Dearest Clementine (37 page)

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Authors: Lex Martin

BOOK: Dearest Clementine
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“You were a pro today, in your interview,” he says against my skin. “I’ve interviewed hundreds of people, and when shit is really on the line, they get nervous and it shows, but it looked like you had been dealing with the press your whole life.”

My chest fills with pride that he thought I did a good job. “Honestly, I was scared out of my mind.” Just thinking about that interview makes my palms sweaty.

“You didn’t show it.”

“I don’t show a lot of things. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.”

He leans back far enough so he can look in my eyes, and this mischievous grin spreads on his face.

“My favorite part was how you said you love your sexy RA.” Oh God! How can he say this to me, especially since I have no idea how he feels? “And I fucking love that this makes you blush.” Gavin runs his finger from behind my ear, down my neck and across my collarbone.

I sit up to face him because I can’t let him get away with this.

“Who says I was talking about you?” I tease as I bite my lower lip. He leans down so he’s an inch away from my face, and I run my hand through his thick hair. “And I definitely don’t remember saying a damn thing about the RA being sexy.”

Gavin grins, scooping me up and over his lap to lay me next to him before he props himself on one arm. I laugh as he grabs me again, pulling my body flush to his.

“Baby, I’d have to be for you to give me the time of day.” The smile is still on his lips as he kisses me, but when he pulls away, he looks serious.

Clearing his throat, he says, “You must know by now that it’s mutual.” My stomach clenches and unclenches, and then he says it, the words I’ve been wanting to hear. “I’m in love with you, Clementine. I have been for a while, but I didn’t want to say it and freak you out. I’ve always liked you, even when you were trying to scare me off by singing Amy Winehouse songs.”

I smile, a supernova bursting inside me. He sinks down deeper into the bed, and I turn to him so that we’re nose to nose.

He shakes his head. “But you said it on national television, which is the coolest damn thing anyone has ever done.”

I reach up and touch his face, which is rough against my palm. I lean in for a kiss, and it’s chaste and simple and, for some reason, the loveliest one we’ve shared.

“You might ruin it for me,” I murmur, savoring the way his lips linger on mine.

“Ruin what?” He brushes the hair away from my eyes.

“I might never be able to date another man.”

He leans over and grazes my earlobe with his teeth, sending warm shivers down my arms. “That’s the plan.”

I giggle as the heat of his breath warms me. Laying my head against his chest, I sigh. “Will you stay here with me tonight? I kind of miss you, and I hear you’re pretty good at spooning.”

He laughs, his grasp around me tightening. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Lying wrapped in his arms, listening to him breathe and feeling his heartbeat, is kind of mesmerizing. After a while, it makes me so relaxed that I blurt it out.

“I’m on the pill now.” I cringe hearing the words, and he stills.

I glance up, almost afraid of his expression. His brows are pinched as he traces the edge of my shirt.

“Baby, don’t take this the wrong way, but I want you to trust me, to trust us, before we go that far.” He runs his hand through my hair, holding me to him. He looks away, almost shyly, and grins. “To be honest, you’re not the kind of girl a man can love just a few times.” He brings my face to him, running his nose along my jaw, and he takes a deep breath. “I want us to have a future, I want you to be mine, and I’m willing to wait as long as you need to get there.”

If I ever doubted wanting to take
step in our relationship, I don’t now. I wrap my arms around his muscular chest and sink back down, letting my leg tangle over his like he’s my own personal body pillow.

“I trust you. I’m sorry I didn’t before, but I do now.”

Daren broke my heart, and Wheeler shattered the last few threads of belief that men were even the least bit trustworthy, but Gavin has shown me it’s possible. With my meeting with the dean in a few hours and the crazy media storm resulting from Wheeler’s arrest, tonight might not be the right time, but I will find the perfect moment to show Gavin that I mean it.

I close my eyes as I snuggle against him, a smile on my lips, never more sure of myself or him.

* * *

Waking up for a meeting with the dean would be enough to make me lose my Cheerios if it wasn’t for the fact that a delectable man is in bed next to me.

Gavin’s thick hair dips across his cheek as he lies here, and the high planes of his face are marked by stubble. I let my eyes trail down his body. Even though he’s asleep, his biceps strain against his t-shirt.

Good lord, he’s sexy.

I still can’t believe I haven’t ripped off all of his clothes and bedded him already, and even though in the movies, the couples always have this great makeup sex, we had way too much shit to talk about last night. When we finally go there, I don’t want it tainted by that psycho Wheeler or that bitch Angelique. It will be about us. Only us.

I slide out of bed for a quick shower before I dress in a pair of black slacks and a long-sleeved pinstriped blouse. Twisting my hair up into a messy bun, I slide two hair clips through to secure it before I dab on a little makeup.

My foggy brain tries to get in the game. Staring into a steamed bathroom mirror, I give myself the
pep talk, the one where I hear
Eye of the Tiger
and visualize myself knocking out my opponent. It’s cheesy, I know, but it helps. Jax and Daren were insane for stupid jock movies when we were kids, and I’m a veritable expert now.
Friday Night Lights, Jerry Maguire, Rudy, Remember the Titans
—I’ve seen them all. But I go with the
theme because that’s the best one, and I close my eyes and try to envision what I want to say to the dean.

It comes down to this: I shouldn’t be afraid. Wheeler was arrested. That should speak volumes about his credibility, but his allegation that I’ve somehow cheated is still out there, and I’m dying to put it to rest and prove my innocence. Thinking about it, that smug look on his face as he tried to unravel my career in class, really pisses me off.

I get lost in these thoughts, and when I look back in the mirror, I’m surprised. I don’t look scared. If anything, I look confident. Intense.
I can do this. Just like my interview yesterday, I can do this.

Gavin is stretching awake when I walk back into my room.

“Hey, sleepyhead.” I bend down to peck him on the cheek, and he grabs me and yanks me down onto the bed, making me squeal.

“Clementine,” he growls, “you look like a hot teacher.” He kisses my neck, and for about sixty very happy seconds, I forget where I need to be in half an hour. “Fuck, you smell good.”

Grinning like a school girl, I push him off me and get up.

“You, sir, are not helping me at all this morning.” I go over to my bureau and re-tuck my shirt before I pull out a pair of small gold hoop earrings. I sense him watching me as I put my jewelry on.

Gavin gets up and stretches lazily, his shirt lifting to show a tantalizing strip of taut muscles just above his low-rise jeans. I angle myself to watch him in my mirror. In truth, I can’t take my eyes off him. He catches me staring and winks at me, and what I wouldn’t give to be able to crawl back into bed with him.

He shrugs on his hoodie, places his hands on my shoulders and kisses the top of my head. “So, I’ll see you in a bit.”

I turn and look at him, confused. “I have my meeting with the dean, remember?”

“Yes, and I’m going with you, or at least I’ll wait for you while you meet with him.”

“Don’t you have class?”

“This is more important.” One light kiss on the tip of my nose and then he’s headed out my door. “I’ll meet you there.”

* * *

My heels clatter along the hardwood floor of the dean’s office as my attorney and I exit. On a bench across the hall sit Jenna, Harper and Gavin. I grin at the sight of my best friends here to support me.

“It must have gone well,” Harper says, jumping up to hug me.

“The dean is still going to review Clementine’s journals, but he said it was to confirm his belief that she did not plagiarize,” Kate says as she reaches into her purse for her phone. “Without Wheeler here to specify what he feels she lifted, this should be an easy case to dismiss. The school wants to put this to rest.”

Of course Daren made my attorney come to this.
I told him I could handle this by myself, but he said he didn’t want to take any chances.

I find myself in Gavin’s arms, and I’m so relieved to have this behind me, I could cry. I take a few deep breaths to calm down and turn to Jenna.

“Professor Marceaux spoke to the dean about my work. She stood up for me.”

Kate interrupts. “Actually, Marceaux was one of
professors who raved about this girl’s writing.”

Embarrassed, I look down, but Gavin tips my chin up to him. “Of course they did.”

He leans down to kiss me, and I could melt right here in the hallway.

“Let’s grab some brunch to celebrate,” Jenna says, looping her arm through mine and prying me away from Gavin.

By noon, the table at the diner has emptied, leaving only Gavin and me, which kicks off a week of coffees or lunches or quick snuggles for us between classes. It’s almost as if he’s afraid that if he doesn’t maintain constant contact, I’ll disappear, which has me thinking about how exactly I plan to reassure my amazing boyfriend. Of course, one thing comes to mind.




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Early Friday evening, I descend from the climbing wall into Gavin’s open arms.

“Gross, hon, I’m hot and sweaty,” I say, pushing out of his hug, which only seems to encourage him.

“Maybe I like you this way,” he whispers, lifting me off my feet.

Giggling, I kiss him as he lets my body slowly slide down his. Trying to ignore the desire that pulses through me, I attempt to focus on something practical. “Want to grab a bite to eat?”

“I can’t. I have band rehearsal at Ryan’s. You still planning to come tomorrow night?”

Missing his show last weekend still makes me feel bad. I can’t believe I’ve never seen him perform. The fact that he was so understanding about why I missed it doesn’t make me feel any better.

“Hell, yes, I’m coming.” The guys are playing a big Halloween bash at one of the frat houses.

“Are you planning to dress up? You know it’s a costume party, right?”

“Yeah, Jenna said she’d get me something to wear.” Shit. I could end up looking like a pole dancer if I’m not careful. “But thanks for reminding me.”

When I get home, I think the pole dancer concept was probably a conservative inspiration for the strips of fabric Jenna has left on my bed.

“Jenna, get in here!” I yell. The sound of her fuzzy slippers crossing the hardwood floor stops in my doorway. “You must be doing crack if you think I’m wearing this tomorrow night.”

Dani joins her, and they look at each other and laugh.

“Yeah, I know. I’m totally kidding. Just wanted to see what you’d do.” Jenna is still grinning when she hands me a brown paper bag.

I purse my lips, hoping this will be an improvement. Opening the bag tentatively, I reach in and pull out white spankies, a short orange skirt and a cropped top that says Tigers.

“Go Tigers!” Jenna jumps up down and does a little dance straight out of
Bring It On
that makes me laugh. “I have your pom-pons in my room.”

I bite my lip, wondering if I could pull this off. This outfit is pretty revealing. I’m not sure I want to waltz around a frat house in spankies, but Jenna, sensing my reluctance, sidles up to me and throws her arm across my shoulders.

“Your man is going to think you’re so super-duper hot, he’s not going to know what to do with himself. Trust me!” She nods her head dramatically.

“Really?” I hadn’t thought about that. I guess I do want to look good for Gavin. “What are you going to wear?”

“I’m dressing up as every guy’s wet dream.” She shimmies seductively, and her mini-me Dani grins.

“Eww, Jenna.” Covering my ears like what she says is painful, I scrunch my face. “Do I want to know what that means?”

Jenna looks at me like I’m an idiot. “Princess Leia, you know, in that gold bikini slave outfit.” I nod like this makes sense. “Oh, and don’t forget the best part! The handcuffs!”

“Because she’s captured by Jabba the Hutt until Han Solo rescues her,” Dani explains.

I roll my eyes. Sure, that’s why Jenna needs handcuffs.

* * *

The basement of the fraternity house is packed with people. Everyone is carrying a red or blue plastic cup that’s spilling over with beer. I know because it keeps landing on me.

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