Read Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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She lost all thought as his jeans were pulled down over his narrow hips and she caught sight of his rigid cock. She wanted to lick the vee of muscle leading down to the long, nearly purple shaft. Shit. She felt paralyzed and completely unable to speak. His eyes looked brighter than before, and his breathing was erratic as he crawled over her body. Animal grace added to his seductive movements.

She nearly choked. “We are not doing this. Not without an apology and explanation.” She’d hoped to hell she got one, because her body didn’t give a crap how much he’d wronged her, she would give in. She’d let him do anything he wanted to her within seconds and then hate herself for being weak.

He narrowed his eyes. “You want me to apologize after catching you nearly fucking another male? If you want to be fucked, then you will be. By me.” His voice was harsh, dark.

Her mouth dropped open. “You always turn it around, don’t you? You made it clear that this”—she pointed back and forth between them—“was not going to happen. Don’t even pretend you haven’t been screwing other females,” she challenged and instantly regretted it. She didn’t want to hear about him with others. It actually hurt her heart and her pride equally.

The arousal was becoming painful as she crabbed back, trying to get out from underneath him. He stalked her. His biceps looked like they were shaking from holding back, and he looked furious. Good. She hoped he was fucking hurting. He was a total asshole.

“You would have let the Kairos have you, but me you deny?”

“Yes! He didn’t call me a mercenary bitch or do any of the other shitty things you’ve done to me.” Why had she felt guilty with the Kairos? She should have taken a male the moment her hand didn’t give her any relief. Instead she had waited until she thought she couldn’t take it much longer. Why did she have any loyalty to a male that clearly despised her?

His eyes flashed with what looked like surprised regret before his hand snaked around her back and pulled her gently beneath him. He groaned. “Damn it, Rain. I hated seeing another male’s hands on you.” The gravelly side to his voice hit her nerve endings. He looked confused and wild, and she wanted him like she needed water, but she pushed at his chest and glared instead.

“What now? I let you screw me, and then you leave again without a damn word? Is that your plan? To make me feel like a piece of unwanted trash? Again?” Were his eyes getting glassier? He looked feverish above her. It was obvious he was losing control. Damn it, couldn’t he leave her with one small ounce of pride. “Tell me this would be more than a quick fuck or don’t touch me, because I will hate you for it. Don’t make me just another hole. Not to you,” she said the words in a whisper. The truth made her stomach ache, and she was horrified that tears burned the back of her eyes. She was at the end of her rope. She refused to cry, so she bit her cheek and swallowed back the hurt. She wanted to rail against him, but desire and pain were suffocating all the anger. Her pride was going to get trampled, and she knew it. He was stronger, faster. She’d never make it to the other room, and she wasn’t sure her limbs would even do what her mind told them. They were both too far gone. The simple touch of his hot hand on her bare back ignited her to new heights of agony. It was getting harder to breathe.

“I haven’t fucked anyone else. I know you want and deserve groveling, but I don’t know how.” He looked uncertain and in pain, but there were so many other, softer emotions running across his face, and she didn’t dare trust them.

“I’ll settle for ‘I’m sorry,’ for now, but only if you plan on seeing this through and not using my body as if I’m nothing and have no feelings.” He was the one male in the world who she’d always thought would cherish her. She couldn’t stomach the idea of
using and discarding her.

“Fuck, Rain. I’m so sorry for hurting you. You’re not nothing…” He closed his eyes tight. “You’re the only one I want, the only one my beast craves, and you don’t deserve the life you’ll get with me.” Before she could fully process the sweetness behind the softly spoken words, his mouth came down over hers, softly, seductively… When she gasped, his tongue slipped inside and took possession. She struggled, her hands going to his muscled back. He was drugging her senses, washing away all thought. She succumbed to the need and let him take her mouth in a way she could easily become addicted to. He tasted so damn good, better than her favorite sweet wine or the rainwater he smelled of. She wouldn’t ever get enough.

His words ran through her mind. He wanted only her… His beast wanted her. She really hoped he hadn’t been fucking Earth’s female population as she suffered. It might make her gullible, but she swore she heard truth in his words. Saw it in the pained look on his gorgeous face. She probably saw what her heart wanted to believe, but it was too late. They were too far gone to fight any of it anymore. She was defeated. She might regret letting him touch her with so little fight, but she needed this, just once. At least she’d gotten an apology. It would have to be enough to ease her pride, for now. She ached and hurt too much not to get some ease. Her core actually throbbed. She’d take the lifeline and believe the words he’d given her, forget for the moment that he didn’t really want her. This round was his.

He shifted her so that her head rested on soft pillows. His lips and tongue were on her neck, making her moan, before trailing to the sensitive spot behind her ear. His fingers tunneled in her hair as he gently angled her head.
Let me make it better. I’ll take the pain away. Give you the pleasure you deserve, what I should have given from the beginning,
he murmured inside her mind, making her whimper at the intimate caress inside her head and the soft touches over her skin.
I need a taste of your sweet wet pussy more than I need to breathe. Will you give it to me, Rain?

Creators, she’d give him anything. Her entire soul if he kept touching her skin and whispering sweet sexy things in her mind. He made it sound like he actually cared about her suffering more than his own. She moaned as his lips trailed along her collarbone. He licked and nipped at her sensitive skin, causing her chest to rise up. Her breasts were begging for his lips. “We’ll talk after we feed this?” She was happy she managed to get the words out.

His lips continued to trail down, finally meeting her aching, swollen breasts. He rubbed his face all over them; the slight abrasion from his stubble only made it hotter.
So fucking beautiful,
he said as his tongue twirled around her hard nipples before he suckled at the tight tips. Jolts of heat raced from her breasts to her pussy as she pushed against his mouth, greedy for more. He gave her what she needed, his teeth nipping before he sucked harder. She almost came from that alone and groaned in protest when he moved to torture the other side. Her fingers dug into his hair and back, her thighs rubbed at his sides, and she couldn’t get enough of touching and being touched by him. His skin was so hot against hers. She felt his muscles spasm everywhere she touched, and she wasn’t sure either of them could take much more. Soft noises came from her lips, incoherent begging. All that mattered was his mouth on her skin. He used both hands, pushing her breasts up and together as he moved from one to the other. It wasn’t enough. His chest was resting between her thighs, and her pussy clenched, needing his cock.

“Your nipples are so responsive. Fuck, I can feel your body jolt with each hard suck. What else is sensitive, Rain? Will your pussy pulse against my lips?”

His words alone were heating her as much as his tormenting lips. She had trouble breathing just listening to him. “Finish this. I can’t take any more.” Her hands ran over every bit of skin she could reach and then tunneled in the soft strands of his hair. It wasn’t spiked with product like before, and she loved the feel of it over her fingers. The foreplay was killing her, and she was so wet that there was no need for it.

“I promise you can come all over my tongue, nymph.” His breathing was just as harsh as hers. Why was he making her wait?

“No more torture. I need to be filled,” she begged, sure that his mouth wouldn’t be enough to feed the insanity.

“Spread your legs wider and tilt your hips. Imagine I’ve tied them to your arms. You’re small, Rain. I want you more than ready before I take you.”

Her eyes fell, she couldn’t get that image out of her mind, nor could she come up with a hotter picture than being tied up and sexually satisfied by him. Her legs spread wider beneath him, her knees lifting up and back, leaving her completely exposed, vulnerable. The need was making her a different person, one that trusted him, at least with her pleasure.

His arms were shaking as he lifted his body away. Those eyes seemed overly bright, his skin flushed. He was holding back his own pleasure. Why? “Gods, this is the view I’ve craved. I’ll gladly tie you up and feast on your wet pussy every damn day. You smell so good. I can’t wait to tug on that piercing with my teeth and hear you moan as you come all over my tongue.” Sweat dotted his forehead as he stared at her. So much intensity shone there, all focused on her as he sat on his knees between her spread thighs. She watched as his muscles twitched when he caressed her bent thighs and then dipped his fingers in her juices. A deep groan tore from his lips as he spread the liquid all over her pussy and ass. She wanted him so much her chest heaved as he pushed a single digit inside. Another harsh groan rang through the room as his head fell back. He looked like a God. Every inch of perfectly sculpted muscle had drawn taut, the tendons along his neck strained, just from touching her. Her eyes tracked the fine sheen of sweat along his hard chest. She wanted to lick every dip and rise, then use her tongue to trace the swirls of his tattooed shoulders.

The next sound from his lips was a harsh, pained noise that set her nerves on end. Her skin tingled at his touch, and she was so ready for more. So needy, but he was holding back. His eyes shone as they tracked over her body. He looked at her as if he’d never seem anything more beautiful. “I’m going to wreck you, Rain. You won’t ever want another. You’ll be mine completely after this. You may deserve more than you’re getting, but I won’t let go once I’ve had you…” His body bent, lips coming down on her wet pussy without warning, and she gasped before whimpering. It was so damn good, she was dizzy from it.

He added another finger as he licked her juices and growled against her pussy. “You’re snug and so damn hot. You’ll burn my dick when I get inside you, Rain.” She loved the sound of her name on his lips.

He rubbed his face against her thighs in between lashes of his tongue that went from her slit down to her ass. His lips moved back up and sucked her clit and piercing, then growled against her flesh. The vibrations sent more fluid from her body, and her back came off the bed as she dug her fingers in his scalp. She was going to come. The second he tugged the jewelry with his teeth, she cried out as a harsh climax rocked her. He held her hips and gently laid a kiss against her waxed mound while her body pulsed. Her cries were incoherent and out of control. The release only seemed to whet her appetite. Her need hadn’t abated, it’d grown harsher. Her chest heaved as she wiggled in his hold. She’d known. It wasn’t enough.

“Dorian, I need… so bad.”

“Look at me.” His eyes were still bright, his muscles tense as he guided his cock to her pussy. His arms were quaking by the time the head was inside her.

“Fuuucckk, it’s so damn tight. Mine.” He groaned, and judging by the arch of his neck and the harsh look, she knew he was doing his best to hold back.

“Dorian, let go,” she said, wanting him wild. So much emotion… she couldn’t understand. She was so wet and needy that she put her feet on the bed, pushing her hips up for more.

He growled at her, and his eyes flashed. “I’m barely holding on. I shouldn’t have tasted you. Fuck, I’m not sure I can do this without hurting you.” His eyes were wild, panicked, and her heart clenched. His body came over hers, his arms twitching and straining at her sides. Each harsh breath he took rocked his chest into her.

She put her hands on his shoulders. “If it’s too much, I’ll tell you, but right now I need you to move. I can take it hard.”

He looked down as she said the words. His eyes flashed with concern before morphing to something more feral. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead and chest. She could tell from his pained look he couldn’t stop the thrust that took him all the way to her womb. Her back bowed off the bed in shocked rapture.

He made an agonized sound, but stayed there, eyes closed, neck straining as she adjusted. It was good, full, so very full, but so hot and intense. She moved her hips, and he groaned deep. “You have to stop moving.” His voice was harsh, his eyes open and narrowed on her. He looked like he was in agony. “You have no idea what I’m holding back. You’ve got to stop before I hurt you.” He stilled her movements with one hand at her hip. His strength almost too much. He eased his grip immediately, and she moved again, unable to stop it. She needed more of him.

“Rain, damn it, stop!” he roared, but she couldn’t, she was too far gone. She wanted to come. A small part also wanted to be the mate he needed, one that fed this need for him. It didn’t make sense; it just was. Everything about it felt right, so right she couldn’t help but move.

“You’re so much more than—”

She didn’t know what he meant to say, because his words cut off on a harsh groan. Her walls clenched down tight, and she held on, her fingers digging into his taut back.

He pulled out and pushed back, his jaw clenched, and another pained sound came from his lips. “Rain, stroke your clit. You’re so damn tight. Come around my cock.”

She groaned at his words and pushed a hand between them. She was close, circling her hips as his thrusts grew harder, faster, his balls smacking against her ass. A second later she came hard, tensing up as he hammered in and out of her channel. She met his thrusts. It was a rough, wild claiming, his breathing was erratic, and the wet sound of him taking her filled the room. She felt like she might come again even with the ache in her pelvis.

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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