Delivered to the Aliens: Cosmic Connections (6 page)

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Authors: Nancey Cummings,Starr Huntress

BOOK: Delivered to the Aliens: Cosmic Connections
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Alton still held her hand. Sophia eyed him warily. Zan reached in and placed his hand on top of theirs. “As you can imagine, it’s hard finding a woman open minded enough to settle down on an active sentry post.”

“Warriors not popular husband material?”

“We’re a bit rough for some,” he said.

Sophia laughed. Rough was an understatement but she wasn't put off by their sloppy housekeeping. The two gorgeous men may have been feral bachelors but they were desperate to seduce her, yearning for a serious relationship. When it rains, it pours.

Zan and Alton shared a look.

“We’re not that funny,” Alton said.

“Speak for yourself. I’m hilarious.”

“No,” Sophia said, shaking her head. “It’s not you. It’s all this.” She waved a hand vaguely at the males and then larger room as a whole.

“I realize this is not the Terran way,” Alton said. Not even close. “We can go as slow as you need.” He sighed and briefly disappointment flickered across his face.

Sophia smiled at the sweet, sincere expression. She reached up and patted his cheek. His eyes closed, leaning into her hand. “Thank you for understanding,” she said.

“This is really fast and I don’t know anything about you two.”

“You know I’m a terrible dancer,” Alton said, hands on her waist and pulling her back to him. 

“Not so terrible,” she said. Practice makes perfect and as long as practicing meant she got to be held against his hard, taunt form, she was all about practice.

Alton led her in a two step, twirling to the rhythm. Each movement grew more confident. Zan joined seamlessly, taking her mid twirl and placing his hand on her waist. They did not miss a step. The men traded her between them, moving in harmony, functioning as a whole. The men moved better together than separately. Hmm. Maybe there was something to the idea of good on the dance floor being good in bed. She hoped so.

“Think about it,” Alton said, pulling her close when the melody slowed. “Twice the hands, twice the tail and twice the mouths.”

That sounded so appealing.

Zan pressed behind her, his hands on her waist. Alton’s hands on her lower back. It felt natural to be between the two alien males, protected and secure. She didn’t notice when Zan brushed back her hair and kissed the nape of her neck. Alton’s hands caressed her hips and the curve of her bottom. It seemed right when Alton leaned for a gentle kiss. His lips brushed against hers in invitation to greater pleasures. She hummed with delight and turned to kiss Zan.

Zan’s lips claimed hers with intensity. Alton’s long fingers skimmed up her thighs, lifting up the hem of her dress. His fingers worked under the thin fabric of her soaked panties. Zan pressed into her from behind, his arousal obvious. Alton held her in the front, his hands on her hips, equally aroused. Two could be nice. Extraordinary, actually.

“Don’t make a decision now,” Zan said. “Let’s just explore.”

Sophia nodded. Exploration sounded reasonable, responsible, even. She owed it to herself to explore this unmapped territory. “Can I touch your tail?”

Alton looked like she could knock him over with a feather.

Zan gave Alton a smirk. “I told you she was bold.”

A blush overtook her. “If it’s weird, never mind.”

“No, no,” Alton stuttered out, his cool confidence shaken. “That’s just not a first date kind of thing.”

“We’re married,” she said.

“So we are.”

“And I’m curious. Terran’s don’t have tails.”

“I’ve noticed.”

“Been starring at my ass?”

“I have,” Zan added helpfully. “You can pull my tail anytime,

Alton placed the end of his tail in her hand. The tail was covered in a light, downy fuzz. It was soft, almost velveteen. The end was tufted in course hair nearly the texture of a beard. The color matched the hair on his head. She worked her fingers into the tuft, like she would pet a cat. His eyes closed in pleasure.

Yeah, she was digging the tail.

She turned to Zan. “Your turn.” She gave his tail the same treatment and was rewarded with the same eye rolling reaction.

Alton pressed against her while she stroked the underside of Zan’s tail. His thumb worked under her panties, brushing against her lower lips. As he brushed his thumb against her tingling core, she jumped with a bolt of electricity. Sophia glanced away, fixing her gaze on the clock on the wall.

Zan placed his thumb and forefinger under her chin and turned her head back to him. A week ago she worried about making rent and finding a job. Now she was on an alien planet, married and making out with her two gorgeous husbands. Shit. Sophia’s heart raced, thumping heavily in her chest from arousal and worry. The last man she took a chance with made her life hell. What did she even know about them?

Nothing. Not a damn thing.

Sophia pulled away, extracting herself from Zan’s embrace and Alton’s hands. “This is too fast,” she said.

“Okay,” Alton said, backing away. “Then let’s slow down.”

Sophia brought a hand to her mouth and bit on a knuckle, suppressing a laugh.

Zan exchanged a look with Alton. They thought she was batty now. Fantastic.

“How do we slow this down?” she asked. “We’re already married.”

Alton shrugged. “How about a date?”

Sophia laughed. “Oh my gosh, that’s so old fashioned. Can you pick me up at my mother’s at seven?”

“When’s curfew?” he asked.

Sophia went to the kitchen sink, grabbed a glass drying in the drain board and filled it with tap water. How much wine did she have? Enough for a hangover. Enough to regret.

Sensing the mood had passed, Zan and Alton cleared the table. Zan washed and Alton dried the dishes. Sophia sat at the table, staring at her glass of water. When the last dish was put away, Sophia said, “The night after tomorrow.”

“Pardon?” Alton asked.

“Date night,” I said. “Don’t get any ideas. Woo me.”

A smile spread across Alton’s handsome face. “Challenge accepted.”




The front door closed. Steps echoed on the porch before vanishing. Sophia rolled over in the bed, struggling to empty her mind and go back to sleep.

Unfamiliar insect noises and bird calls drifted in through the open window. Otherwise the homestead was quiet. Sophia had lived with the constant drone of the space station, noise from ventilation, life support, neighbors, the hum of electricity and the very quiet, almost imperceptible rattle of artificial gravity. Every night she slept with the white noise of the station. She barely noticed it in the end and missed the comforting noise. The silence of insects and birds was deafening.

A skittering outside the window drew her from the bed.

Sophia reached for the baseball bat and inched toward the window. Alton said nothing could breach the house’s shielding and it was safe to sleep with the windows open. The shields only allowed air through. No insects or little monsters could get through.

Still, it sounded like something was climbing up the side of the stone house.

Sophia inched toward the window. The men made sure one of them stayed close by during their nightly patrols. If a little monster was indeed climbing up the side of the house, they’d be back soon enough.

She stood to the side and peered out.

Nothing. Not a creature, a branch from a tree, or a stalk of a plant touched the wise of the house. She imagined the noise.

Sighing with relief, Sophia collapsed back into bed.



Chapter Nine





The next day, Sophia continued to wage her war against the bachelor-levels of grime in the house. She enlisted Alton to help her change the heavy curtains in the living room. Natural light illuminated the grubby walls in desperate need of a new coat of paint. She added that to a mental to-do list. She moved all the furniture and scrubbed the bare floors. Furniture fabric she cleaned as best as she could with a bottle of foaming cleanser and scrub brush and let dry in the sun. 

Zan continued to work on the cooling unit for the house. The melody of a continuous stream of his cursing filled the air like a familiar song, sometimes punctuated with a clang of metal on metal and an angry shout. “Blazin’ obsolete pile of stubborn, worthless machinery. I cannot wait to melt you down for scrap.”

With the windows open and a breeze moving through, the temperature strayed to the uncomfortable side of tolerable. The sun came out in full force in the afternoon. Sweat trickled down her back and her dark hair plastered against her forehead. Alton and Zan seemed immune to the heat. Alton led her to the saniroom and a cool bath.

She soaked in the water, letting the heat dissipate from her body. The day had been exhausting but satisfying. No one mentioned the evening before but both males gave her plenty of space.

Her thoughts drifted toward the easy-going, easy-to-love Alton and the arrogant, closed-off Zan. Sophia’s nipples tightened as she remembered Zan taking off his shirt as he worked, the beads of sweat on his golden-toned skin.  Or the ease with which Alton lifted and moved heavy furniture for her all day, the muscles moving and flexing in his broad shoulders. Both males were gorgeous and clearly desired her. And she desired them, too. It had been a long time since she had a lover. Even before the break up with Derek, they had not been intimate for quite some time.

Would it be so crazy to take the next step in their relationship? They were married, after all.

Her body was on board with that idea but sex complicated things. The last thing Sophia needed was another complication. She also needed relief. Fortunately, there was nothing complicated about easing her tension.

Sophia stroked her clit, swollen and wet, circling the sensitive button. She spread her juices, careful not to disturb the water and splash. The last thing she needed was Alton and Zan bursting in because water leaked through the floorboards. But if they did burst in and found her with her fingers working her clit... Her back arched at the idea of being on display for them, spreading her thighs in the tub and showing them how hot they made her. Mmm.

A knock on the door startled her. She jumped out of the tub, splashing water everywhere.

“Chow’s on,” Alton said.

“I’ll be right there,” she said, moving quickly for a towel. Nearly caught, her heart raced but the overwhelming need for release did not disappear. Her pussy ached as she dried off, swollen and sensitive. Her nipples stung in the air. Her time in the tub only made her arousal worse but she didn’t have the nerve to finish the job she started.

Dinner with the two males was going to be hell.





Sophia arrived at the table with damp hair and scent of her desire clinging to her fingers. Alton’s nostrils flared as he took a deep breath and his cock stirred. Zan did the same. He caught his partner’s eye with a grin. They respected her wishes and gave her space. They weren’t, however, giving her an easy time. Zan stripped down as soon as the air turned warm in the house. Alton flexed and preened like a peacock when Sophia watched him. And she did watch them. And now they knew she was as affected by them as they were of her.


They could give her space and help her work out that tension. He was more than happy to oblige.





Alton and Zan acted weird during dinner. They each had the cocky smile of a shared secret, like they heard or smelled what she did in the saniroom. Impossible. She washed her hands. Twice. Corravians had powerful senses but even they couldn’t smell that. Could they?

The evening sun sank over the horizon, casting a warm orange and red wash over the house. Sophia joined Alton on the front porch, legs dangling over the side. She set down a cold glass on the porch floorboard before climbing down next to him. He gave the glass a considered look.

“It’s water,” she said. Corravian booze was much stronger than she could tolerate.

The late summer air was warm and humid. Insects hummed in the distance. She sat on the edge of the porch, next to Alton. Their bodies were separated by twelve inches, his glistening forearms inches from her warm arms. Heat rolled off of him in waves. Every part of her wanted to curl around him to soak up the heat like a cat lounging in the sun. This was ridiculous. She scooted farther away.

“Probably for the best,” he said. “You’re not exactly pleasant in the mornings when you’re hungover.”

“I was not hungover this morning.” Not really. Just dehydrated and a bit of a headache. Hardly hungover at all.

” he said.

She sipped the water. Drawn from a well, the water was crisper and sweeter than anything she had on Aldrin One. Or Earth for that matter. “Lucky thing you’re a good looking male, otherwise I wouldn’t tolerate this lip.”

Alton smirked. “So I’m good looking now?”

“Honesty, right?” Dammit. She was flirting. Why was she flirting? Okay, she knew why: hormones, pent up energy and his damn handsome mouth were why she flirted. “You on a stakeout or something?”

“We’ll brand the calves tomorrow but someone needs to watch the herd tonight.” He pointed to the barn in the distance.

“Couldn’t you get surveillance equipment to do this?” she asked, desperate to change the course of the conversation.

He scratched his chin before answering. “I have a few but a ranch this size has too much ground to cover. It’s just me and Zan, so we put the calves in a central location.”

“Did you at least lock the barn door?”

“What? Before they’re stolen?” He shook his head, grinning. “You and your city ideas.”

Sophia frowned sourly. “Maybe we’d get along better if you actually explained the reasoning to me, rather than assume I’m an elitist ass.”

Alton laughed and slapped a knee.

She stared off into the night surrounding the house. Cicadas hummed in the distance. There were no lights other than the glow from inside the house. No street lights, no car headlights and the closest neighbors were a mile away. They really were in the middle of nowhere. Anything could be out there: aliens, coyotes, cattle rustlers, Sugar Cane addicts and who knows what else. Even Derek. He saw her depart Aldrin One. It would take no effort to figure out where the ship was headed.

“I’m glad I’m here, Alton,” she said. Because a Terran stuck out like a sore thumb on Corra. If Derek followed her, she’d see him coming. And as long as she stayed with Alton and Zan, she was safe.

More than that, she actually liked the two males. It could have been anyone on the other side of that marriage contract. She was glad it was Alton and Zan.

“Are you?” he asked.

His voice drew her eyes and his gaze held hers. “Yeah,” she said. “I am. You’re growing on me.”

He placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face toward him, his mouth claiming hers in a gentle kiss. Her skin tingled where they touched and her body hummed with aroused electricity. Hot damn.

Alton pulled away, his warm dark eyes still locked with hers. “Is that okay or would you rather we stop?”

“Don't you dare stop,” she said.

Strong arms surrounded her, squeezing her into an embrace. Another possessive kiss and the world melted away. Sophia sighed with deep longing as his hands stroked the small of her back. He pulled her toward him and she climbed into his lap. His hands appreciated the round curve of her ass and pushed up her skirt, exploring the length of her legs. He pulled away the elastic of her panties and slipped his hand between damp cotton and hot flesh. She shivered with delight as his thumb brushed the lips of her pussy.

With a growl, he rolled her onto her back. Her panties were torn away. Hot. Damn.

Alton knelt before her and spread her thighs. The evening air was warm against her skin but she burned hotter. He took a full minute studying her delicate flesh. She quivered with frustration. Finally, he lowered his face, pressing into her folds and inhaled deeply.

His tongue flicked the tip of her clit, sending sparks of sensation through her. Jesus. Sophia’s body recoiled immediately from shock but his hands were on her thighs, holding her in place. She breathed out and relaxed into his warm, moist tongue. He slowly lapped the length of her pussy, taking pains to explore every fold and crevice. He circled her most sensitive nub, alternating between sucking and pushing. Her hips bucked. She grabbed onto a horn, eliciting a hungry moan. She was so ready to be fucked. She needed a cock in her now.

“Alton, please,” she said between gasps.

His slipped a finger in her silken entrance, twisting it to hit her sensitive spots. Sophia’s hips lifted off the porch. She needed more. Another finger. Now there were no fancy moves, just the pumping of his fingers and his tongue still working her clit. Another finger slid in. So close now.

A comm beeped. “Alton, we got a live one.”

Alton jerked away, leaving her empty and panting. “I’m sorry,” he said, giving her a quick kiss on the lips. She realized the tart taste on her lips was herself.

“You can’t go now,” she said. Not when she was so close. Frustration edged her voice into a whine.

“Duty calls but I’d love to continue this.”

“Sure,” she said, the satisfied warm glow quickly leaving her body. “To be continued.”

“Fantastic.” Another kiss as he picked up his equipment and left.

She watch him head toward the barn. “Jerk,” she said. There was zero chance she was sleeping tonight.





Alton found Zan fussing over the clawed barn doors. In the dim light, the damage was obvious. Long, deep gouges marred the wood. Not as obvious was the tampering with the lock. Someone tried to bust the locks and make it appear like a hungry mornclaw trying to get a Bova snack.

Zan’s back went erect. He took a deep breath, catching the heady aroma of Sophia’s juices on Alton, and he licked his lips. “What happened to share-share alike?”

“I can be one charming devil when I want.”

“Well, your charming ass needs to brand these calves tomorrow. The only reason we still have a herd is because I decided to boost the camera’s signal.”

“They get through the door?” This was why Zan called him away from the paradise between Sophia’s thighs? Alton could knock his partner down to the ground in frustration.

“It’s wood, not a super material. It won’t stop them if they’re determined.”

“And they keep coming back so they’re determined.”

“How does she taste?” Zan asked, eyes gleaming with envy.

“Better than honey. Like the best thing in the universe.”



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