Deadlands Heat (Doomsday Lover Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Deadlands Heat (Doomsday Lover Book 1)
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He sucked in a breath. “Good girl.” I came up and went back down. “Oh, yes. Just like that.” He cradled my head in his hands, keeping me moving in a steady rhythm, bringing me down as his hips came up to meet me. His breathing began to falter. “Enough. I’m going to come.”

I pulled back enough to speak. “Don’t you
to come?”

“Not in your mouth.”

Amir lifted me up and tore the robe off so fast I squeaked in surprise and my heart pounded in response to the spike of adrenaline. He lay me back and spread my thighs, easing himself down on top of me. I arched my back, groaning as he entered me. He held himself up on his arms, watching my face as he eased out and plunged in again—each stroke, slow and deliberate. He put his hand between us, caressing me in time to his relentless thrusting.

“Oh, god, yes,” I panted. “Please. Don’t stop.” I reached above my head and grabbed on to the arm of the sofa, hips jerking, arms and legs tensing, as my body strained towards the oncoming climax. It washed over me in hot wave of bone-melting, wit-scattering bliss. Above me, Amir’s rhythm faltered. He drove in fast, deep and hard—and then came, growling against my shoulder. He pulled out and sat on the other end of the sofa with his back against the armrest, just staring at me while we both caught our breath.

“That wasn’t part of the plan,” he said at last.

“Fuck the plan. That was

He laughed and shook his head. “Sex is like a multi-course meal. If you gorge on appetizers you can’t fully appreciate the main course.”

“Maybe that’s true.” I shrugged, reaching out to dip my finger in the little bowl of whipping cream. He watched me slowly suck it clean and then I gave him a wink. “But there’s always room for dessert.”




Chapter Eight

Trouble in Paradise


I WOKE WITH a smile on my face—bathed in sunlight and surrounded by silk. Someone had pulled aside the outer layers of one thick curtain wall, leaving only a sheer fluttering screen of smoky turquoise. A wide section of bright rose garden was visible beyond. Judging by the amount of light and the fact that I didn’t want to shoot the first person who spoke to me, it had to be at least noon. I sat up and stretched, savoring the delicious pull of my tenderized muscles. This was what it meant to be well-fucked.

Amir was a
. He’d spent hours lavishing me with sensation; massaging me with rich fragrant oils, feeding me expensive delicacies…and then he’d made love to me—slow, passionate, merciless love. Until I was begging him to stop and then begging him to never stop. Until I felt like one more orgasm would kill me. By the time he’d slipped out in the middle of the night, I could hardly keep my eyes open. He’d practically fucked me unconscious. I giggled and fell back against the pillows. A girl could get used to this.

“Ahem.” The steward stood in the entryway.

I pulled the sheets up to my chin. “Yes?”

“Your presence is requested in the breakfast room.”

Oh. Breakfast. The thought of Amir and food in the same room made my nipples come to attention. “I’ll be right there.”

“Very good. I shall wait without while you prepare yourself. The master has provided suitable clothing,” he gestured to the dresser. “Your own
,” he added with distaste, “have been laundered and placed inside as well.”

“Thanks.” I replied sweetly. “I’ll be out in a jiff.” Snotty little bastard. I waited until he left and then opened the dresser. The first drawer had bras and underwear—delicate, fancy lace ones with little ribbons and bows. I smiled. They were all
except one pair in the center, which was a blushing shade of pink.

The next drawer had a selection of gauzy blouses and flowing summer dresses, followed by a drawer with silk pants and shorts, and then in the last drawer, all by their lonesome, was my old tank top and faded blue jeans. The sanctimonious prick had put them in a plastic bag with a hard knot. I shook my head, tore it open, and shrugged them on—taking more than a little pleasure from knowing it would rile him. His eyes narrowed as I stepped into the hallway.

I lifted my head and gestured imperiously. “Lead on.”


THE BREAKFAST ROOM turned out to be another of the rooms with the retractable walls. The entire eastern section had been tied back to reveal a stunning slice of oasis lake, edged in lush tropical greenery. But the view that stopped me in my tracks was Amir at one end of a table, his long fingers curved around a wineglass—sitting across from Max.

“Join us.” Amir said softly. He didn’t need to threaten or remind me of his security. We both knew if he gave the order I’d be on my knees in front of him in seconds. Funny, the thought of just such an encounter would have excited me a moment ago.

I gave him a tight smile and sat. “I see you have another guest.”

“I have found that these matters are best served by directness.” He gestured to Max. “You have been accused of theft.”

“Well, he’s a liar.” I passed a cold look over Max. “I don’t know this man from a snake in my boot.”

Max slammed his hand on the table. “Then how is it you ended up here on

Amir raised a hand. “I’m handling this.” He returned his attention to me. “I had hoped you’d be honest with me.”

I looked him straight in the eye. “I didn’t know it was
bike. I was stranded in the middle of nowhere, at the mercy of a gang of thieving perverts. I had to make a quick exit.” I looked at Max. “If it’s
and you want it back, you’re welcome to it.”

“This isn’t about the bike and you know it.” Max growled.

“I didn’t touch or take anything in your packs.” I said truthfully. “Search them if you don’t believe me.”

“We have searched the bike.” Amir replied calmly. He paused, glancing at the tablet in front of him and then continued, “The item was not there.”

“Well, you’ve already seen everything I’m hiding.” I gave him a flat look.

Max scowled at me and then at Amir, who’s eyelids had lowered a fraction.

“That’s what I’d thought too,” Amir said. “Until I had them search your room.” He pulled the cylinder from the folds of his robe and placed it on the table in front of him.

“That’s mine,” I said. My hand itched to snatch it back, but I held myself in check.

“I don’t appreciate being lied to.” Amir said.

“I haven’t lied,” I bit back.

“Indeed not?” Amir sat back. “Then how would you have explained this?”

“For starters, I would have told you to toss this assclown to the wolves.” I crossed my arms. “And then I’d thank you not to
with official courier business.”

“It’s my job to
.” Amir took a sip from his glass. “I keep the peace here by arbitrating disagreements.”

“Oh yeah?” I reached out before either of them could react and double-tapped the cylinder. “Courier 362536.

A holo-display flickered to life above the table, projecting a spooling list of stats and information—the transaction log for this particular package. I flicked my fingers, scrolling while highlighting relevant passages: the bill of lading, shipping point of origin and destination, designated courier (
, poor Danny), the illegal intercept (when Danny’s life signs failed), the Deadlander’s attempts to hack the cylinder and finally, my registration of repossession for delivery.

I leaned back and crossed my arms, looking smugly from Max’s stunned face to Amir’s impassive one. “Arbitrate




Chapter Nine

Signed, Sealed & Delivered


WHY DIDN’T YOU tell me?” Max asked.

I gave him the look the comment deserved. “It
pays for a courier to advertise their presence. It’s a great way wind up dead—like Danny.” I shrugged. “You seem like a nice enough guy, Max. And I understand you thought you were ripping off Deadlanders—maybe if you’d found out differently you would have given it back—but I’ve learned the hard way that there’s no honor among thieves.”

I’m not a thief!
” Max thundered. “
I’m the goddamned recipient!

The goddamned recipient is Reid Maxwell!
” I yelled back.

“Yeah. Reid
well.” He reached over and took my hand, shaking it by way of mock-introduction. “Pleased to fucking meet you.”

I snatched my hand away and frowned.

Amir looked from me to him and back. “Why do the two of you look so grim? This is
news. The matter is settled. All that remains is to complete the delivery.” He inclined his head to us. “If you please?”

I glanced at Max and he nodded. I don’t know why, but the whole situation pissed me off. I felt like the butt of some cosmic joke. Judging by the way Max kept looking at me, he probably felt the same.

I picked up the cylinder. “Initiate custody transfer: Jenna Malone to Reid Maxwell.”

The AI spoke in a calm, uninflected female voice. “
Registering custody transfer now...
” Two seconds later the device chimed. “
Neuronet-confirmation for recipient required.
” I held it out to Max and he wordlessly pressed his thumb to the scanner. “
…Recipient identification confirmed. Reid Maxwell. Transfer of funds indicated to complete transaction: confirm transfer or deny

Max gave me a look. “Confirm.”

…Transaction complete. Thank you for your patronage.

“Are you both satisfied?” Amir asked.

Max nodded.

I sighed. “Yeah.”

Then cheer the fuck up,
” he said. “You look like someone insulted your grandmother’s cooking.”

I snorted. “What?”

“That’s better.” He held clapped his hands and the little steward rushed forward from whatever crevice he’d been hiding in. “This is cause for a celebration!” Amir declared. “Bring food and wine for my guests! And call in some of my girls—I want to be surrounded by swaying bodies and smiling faces.”

“Yes, master.” The steward bowed and scuttled away.

Max stood. “I should go.”

Amir took him by the shoulders. “Stay. Let me feed you at least—consider my reputation as a host, it’s the least you can do.”

Max glanced at me and sighed. “Fine. For a little while.”




Chapter Ten

Into the Sunset


A LITTLE WHILE turned out to be seven hours. The feast lasted all day long. Amir had a girl for every season—there were serving girls and dancing girls and girls who played the harp. There was even one girl whose sole job was brining snacks and water to the other girls. I told myself the pang of jealousy I felt when I saw them hanging all over him was utterly ridiculous. Not that it did any good.

After hours of feasting, dancing and carousing, I was feeling increasingly depressed—burned out on partying and ready to slink off somewhere quiet. The revelers included the sheik’s local business partners and visiting tradesman, along with anyone Amir found…
. They were a friendly lot, and getting friendlier as the evening wore on. Eventually, they started moving the party inside. I got the impression these impromptu celebrations were not unusual. And why should they be? Amir had plenty of reasons to celebrate. At last count I’d seen at least twenty-two.

By the time it was just Amir, Max and I, alone in the garden the sun had nearly set. I watched it sink and slowly kiss the rim of the rock wall, casting the sheltered oasis in a brilliant orange glow. Across the valley, near the entrance, a long shadow crept towards us.

“Beautiful, isn’t it.” Amir came up beside me and put his hand on my waist. It was an obvious signal to Max, who stood brooding nearby. They’d been circling each other throughout the evening—each quiet boast and careful comment full of innuendo and superficial subtlety.

my ass
. I barely kept from rolling my eyes at him. “Yes. It’s lovely.”

“I was thinking about turning in early…if you’d care to join me?” His hand moved up and down on my back. As pissed off as I was, he was still so tempting.

“Maybe next time.” I said turning to face him. I held out my hand. “It was a pleasure making your acquaintance.”

He stared at my hand for a moment with bemused surprise and then he took my fingers in his grasp and leaned down to kiss my knuckles. “The pleasure was mine,” he said, pressing his lips, first to the top of my hand, and then the inside of my wrist. “And I do hope there is a next time. Goodnight, tumbleweed.”

I took a deep breath and watched him walk away.

“I have to say, I’m surprised.”

“Why is that, Max?” I turned to look at him.

He shrugged. “I thought you’d go with him.”

I shook my head and turned away, arms wrapped around myself as I watched the sun disappear behind the sheer rock wall. “He never even asked me my name.”

“Why would he need to? He probably already knew it.”

“That’s not the point.” I shrugged. “I guess it doesn’t matter.”

, in any case, it’s his loss.”

“And your gain, I suppose?”

He spread his hands. “
is entirely up to you.”

The shadow swallowed the ground at my feet, falling over my skin like a cool blanket. Soon, the normally inhospitable desert would turn chill and dark and even more treacherous. Even if I wanted to risk it and leave now, I no longer had transportation…

“The next horizon will still be there in the morning,” Max said softly. He came up behind me and snaked one arm around my waist, his other hand came up to playfully fondle the pink lace bra strap peeking out from under my tank top. His lips brushed the side of my neck as he spoke, breath hot on my ear. “Why not kill some time with me until then?”

I turned my head so I could look at him over my shoulder. “Got any more of that jerky?”

He grinned, flashing his dimple, and then he turned me around and pulled me tight against his chest “For you, anything.”


He dropped his lips to mine. “Anything.”

I curved into his embrace, sinking into the heat of his slow, passionate kiss. When I broke away my breathing was heavy and my heart was racing. I looked up at him with hazy half-lidded eyes and whispered, “I want your bike.”

He laughed. “It’s yours.”

I pulled back to look him in the eye. “Really?”

“Really. It’s the least I can do after you fought so hard for my package.”

“I did it for Danny,” I admitted quietly. “He was an ass, but you could count on him to have your back. He always said he’d retire with a perfect delivery record--I couldn’t see him resting easy with unfinished business.”

“Speaking of unfinished business…” He kissed my neck, nuzzling the sensitive spot under my ear while I snaked my hand around and fished the keys out of his back pocket. He snorted and shook his head. “Subtle.”

I shrugged, pulling away. “I have to do things when I think of them. I’m easily distracted.”

He let me go. “Not easily enough, as far as I’m concerned…” He ran his fingers through his already messy hair. It looked like he wanted to ask something, then he shook his head. “I’ll walk you out.”

“Such a gentleman.” I looped my arm through his. “Thanks for the bike.”

He grinned. “Well, I figure you gave
one hell of a ride, it’s only fair that I return the favor.”

I gave him a half-hearted swat, trying not to laugh. “I take it back. You, sir, are no gentleman.”

“And you’re no lady.” He leaned down to add in a whisper, “I like it.”


WE PARTED COMPANY at the shadowed entrance to the oasis. He didn’t wave or say goodbye. When the time came, he just smiled and turned away, walking back the way we came until he disappeared round the corner. Part of me wanted to follow him…but the rest of me wanted to chase that orange sunset into the ground.

I climbed on my new bike, grinning as I revved the engine. She was a beauty; sleek and black and growling like a panther. I tore off into the desert, the sun in my eyes and wind whipping through my hair—kicking up dirt and looking for trouble. Just the way I like it.





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