Deadlands Heat (Doomsday Lover Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Deadlands Heat (Doomsday Lover Book 1)
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And I hope you’ll come back for Jenna’s next steamy adventure—


Doomsday Lover: Pirates of the Desert Seas!


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See you next time!

xoxo Sienna Cole




Keep reading for a special sneak peek at an upcoming release from another Good Bad Girl’s author…


Jinny Katt

and her erotic novelette


The Wolf

The Woodsman

And the Lady in Red


A werewolf’s nose is difficult to deceive. I knew this, and yet I kept trying to fool him. Today, I’d stuffed the deep pockets of my walking-dress with garlic, cloves and anise. I’d even tucked some into the lining of my picnic basket, in an attempt to mask any scent from the food tightly sealed within. I paused at the edge of the forest, the sunny meadow at my back, the shadowed trees beyond. I could sense him nearby. I could feel him watching me. I swallowed convulsively, a ticklish bead of sweat slipping down the back of my neck, making me shiver as I entered the hush of the wooded glade.

It was cooler here. One could almost forget that in another week, spring would be nothing but a sweet, perfumed memory and the air would turn to pea-soup; thick with the sent of wilting trees and simmering vegetation. A rustle to my right made me whirl to face…a chipmunk gnawing an acorn. It froze, staring at me—no, staring beyond me…

I felt the rush of movement at my back and yelped as he tackled me, sending the basket flying from my fingertips. He whirled me to face him as we fell, so that I landed with a muffled “Ooof” pinned beneath him; my back pressed into the damp earth. He looked down into my flushed face; dark eyes glittering, lips spreading into a wide, wicked grin—and then he kissed me; his lips pushing mine apart, his tongue sweeping in to plunder and explore. He tasted like fresh herbs and mountain spring water, like spice and wolf.

I pushed him away. “I’ve told you a million times not to tackle me like that.” I got to my feet, brushing leaves from my skirts. “No doubt you’ve ruined
dress. Hilde is going to have a fit.”

“If that old bat didn’t have something to complain about, she’d give up living. I’m doing a public service. You should be thanking me.” Lucas pulled me into his arms and nuzzled under my ear. “You smell terrible, by the way.”

I fought to disentangle myself, trying not to smile. “It’s not me, it’s my dress. And I’ll thank you to keep your hands to yourself.” I tilted my head back to get away, but it only served to expose more of my throat to those roving lips of his. His fingers found my laces and began tugging them apart. I struggled in earnest. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?”

“Getting rid of the dress.” He worked the deep square neckline of my gown lower, warm lips skimming the top of my breast.

“No—I mean—we can’t.” The words would have sounded prim—if they hadn’t come out on a breathy moan and if my fingers hadn’t foolishly buried themselves deep in his thick sable hair so I could press his face to my heaving bosom. His lips found my nipple and I whimpered. “We mustn’t.”

The gown slipped from my shoulders and pooled around my feet, leaving me in nothing but my thin, white chemise. We were nearly the same height, so when he raised his face to mine, he was looking me straight in the eye. “Then tell me to stop.”

My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth as his hands smoothed down my sides and over my ribcage. He had big hands, rough from living and working outdoors. His hands moved lower, cupping my bottom and bringing me flush against him, chest to chest, hip to hip. The hard ridge of his erection pressing into my thigh. “Tell me to stop,” he repeated softly.

A hot flush lit my cheeks. I gulped and shook my head. I didn’t want him to stop. I didn’t ever want him to stop…



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