Read Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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“It’s beautiful,” she said, looking away, as he wound around to a small pool.

He set her down and quickly unwrapped the blanket. The fabric was tossed over the nearest rock, and she was back in his arms before she had a chance to argue. He needed to hold her. She felt so damn good, her naked body against his. He nearly groaned hearing the soft moan that came from her lips as he moved them into the warm water. It was a comfortable temperature from being fed by both hot springs and a fresh water stream above.

He hated that the water would wash away some of his scent from her skin. What the fuck was he thinking? Nereids were one of the more sexually free races. They didn’t mark their females.

His dick bobbed against her back as he walked them to the other side of the small pool, and he clenched his teeth. He got the distinct feeling that mating his Mageia would be a true test in control.

“Feels so good. I could fall asleep in here.” Her voice slurred a little, and she let out an adorable yawn. Would she really fall asleep in his arms? It was like his beast was purring inside. It wanted to mark her, fuck her, mate her.

A second later, he heard her breathing even out. With her head resting against his chest, she’d actually fallen asleep. She turned a little and rubbed her face against his chest. His heart nearly stopped; in all his centuries he’d never had a female cuddle into him like that. He just stared down at her, speechless, humbled that she trusted him to watch over her sleep. Long eyelashes fanned out on her soft cheek, and he brushed aside a lock of hair that had fallen over the side of her face. She weighed nothing. He stifled a groan as he slid his dick to rest under her and tried to relax. Her small hands came up to ball next to her head, and he stayed like that, listening to her steady heartbeat and sleepy noises.

Sirena, is there anything I can do for, um, sore muscles, for Rain?
Well, that was awkward.

She answered back in a second.
Where are you now?

In my cavern at the island.

I’ll drop off a jar of something you can massage into all of her sore spots.

His thumb circled softly over the soft skin of her arm as he lounged.

A few minutes later Sirena added,
I left it at your door, with some stuff Alyssa packed up when you took Rain. The cream works quickly.
After a pause she spoke again.
You might consider bringing her to the manor.


Bathroom and kitchen. She’s mortal and needs those things.

Son of a bitch. Ever the practical sister, she would think of something to make him even more un-fucking-comfortable.

He blew out a breath, shaking his head.

Drake, is the beach house free?
Drake liked his comforts and made sure they had options throughout Earth and Tetartos Realms. He hadn’t been thinking clearly, or he would have thought of the beach house much sooner.


Chapter 15


Guardian Manor, Tetartos Realm


Brianne looked up into the bright sapphire eyes of her dream lover and smiled. He was leaning over her, looking broody, and she found it amusing. It felt as if she’d been dreaming forever, and she loved every hot second of it.

His eyes flashed, focusing on her lips. He seemed mesmerized by them.

“Beautiful,” he murmured and claimed them with his. The bed was so soft beneath her back that she felt as if she were in the clouds. She loved to fly high and sift the clouds through her fingers. She imagined Vane with wings and grinned wider at the image. She wished he could fly with her, but that was impossible unless she carried him.

No, he could never have wings. That was something Apollo had attempted in his twisted experiments so many long centuries ago. Splicing DNA between Geraki and Ailouros races had created creatures that were vicious, dangerous. Griffins were never able to retake human form after they were mutated. They were too unstable to control, so the God stopped trying to combine the animals within the Immortal races. The bastard destroyed them when his experiments failed.

She shook off the depressing thoughts. It was not the time. She and Vane may never be mated, but she could fantasize, and she had, for nearly a hundred years, as they played their games. So long that she couldn’t believe that neither seemed tired of the game yet.

He flipped her onto her stomach and settled against her. “What else do I do in your dreams?” His purred words made goose bumps rise over her skin. He’d asked her that same question over and over, and then given her every hot sexy inch of his beautiful cock every time.

“Whatever you want to,” she said with a smile into the bedding. She felt him tense, not expecting her to give him free rein over her. She chuckled, feeling light and carefree.


“Yes.” She moaned as he flipped her hair to one side and started kissing her neck.

Before she knew what he was thinking, she was flipped and straddling his hips. His eyes were full of something. Mischief? He nipped at her lip, and then kissed away the sting.

“Then show me your wings.”

“What?” The word choked out. She was shocked that he wasn’t making love to her again or doing something hot and dominant like she loved.

“I want to touch your wings. Change for me.” His voice sounded rough.

“You don’t want to have sex?” She frowned at him. She’d never had a lover stroke her wings. They were strong, big and very sensitive. She wondered how it would feel having his hands on them.

“I’m going to take you again, Brianne. Don’t ever doubt that. I want to see your wings first. I want to touch them, maybe even stroke them while I fuck you from behind.” He purred.

Her breath rocked out. She loved his dirty mouth. Loved the images he painted and just how wet they made her.

“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours, kitty.” She smiled at him.

“Gladly. Now change.”

She bristled at his demand, but her beast was itching to be free. Dying to show herself to the male that had always made her flutter.

She felt the transformation in her muscle and bone, and moaned at the change. Her wings broke free. It felt so damn good when she changed. Her talons wrapped over his shoulders, gently; she knew her features and body changed and grew more angular. Small fangs broke from her gums. It wasn’t a big change, but his breath rushed out, and his eyes heated. Her beast thrilled at the way he responded.

His hands went from her ass to her jaw, his thumbs stroking her cheeks. She leaned into the touch, and her eyes lowered, it felt so good. He bent in and kissed her, his tongue slid over her fangs, and she jolted. She’d never kissed anyone while transformed; it was different, hot. She nipped his lip and grinned at him. He set her down. “Turn,” he demanded and then flipped her around and started petting the soft feathers.

She grinned at his impatience, and then nearly purred at how incredible it felt. Her back arched as jolts of pleasure ran through her wings and over her body.

“Oh, my little lark, the things I’m going to do to you while I stroke these. Mmm, so damn gorgeous. The browns and reds are beautiful with your red hair.”

She was thrilled with how much he enjoyed her other form, but she felt the rush she always got from transforming. She needed to fly.

She was excited, aroused, but more, it was so much more.

She whipped around, catching him off guard and making him growl. “I wasn’t done.”

“Your turn.” She wanted to pet her kitty. She felt the need to play, fly while he ran below her.

He raised an eyebrow and then smirked. “I have ways to work off all that adrenaline.”

“I know you do. Now change,” she demanded.

He winked at her before transforming into his big lion form. She retracted her talons and ran her fingers through his snow white fur. He was so soft. She wanted to rub her body all over him. He was hers. At least here, in her dreams, where she allowed that kind of closeness. It felt like the dream was lasting years. They’d made love over and over, slept within sleep, and now they were sharing their beasts. It was something more than she’d dared imagine, something she would hold close. These dreams were ones she’d conjure over and over again. It was just too perfect.

She felt uneasiness just under the surface, but quickly pushed it aside. This was her time to do whatever she wanted, and now she wanted to fly.


Chapter 16


Kane’s Compound, Tetartos Realm


“The Guardians have a price on my head,” Cynthia said inside Elizabeth’s mind. Kane made sure to share the mental connection when she made contact with the Earth Mageia, just as Cyril had always done. He wanted to know why it had been over a week with no report on her progress in getting him more Mageia.

“I think I’ve found a female with something unique. The ones in the covens are too protected, but I’ve found one on the outside. The problem is that she’s protected herself, and I haven’t been able to get to her. Plus, the other covens are searching for me. The bastards are playing the role of the Guardians’ pets.”

“How long?” He didn’t have the patience to listen to her excuses. She was a bitch that sold out her own to gain her a little youth serum. He didn’t give a shit about her problems.

“It’ll be a week and a half before we’re able to get to her.”

“Do it.” He was not pleased, but it wasn’t as if they had a working serum, yet. It may take that or longer for Ian and Jayr to figure out what Cyril had taken to the grave.

“I’ll need another vial. It’s much more dangerous now. The price should reflect that.” Her cold voice came through the link and made his skin itch. She and Elizabeth were fucking made for each other.

He shook his head in irritation, not that Cynthia could see it, but Elizabeth could. “No. Get the job done, or I’ll get someone else.” He was bluffing. If finding another contact had been an easy option, he would have had Elizabeth do it before now.

“A week and a half,” she responded.

“Do it,” he demanded and watched Elizabeth smirk at the other female’s task.

“Take her back to her cell,” he instructed Angus and walked away, leaving his second to deal with the bitch. He needed to get reports from Ian on the mating serum so Jayr at the hidden facility could look them over.


Chapter 17


Guardian Beach House, Tetartos Realm


Rain was still asleep an hour later. She hadn’t even woken up when he’d wrapped her back in the blanket. She turned into his chest as he started carrying her out of the cavern. Shit, what did he do with that? His stomach twisted. She was so small and vulnerable, and he would keep her safe. She was his now, and his beast loved it.

She made noises and moved around, snuggling her small body tighter to him. His dick hurt like a bitch, but as much as claiming her scared the shit out of him, he felt oddly content having her in his arms. He moved them out of the tunnel, back into the bedroom, and was hit with the scent of the two of them in the air. The towel he’d used to clean her up was still on the floor. He took a deep breath as he laid her on the bed. She rolled to her side, and he forced his gaze away from her to throw on his clothes. Within seconds he had her back in his arms and out the door. He wondered if she always slept so soundly. He picked up the bag Sirena left them before walking out onto the warm sand and porting them away.

She let out a throaty moan when they reformed. The same blending sensation hit like a blast, slamming his dick into his zipper. That sexy sound and his own intense reaction told him just how screwed he was. It was going to be torture getting her into the house and not taking her when they got there. She was sore, and as much as he hoped the springs miraculously healed her, that probably wasn’t the case. He needed to rub that cream on her sweet abused pussy, but that thought only made him want her more.

Her ass wiggled in his arms, and he looked down into her eyes.

“What’s going on?” Her voice came out throaty and scratchy from sleep.

“I ported us to the Guardian beach house.”

“Why? How long was I out?” He smelled how wet she’d gotten from teleporting. He stifled a groan and bounded up the steps and through the door.

He picked the first room down the hall just past the kitchen and living room area. They were all big and comfortable, and if she didn’t like it, she could pick another one. He just needed to get her out of his arms before he pinned her to the nearest wall or bent her over so he could see her sweet ass in the air. Fuck.

He nearly choked out the words to answer her questions. “There are more conveniences here. You were out for over an hour.”

She licked her lips, and he was sure she was doing it to torture him. Porting with her was a fucking problem. They weren’t leaving the beach house anytime soon.

“I haven’t been sleeping much.”

Her words hit him hard. There wasn’t any accusation in them. He figured she was still too drowsy for that. All he knew was she sounded sexy as hell, and he was an asshole. She hadn’t been sleeping because of him. He set her and the bag on the bed and stepped back. He couldn’t believe the strength of the mating frenzy.

He stood near the door, trying to get his shit together before he slid off his jeans and climbed on her like a fucking bastard. “Sirena said she put some cream in the bag to ease the soreness.” If things were different, he would spread her wide and apply it himself. He knew his limitations, and touching her pussy when he was that far gone would go from soothing her to pushing his fingers, then his cock deep inside her within seconds.

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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