Delivered to the Aliens: Cosmic Connections (10 page)

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Authors: Nancey Cummings,Starr Huntress

BOOK: Delivered to the Aliens: Cosmic Connections
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Chapter Fourteen





Once a week the town held an open air market. Farmers brought in the freshest produce and freshly butchered meat. Merchants set up stalls hawking their wares. Alton and Zan rounded up a dozen almost-chickens and loaded the crates into the back of the truck. Sophia practically vibrated with excitement, sandwiched between the large men in the truck’s cab.

“It’s only a farmer’s market,” Zan said. “Nothing special.”

“I like crowds,” Sophia said. “Aldrin One had a market square stuffed with vendor booths that rotated daily.”

The town’s market was not as large but it was vibrant. Zan couldn’t wait to spoil Sophia and hand feed her mouth-watering foods.  Then they would find Miri and talk about a “job” for his mate.

He rested an arm across the back of the seat. Subtle. Sophia rolled her eyes but still leaned into him. She smelled of honey and citrus. He breathed deep, savoring. The scent was so good it should be illegal. 

Smiling down at her, he brushed back her hair and landed a soft kiss on her forehead. She tilted her face up, wanting more than a chaste little kiss.

“Careful,” Zan murmured. “We’ll make Alton jealous.”

“He can join us. I like kissing you both.” Her dark eyes were wide and sincere. Could she be any more delicious?

“Someone has to drive,” Alton said in a stern tone but his eyes flashed with humor. “No one likes to be teased.”

Oh, he was such a liar. Sophia pulled Zan’s face down toward hers in a consuming kiss. Her free hand reached to Alton’s lap, rubbing his muscular thighs and groin. He was hard.

“I think he does like to be teased,” Sophia said to Zan.

“And what should we do about it?” he asked, pulling her onto his lap, straddling his thigh. He lifted her skirt, thumb stroking her soaked panties. “She is so wet,” he said to Alton.

Sophia’s mouth claimed his. Zan worked his fingers between her panties and her slick, aching pussy. Her hips rolled, grinding into his hand. He growled, ripping the fabric.

“Pull over,” Sophia said. She tugged at the front buckle on Zan’s trousers. His cock sprang free, thick and hard. She bit her lip in appreciation. Yeah, he loved the effect he had on her.

“Is this what you want?” he asked.

“Oh yes,” she sighed. She wanted his cock so much.

He gripped his cock and rubbed the head along her slit, covering it in her juices.

“Don’t make me wait,” she said.

“I thought you liked to be teased?”

Sophia lunged forward and grabbed him by the horns, pulling his face to her. His kiss was aggressive, possessive and all consuming.

His hips bucked up and he pulled her down onto his cock in one smooth motion. Her moan filled the cab as she took his length. His fingers dug into her hips, holding her tight as he lifted and shoved her down onto his cock. It wasn’t sweet and it was far from gentle, but she came to him, not the tender and gentle Alton. She climbed onto his lap because she wanted to get fucked. Hard.

He was happy to oblige his mate.

Sophia wrapped an arm around his neck, holding on and rested her cheek on his shoulder. Alton watched, stroking his cock slowly.

“Smack her ass,” Alton instructed. Zan did. Sophia clenched at the smarting sensation.

“She likes that,” Zan said, growling in approval. He pumped into her fast and hard. She clenched around his cock, squeezing firmly. “Fuck, she’s tight. And hot.”

His cock stretched and filled her. He swelled and twitched. He wouldn’t last much longer but to finish before his mate was unacceptable.

“Help her out,” he said to Alton.

The other male leaned in, kissing her on the lips sweetly and placing his fingers on her clit. Zan felt the vibrations as Alton rubbed her clit in neat circles. Breath hitched in her throat. She neared her release.

“She likes that,” Zan said.

“Don’t stop,” she moaned.

Another sharp smack on her gloriously pliable ass sent her over the edge. She cried out, hands digging into his shoulder, her back arching. His release followed, pumping deep into her. His head fell, nuzzling into the curve of her exposed neck. His tongue laved the area he bit not but days ago.

“I love you, sweetness,” Zan murmured. He kissed the healing skin and handed her over to his partner.

Boneless and trembling, she sank onto the length of his hard cock. Alton gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

“Hi,” he said.

She blushed. “Hi.”

“Are you okay?”

She nodded.

His arm wrapped around her back, holding her to him and he rocked into her, gently working his length in and out of her core. Her eyes closed, lost to pleasure and sensation.

“She’s amazing,” Alton said to Zan. She really was. His mate. Their mate.

Sophia rested her head on Alton’s shoulder, face turned to Zan. He stroked her hair and leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek. She moaned, lifting her mouth to capture his, kissing him back enthusiastically.

“She can’t get enough,” Zan said, his words cocky but tender.





She could feel the beating of Alton’s heart. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the gentle sensation. Zan was fast and hard. Alton was all tenderness. She didn’t think it was possible to crave two men equally, to know both were right for her, but now that she had them, she didn’t want to let go.

Zan said he loved her. Softly, whispering his devotion like a secret. Sophia wanted to repeat the words. She felt them. Felt something near them. But she couldn’t bring herself to say it. Not yet.

She reached up and stroked Alton’s horns. He closed his eyes as a shiver of bliss coursed through him. His horns seemed larger than the day before. Must be a trick of perspective.

“Stay with me,” Sophia said. He did not break the slow, rocking pace. His hands slid down to her bottom and he pulled her into a kneeling position, hitting the perfect spot in her.

“I need to claim you again,” he groaned, eyes closed. His fangs descended, flashing white against his tawny complexion.

Sophia tilted her neck to one side, exposing the flesh he savaged the previous night.

Alton sank his fangs into her, biting deep. Simultaneous he pumped his seed deep into her and his hormones into the claiming mark. His seed mixed with Zan’s and leaked down her thigh. Warmth spread through her body and she found herself climaxing again, hips bucking and her thighs trembling.

Sophia collapsed between the two males. Her thighs were slick with sweat and their combined seed. She panted, exhausted and content.

“How good is the Corravian sense of smell?” she asked.

“Pretty good,” Zan said.

“So everyone is going to kno

Alton nodded, a proud gleam in his eyes. “They’ll know we claimed you.”

“We belong to you now,” Zan said, kissing once more his mark on her shoulder.

By the time they arrived at time, Sophia was mostly composed. She stank of sex and her hair had a just-been-taken-hard appearance, but nothing could bring down her mood. Her men delivered the produce to Miri, who gave them a box of fresh bread and sweet rolls.

“You’re coming with me,” Miri said, linking her arm with Sophia.

“She just needs someone to carry stuff,” Alton said.

“Nonsense, I like Sophia,” she said, pulling her away. “Besides, who wants to see you sell chickens. Boring.”

“I’m selling these chickens to your Brace,” he said.

Miri tossed her hair over her shoulder and walked away, pulling Sophia behind her. “Little brothers,” she said.

“It’s sweet. I don’t have any siblings.”

“We bicker but I love him.”

Sophia followed Miri through the stalls. Corravians dwarfed her on all sides. The crowd spoke in the melodic language of Corra. Occasional bursts of Universal were directed toward her as a courtesy.

An aroma of sugar and berries pulled Sophia to a stall with fresh baked bread slathered in a rich, ruby red jam. The samples vanished in her greedy hands.

“Frais is good for many things,” the woman operating the stall said in rough Universal. “Medicinal values. Helps with stamina. Fertility. Give your Brace many children.” She gave Sophia a sly glance. The only Terran in town, everyone seemed to know exactly who she was, who her mates were, and they were all up in her business.

The older female quoted a price that made Sophia’s head spin.

Miri appeared at her shoulder. “Stop trying to rob innocent Terrans.” The two females haggled, their eyes sparkling. Miri bounced on the toes of her feet, clearly enjoying herself. Finally, the women agreed on a price and Sophia had a half dozen jars of the tasty jam for half of what she paid for a nice meal out on Aldrin One. Not too shabby.

The older female carefully wrapped the jars in paper before placing them in a paper bag. She grabbed Sophia’s wrist. “I’m glad you’re giving Zan a chance. He’s a good boy. Not many females would be interested in a broken Brace.”

“What do you mean?”

Miri’s normally golden skin paled in distress. She knocked away the woman’s hand from Sophia. “We should go. They’re waiting for us.”

“No,” Sophia said. “What do you mean?”

The older woman’s gaze fell toward the ground. “I meant nothing.”

“Miri,” Sophia said, turning to her for an explanation. “What’s a broken Brace?”

“Didn’t Alton explain the situation?” Eyes cast at the ground, she shuffled her feet uncomfortably. “I don’t want to speak out of turn.”

Alton and Zan explained nothing. “Then explain it to me now.”

“Alton and Zan have been friends since they were small,” Miri said. Sophia nodded. That they did explain. “But they went to separate universities. Zan joined a Brace almost immediately.”

My mind went blank. The words trickled in but they didn’t make much sense. “Zan had a Brace before Alton? He had a wife before me?” She scanned through all her interactions with Zan but nothing hinted at a previous Brace. But he was so determined not to develop an attachment to her, always keeping her at arm's length.

Miri nodded. “Caldwell and Arlean. They were a bit older, I hear.”

“What happened?” Was Zan divorced? Was that why Zan continued to be distant? Even though the males claimed her, Zan continued to be polite but stiff in her presence.

“She died from the Trembling Fever. Tragic, really,” Miri said and the older female nodded in agreement. “Not many Braces can survive that kind of loss.”

“And not many females are willing to give a chance to a male on his second Brace,” the older woman said. So much made sense. Why Alton had to use the mail-order agency. Why Zan was surprised and resentful at her presence. The woman patted Sophia’s hand. “You won’t think poorly of our Zan, will you now? He’s a good male and has a lot to give.”

Sophia shook her head. She wasn’t mad at Zan.

Alton, however, had a hell of a lot to explain.





The jam jar hit Alton square in the back. The glass shattered as it bounced off him to the ground, splattering a sticky red jam on the back of his legs.

“What the?!” He spun in time to dodge the second jar Sophia threw.

“You lying bastard!” she shouted.

He tried to wipe off the jam, only spreading the sticky goo more. “What are you going on about?”

Eyes bright, she stomped toward him and jabbed a finger in the center of his chest. His horns tingled in response to her proximity. “We agreed to be honest.” He nodded.

“Then why, immediately after we said we would be honest, when I asked you why a Terran, why an agency, you failed to mention that Zan was from a broken Brace?”

“Have you been talking to Miri?”

“I’ll talk to whoever I damn well please, Alton. Answer the question.”

At a loss for words, Alton held up his hands in surrender. He’d never been on the receiving end of his mate’s wrath. She’d hollered at Zan frequently, and honestly, both of them loved a good argument, but she only had the sweetest words for Alton.

“Answer me!”

He did not respond quickly enough. Sophia gave a strangled cry of frustration, lobbing another jam jar. “I am so sick of men who lie to me! You were all smiles and charm but that was nothing but a layer of shit, wasn’t it? I swear to the Stars Above, we agreed to honesty and the
fucking thing out of your mouth was a lie.” Her hands beat against his chest ineffectively. She seemed to get no satisfaction out of pummeling him, growing more wild with each strike.

His large hands clamped around her, trapping her arms against her body. “I didn’t want you to reject Zan.”

“Liar! You didn’t tell Zan I was coming, that’s why you used the agency. You tricked us.”

His hold relaxed. “Is that what you think? That I tricked you?”

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