Death of the Liberal Class (44 page)

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Authors: Chris Hedges

Tags: #Political Culture, #Political Ideologies, #General, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Political Science, #Liberalism

BOOK: Death of the Liberal Class
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and hypermasculinity
and Israel
myth of democratic
and World War I’s aftermath
betrayal of liberal principles by
and economic despair
muzzling of
policing their own
retreat and lack of protest by
See also
Liberal class
Limbaugh, Rush
Lippmann, Walter
Lipton, Lawrence
Locke, John
Loeb, Philip
Loehr, Davidson
London, Jack
Macdonald, Dwight
and entertainment
and 1960s,
and permanent war
and sound bites and easily digested ideas
and urban centers
and World War I,
MacLeish, Archibald
Magee, Alan
Magical thinking
Malcolm X,
Malina, Judith
Malpede, Karen
Manhattan Institute
Mao Zedong
Mark, Ruben
Marlowe, Christopher
Marx, Karl
Mass culture
and arts
and Chomsky
consumer and commercial
and journalism
and left
and liberal class
rise of
and World War I,
Mass propaganda
and Bernays
and corporations
and critics
and defiance
and emotion
and fear
first modern machine for
following World War I,
and Iraq
and liberal class
and psychology and Freud
and radical current in theater
and Russia
tying communists to German war machine
and World War I,
Maurin, Peter
McCain, John
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Joseph
McGill, Doug
McGovern, George
McKibben, Bill
Meany, George
alternative and underground
and art
and Catholic Worker
and Chomsky
and concentration and commercialization
and corporations
and financial system
and good journalism
impact of radicals and alternative publications on
and impartiality and objectivity
and Iraq
and liberal class
and moral outrage and passion
and music
and Nader
in 1960s and 1970s,
and permanent war
and public’s conformity, aspirations, and idealized identities
and sound bites
talk radio, reality television, and trash-talk programs
and truth versus news
and World War I,
See also
Journalism and journalists; specific publications
Merton, Thomas
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Middle East
Military spending, U.S.
Mill, John Stuart
Miller, Arthur
Mills, C. Wright
Moore, Michael
Morris, Jack
Mostel, Zero
Moyers, Bill
Muck, Carl
Muir, Jean
Mukasey, Michael
Mumford, Lewis
Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Nader, Ralph
National Association of Scholars
National Council of Churches
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
Nava, John
Neugebauer, Randy
New Deal
New Israel Fund (NIF)
New Left
New York Times
and Afghanistan
and anticommunism
and author
and critics of corporate state
and op-ed pieces
and Sarajevo
and World War I,
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Nixon, Richard
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Oath Keepers
Obama, Barack
and Berrigan
and Christian fascists
and climate change
and corporations
and energy
and Gulf oil spill
and illusion over substance
and liberal class
lies and broken promises of
and multiculturalism
and wars
weakness of
and “Yes We Can,”
O’Brien, Conan
O’Brien, Edwin F.
Ochs, Phil
Gulf of Mexico spill
and Iraq
and mass extinction
and Nader
and renewable energy
and Teapot Dome scandal
Olbermann, Keith
O’Neil, Eugene
Ortega y Gasset, José
Orwell, George
Palin, Sarah
Patriot Act
Paul, Ron
Pentagon Papers
Permanent war
and Arab world
and Chomsky
ideology and culture of
and liberal class
and military spending
and patriotism
and World War I,
Peter, Paul & Mary
Peters, Joan
Polanyi, Karl
Political action committees
Pollard, Sidney
Pollock, Jackson
Poole, Ernest
Pope John Paul II,
Postman, Neil
Poverty and the poor
and Bell’s mother
and Berrigan
and Bohemia
and corporate power
and creative people
and globalization
and hypermasculinity
and King and Malcolm X,
and liberal class
and liberal era
and media
and radical social change and Catholic Worker
and University House writers
and utopia and progress
Powell, Colin
Powell, Lewis
Power elite
and anarchic violence
and art
and Chomsky
and church
and Cicero
debate between two wings of
and environmental and economic collapse
and globalization
and liberal class
and Lippmann’s
Public Opinion
and mass propaganda
and media
and multiculturalism
and mythic narrative of America
and Obama
and permanent war
and polls
and protests
and radical current in theater
and resistance

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