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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Deadly Desires (3 page)

BOOK: Deadly Desires
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Thickness pushed against Samael’s throat as he looked down at the suit he wore. The jacket fell to the floor and he took a step to the bed. “Marcella, I lied to you.”

She sat up, her face filling with worry. “There’s no man?” She looked away from him. “I knew it was too good to be true.”

Silently, his pants dropped to the floor. Samael ripped open his shirt and tossed it to the ground. “No, there’s a man, but it’s not who you think it is.” She looked at him and stiffened.

“It’s you…” She rose to her knees. Dark curls fell over her shoulder as she dropped to all fours and began crawling toward him on the bed. He could feel the energy of her creature explode through the room.

“Yes. I wasn’t sure I wanted you to know it was me at first, but what the hell. No more lying. I’m tired of not facing the truth. I want you, Marcella.”

The sapphire blue eyes of her succubus stared up at him. The personality might not be Marcella’s entirely, but she was still there inside, and if she didn’t want this as much as him, she could have easily walked away to find her other men.

“Not as much as I want you.”

He laughed and placed his hand on her shoulder, easing her to lie back on the bed. Upon his touch, the pleasure that washed over both of them was immediate. “I have no doubt. You’ve been very forward about your intentions toward me.” He covered her body with his and moaned at the feeling of her skin. God, help him. How in the world was it going to be possible to last past the foreplay, much less their joining?

He closed his eyes and took in her scent. He hadn’t lied to Dominic. Marcella had been created for him. Everything about her was molded from the person he was. Nothing experienced between them could ever be outdone. It didn’t mean he was right for her. As sad as that was, he knew that on a sexual level they would excel to new heights. Outside of that, it’d be just like it already was. They’d butt heads at every turn. His father got a few things right, but that was about it. The sex? Her as a person? Yes, perfect. But matching their personalities, not even close.

“Oh, fuck,” she whispered. The wetness of Marcella’s pussy slid against the underside of his cock. He looked down at his thick length lying across her stomach. Now that he had her at his mercy, he wanted to experience everything possible with her. There was no going back now.

Samael’s lips connected with hers hard. He wrapped his hand behind her neck and angled her just right. The flavor of her mouth intoxicated him. He drank her in like there was no tomorrow. The softness of her tongue slid against his and he held on to her tighter, as if she was his lifeline. And apparently she was. For hundreds of years he’d waited for this. Waited for her. The repercussions didn’t matter. He didn’t plan on the outcome turning out like the past. If Marcella was taken from him again, he’d go with her. Nothing would stop them from ultimately ending up together. He was done with letting life fuck him over. He was stepping in and taking the reins, and there wasn’t anyone who was going to stop him. No one.

“Samael.” At her moan he lowered himself down to her breasts. He took in her pink nipples. Damn, she was beyond gorgeous. He sucked the tight nub into his mouth and her cry echoed off the walls.

Fingers gripped his hair tightly as she pulled him deeper into the soft flesh. “Marcella, look at me.” Heavy lids lifted as she took him in. “Take as much energy as you can now. I want to see what we’re working with.”

She shook her head. “I can’t until you come.”

“Have you ever tried?” He moved his mouth down her stomach until he was even with her pussy.

“No.” The word barely had any sound to it. He slid his tongue over her slit and was surprised when she went into spasms. He pushed inside of her entrance and closed his eyes against the heaven he tasted. Damn, she was so sweet.

A wave of pressure hit Samael hard, and he could feel a small part of his energy leave him. Marcella breathed heavily. “I didn’t drain you.” Her eyes grew wide. “How are you not passed out right now?”

Samael smiled and eased a finger into her tightness. “I’m more powerful than you think.” He slid in another and watched as she arched beautifully to take him. He moved them slowly, feeling the abundance of wetness coat down the length of his fingers.

“More powerful than all four of my men in one?” She moved her hips to take him in faster. The top part of her body rose and she continued to rotate her pussy against his knuckles. Samael was entranced by her seductiveness. She grabbed his wrist hard and she removed his hand. He flew forward at her jerk. At the same time another blast of energy was taken from him. He smiled as she did it two more times.

“You can’t drain me, Marcella. It’s impossible.”

Their faces were but inches apart. Samael watched the blue of her eyes fade out until the golden color of her collector surfaced. She didn’t even need his cum with as much energy as she was taking. “Unbelievable,” she whispered.

Samael started to rise, assuming she was finished with him. “I’m glad I could help.”

Her grip tightened. “Oh, you’re not going anywhere. We’re not done. Not even close.” Marcella pushed him against the bed and stood on her knees looking down at him.


* * * *


So many visions kept flashing through Marcella’s mind that she was having a hard time focusing on the man in front of her. It was like a million memories were jumbled into one book and someone was flipping the pages so fast that she was having a hard time concentrating on just one.

Samael kept trying to rise, and she vaguely could recall pushing him back down.

“You’re seeing something. Tell me.”

Her eyes focused on his face and she reached out and placed her hand on his cheek. The memories exploded again and she felt herself go as still as a statue. Dark colors projected all around and became clear, as a room came into focus. Black lined the walls and candles were everywhere.

“Welcome, my dear.”

Marcella took a deep breath and looked up at a man hovering above her. He stood next to the bed she was in, and she immediately knew he had great power. The sense of ownership was evident. The urge to answer him brought her mouth open. She went over his words.

“Thank you for the warm welcome.”

He smiled big and she felt confused. Where was she? Who was she? The answers came instantly. It was like he was reading her thoughts. She heard him say her name and location in her head.

“Rise, lovely. I have someone I want you to meet. He’s to be yours. Always. Do you understand?”

“Of course.” Marcella stood, and she watched as a black silk gown fell to her ankles. Her creator held out his hand and she took it. They began to walk through a large palace and she took in the grandeur. Even though the man beside her was being pleasant, she knew he wasn’t good. The fear that swam around in her chest told her not to disobey or else the life she was given would be history.

“My son’s birthday is today, and I think you’re the perfect gift.” He turned her to face him. Marcella stared deeply into blue eyes while he brushed back her hair. “You’re going to be the perfect wife, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” Somehow she knew everything this man wanted her to do. She knew what he meant by the term wife.

“And you’re going to collect souls and bring them to me, too, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” Images poured into her mind and she understood.

“Excellent. Now come, my child. Samael is waiting for his gift.”

A gasp came from Marcella’s mouth as her dark angel reappeared before her. The memories vanished and she almost couldn’t believe what she had seen. Slowly, she lowered her hand. Information poured into her mind, and even though she didn’t see half the stuff she now knew, she couldn’t deny that it was the truth.

“Talk to me, Marcella.” Samael sat up against her hand and she wasn’t sure whether to slap him or worse.

She looked at their nude bodies, knowing this was the first time they’d ever gotten close to making love. He’d never touched her sexually. Never wanted to. He’d encouraged her to find men. He just never really thought she would. But she had…God, she had. “Samael?” Tears threatened, but she held them in. There was no way he’d see her cry over this.

“Please.” He pulled her to straddle him, burying his face in her neck. “Please, forgive me. I don’t know what you saw, but you have to know that whatever it is that makes you look at me so full of hate, I’m sorry.”

She lifted his face and made him look at her. “Why wasn’t I ever good enough for you? I was your

A look of horror took over his features. “Then you know everything?”

“You’re the Devil’s son. He made me for you.” She reached up and gripped his hair in her fists. “You hated me,” she said shakily. “I worshipped the ground you walked on and you treated me like shit. You pushed me into the arms of my men. You wanted it to happen, as long as it wasn’t you.”

Samael tried to pull her chest closer to his, but she held him back.

“Then when I did finally take Jason and made him mine, you changed. You actually came to me and gave me your time. But you still wouldn’t give me your heart.” She pulled his head back, wanting to hurt him as much as she hurt inside. “Why come to me now? Why
me now?”

The room spun as Samael put himself on top of her. “I was young and stupid. God, you have to understand. My father was pushing you on me, and I always went against what he wanted. But over time, I fell in love with you. Even then I was too stubborn to give in. I only ever want to see you happy, and your men gave you what I couldn’t. But then Jason was stupid enough to get you pregnant.” Samael growled. “I hated him for that.”

His blue eyes turned to black as he stared down at Marcella. “Hated him,” he repeated. “Don’t you see? If he hadn’t put a child in your belly, then my father could have looked the other way for at least a bit longer. He knew we weren’t intimate, and he’d heard rumors of your men. You betrayed your vows in his eyes. It didn’t matter how many times I told him I encouraged it. He couldn’t look weak in everyone’s eyes. You were becoming way too powerful. You defied him at every turn, taunting him. My father did what he felt was right. It didn’t matter to him that you were with a child, or that by then I loved you. He killed you both, and I was the one left to deal with the consequences of my actions.”

Marcella listened to his words. Although she knew she had lived that past life, it was hard for her to imagine that the woman’s memories she shared were actually hers.

“Let me love you now, Marcella. Let’s start over and you can have your men, and you can have me. I’ll share you. I’ll continue to live in my own quarters and you can come to me whenever you wish. I won’t pressure you, or even show my face if you don’t want me to. Just let me stay. Try to love me again. That’s all I ask.”

“Why should I? Everything you’ve told me so far has been a lie. I didn’t ask to come back. That was
doing. You’ve pretty much condemned me and my men all over again.”

Samael shook his head, and she watched as his long hair framed his face. His beauty twisted her heart. All she’d ever wanted was to love him. Yet, he had a way of always hurting her.

“Marcella, I brought you back, but not your men. Something happened when I opened that door that I can’t explain. If you ask me, you had something planned all along. You knew you would be reborn. You had to have known. The events that have gone down aren’t my doing. They have to be yours.”

Something clicked at his words. He was right. Somehow she knew he’d bring her back. Marcella mindlessly scanned the room, searching her mind. Her eyes came to rest on Samael. Marcianna’s message from weeks ago repeated in her head. Her former self had said the men were not what they seemed, and one of them held the key. It was Samael. He was her key to not failing this time.

“I accept your terms.” She pushed him off and materialized clothes to cover her body. “But we’re doing this my way. When I want you, you’ll know. And what I say goes. Deal?”

He looked at her skeptically. “And if I decline?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Then you leave, and I continue to collect followers. If you want to tell your father, then that’s up to you. But I will never see you again. I can’t. It would hurt too much.”

He bit his lip. “Deal.”

“Good.” She walked to the door that met the balcony and opened it. “Be downstairs in fifteen minutes. We have an announcement to make.”

Chapter 3


Samael pushed his head back in the pillow and covered his eyes. What the fuck had just happened? He groaned as he went over their conversation. An announcement? He was almost afraid to know what she meant by that. His heart raced as he sat up. Damn, this wasn’t good. He could feel it in his gut.

The flavor of Marcella’s pussy still filled his senses. His cock ached from lack of release. He’d done it now. Before, it was her eyes and her body that tortured his fantasies. Now it was going to be her taste. Did he have time to get himself off? He groaned. Probably not. Samael made a fresh suit appear on his wide frame and he reluctantly walked to the balcony.

Jason stood a few feet away with Ambrose. They were whispering. He shut his door behind him and tried to ignore them. He’d focus on the city in the distance and try to get through this as painlessly as possible. How were they going to take the news? Was Marcella even going to tell them?

BOOK: Deadly Desires
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