Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (22 page)

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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was annoyed.
Why can’t they leave Grace
alone? She’s a bloody, grown woman who can do as she pleases!
It was on the
tip of his tongue to say it, but Alistair knew Cat was a hellion. Alistair didn’t
dare to deal with Cat’s wrath. Cat ignored his off putting tone.

please! Call me right away! Speak to you soon. Ta!” Cat replied. Cat ended the
conversation, leaving Alistair staring at his phone. Alistair pushed his mobile
into his trouser pocket to continue shopping. Sharon and Philippe rushed over.

was on the phone. What’s so important that you two felt a need to interrupt?”
Alistair asked hotly. The conversation with Cat bothered him.

cried Sharon. Sharon pressed mobile into Alistair’s palm.

won’t believe it!” gasped Philippe.

looked at the iPhone. In surprise he gasped aloud. There in colour photos,
Grace stood in a ruined Delicious arguing with the hottest, Premier footballer



ight fell over London. The bakery in
relative order. Staff, who remained behind to help, finally left. Grace and Guy
were alone in the shop. Grace looked over the quote the construction contractor
gave her. Grace was satisfied the work would only be a few days. There wasn’t
major damage done.

Earlier whilst the
contractor surveyed damage Guy picked up a mop and bucket. He washed down
floors, lifted tables and chairs to place them in appropriate places and
cleaned. Not once did Guy moan about the hard work. Grace glanced over to him a
few times. Guy would catch her eye and whistle happily.

the survey was over and quoted Guy insisted on paying for repairs. The
contractor kept his word and told Grace that he had no intention on charging
her. The bill went directly to Guy. Grace relented. After all, she was losing a
few days of profit. The bakery would remain closed until Tuesday morning.

dimmed the lights to the bakery before pulling out a bottle of spring water
from the fridge. She brought it over to Guy sitting at a table.

really attract crowds.” murmured Grace. She opened the cold bottle pouring the
water into a glass for Guy.

Guy replied lifting it to his lips. Thirsty, Guy drank.

wish you attracted the crowd for a right reason. Instead I’m losing three days
of profits.” Grace continued.

can if you wish. You can name a power-bar muffin after me. I’ll endorse it for
free.” Guy replied in a serious manner. Grace looked at him as if Guy’s joking.

It’ll be filled with nothing but bran and fluff!” Grace chortled. They laughed.

It feels good laughing with Guy,
It feels good to see Guy too
She noticed how his smile curved upwards and his lush lips had droplets of cool
water on them. Grace’s mind began to wander.

Grace fantasised
about Guy pouring ice water on her flesh, lapping at it slowly. She could see
his dark cinnamon eyes staring at her own aquamarine with every lap of his
tongue against her tummy. Her pussy began to moisten and contract.

“Grace? Grace, are
you ok?” Guy asked. Guy broke silence between them.

“I’m fine.” Grace
mumbled. “I’m thinking about this work.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll
take care of it.” Guy replied as Grace got up from the table. She shook her
hair with her hand as if trying to shake the thought. The makeup on Grace’s
face worn off and her hair pushed away exposing the bruise. Guy leapt up. He
grabbed Grace’s free hand. Guy pulled Grace to him. He placed his palm on her

“Who did this to
you?” Guy whispered. Grace felt her spine tingle.

“Nobody. I don’t
want to talk about it.” Grace lied.

“Grace... I’m
sorry for the past, but please don’t let it affect our future. I want you
Grace, I’ve always wanted you. Please tell me who did this to you.” Guy
murmured. He tucked a piece of Grace’s hair behind her ear.

Guy cupped her
face. Grace felt her heart pulsing hard. His lips grazed hers. Their foreheads
pressed against one another.

“If you give me a
chance, Grace, I promise you to keep you safe from harm.” His words strong and
reassuring. It made Grace shudder. Grace felt her heart screaming to forgive
Guy, but her mind told her no. A loud knock interrupted them. Grace pulled away
to see three shadowy figures at the door.

“Who’s there?” Guy
Who the hell has the cheek to
interrupt my time with Grace?

peered closely. The shadowy figures were Alistair, Philippe and Sharon.

family.” Grace said. She squirmed out of his arms and walked over to the door
to open it.

with chatter, Alistair, Philippe and Sharon came into the bakery. Grace locked
the door. They all turned to look at Guy standing in the middle of the room.

Alistair said walking closer to inspect Guy. Guy blinked twice. “I’m Grace’s
uncle, Alistair.” he introduced.

hell! I thought you’re Robbie Williams.” Guy said. Everyone laughed.

older than Robbie and twice as handsome.” Alistair cheekily replied. He was use
to mistaken identity and quips.

is Philippe, Alistair’s fiancé and Sharon, their best-friend.” Grace continued
on Alistair’s behalf.

Guy shook their hands. He said hello. Alistair eyed him up and down. He
couldn’t believe that this famous footballer was in Grace’s business in the
near-dark. Alistair turned to Grace.

did you know I was here?” Grace asked.

and Corrie called me. They’re worried to death. You hadn’t rung so I told them
I’ll come by here. Philippe and Sharon showed me Rumour Mill and then I knew
all.” Alistair answered.

shifted her weight around in discomfort. She didn’t want Guy thinking she was
still living under her aunt’s thumbs.

smiled at her and pulled her hand. It brought Grace’s body into his side.
Alistair didn’t miss a thing.
Guy and
Grace are close...very close.

call them in a bit. All this fiasco and business took up all of my time.” Grace
answered softly. Alistair looked at damage needing repair.

because of a hot footballer!” Sharon joked. Everyone chuckled.

must be going, Grace.” Guy murmured. “Make a promise to me that we’ll go to
dinner this week.”

promises to have dinner.” Alistair answered. Grace felt her face growing hot
and flush. The trio stared at them with curious eyes waiting for their next

dinner with him is better than dinner with Trevor.” Philippe said bashful.
“Guy’s handsome!”

Inquisitively Guy
looked at Grace.

you dating Trevor?” Guy asked.

No I’m not!” Grace replied sharply.

took Grace’s cue.
She’s uncomfortable and
it’s time for me to go.

discuss it on a later date. I’ll call you.” Guy said. “It’s a pleasure to meet
you all.” he said turning to everyone.

pleasure’s most likely ours.” Sharon retorted eagerly.

gave Grace a kiss on both cheeks. He smiled at Grace and winked.

night!” The trio choired.

Once Guy was gone
everyone exploded in loud chatter.

my god! He’s bloody gorgeous!” Sharon cried.

bad he’s straight!” Philippe chimed.

So we can fight over him like cats.” joke Alistair.

laughed as she straightened out a chair.

got a minx here, Alistair.” Philippe said coming around the other side of the

Minx Grace.” Alistair replied.

do you know him?” queried Philippe.

don’t we go home and I’ll tell all.” Grace said.

Grace was ready to go home. Grace’s original intention of leaving London was
out the window. All she wanted was the comfort of her bed. She collected her
things and turned off the lights. The group walked out into the street and
followed Grace to the car park.
climbed in her Mini to go to Tooting Bec to find out what really went down
between Guy and Grace.

The sound of an ambulance heading to a
nearby hospital woke Tamzin from her slumber. She had fallen asleep in Trevor’s
arms. Tamzin reached over Trevor’s body for a pack of Silk Cut sitting on the
nightstand. Trevor grumbled as he awakened. He took the pack from Tamzin’s’
hand, fished out a fag, and lit a cigarette. In silence and in deep thought,
Tamzin and Trevor smoked.

time is it?” Tamzin asked.

stubbed his cigarette out in an ashtray by the bed. He looked at the clock.

nine.” he replied as Tamzin handed her cigarette off to him.

Tamzin wondered about shacking up with Trevor.
Trevor’s a celebrity chef with loads of money. What can be better than
that? I can be the first WAG’s of celebrity chefs. Or did Ollie’s wife hold title?
Tamzin circled her fingers on Trevor’s stomach. Unlike Darren’s taut abs,
Trevor’s stomach felt like soft pudding. The thought of shacking with Trevor

does Grace have that I don’t have?” Tamzin asked.

sat up on the bed. He swung his feet over the edge and stood up, lifting his
jeans over his legs and hips.

put she is not
.” Trevor said.

know she’s not me! But what is it about her that makes men drool?” Tamzin
snapped. Desperate, Tamzin wanted to find out what she was up against.

drew his shirt over his head. He walked over to the wash basin and looked in
the cracked mirror.

is everything that you’re not. She isn’t conniving or greedy. You’re always
plotting, deceiving, and backstabbing. Your work as a glamour model is drying
up. If what you’re saying’s true, then your sham of a marriage is failing too.
You need men to provide a lavish lifestyle for you. I’m not that man. You’re
hard, rough, defiant, and cold. Grace is the girl I want. She’ll submit to me,
she’ll break down unlike you.” Trevor divulged brutally.

turned around to see Tamzin getting up from the bed. She reached down to the
floor to retrieve her knickers.

all fur coat, no knickers, Tamzin. That’s the type of woman you are.” Trevor

see. Well then, let’s get this plan into action.” Tamzin replied scooping up
her clothes.

be in the shower. When I get out I expect you gone.” Trevor growled.

Trevor felt
disgusted making a deal with Tamzin, the she-devil, when he preferred to be the
devil himself.

our agreement.” Tamzin sniffed.

will. You want Guy and I want Grace. We both get what we want if we do what we
say. Enough chatter.” Trevor hissed before walking to the shower.

dressed and left the hotel. She looked around her to ensure there were no
Thank heavens Trevor chose a
seedy hotel in Kings Cross rather than a posh place.

Shattered, Darren left Guy’s flat late
Darren took a lift to the parking
garage and walked over to his red Lotus Elise S. He hoped no paparazzi were
around. One thing Darren appreciated about Guy was the media wasn’t interested
in Guy unless a major story broke. Recently Guy’s fame surge overnight. Darren
wasn’t sure if the media was waiting for Guy or him.

Even Guy’s prior
scandal with Gemma, Guy managed to go unscathed. It became a small blip on the
radar screen of Guy’s life whereas Darren’s blips were all big shocking
scandals. Last night Darren thought about confessing the truth in regards to Gemma.

Darren overheard Gemma
and Tamzin talking. Gemma claimed the baby she conceived was by another man not
Guy. Darren didn’t hear other man’s name and preferred not to know.
, Darren thought,
I need Guy more than he needs me
Last night wasn’t the night to tell Guy.
drove off satisfied in the thought.

As the parking
gate slid open and Darren turned right, he was unaware of the black BMW moving
out of its’ parking-space to follow Darren.

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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