Dendera (34 page)

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Authors: Yuya Sato

BOOK: Dendera
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The adonis flowers had begun to sprout.

Startled, Kayu Saitoh broadened her view. New buds dotted the ground where the adonis had broken through the thinning snow. The yellowish buds spread out atop their leafy stems, pushing aside the snow to poke their heads out of the ground. They were little things, but they made a grand statement. Kayu Saitoh saw the many buds that would soon be blooming in abundance, and she knew that spring was coming. Spring began with the adonis flowers; spring was coming. She felt strength flooding through her. She was, of course, not completely healed, but she would at least be able to run at her fastest for a little while longer. She ran through the adonis, their buds beneath her feet. Those round buds came up everywhere, and beneath them, their thick roots must have extended far.

Kayu Saitoh, and the bear, ran through this landscape. She could count the fir trees, and only a thin layer of snow—and the adonis buds—covered the ground. The Mountain was behind them now. Kayu Saitoh, and the bear, were running almost on top of each other. Kayu Saitoh, and the bear, ran as if it were only natural. Kayu Saitoh looked up from the adonis flowers, and there, not that far away, she saw the Village.


Yuya Sato, born 1980, is a writer of “strange fiction,” which features fantastic or horrific concepts treated in a refined literary style. Some of his short work has appeared in English in the mixed manga/prose anthology series
. His novel
1000 Novels and Backbeard
won the Yukio Mishima Prize.

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