usually pleasant.  The business professional was free to mingle and network while having an after work drink.  The heavy set bald dark skinned bouncer that guarded the door with his life was the owner’s son. He knew that as soon as his father kicked the bucket the club would be his and he wanted his investment protected.  He encouraged his father to advertise, supervised the decorating, and even hand picked the menu of drinks, making most of them up himself.  He gave the bar a signature drink, the
Cherry Pit
, which was made with cherry vodka, anise, triple sec, grenadine, and cranberry juice.  Marlin ran his father’s club like a military base and none of the staff would dare cross him, besides the pay was too good to fool with at this club.

Bella was twenty-five and on the move in her company, Brown & Jersey, a publishing company that dabbled in every aspect of publishing.  Bella was the next in line to the chief research writer. She wrote and re-wrote grant and loan proposals for non-profit companies.  A highly successful grant writing campaign left her in a good position within the company.  In the three years since her beginning days as an intern, she rose fast at Brown & Jersey.  She was at the top of her game and treated every client with respect, completing every assignment as if it was she who where receiving the grant.

Bella was a confident employee but less confident outside the workplace.  She constantly scolded herself on her appearance and nonexistence social life. If it hadn’t been for her two closest friends she would never get out.  Despite being moderately attractive with a nice size eight figure and beautiful flowing brown hair that accentuated her almond shaped eyes, she had not been successful in relationships.  At five feet ten she was a commanding figure, shapely hips and long legs invited men, but was never enough to keep them around.  Her strategically placed black Kenneth Cole dress was not working for her now and she wanted to go home and curl up with a good book.

“The thugs are the only cute guys in here tonight,” Julie pointed out smoothing down her blue designer skirt. Julie had every advantage when it came to looks, beautiful naturally curly brown hair, finely chiseled facial features, and a shapely figure that only seemed to improve with age. Unfortunately her smarts in the boardroom did not extend to the bedroom. Julie always went for the pathetic low man on the totem pole loser. Julie was a nurturer and she so often chose men who’s lives needed drastic improvements. More often than not they would get their life together only to move on from her. It was a vicious circle that her friends watch happen too often.

Kennedy rocked back and forth to the music playing as she sipped her Cherry Pit drink nodding to Julie. Kennedy’s name was just as strong as her personality. She was about nothing but perfection and success, a perfect combination for her best buddies. With a mixed heritage she knew that as a double minority, being of African-American and Latino descent that she would work harder than most. Kennedy had huge aspirations of corporate domination. She wanted to be the boss. She embraced both aspects of her parent’s cultures so effortlessly that she was an ethnicity in her own right. She was average height, but her ample bosom and hips made her appear taller and stronger. She kept her hair either pulled into a neat chignon or she would proudly display it in a beautiful curly Afro.

Bella felt someone staring at her and looked around to see the lead thug checking her out.  For about thirty seconds there was no one else in the room. The only thing she could see and feel was this guy staring into her soul.  She didn’t want to be the first to look away considering he was just gorgeous. Bella seductively licked her lips and flirted with her eyes. He raised his glass and smiled as she continued to flirt with him.  The waitress who was serving both tables wanted to have him to herself and interrupted their moment.  The waitress was waiting for the handsome guy to look away from Bella.

“Here you go,” she said placing a drink in front of Bella blocking her view. For the next thirty minutes Bella and the handsome guy exchanged flirty smiles. His smile was killing Bella, as it was so confident. Often she had no idea what the current topic of conversation was at the table.

“Earth to Bella,” Kennedy said, snapping her fingers in front of Bella’s face.

“Sorry, what’s up?” Bella tried to rejoin the conversation but she could feel his eyes unraveling her. The effect was a flushed face and with her lightly colored skin it was obvious. Bella smiled politely, excusing herself to the restroom.

Chaz immediately left the table to follow Bella to the restroom. While walking behind her he checked out the rest of the package and was impressed. The smart black boots went up her long legs coming to rest at the hem of her tight dress.  He could tell she was wearing a thong and wanted to see if he was right.  He almost bumped into a man coming in the door as he watched her ass sway with each step.  He never physically chased a woman before but he had to know who she was and get to know her. Chaz wanted to know what those lips felt like on him, anywhere on him. Before Bella could get to the restroom door Chaz reached and grabbed her arm, trying not to scare her.

“Uh, excuse me!” Bella snapped pleasantly surprised to see that it was the guy she was flirting with that had grabbed her arm.

“I didn’t mean to grab you like that, I just wanted to talk to you before you went in there, unless it is an emergency,” he laughed. His soft mocha skin looked quite kissable to Bella. It took everything she had not to blush.

“Just a make up emergency,” she replied. Bella looked around, he made her feel nervous and unsure of herself.

“Trust me baby, you don’t need any make-up.  You look good just the way you are.”

“Nice line! Can I help you with something?” His hand was still holding her arm and the electricity that flowed sent shivers down her spine.
Who was this man?

“I just wanted to know if you realized that I was going to be your new man. I am hoping that you might ditch your girls because you are going home with me.”  Chaz gave a knowing killer smile and Bella had to be her usual tough self.
She couldn’t just fall for lines, or could she?

“Wow!  Cute and psychic! And what exactly is my name, Mr. Psychic!”

“It doesn’t work like that.  I don’t already know your name but that’s just a minor formality.  You’re going home with your new man tonight, and by the way my name is Chaz.”

“Nice to meet you Chaz but maybe you need to fine-tune your approach, because I am not going home with you tonight.  You would be lucky if you get my number.” Bella liked the back and forth. His words were so confident and he was so damn good looking.

“I will be getting your number and so much more. That moment we just shared over there was more than just a moment.  We were meant to be together and we will be.” Chaz had no idea where these words were coming from. He was very confident with women and usually he didn’t need lines, women just flocked to him, but this woman was different. Chaz would have to convince her that he was worth her time.  He was not in the mood for talking on the phone and getting to know her over the course of weeks. Chaz wanted this woman right now.

“I am sure these lines work with the skanks you are used to but not here,” she stated emphatically. The lines were working on her and it angered her to be so easy. She wanted to kiss him, touch him, and do all sorts of nasty stuff to this tall handsome man. Bella wanted to walk on the wild side for just once. She had never been with a drug dealer before and the thought thrilled her more than a little.

“Damn baby!  I don’t mess around with skanks and if you are scared just say so.  I know this may be a bit much for you but no need to get upset.”

Chaz carefully moved into her space. He needed to be close to her. Bella stepped back trying to compensate for his intrusion into her personal space, but found herself on the other side of the bathroom that led to a dark hallway.  Before she could rectify the situation he kissed her mouth tenderly at first but it intensified in seconds.  Pathetically she tried to push him off but she really didn’t want to.
How long had it been since a man had kissed her? Too long!

Chaz explored her mouth with his tongue and could taste the apple martini on her tongue.  The weak protest only spurred him to deepen the kiss. The feel of her body vibrating under the kiss made him want to haul her caveman style over his shoulders and carry her to his truck.

“Baby I told you, we are meant to be.  Tell me you don’t feel it?” Chaz murmured seductively against her lips. Bella finally felt the air rush back into her lungs and with anger she didn’t really feel she replied.

“I just felt you molest me if that is what you mean.  You had better be glad that I didn’t scream my head off or better yet beat your ass for assuming that I wanted that kiss.”

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