Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (21 page)

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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But another memory
resurfaced, one to give Grace anger and rage which she needed to tell Guy to
fuck off. It was Gemma’s diabolical grin and admission to her affair with Guy.
It rumbled from her stomach, coursed its way up her arms and face.

What annoyed Grace
was how handsome Guy looked after all this time apart. Guy’s thick sooty hair
tousled as if he just got out of bed. His body seemed bigger, muscular, and
tanned. Grace suppressed herself. She was ready for an attack.

Unassuming Guy was ready to apologise. Taking
one look at Grace rendered him dumbfounded and speechless. She looked beautiful
in her anger. Grace wore navy skinny jeans with a long nautical stripped shirt
and open vest. Her long hair kissed with caramel high-low lights. Her cheeks
reddened and her lips, in clear gloss, puckered sourly. Finally Guy took his
last few steps to come face to face with Grace and before he could utter a
word, Grace splashed still lemonade on his face.

“Why did you do this to me?”

Everyone stopped
in their tracks. The silence made Grace recoil and an investigator came over to
see if Guy needed help. Guy told him no and said all was fine. Mark hand Guy a
tea towel.

“Grace, it wasn’t
my intention to come into your business and have a mob. I apologise for it all.
I only wanted to see you. I wanted to talk to you.” Guy said wiping the
lemonade off his face.

“There’s nothing
to discuss. You should leave

Grace said harshly. “You’ve done enough damage. Insurance will sort this out.”

Guy held
steadfast. Guy wasn’t going anywhere, not when he had his chance to tell her
how he felt about her. Grace didn’t meet his eyes. She didn’t want Guy to see
the tears welling in the corners of her eyes. Emotion fluttered about in her
body. Guy could tell Grace was fraught with mixed feelings.

“Grace...give me a
chance to explain.” Guy said softly.

“Ma’m we’re done
here.” An investigator interrupted.

The investigator
handed his report for Grace to file with her insurance adjusters. Grace handed her
report off to Mark. Instead Mark’s interest was in the scene between Guy and
Grace than the report. Grace cleared her throat to make Mark realise he was

“Mark, please
delegate staff on the clean up.” regimented Grace.

Mark nodded and
went off to organise the staff. The police began to leave and soon Grace and
Guy were standing alone.

“Grace, again, I
apologise. I came here to see you. I hadn’t expected a mob of fans.” Guy said.

“Are you done
here? I’ve got to repair the damage you’ve done.” Grace replied coolly. She crouched
down to pick chards of glass.

I wish he’d leave! Doesn’t Guy realise all the damage he’s done!
Grace wanted to shout her thoughts at Guy, but her heart convinced
her not to. Guy bent down to Grace’s level. He touched Grace hand to stop her
from picking up the broken glass. It was a soft touch. It made her tremble.

“Leave it be.” Guy

Guy noticed a dark
bruise covered in make-up on Grace’s cheek. It looked as though someone smacked
her hard.

“Grace, what
happened to your face?” Guy demanded.

“Nothing that
concerns you.” Grace replied cross from his inquiry.

Briefly their eyes
met. Guy scowled. He was in a rage.
hiding her attacker! Why is she hiding him?

“Grace tell me who
did this to you?” Guy asked.

“No. Do you think
that you can walk into my life a year and a half later expecting me to open up
to you?” Grace retorted.

She wasn’t a fool.
I’m not going to open my heart to him

“I know you think
I slept with Gemma, but it’s not true. I didn’t sleep with her. That night was
a blur. I drank a lot and I believe I passed out. Grace, I was set up. You have
to believe me.” Guy said. Grace got up on her feet and placed the glass onto a
tray. She ignored him.

“Grace, all this
time I thought about you. I missed you and I want you back. I know... you think
its infatuation and lust but it’s not. I’m in love with you Grace.
In love
.” Guy insisted.

Guy poured out his
heart. He was honest in his feeling.

“What about the
baby, the miscarriage, and the scandal in
? How can you explain
Grace asked slamming a chair upright. She wasn’t going to let any small detail
slip by.

“The baby wasn’t
mine. I swear to you Grace. I’ll prove to you! I was never with that whore!”
Guy cried out. “Stop making this hard, Grace. We had something great, even if
it’s short lived. I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I miss you so much.”

“I want
to go now. You’ve done enough.
Please leave.” Grace whispered. Grace looked around, bit her lip and placed her
hands on her hips.

“Why are you
making this bloody difficult? I contacted the contractors. They’ll be here
soon. I said I’ll pay for it all.” Guy throatily growled. His reaction startled
Grace. He sounded angry with her as Grace wasn’t relenting or forgiving. Guy
judged her reaction. He took a step back.

“I’m sorry.” Guy
said. He swallowed hard. “Let’s go out to dinner tonight, after the contractors
come and sort out a quote.”

Grace didn’t say a
word. She stood her ground. Her face unchanged.

“Please Grace.”

Grace knew Guy
wasn’t the type of man to beg for a date.
here he is pleading.
Guy stood in front of her like a lost puppy with his
head hung in shame.

“I’ll think about
it, but not tonight.” Grace surrender.

“I’ll stay and
help out. I’ll introduce you to the contractor. I still want to know what
happened to your face.” Guy said.

Grace nodded. They
began to collect broken glass. Secretly and simultaneously, Guy and Grace hoped
they were picking up the pieces of their broken heart.

Tamzin stood outside of Delicious. No one
recognised Tamzin incognito. She was wearing a straw fedora with her hair
tucked underneath. To shield her eyes Tamzin wore a pair of vintage Ray-Ban
sunglasses. She clutched a Marc Jacobs bag underneath her arm. Acrimoniously Tamzin
watched them collecting broken plates and cups.

Uugh! It’s that damn baker! What’s with
these footballers and bakers? They’ve got Nigella fever!
Tamzin sneered in
Here she is again, just when I
need to seduce Guy!

was visiting her publicist which was in the same building as
Rumour Mill
. Tamzin gave her publicist a
copy of Darren’s indiscretion. Her publicist discussed Tamzin’s bleak future when
her mobile vibrated on the desk. It was news that Guy was in nearby Covent
Garden causing fan frenzy.

father’s right. Seek Guy out. He’s the U.K.’s darling. I can get you on many
covers of
Rumour Mill
right after
Darren’s scandal.” Her publicist advised.

hurried off. She thought best to rescue Guy from the horde of fans, but when
Tamzin arrived the police broke it up and Guy was locked inside.
It seems Guy has other plans that don’t
include me.

finger tapped Tamzin on the shoulder. Tamzin turned around to see who tapped
her shoulder. She saw a large bouquet of flowers. They hid a stranger’s face.

me miss. What’s happened here?” a familiar voice ask. The bouquet slowly came
down to reveal the stranger’s face.

it was Trevor. Tamzin grinned wickedly.

I’m surprised to see you! What brings you here, stranger?” Tamzin asked.

arrived to apologise to Grace for his behaviour. He saw the police and was told
by an officer no one was allowed inside. He decided to ask a stranger, who
looked as if they were watching the upheaval for ages, for further details. Trevor
didn’t expect it to be Tamzin.

seems Guy drop in and caused fan-fever. It turned into a melee. The horde
destroyed the place.” Tamzin cooed.

shook his head. He couldn’t believe he was talking to Tamzin. His nightmare in
the flesh returned.

are these flowers for?” Tamzin asked sweetly.

She designed your cake.” Trevor replied.

I know darling. Are you dating her?” Tamzin inquire.

Trevor answered quickly. He didn’t like how Tamzin directed the conversation.
It’s none of her bloody business!

don’t we get a glass of wine? I know a local pub that has a private room so we
can talk.” Tamzin offered.

was aware of Trevor and his sadistic dalliances. Gemma told her everything. She
knew Trevor like sweet girls like Grace and wanted Grace.
He’ll be a great ally.
perfect! He’ll be what I need to get rid of Grace!

wasn’t too sure about having wine with Tamzin. He didn’t want to get caught in Tamzin’s
flytrap. Trevor looked at the window. He saw Guy and Grace walked to back of
the bakery.
That bastard! Guy wasn’t even
there for her like I’ve been!
Tamzin knew by the look on Trevor’s face that
he’d be game.

can help you with her. After all Guy is moving in on your bird.” Tamzin mewled.
“Now, how about that drink?”

the way.” Trevor snorted as he took Tamzin’s’ arm.

escorted Trevor in the opposite direction of the bakery.
Now this plan may work!
Tamzin thought cheerfully.

In worry, Cat rang Graces’ mobile several
times. Cat’s calls went unanswered or to voicemail. Frustrated by lack of response,
Cat placed the receiver back in its cradle. Corrie walked down the steps with
dirty dishes. She saw Cat wringing her hands. Cat’s cheeks puffed red and her
silvery hair was out of place. Her twin sister was more than worried about

no answer?” Corrie asked. “By now Grace would’ve rang.”

know!” Cat grumbled in annoyance.

Grace reached the mid-way point on the M4, she’d contact them from a rest stop.
This time the call never came. Cat and Corrie grew concerned.

pray she wasn’t in an accident.” Corrie muttered under her breath.

shot her sister a look. She didn’t want to hear it. Corrie shrugged her
shoulders as she continued to load the dishwasher. Cat took her black phonebook
down from shelf which contained recipe books. She flipped through the pages and
found Alistair’s mobile.
Cat grabbed the
phone. She quickly dialled it.

greeted Alistair on the third ring. Alistair was busy browsing Selfridge’s
racks with Philippe and best-friend, Sharon.

Alistair! Have you heard from Grace? She hasn’t rung us and we are worried.”
Cat said as a matter of fact.

No, I haven’t. I’m sure she should’ve been there now. Have you tried her
mobile?” Alistair asked. Philippe and Sharon stood several feet away. Philippe
pressed a Prada white shirt to his chest, admiring himself in a mirror whilst
Sharon was looking at her phone. Sharon was reading the
Rumour Mill
on her iPhone.

course I’ve called her mobile!” Cat snapped.

me!” Sharon gasped as she looked at her screen. “Alistair...Alistair!” Sharon
tried interrupting Alistair. He walked away from her to continue his
conversation with Cat.

Sharon showed the phone to Philippe. Philippe
amazed by what he saw, pictures of Guy and Grace standing in the bakery. They
looked as if they were in heated conversation. Then there was the picture of
Grace dousing a liquid onto hot footballer.

Alistair! Are you there?” Cat cried out.

still here Cat.” Alistair bellowed.

tried the restaurant and the flat. Are you sure Grace left?” Cat asked.

I’m sure. I’m positive that there’s a problem at the bakery Grace needed to
resolve. Most likely, she forgot to call. I’ll go to see if she is there. I’ll
contact you when I’ve spoken directly to her. Is that okay?” Alistair asked.

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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