Demon Bound

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Authors: Meljean Brook

BOOK: Demon Bound
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“An action-packed series full of
creatures of dark and light.”
—Joyfully Reviewed
“Meljean is now officially one of my favorite authors. And this book's hero? . . . I just went weak at the knees. And the love scenes—wow, just wow.”
—Nalini Singh,
USA Today
bestselling author of
Slave to Sensation
Visions of Heat
“This is the book for paranormal lovers. It is a phenomenal book by an author who knows how to give her readers exactly what they want. What Brook's readers want is a story that is dangerous, sexy, scary, and smart.
Demon Night
delivers all that and more! . . . [It] is the epitome of what a paranormal romance should be! I didn't want to put it down.”
Romance Reader at Heart
“Poignant and compelling with lots of action, and it's very sensual. You'll fall in love with Charlie, and Ethan will cause your thermometer to blow its top. An excellent plot, wonderful dialogue . . . Don't miss reading it or any of Meljean Brook's other novels in this series.”—
Fresh Fiction
“The fourth book in Meljean Brook's Guardian series turns up the heat without losing any of the danger.”
Entertainment Weekly
“A read that goes down hot and sweet—utterly unique—and one hell of a ride.”
—Marjorie M. Liu,
New York Times
author of the Dirk & Steele series
“Sensual and intriguing,
Demon Moon
is a simply wonderful book. I was enthralled from the first page!”—Nalini Singh
“Action-packed, with a fascinating, one-of-a-kind vampire hero and a heroine with some very unique qualities.”
Romantic Times
“Brings a unique freshness to the romantic fantasy realm . . . Action-packed from the onset.”—
Midwest Book Review
“I loved every moment of it.”—
All About Romance
“Fantastically drawn characters . . . and their passion for each other is palpable in each scene they share. It stews beneath the surface and when it finally reaches boiling point . . . Oh, wow!”—
Vampire Romance Books
“I've never read anything like this book.
Demon Angel
is brilliant, heartbreaking, genre-bending—even, I dare say, epic. Simply put, I love it.”—Marjorie M. Liu
“Brook has crafted a complex, interesting world that goes far beyond your usual . . . paranormal romance.
Demon Angel
truly soars.”—Jennifer Estep, author of
“I can honestly say I haven't read many books lately that have kept me guessing and wondering ‘what's next,' but this is one of them. [Brook has] created a unique and different world . . . gritty and realistic . . . incredibly inventive . . . This is a book which makes me think and think about it even days after finishing it.”—
Dear Author
“Enthralling . . . [A] delightful saga.”—
The Best Reviews
“Extremely engaging ... A fiendishly good book.
Demon Angel
is outstanding.”—
The Romance Reader
“A surefire winner. This book will captivate you and leave you yearning for more. Don't miss
Demon Angel
Romance Reviews Today
“A fascinating romantic fantasy with . . . a delightful pairing of star-crossed lovers.”—
Midwest Book Review
“Complex and compelling . . . A fabulous story.”
Joyfully Reviewed
“An emotional roller coaster for both the characters and the reader. Brook has penned a story I am sure readers won't soon forget . . . Extraordinary work.”—
Romance Junkies
“In-depth and intriguing. I loved the obvious thought and ideas put into writing this tale. The characters are deep, as is the world that is set up.”—
The Romance Readers Connection
“Brook . . . creates fantastic death-defying love . . . Extremely erotic . . . with a paranormal twist.”—
Fresh Fiction
“Intriguing . . . The sex is piping hot.”
Romance Reviews Today
“I look forward to many more tales from Ms. Brook.”
Joyfully Reviewed
Titles by Meljean Brook
(with Emma Holly, Lora Leigh, and Shiloh Walker)
(with Maggie Shayne, Marjorie M. Liu, and Alyssa Day)
(with Susan Sizemore, Erin McCarthy, and Chris Marie Green)
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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / November 2008
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To Brad.
Whether here or Over There—may you always
make it home safe, little brother.
In the First Battle, Lucifer the Morningstar led his rebel angels against Heaven. After their defeat, the rebels received their punishment: they were transformed into demons and tossed into Hell. Although they were free to travel to Earth through the Gates, the demons were bound by the Rules:
They cannot take human life. They cannot prevent a human from acting of his free will.
Those angels who refused to take sides in the First Battle were transformed into nosferatu, cursed with bloodlust and vulnerability to daylight, and sent to Earth. Unlike demons, nosferatu are not bound by the Rules.
For a time, seraphim—warrior angels loyal to Heaven—resided in the realm of Caelum and watched over humans, protecting them from the demons' temptations and the nosferatu's violence. The seraphim could never completely pass for human, however, and so the people on Earth began worshipping them as gods. When Lucifer realized this, his jealousy led him to wage another war against the angels.
The Second Battle took place on Earth, and Lucifer brought with him a dragon from the Chaos realm. The angels began to
falter before the dragon—but mankind, witnessing the battle taking place, joined the angels in their fight against the demons. One man, Michael, destroyed the dragon by cutting through its heart with his sword. With the dragon slain, the angels regrouped and were victorious.
After the Second Battle, the seraphim retreated from Caelum and from Earth. They bestowed upon Michael the power to protect humans, and to transform into Guardians any men or women who had sacrificed their lives to save another from otherworldly threats. In addition to immortality, wings, strength, and the ability to alter their appearance, these Guardians were given individual Gifts to assist in their fight against the demons and nosferatu.
Because they had once been human, Guardians can easily walk among those they protect. But despite their great powers, Guardians are also limited by the Rules.

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