Defeat Cancer (8 page)

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Authors: Connie Strasheim

BOOK: Defeat Cancer
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Insurance Coverage for Treatments

Many insurance companies cover our treatments, but it depends upon the patient’s insurance plan. We have patients who spend zero dollars out of pocket for our treatments, while others spend a lot of their own money. We have a very good medical insurance department which evaluates these issues.

The Politics of Cancer Treatment in the United States and My Battle with the FDA

I present my successful case stories all over the world and the FDA has reviewed all of them, so my work is being carefully controlled and monitored. We have many successful cases which the FDA has documented, but it should take only one successful case to create a revolution in medicine—and at one time, it did.

Approximately 140 years ago, in France, Louis Pasteur was able to cure a boy who had a horrible brain disease called rabies. He developed a vaccine for the rabies and the boy was cured, and his vaccine changed medical history. We have many cases of so-called incurable brain disease which we have cured at our clinic, but instead of supporting us, the government has fought us from the beginning. Everyone is still trying to get rid of us, instead of giving us all the support that they can, so that we can save thousands of children from incurable brain tumors.

Can you imagine? Medicine in the United States has become totalitarian. It’s controlled by bureaucrats. Doctors have no say in their patients’ treatments. The human being is put last, and as a result, there has been no evolution in cancer treatment. The work environment for medical doctors is so suffocating and restrictive in this country that it’s impossible for them to practice medicine in a manner which takes into account the best interests of the patient. This is unfortunate, but that’s the country in which we live now.

In other countries, the situation is somewhat different. People say that in Japan everything is controlled, but when it comes to medicine, their doctors have more freedom than doctors in the United States. If a doctor in Japan thinks that there is a medicine somewhere in the world that can help his patients, the government of Japan will do everything possible to help that doctor get this medicine. In the United States, though, forget it! They make you try radiation and chemotherapy first, which only produce a lot of side effects.

A documentary entitled: “Burzynski, The Movie,” details my experience with the FDA and is being shown at major movie theatres all around the country. (Author’s note: the logline of the documentary on Facebook reads: “the documentary
reveals how a pioneering doctor and PhD biochemist discovered the genetic mechanism to cure most human cancers—and exposes our corrupt medical industry’s failed attempts to imprison him while trying to steal his life-saving discovery”). This production has already received some awards at documentary film festivals. It reveals all of the persecution that I went through by the FDA when they discovered that I had developed a cancer treatment that works. Nobody in medical history has ever gone through as much persecution as we (in my clinic) did, because the government realized that we had something which could completely change the course of cancer treatment forever. They knew I was providing effective cancer treatment because they were supervising the clinical trials and they saw that it worked. But instead of approving my treatments, they (the people in the FDA) conspired with the pharmaceutical companies
to put me in prison for life so that they could steal the patent that I had on antineoplastons. My battle with the federal government lasted fourteen years, but in the end, I won the war.

Now, we have managed to establish a working relationship with the FDA, and fortunately, those who tried to persecute me in the FDA are no longer part of the administration. They found some “wee” (insignificant) positions in pharmaceutical companies (so nothing bad happened to them), but we still face harassment at the state and local levels. This is because other oncologists don’t understand what we do. They see us as competitors and so would like to get rid of us, because we are getting results that they can only dream about. Again, I believe that we will win in the end, because medicine is changing in the entire world, and more doctors are learning how to do this kind of therapy. In a few more years people will say that what I am doing is obviously effective and antineoplaston treatment will no longer be “alternative” medicine. The persecution I suffered for so many years from the FDA is unfortunate, but I have always believed I was right, so I never gave up. I thought, why should I cave in to people who only want to steal from me and make a lot of money? Ultimately, I believed that the right idea—mine—was going to win. I have always believed that. Now, the question is how to convey my message to the American people. It’s difficult, because in general, people are tired and have a lot of problems, so getting them to think about new ideas isn’t easy. But once we are able to explain the idea of antineoplastons to a majority, I think it will just be a matter of time before we win.

Unfortunately, at the present moment, not just anyone can come to see us. Federal regulations require that early stage cancer patients comply with the conventional “standard of care.” This is partly why we don’t see many early stage cancer patients; we don’t have much flexibility with their treatment options. Doctors can be easily sued for malpractice if they don’t recommend the standard of care to their patients (basically, chemotherapy and radiation), so this creates a difficult situation for us. They don’t have much freedom with what they can do, treatment-wise. The medical bureaucrats
say, “This is the type of cancer, this is how you are to treat it, and if you treat it any other way, you will be punished.”

At my clinic, we are only allowed to use antineoplaston treatments on patients that can’t be cured by standard, conventional approaches. These people have already been told that nothing else can be done for them. But if an early stage cancer patient doesn’t want to do chemotherapy and instead prefers to receive treatment from us, it can be a difficult situation for us. In some cases, we have to get legal advice to determine whether or not we can treat them. There are ways to scientifically identify whether or not they should have chemotherapy. If they can do this and prove that chemotherapy wouldn’t benefit them, we might be able to treat them. For example, at our clinic, we can test the oncogenes of women who have early stage breast cancer and determine through their oncogenes whether or not chemotherapy would benefit them.

Thus, if you are a patient in this country with an early stage of cancer, I would have to advise you to see your local oncologist first. If your cancer is metastatic (which most cancers are) then that’s a different story, because metastatic cancers typically can’t be cured by conventional medicine.

The Future of Cancer Treatment

These days, everything is changing rapidly in medicine. If you look into the business reports for the pharmaceutical industry, within five years, it’s estimated that seventy-six percent of cancer care will be occupied by medicine which works on the genes, and only one-fourth of the market will be occupied by radiation and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy and radiation are gradually going away, and being replaced by more effective treatments, regardless of doctors’ wishes. Of course, oncologists would like to be able to use the therapies and medicine that they have learned, but the economy may dictate that they use other types of medicine. Right now, it seems to be clear that over the next few years, chemotherapy and radiation will recede in use, and will eventually occupy only approximately 25 percent of the cancer treatment market. This is what
economists have predicted, so it’s most likely going to happen. In any case, radiation and chemotherapy should only be used for easy, treatable cancers for which these therapies are likely to result in cures. But every year, about two million people worldwide are dying from just three types of cancer: colon, lung, and liver cancer. How many of these two million people can be saved with chemotherapy and radiation? Maybe just one hundred! If patients have one of these advanced cancers, conventional treatments won’t be very helpful for them, anyway. But the future is changing in front of our eyes and that’s what’s important.

Last Words

People should know that many advanced cases of cancer can be cured now. It’s very important for patients to be educated about their diseases. It’s also important that they have doctors who are up-to-date on the latest developments in cancer research. For people who currently have incurable cancers, it’s possible that in the near future there will be cures available for them. In the meantime, if they are able to at least stabilize their cancers, they may survive until a new cure becomes available.

Useful Websites

Dr. Burzynski’s cancer clinic:

Burzynski Research Institute:

Documentary film:

Contact Information Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD

Burzynski Clinic

9432 Katy Freeway

Houston, Texas 77055

Phone: 713.335.5697

Toll-Free: 800.714.7181

Fax: 713.935.0649

Scheduling & Information (USA):
[email protected]

International Patients (outside USA):

[email protected]

Marketing and Public Relations:
[email protected]

Cancer Information Specialist: 800.714.7181

International Callers: +1.713.335.5697

Comparison of Responses in the Most Common Cancers

Personalized Treatment at Burzynski Clinic

(as of January 3, 2011)

[by highest rate of Objective Responses (OR)]

Data as of January 3, 2011 based on medical records of the first 1652 evaluable patients. The table shows response rates for 23 selected, common cancer types treated at the Burzynski Clinic (by highest rate of OR - Objective Responses).


Objective Response.
This includes CR, PR, MR, & IM.

Complete Response
. Complete disappearance of all signs of cancer in response to 4 or more weeks of treatment.

Partial Response
. More than a 50% decrease in the size of the tumors (the sum of the cross-sectional area of the tumors), in response to 4 or more weeks of treatment.

Mixed Response
. A significant decrease (more than 25%) in the size of the tumors with a simultaneous increase in the size of some of the other tumors.

. A decrease in the size of the tumors, but which hasn’t been confirmed yet by the second follow-up radiological measurement.

Stable Disease
. No decrease or increase in the size of the tumors, but no progression, in response to 12 or more weeks of treatment.

Progressive Disease
. More than a 50% increase in the size of the tumors (the sum of the cross-sectional area of the tumors), in response to 4 or more weeks of treatment.

Evaluable Patients
. Patients who remained on treatment long enough to enable an objective evaluation of their response.

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Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD

Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD, graduated from Brown University, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude, with a degree in English Literature. He subsequently worked as a journalist, first at Time Inc., before pursuing premedical studies at Columbia. He then received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1983. During a postgraduate immunology fellowship under Dr. Robert A. Good, considered the father of modern immunology, he completed an intensive research study in which he evaluated an aggressive nutritional therapy involving high doses of pancreatic enzymes for the treatment of advanced cancer. Originally discovered in the early 1900s by the English scientist Dr. Beard, a dentist named Dr. William Donald Kelley further developed it in the 1960s and 1970s and had been using it on his patients with great success. Years of studying Dr. Kelley’s methods and the extraordinary outcomes that he had with thousands of patients convinced Dr. Gonzalez to pursue further research on the therapy, which, over the years, received substantial financial support from Procter & Gamble, Nestle, and
the National Cancer Institute. Results from a pilot study he completed on this therapy, published in 1999, yielded the most positive outcomes for the treatment of pancreatic cancer than any data described in the medical literature.

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