Deadly Dozen: 12 Mysteries/Thrillers (215 page)

Read Deadly Dozen: 12 Mysteries/Thrillers Online

Authors: Diane Capri,J Carson Black,Carol Davis Luce,M A Comley,Cheryl Bradshaw,Aaron Patterson,Vincent Zandri,Joshua Graham,J F Penn,Michele Scott,Allan Leverone,Linda S Prather

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Thrillers

BOOK: Deadly Dozen: 12 Mysteries/Thrillers
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NICK CONSIDERED ABANDONING HIS PRIDE and throwing himself at Father’s mercy, and begging for forgiveness. He never got the chance.

“Arise, Nikolai.”

When he lifted his head, Father stood over him, shining like the morning, a brilliant smile spread across his magnificent countenance. Nick got up.

To his surprise, Tamara put a purple robe over his shoulders. Michael handed him a new sword so brilliant, it seemed to blaze with white fire.

“I...I don’t understand.” Nick looked all around.

“My son, do you not see?” Father placed His hand on Nick’s head as though in blessing. “Once you were lost but now are found. Once you were dead but are now alive.”

“But I chose to defect. I broke the law.”

Father laughed, the sound of it remarkably like thunder.

“Did you really think any of what you did could go on without my knowledge?”

“Well, no, but...”

“You are loved with an everlasting love, my son.”

Nick glanced over to Tamara—she’d told him that, the day he resigned. Or thought he’d resigned.

“I know your character,” Father said. “After all, I created you. I knew the path you would take given the settings and conflicts in which I set you. And you have developed just as I hoped.”

“Have I? Then why did you—why did I have to become human?”

“Ah, that
the question, isn’t it?” Another of those brilliant smiles. “You were destined, Dear Nikolai, to be a champion of my children, the humans. That is why you overcame your limitations and sacrificed everything to save them from that nuclear blast. And that is why you could never serve the purposes of the Dark Dominion. You love the humans.”

Nick raised an eyebrow.

“Well, you may have gotten a bit too close to them, but I’ll overlook it. I have the authority to do that, you know.”

“Of course,” Nick said, unsure if he should smile.

“You were allowed to become human so you could learn compassion for those you protect, empathize with their struggles.” He leaned down to Nick’s ear and whispered. “I’ve done it too, you know.”

He straightened up and resumed speaking in what Nick perceived as his normal voice.

“And now, having been a human, you can understand them, see them as I do. My son, it takes more than might and power to be their guardian. You need my spirit.” He touched Nick’s forehead and he immediately felt his strength return. Stronger than ever before. “And now, you have it.”

“Father,” Nick bowed his head. “I am not worthy.”

“You have been made worthy. Behold, I make all things new.” He placed his hand under Nick’s chin and lifted his head. “Well done, good and faithful guardian.”

“Did you say

“Supreme Guardian, in fact. You have proven faithful in lesser things, I will put you in command of much greater things.” He nodded toward the gate, which still yawned open. “Enter now and partake of my joy.”

As he walked through, there was no way to describe what he was seeing without diminish its beauty, its glory.

Taking it all in, Nick couldn’t stop the tear that fell from his eye. He’d not only been reinstated as an angel, he’d been promoted.

Tamara came over and embraced him. “Congratulations, Nick.”

“Thank you, but all along, you were there—the dark vapor, Johann?”

the harbor porpoise who helped you with that pendant.”

“That was you?” Nick said, laughing incredulously. But the mirth didn’t last. He remembered the pain and suffering Hope had experienced in her last moments. “Alas...”

“That term does not exist here,” Tamara said. “Look over there.”


Beaming with joy, she ran into his arms. She was whole, not a scratch or blemish. In fact, she seemed a bit younger than he remembered. Nick lifted her off the ground and spun around, his heart filled with unspeakable joy. They kissed for as long as it took—time was irrelevant.

“Humans and angels,” Tamara said. “What will the neighbors say?”

More laughter.

But then Nick’s jubilant expression turned somber. He touched Hope’s face tenderly.

“Did you suffer, love? You know, before you...”

“You mean before I died? What an odd concept.” She gave him that smile. “My entire mortal life was like a dream I barely remember. Now, it’s as if I just woke up and am back in the real world.”

“That’s how most humans describe it when they get here,” Tamara said.

“To tell you the truth,” Hope said, “Nick is the one who helped me understand all this.”


“You see, mortal life is all just a construct of this, the

“Not a very good one,” Nick said, taking her hand. “But I see what you mean.”

“There are a couple of people who’d very much like to speak with you,” Tamara said.

From behind her, a radiant young woman came up to him.

“I’m so happy to see you again!”

“I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage,” he said. But something about her eyes seemed more than familiar.

“Thank you for taking care of my mother.”


She nodded. “You were so kind when you brought me here, I’ll always be grateful.”

Before he could fully grasp it all, another beautiful young woman approached.

This time, he knew right away. As she ran into his open arms, he didn’t even try to hold back the tears.


“Clara!” He held her for a long time, both of them crying softly in each other’s arms. Nick finally released his grown daughter and turned to Tamara. “So all along, you knew?”

“The rules were there for a reason. Had you healed her back in Victoria Station, she would have turned out like Lena.”

“I can never thank you enough, Tamara.” He took her hands in his. “You’ve done so much for me.”

“And I’d do it again.”

A deep thundering sound approached and caused them to turn their heads. It was Michael, mounted on a war horse, another one at its side.

“Don’t get too comfortable just yet,” he said. “Your work as a Supreme Guardian is just beginning. There’s a whole world that needs our help, and I’ve just gotten word that the Dark Dominion is gearing up for a heavy offensive. We have to go now.”

“I see.” He turned back to Hope, Chloe, and Clara. “Seems I just got here.”

Hope kissed him. “Duty calls.”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Go on, then. We’ll be waiting.”

“It could take some time,” he said.

“We’ve got all the time in—well, you know.”

“Indeed.” Nick mounted his steed. “I’ll see you soon.”

Drawing his sword with a blazing flourish, he rode off at Michael’s side, the entire First and Second Legions in all their supernal glory following them out of the city gates and off to the ongoing war.

The Dark Dominion was a formidable enemy. And although he had fought many battles in the natural realm, direct conflict in the spiritual realm would be far more deadly. But Nick had faith all would end well.

It was only a matter of time.




Dear friend,

The key thing to remember in any novel is that it is a work of
. Axiomatic as that may seem, I think it important that I make the following statements:

, while some of its premise stem from my personal beliefs, is a story, a parable even. It is not to be taken literally as Christian biblical doctrine on the topic of Angels, Heaven, or the afterlife. Rather, like Christ’s analogies of the Kingdom of Heaven being like a fishing net, a mustard seed, yeast, etc., this book’s concepts are for the purpose of illustrating greater truths in a way in which we humans can more readily identify. Like a “construct,” so to speak.

Secondly: though this book is a work of fiction, the issues of despair, suicide, emotional bondage to the past, are real. If you or anyone you know suffers from any of these, I implore you to reach out to trusted friends, qualified counselors or clergy, and by no means try to deal with it alone. Healing and freedom is available to those who seek it. Remember, “You are loved with an everlasting love.” No matter how dire the situation, there is hope. This is one reason I chose to name one of the main characters in this book HOPE. Having someone hear you, understand and/or pray for you can be life-changing. Whatever your lot, don’t give up, and don’t go it alone.

Thank you for taking the time to read
, it means more to me than you can imagine. If you enjoyed it enough, would you kindly spread the word and tell your friends and family about it?

I’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to contact me through my website:

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Thank you, and until next time, be blessed!
Joshua Graham




There are so many people who supported me and contributed to the completion of this book that I fear I will not be able to mention each one by name. For that, I ask your forgiveness and that you know just how much I value and appreciate your presence in my life.

First off, I would like to thank Renni Browne, editor extraordinaire, whose unparalleled gift for helping me tighten up the manuscript with the necessary surgical cuts have—in this author’s opinion—made this book fit the Hitchcockian criteria of a great story: Life, without the boring parts.

I would also like to thank my fellow writers Susan Wingate and Michael Angel, who both encouraged me early on with Terminus to press ahead with this genre.

Of course, I could not do anything without the love and prayers of my friends and family, especially those in my connect group: Tom and Trish Vesneski, Farshid and Marisol Farokhi, Charles and Toni Covello, and many others in my church, as well as William and Ckristina Sutjiadi and Michael and Patricia Goh.

A special shout out to the fantastic members of Team Graham for your constant support and encouragement. You’re a secret society and you know who you are

Of course, I wish to thank my awesome kids Alex and Maddi for your patience and understanding whenever Daddy is on a deadline. Your willingness to set hamsters and RC jets aside and wait for me to have time again to play with you again really helped.

And finally, my beautiful wife and muse, Katie: I truly could not have written this book without your love, support, perspective, and all those long hours talking about and looking over my work with your unwavering honesty, and affirming words.


About the Author

#1 Bestselling author Joshua Graham has won multiple awards for his thrillers
. He holds a Master’s Degree from Juilliard, and a Doctorate from Johns Hopkins University. His books have been called “thought-provoking page-turners.” Many of his readers blame him for sleepless nights, arriving to work late, neglected dishes and family members, and not allowing them to put the book down.



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