Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED] (6 page)

Read Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED] Online

Authors: Ava Lore

Tags: #blood play, #anal creampie, #anal sex, #bbw romance, #vampire sex, #finger bang, #vampire romance, #undead sex, #vampire erotica, #bbw erotica, #rubenesque, #oral sex

BOOK: Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED]
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She sat up and twisted the gold and diamond engagement ring from her finger. “James,” she said as he walked placidly toward the front door, preparing to waltz out of her life permanently. He turned and looked at her. There was no malice in his gaze, just a sort of general confusion, as though he wasn't quite sure what he was doing. Chloe felt sorry for him.

She held the ring up. “Here,” she said. “You can get a decent amount for this.”

“Are you sure?” the vampire said.

Chloe nodded. James gave the vampire an inquiring look and he inclined his head. Crossing the room, James reached for the ring.

Their fingers brushed together. Chloe felt nothing.

Then James and Jenny left and she was alone in her apartment with the vampire.

Slowly, the tension drained from her shoulders and Chloe slumped in her seat, suddenly exhausted. “Um... thanks,” she said.

The vampire shrugged. “It is safer here than at a hotel.”

Chloe didn't even have the energy to ask why the apartment was safer. Other vampires couldn't enter. That technically made it safer. Since the vampire was no doubt paranoid about getting bound up and tossed in a concrete foundation again, she could hardly begrudge him his precautions.

And she had her apartment back. The place where she had grown up out of college and moved forward.

She looked around.
When my lease is up,
Chloe thought,
maybe I should get a new place. Can't get too comfortable.

She stood up and brushed her hands off with sharp, brisk movements, as though to brush off the last three years of her life. “Well,” she said, “that's settled. What would you like to do? There's a television, that shows pictures and stories from around the globe, it might help get you caught up. And that over there is a computer. It's kind of slow, but I guess you won't know the difference. It's like a typewriter, but hooked up to a billion other typewriters and they all have books and books of stuff in them. Some of the books are badly written and really weird and some are downright scary, but it could help bring you up to speed, too. Or, I mean, I guess you could ask me questions...”

“I'd rather fuck you until you screamed my name,” the vampire said.

Chloe's brain ground to a halt.

“Oh,” she said.

His mouth quirked up at the corner. “You find this objectionable?”

She licked her lips. “Uh. I thought when you said you wanted to fall into bed with a beautiful woman that you were just being nice to me and taking care of my... um... ex-fiance problem.”

The vampire's eyes widened in shock. “I beg your pardon?” he said. “I was nothing but truthful in that regard. I will show you
a diverting time, Miss Chloe Banks, that you will forget all about your other troubles—which are now considerably less. You're welcome.”

A red hot blush spread up her neck to her face. “I mean... I'm not beautiful. I'm just the first woman you've seen in the past one hundred and one years...” She looked down at her body and realized her chest and stomach were exposed. The blush became nuclear and she hurriedly grabbed her blouse and pulled it around her.

Nothing could completely hide the rolls she hated, or the softness of her too-bountiful form, but at least she could cover everything up in her librarian's uniform. Cute tweed skirts and soft layers that wrapped her up and obscured all the bits she hated, with sensible black pumps to make her legs appear shapely. That was what she was comfortable with. Not running around with no bra and her blouse open.

She stared hard at the Berber carpet, trying to suppress her humiliation.

“Good heavens,” the vampire said. “Do you really think that? I assure you, I have seen quite a few women since rising from my inconvenient slumber. Aside from the fact that they would all be significantly easier to bed as they would be susceptible to my suggestions, I would prefer you any day of the week. Why do you think I've stuck around and helped you with your ex-fiance problem?”

“Because you're a nice guy deep down underneath?” Chloe hazarded.

The vampire started to protest, then chuckled. “Perhaps I am. But don't go telling anyone that. Now, where were we?”

He crossed the room to stand in front of her. She had to force herself to look up into his fathomless eyes, but when she finally managed it she was glad she did. He gazed down at her with a smoldering intensity no man had ever turned her direction before.

He reached out and gently disengaged her white-knuckled grip from her blouse. “Breasts as beautiful as these should never be hidden,” he said. His voice was soft, but urgent. “It is a disservice to their magnificence, and an impossibility besides.” Cool fingers ran over her chest, sending up goosebumps over her skin, and Chloe sucked air through her nose, feeling faint.

Could he truly mean that? She thought she'd been a convenience. She'd been James' convenience. She had been Jenny's convenient fat friend. She was Deena's convenient whipping girl at work. It was hard to believe he actually wanted her for some reason
than the fact that she was convenient.

“You don't mean that,” she said automatically. She couldn't accept it.

“Don't be ridiculous,” the vampire said. “My tongue in your sweet pussy wasn't enough to convince you that I would like to fuck you senseless?”

“Such language,” Chloe murmured, trying to find refuge in humorous distance, but his large hands skated over the outside swell of her breasts and cupped them, lifting them up. Circling his thumbs over her taut nipples, the vampire smiled at her.

“You like it,” he said. Leisurely, he slipped her blouse from her shoulders and down her arms, but he didn't remove it. Instead, he twisted and tied the fabric, and when he was done her hands were bound behind her, her back arched and her tits heaving. His hands returned, playing with her, a wicked gleam in his eye.

Chloe licked her lips. She
like it.

The vampire smiled. “Shall I be blunt? It was uncouth to be blunt a hundred years ago. I hope it is just as dirty now.”

“It is,” Chloe said faintly. “Please, be blunt.”

“Very well. Do you know what it is like, buried beneath the ground? It is cold. And hard. And dreadfully, dreadfully dull. At first, you are angry.” His hands on her breasts suddenly grew rougher, grabbing great handfuls of flesh and pinching her nipples sharply. “You will kill the sons-of-bitches who put you there.” He snaked a hand up her throat and behind her head, grabbing her by the hair. Pulling back, he exposed her throat to his heated gaze.

Desire coursed through her at the possessive gesture. Her breath picked up, her breasts pressing urgently into his hand, but to her dismay he removed it and began to smooth his palm over the rest of her body. He seemed to revel in her softness. “Then the boredom sets in. You go mad. You come back. You go mad again. Sometimes you sleep for years. And you dream.”

He tilted his head, giving her whole body an appraising look. “I dreamed of beautiful women, but none so lush as you.”

“Fat,” she corrected him.

He pinched the swell of her buttocks and twisted. Chloe jumped and yelped, her arms yanking involuntarily on the bindings of her blouse, and she lost her balance. The vampire caught her easily, laughing. “Fertile,” he corrected her. “Do you know what it means to a man who has been starving for a hundred years in the cold hard ground to find a soft, warm,
woman such as you? I didn't even dare dream of someone like you. That's how divine you are to me.”

She'd never been described as divine. Chloe relaxed into him as his lips found her shoulder and began to plant curiously warm kisses over the swell of flesh there. “Why are you warmer?” she asked.

He pulled back. “I'm not sure,” he said, surprised. “Perhaps you bring out the memories of life in me.”

“Oh. Well. Don't stop?”

“I won't.”

He lifted her up as though she were light as a feather, one hand supporting her, the other ripping away her dowdy tweed skirt. The sound of tearing stitches buzzed through the apartment, and then the whole world tipped and turned as he lifted her up high and pulled her thighs over his shoulders before propping her against the wall. His hands spread over the cheeks of her ass and kneaded them hard as he buried his head between her legs.

Chloe reeled, the wall cool and solid against her back, the ceiling inches from the top of her head, her arms still bound behind her, her shoulders torqued to discomfort, but the vampire's breath ghosting over the flesh on the inside of her thighs sent shivers skittering over her skin. With great effort she refrained from writhing—she wasn't afraid she would fall, exactly, but her balance wasn't the best—and instead dug her heels into his back.

Between her thighs, sharp vampiric teeth ripped away the sensible cotton of her panties, exposing her wet pussy to the cool air. She gasped as he ran his tongue over the crease between her leg and her labia, her eyes rolling in her head. His hair brushed against her inner thigh and the arms holding her up tensed as he tilted his head and began to explore her with his tongue.

The deadly curved surface of his fangs slid against her wet pussy as he opened his mouth wide and peeled his lips back. Chloe held herself very still.

He chuckled at her caution, and the sound buzzed through her core to her womb. “I love the taste of your pussy,” he said. There was a harsh edge to his voice. “Thick and creamy. Sweet and sour. I'm going to fuck it hard. Would you like that? A nice rough pounding?”

Chloe mewled and nodded, her ass tensing beneath his hands as she tried to meet his mouth half-way.

“Maybe I should fuck your ass, too,” the vampire said. “I've never seen an ass so glorious, so full and waiting for me to bury my cock inside it. Maybe you'd like that, too... Oh, I see you do. You don't have to say anything. Your body tells me you want me inside you anyway you can get me. Your pussy is going to overflow any second now...”

With a long, slow stroke of his tongue, he licked her cream away and Chloe moaned. She didn't know what to say. Yes, she wanted him. She'd been in a relationship for four years and had never even thought she might like to take a cock in her ass... but somehow, when the vampire suggested it, it seemed like the best idea she'd ever heard...

Her eyes flew open and she looked down. His eyes met hers.

“Are you glamoring me?” she demanded, breathlessly.

He smirked at her. “No,” he said. “I think you may perhaps be too observant to be susceptible to such things. But you don't need me to glamour you to want a good hard fuck. You need one. I'm guessing you've never been properly laid. Especially not by that little shit that ran out of here with his tiny cock held between his legs like a whipped dog's tail.”

Jesus, he had a way with words. “Then... then why are you saying those things?” she asked.

“It's called talking dirty,” he said. “You like it.” Not a question, just a statement. Holding her eyes, he leaned forward and licked her pussy again. She watched, fascinated, as her labia, covered in short, fine hair, swelled and parted with the passage of his tongue, and when he finally flicked the tip over her aching clit Chloe hissed and bucked into his face.

“Patience, patience, pet.” And he flattened his tongue against her clit and began to swirl it around the little nub in slow, torturous figure eights.

Her back bowed and Chloe cried out. His tongue was rough and cool, but the eyes on hers burned white hot. His fangs were out, brushing over her labia, and when he dipped his tongue deep inside her their wicked curves pressed against her pussy.

His rhythm picked up, in and out, around and around. The hands on her ass kneaded harder, his cool fingers slipping into the hot crack and brushing over the puckered entrance there. Her whole body drew taut, quivering with anticipation and barely contained pleasure. Her toes pointed and curled as her legs tightened around his head, drawing him in closer, urging him to pick up his pace, and he obliged as he slipped one hand forward into the slit of her pussy.

A long cool finger played with her entrance as he picked up the pace of his tongue, and Chloe felt her whole body knot up and pull tight. He smoldered inside his cool skin, his eyes bright and wicked as her release built inside her at the base of her belly. “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she panted as his tongue sped up, faster and faster, until it swirled around her clit at an inhuman speed.

Within seconds she was coming, her core contracting hard, grasping at the tips of his fingers, still lingering leisurely just out of reach. Her arms, still tightly bound behind her, strained at her blouse. A few stitches ripped as her climax roared through her, but the fabric held, and the rippling fire inside her had barely abated when the vampire slid the points of his fangs over her labia.

Tiny stings of pain pricked against the pleasure, but to Chloe's utter shock, she found she liked it. His tongue slowed, lapping up the tiny drops of blood he'd drawn, and he groaned with the pleasure of it when he swallowed her life's essence.

“Taste good?” she managed to ask him.

“You have no idea, Chloe,” he rasped as he unhooked her thighs from his shoulders and slid her down the wall and into his arms. “I could eat you up.”

She stiffened slightly. He wouldn't
would he?

He laughed at the expression on her face. “Waste not, want not, my dear.” And he scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

The light on James' side of the bed was on, but of course he wasn't there, and a number of his things were gone from the nightstand—he must have taken them with him—and on the other side of the bed her nightstand was just as messy as ever. Jenny clearly hadn't spent enough time displacing her to remove all of her things. It was still her room. It looked almost exactly the same as it had twenty hours before. Before everything had fallen apart.

Oh well. That was all behind her now. Her immediate future was her primary concern, and she hoped it involved lots of cock. She was surprised to find that she didn't feel weird at all about fucking the vampire in the bed she had shared with her fiance, but really, all she could think was:
Finally! Let's get this show on the road.

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