Declan (4 page)

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Authors: Kate Allenton

BOOK: Declan
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“Why are you playing these games? What the hell do you want from me?”

Trent broke Declan’s hold and stood next to her as if protecting her from the big bad wolf. The rest of the men in the restaurant were watching with trained eyes. She’d never been more embarrassed in her life.

A tear slipped free. “There was a time when I just wanted you to love me.” She gave a sad shake of her head. “Now…I don’t want anything from you.” She held his gaze, daring him to look away. “And you know that’s the truth.”

Olivia spun on her heels and ran out of the restaurant, not stopping until she stood in the middle of the parking lot. Her shoulders shook as fresh tears streamed down her face. She spun in place looking for her car. Too late it dawned on her that she’d ridden with Sky. Olivia crumpled, leaning against a car, cupping her face to hide her pain from the outside world.

“Jealousy will do it every time,” Trent said from next to her. He reached down and lifted her up. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her while the tears continued to fall.

She wiped her face and looked up at him. “I’m so sorry for ruining your lunch.”

He gave her a sad smile. “You were the highlight of my lunch. You didn’t ruin it. He did.”

Her gaze flashed to the restaurant.

“Don’t worry. The owner is having a heated discussion with him. He may be awhile.”

“That’s his dad.”

“Yikes. Well, he deserves it. Is he always a douche?”

A chuckle bubbled from her lips. “He can be an ass, but he’s never been…mean.”

“Like I said, jealousy can do crazy things to men.” He glanced around the parking lot. “Where’s your car?”

“I didn’t drive,” she answered, wiping her tear-stained face. “The bride did before she rushed off.”

Flynn strolled up, twirling his keys on his fingers. When he spotted Trent with Olivia, he quickened his step. “Trent.”

“Flynn.” Trent nodded.

His gaze met hers. The fine lines of his face deepened. “Olivia, what happened? Where’s Declan?”

Olivia shook her head and lowered her gaze.

“You mean the asshole that called her a slut because I sat down at her table?”

“I’ll beat the shit out of him.” Flynn’s gaze flew to the door, and she could tell his intent by the fire in his eyes. She laid her palm on his arm. “Flynn, don’t.” Her voice was a whisper. The fire inside her had died. “Can you just please take me home? Sky had to leave, and I really don’t want to call a cab.”

“Of course.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I’ll beat the shit out of him later.” He met Trent’s gaze. “Thanks for taking care of her.”

“My pleasure.” He placed his palm on Olivia’s arm. “You were right to walk away. You didn’t deserve that.”

She gave him a sad smile. “Thanks. I’m so sorry your meal was ruined.”

Trent waved her worry away before Flynn led her back to his car.





Chapter 7



She’d holed up in her house for the rest of the week, being checked on by Sky and Flynn. Her heart was broken and shattered into a million pieces, but she masked her pain and reassured them she was all right. And the truth was, she would. Men didn’t define her, and Declan’s opinion…well, let’s just say, her hopes of him being the man of her dreams were dwindling with each of his asshat reactions. He was honest when he said he didn’t do relationships. His reaction had proven it. Trust was more than an issue; it was the brick wall standing between them. He didn’t trust her, no matter what asinine his reasoning was, and he’d given her zero reason to trust him.

Declan called a few times each day. Each attempt she let go to voice mail, not listening to what he had to say. She deleted the messages and tossed her phone back on the table. There were no words, no flowers, no pastry that could repair the humiliation he’d caused. It was becoming clearer and more evident that maybe…a relationship between them, just wasn’t meant to be.

She opted out of Sunday lunch with the Loves, unable to face any of the family. By now the entire Love family knew what had transpired between them, and she didn’t have the energy to put on a brave face. When Sunday night rolled around and Skylar and Alexis banged on her door, she opened it. They were dressed in little black dresses, their hair and makeup perfect, as though they were going out for a night on the town.

They shoved their way in. “Get dressed. We’re going out.”

“I’m not in the mood. You girls go and have a good time.”

Sky nodded to Alexis, and they each took hold of one of her arms and dragged her to the bedroom.

“You have to go. This is my unofficial bachelorette party, and I need you with me.” Skylar batted her long, thick black eyelashes. Alexis pushed out her fire engine red bottom lip.

Olivia glanced down at her night clothes. Last she’d looked, the bags beneath her eyes were enormous. “I’m not dressed, and I look like shit.”

“We can fix that.” Alexis clapped her hands. “Let me get my cosmetic trunk. We’ll have you sexy as sin in no time at all.”

“Yeah, because we all know how well that ended the last time you dolled me up.”

Alexis tossed her arm around Olivia and squeezed. “This time is different. You’ll be with us.”

Olivia’s stomach rolled at the thought of going out in public. She glanced at her comfortable bed and just wanted to get under the covers and forget the last week had happened.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Sky guided her to the bathroom. “Take a shower. It will wake your ass up. We’ll wait.”

Olivia walked into her bathroom and closed her door, leaning back on it. Her stomach rolled as she pushed off and started the shower. She didn’t have a choice about going, not if it was Skylar’s bachelorette party. Olivia just hoped not be the Debbie Downer of the group. She’d stay a few hours and then disappear into the night. It was her duty after all.

An hour later Olivia parked next to Alexis’s car and closed the door, meeting them in front. She glanced around the parking lot of Double D, one of many island bars. The parking lot was empty except for a handful of cars and a few of the hotel busses that transported guests.

“Looks like it might be an early night.” She pulled at the hem of her skirt that hugged her like a second skin.

Skylar glanced over her shoulder and grinned as she walked to the door. “Oh…I don’t think so.” 

Dance music hit her in the face when Olivia followed Sky into the club. The thumping of the bass made her ears pop as she scanned all of the faces that had turned toward the door. “Tell me you didn’t.”

Skylar leaned in to talk in her ear. “I didn’t, but Flynn did.” She grinned and wrapped her arm around one of Olivia’s arms, and Alexis took her other arm and leaned in to her ear.

“There’s nothing wrong with some sexy football players.”

“They needed a night off. It’s not like I brought them here just for you.”

Trent approached them with a beer in his hand. He held Olivia’s gaze as he maneuvered through the crowd until he stood in front of her. “I know what this looks like…”

“Looks like a setup if you ask me.” She glared at Skylar, who headed directly to the bar with Alexis in tow.

“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from the others. We’re all just here to have a good time and dance. Do you like to dance?”

His words weren’t registering as she glanced around the room, feeling overwhelmed by the testosterone in the building.


When she didn’t answer, he guided her by the elbow to an open table and took her purse and set it down before ushering her to the dance floor. Seconds later, Skylar and Alexis were by her side with drinks in their hands. Men surrounded the group as bodies moved to the fast-paced music.

Olivia pushed the fog from her mind and swayed to the music, letting the rhythm of the beat wash over her, lifting her mood. Trent’s lips twisted into a smile.

She danced until sweat beaded her brow. The music continued, and Skylar and Alexis didn’t look to be stopping anytime soon. Olivia pulled Sky to talk into her ear.

“I’m going to get some water and step out on the back deck for some air.”

Skylar gave her two thumbs-up and continued to dance.

Trent followed her to the bar. She ordered water, and he got another beer before walking out onto the back deck. They leaned against the rail, staring out into the ocean. The brisk wind swept across her face, caressing her skin.

“My baby sister, Mia, is going to love it here.”

Olivia smiled, inhaling the salty beach air. “Is she coming here on vacation?”

“Nah.” He tipped the beer against his lips and swallowed. “She’s a scientist. She works for Luke, and when he decided to set up shop, she was the first to sign up to move.”

“The island has a lot to offer. It’s beautiful.”

Trent rested his elbow on the rail and linked his fingers together. “How are you holding up?” he asked nonchalantly as though they’d been friends forever.

“It’s tiring.” She glanced over her shoulder back into the club. “I try and keep a happy face for Sky and Flynn when I’m crushed inside. It’s not their fault Declan lost his ever-lovin’ mind.”

He gave a slow nod before meeting her gaze. “It’s going to take some time. I’m sure things will get easier. Has Declan called to apologize?”

She shrugged. “He’s called. I just don’t answer, and I delete his messages without listening to them. I have no idea if he’s tried to apologize or is still calling me names.” 

Olivia took a swig of her water and swallowed around the lump in her throat to fight the tears forming in her eyes. “Let’s take a walk.”

She stepped down the stairs and kicked off her heels when she reached the sand. Trent matched his stride to hers as they headed down the beach.

“This is your town. Tell me something about it that I can tell Mia.”

She tried for a smile at Trent’s attempt to pull her from her thoughts. “Let’s see. We have hot springs that not many people know about. There’s zip lining, swimming with the dolphins, snorkeling, clubs.” She gestured to the row of nightclubs. “We have land caves and underwater caves.” She glanced up at him. “What does she like to do?”

“Work.” His smile was genuine, as was the twinkle in his eyes. “She’s a workaholic and has to be forced to get out of the house.”

“Sounds familiar.”

“She had a bad breakup a while back, and it took some of the shine from her eyes, but I’m thinking a place like this might lift her spirits.”

Olivia moved to sit on one of the wooden beach chairs, careful not to flash him a glimpse of her panties when she sat. “You sound like a great big brother.”

He shrugged. “We didn’t have much growing up. Our parents died when I was eighteen and she was still a freshman in high school.”

“And now you’re this big-time football star.”

He smiled. “I didn’t think you knew who I was.”

“I used to watch with Skylar’s brothers.” The thought of Declan made her heart ache.

He reached for her hand and squeezed. “Cheer up. It will all work itself out the way it was meant to be. Have faith in that.”

He released her and clasped his hands on his stomach. “You know…” He glanced at her. “I don’t have many women friends. Most of the women I meet are looking to date me or want me for my status and money.” He smiled at her. “I’m glad we met. Even if your heart is taken, I enjoy your company.”

She gave him a genuine smile. “Me too.”

He rose and held out his hand to help her up. “We should probably head back.”

She nodded and wiped the sand from the back of her dress.

“You know. If you ever just need to escape the island, you’re more than welcome to come hang out with me in Boston.” He pulled out his wallet and took a card from inside and handed it to her. “That’s my address and my cell. You’re welcome any time. I’m always on the road and hardly there, but if you need a place to escape, even when I’m not home, you’re more than welcome.”

“Thanks.” She smiled and clutched the card as if it were her salvation. She just might have to take him up on that offer after the wedding.

“When is your team building over?”

“Next Sunday.”

“I know this may sound strange, and I’d totally understand if you said no, but would you mind being my date to Skylar’s wedding on Saturday? I don’t think I can face her family alone, and I could use the moral support.”

“Absolutely.” He grinned and they walked back in easy banter. She’d laughed a few times, finding it easier to smile in Trent’s company. They reached the steps back up to the club and he held out his arm for support while she dusted the sand from her feet before slipping on her shoes when they reached Double D.




Chapter 8



Declan set out the poker chips on the table. Flynn had almost turned around and walked out when Declan stopped him at the door. “I was wrong.”

“You were more than wrong.”

“I was an ass,” Declan agreed.

Flynn let out a long sigh. “Declan man…you don’t realize what you’ve done. You slept with her and knew she was a virgin and then called her a slut all in the same day. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Declan ran his hand through his hair. He’d been asking himself the same question for a week. “I don’t know. I saw her sitting with that guy, and I lost it. I thought she cared about me, but she doesn’t, or she wouldn’t have been on that date.”

“So what? She’s just supposed to sit around and wait for you to get your head out of your ass?”

“No, I didn’t say that.”

“That’s what you implied.” Flynn shook his head in disgust. “And for the record, that wasn’t a date, you dipshit. He’s a quarterback here for team building, and she was there doing a favor for Sky, testing the reception food since something happened to Skylar’s wedding dress.”

“Yeah well, they looked pretty cozy to me.”

Flynn rolled his eyes. “Trent is a nice guy. He saw her eating alone and joined her. There is nothing going on between them. Well, there wasn’t anything going on between them. Now…” He patted his brother’s arm. “You screwed up, Declan. I wouldn’t be surprised if more than one football player makes a pass at her tonight. It’s not like you went out of your way to fix the problem.”

Flynn had walked into Luke’s and tossed his money down on the poker table.

Declan followed. “What do you mean tonight? Where is she?”

“Hate to break it to you, Dec, but you aren’t her keeper.”

“She’s with Skylar and Alexis,” Luke called out as he walked out of the kitchen holding two beers. He passed one to Declan.

“What’s she doing with them? More wedding stuff?”

Luke stifled his grin. “I guess you could say that.”

“Her bachelorette party,” Flynn informed him. “And the entire Boston defensive line is at Double D’s to make sure they all have a good time.”

Declan clenched his jaw and his fist in an attempt to calm his anger.

Flynn patted him on the shoulder in passing. “Sorry, bro, but hell, you’re not even dating. One quick lay sliding in her hot tight pussy and you’ve lost your mind? ”

Declan’s fist connected hard and fast with Flynn’s jaw. The impact shoved him into the bar. Flynn righted himself, rubbing his jaw, and narrowed his eyes at his older brother.

Luke moved between them and held out his hands. “It’s not Flynn’s fault.” He glanced at Declan. “This was Sky’s idea, and I can’t blame her.” He turned to Declan. “We’ve been best friends almost all of our lives, and I’ve got to tell you, Declan, you crushed that poor girl when all she wanted from you was for you to love her. You broke her and destroyed her spirit, and Skylar and all of us will do anything necessary to give her back what you took away. She didn’t deserve that.” He shook his head. “Not from you, not when we all know that you care about her. You’re just too damn stubborn to admit it.”

“I asked her out.” Declan’s voice lowered in anger. “She said she had plans.”

“To go to the movies,” Flynn said while walking into the kitchen and grabbing an ice pack from the freezer. “That night she was going to the movies…by herself…because she didn’t think you wanted more. She had it in her mind that you felt obligated to ask her out after sleeping with her.”

“That’s not why I asked her out.”

Flynn shrugged, pressing the ice pack to his jaw. “Did you ask her before or after you slept with her?”

Declan clenched his jaw.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“Listen.” Flynn picked up Declan’s beer and handed it to him. “You need to figure out what the hell you want. If you’re not sure, that’s fine, take a step back, but don’t play games with her.”

“If you love her,” Luke chimed in, “then don’t let anything stop you from convincing her that you’re the right man for her.” Luke’s gaze turned serious. “There’s no greater feeling in the world that compares. Trust me.”

Declan glanced at the poker table, and his stomach flipped. “I’ve got to go.” He grabbed his keys and was out the door before either of them could ask where he was going. Hell, he didn’t know where he was going.


Declan sat on Olivia’s porch, his elbows on his knees and his head down, thinking of the right words to say, lost in thoughts of how he could possibly make things right. The sound of a car door shutting pulled him from his thoughts, and he looked up and met Olivia’s gaze as she rounded the car. Her heartache was written all over her face.

She crossed her arms over her chest as she approached. “What are you doing here?”

Declan rose but didn’t make a move to reach for her, even though all he really wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss away the hurt in her eyes. “You haven’t answered my calls.”

“You’re a smart guy. I’m sure you can figure out why.” She brushed past him and crossed her porch.


She paused with the key in her lock, her head lowered. “Go home, Declan.” Her voice came out a whisper.

“I care about you.”

She whipped around clenching her fist. “You don’t get to say that. Not to me, not anymore.”

He stepped up onto the porch. “It’s true.”

She shook her head. When a tear slipped free, she clenched her eyes closed. “Why are you doing this to me?”

Declan released a hesitant breath. “I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose our chance to see if we work.”

Her head snapped up to hold his gaze. “Too little too late.”


“You care about me. You can still feel the connection, the draw, between us.”

She shook her head.


He slowly advanced on her and raised his hand to cup her cheek. “I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

Another tear slipped down her face, and she swiped it away. “You assumed the worst and practically called me a slut.”

“I’m an asshole. Just ask Flynn.”

She shook her head.

“You said you had plans, and then I saw you with…that guy. I thought you’d given up on me without even trying.”

“Trent is just a friend.” The words between them were a whisper.

“I know that now.” He took her hands, pleading with his eyes.

“Declan.” She met his gaze. “You don’t trust people. You don’t ever let anyone in. I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this, not at arm’s length.” She cupped his face. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t be that woman for you. The one you could trust with your heart.”

Her shoulders shook as the tears began to fall.

The ice around his heart cracked, and he pulled her into his arms and held here close while she let out all of her frustrations through her tears. He stroked her hair and held her in the silence of the night. He kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger on her skin.

“Olivia…I do trust you. More than anyone, I trust you. I just lost my mind for a brief moment.” She looked up at him through glassy, bloodshot eyes. “Let me make it right. Please, baby, don’t give up on me.”


She began to shake her head when he cut off her protest, kissing her with all of the emotion he’d been holding back. He deepened the kiss, his palms on her waist. She twisted, opened the door, and they fell inside. He kicked the door closed and turned her, pressing her back against the door. She gave and he took as they both let the passion sizzling between them consume them once again. He broke the kiss, his heart beating wildly against his ribs. His shaft pressed painfully against his zipper.

“I’m sorry, Olivia.” He stroked her cheek.

She held his gaze, searching his soul. “Don’t let it happen again, Dec.” She shook her head. “This is it.”

He pressed his lips to hers as if in acknowledgment of her words. “We should slow down.”

“Yeah, we should.” She reached for his hand and pressed it against her thigh beneath her dress before pulling him by his collar to kiss her again. “We’ll slow down later.” She cupped him through his jeans. “Right now, I just want you.”

She spread her legs, giving him easier access as his hand moved higher, teasing and stroking her wet thong beneath.

“You’re wet.” He breathed the words against her lips.

He moved the material and slipped his fingers over her folds, pulling a moan from her lips.  

“Olivia…this isn’t why I came over. I came to apologize.”

“Shut up and kiss me.”

“The room?”

“Here.” Her chest heaved as he cupped her breast with his free hand.

He didn’t have to be told twice. He grabbed her panties and ripped. She inhaled a quick breath as he stroked her again. She was soaked.

“You like that?”

He grabbed the hem of her dress and yanked it off of her, tossing it at their feet. He reached between her legs again and slipped a finger inside. “Don’t move.”

Her channel clenched his finger. His demands turned her on. He pulled his finger free and stepped back, letting his gaze sweep over her. “Olivia, do you trust me?”

She hesitated, and he couldn’t blame her.

“Olivia, I won’t hurt you.”

She nodded, and he took her hand and led her to the dining room table. He lifted her to sit on it and scooted her ass the edge. He slid his fingers back through her folds, making sure she wanted him, wanted this. He slowly kissed the column of her neck before moving to her breast, laving each of them until her nipples stood erect.

“Lie back,” he demanded.

She was slow to reply.

“Olivia, lie back.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Taste you,” he answered. “Has anyone ever done this to you?”

She shook her head.

She eased onto her elbows. He kissed a trail down her stomach while slipping a finger into her channel. She moaned. He ran his tongue down her torso, stopping before her mound. He held her gaze and moved lower, running his tongue over her slit. Her mouth parted on a gasp. If that turned her on, he was about to blow her mind.

He lifted her legs over his shoulder, and using his fingers to hold her open, he dove in. Stroking his tongue in and out of her, tasting and sucking her desire while holding her gaze. She was slow to blink.

“Breathe, Olivia.”

A breath rushed free.

He used his fingers, inserting first one and then two while he stroked her nub with lazy circles with his tongue.

“Oh god.” She closed her eyes.

“Watch me,” he demanded, and her eyes popped open as she watched him with hooded eyes.

Her channel clenched around his fingers. She was close. So close. He grinned around his stroking and sucked her nub into his mouth. Holding it with his teeth, he pressed on it.

She moaned his name as her channel contracted, sucking his fingers farther in as her orgasm claimed her. He worked her until it passed, licking and tasting her on his tongue before he pulled free. She pushed herself to sit up as he popped the button on his jeans and shoved them and his boxers down. He stroked his cock, and her lusty gaze dropped to watch. He tossed the shirt off his body and yanked her body closer to him.

She met his gaze.

“Kiss me. I want you to taste how sweet you are.”

She grabbed his head and pressed her lips to his as he held his cock at her entrance, rubbing it through her juices. He stilled, letting her taste herself. She moaned, sucking his tongue.

He broke the kiss. “Condom.” He reached for his wallet, pulled out the package, and quickly covered himself before moving back into place. He slid in an inch. Her channel was still tight, even though she was slick.

She moaned and tossed her head back. He took her breast into his mouth, sucking while he held her still, and seated himself to the hilt. He held still until she opened her eyes and gave him a nod. He started moving in and out. She eased down to the table, and he lifted her legs over his arms, pulled her ass to the edge, and quickened his thrusts until her channel spasmed and she milked him dry. Her body was limp as he stayed seated inside her. He kicked off his shoes and his clothes and carried her into the bedroom. And again he made love to her, this time slow and not rushed. When they finished, he carried her into the bathroom and started the bath, and they soaked in the suds, letting all of the stress that had formed between them melt away.

He kissed her neck as she lay limp against his body. “Olivia?”

“Hmm?” Her eyes were closed as she answered.

He slid his fingers through hers and held her. “Let me take you out on a real date? The way I should have to begin with.”

She opened her eyes and glanced up at him. “Okay.” She turned in his arms and straddled his legs. “Declan, just so you know…this is it. If you hurt me again, I…”

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