Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED] (3 page)

Read Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED] Online

Authors: Ava Lore

Tags: #blood play, #anal creampie, #anal sex, #bbw romance, #vampire sex, #finger bang, #vampire romance, #undead sex, #vampire erotica, #bbw erotica, #rubenesque, #oral sex

BOOK: Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED]
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Chloe tore her gaze away from him and focused on the dark, unlit highway ahead of her. “Where have you been for the past... eighty years?”

“What year is it?”

“Twenty thirteen.”

“One hundred and one years,” he said. “Where have I been for the past one hundred and one years, you mean. And the answer is, rotting in a hole in the ground.”

Chloe tried not to show her surprise, but she couldn't help but inhale sharply.
A hundred and one years? He'd been buried in nineteen twelve? The same year the Titanic went down,
she remembered.

Well. That sort of answered one question: if he'd been shut away for a hundred years, then he was clearly suffering from an extended case of blue balls and the first vaguely female thing he found had set off his long-dormant cock. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course he wasn't attracted to
he was just glad to find pussy.

Why did that thought hurt so much?

She shoved it away and tried to focus on the matter at hand. Which was... oh yes.
A hundred years.
“If I may ask, why, uh, did you take such an extended leave of absence?”

“It wasn't my choice.” His voice snapped like whip. “I was betrayed. And now that I have been freed, I will seek my vengeance. After procuring suitable clothes, of course.”

Chloe thought.
Common plot device—actual occurrence?
It wasn't surprising that a small community of superhumanly powerful immortals would have a bit of drama to keep the centuries interesting. She filed away this tidbit. “Who betrayed you?”

The vampire was silent, and when she stole a look at him from the corner of her eye she saw, in the dim light from the dashboard, that his rock-hard jaw pulsed with his clenching teeth.

That was probably a sore spot. Perhaps she should tread lightly.

Too bad I'm not built for treading lightly,
Chloe thought, but she shut up anyway.

They drove the next ten minutes in silence, and when Chloe finally pulled into the Walmart parking lot she was feeling woozy with tension and bloodloss. Maybe she could grab some apple juice and some crackers or something...

She looked over at the vampire and tried to think through the wooziness. He sat in her car staring at the huge megastore out of her car window. He was turned away from her so she couldn't see his face, but if the set of his shoulders was any indication he was feeling no small measure of trepidation. He was also more naked than before. His clothes hung from him in ribbons.

Chloe rallied her braincells. “Um,” she said. “Do you have any money?”

He turned and looked at her, his eyes lost in shadow. “No. You will be buying my clothes.”

She scowled at him. “I don't think so,” she said. “I don't have a lot of money.”

“Nevertheless, you will purchase clothing for me.”

“Excuse me, I just said I wouldn't.”

They stared at each other in the dark.

“Chloe,” he said finally, speaking slowly and distinctly as if she were deaf, “you will procure clothing for me.
You will do it now

Irritation flared. “I just said I wasn't going to, dammit. If you don't have another plan...
Realization dawned as he went that curious corpse-stillness that she was starting to recognize as surprise. “Oh, you were trying to glamour me.”

“Yes,” he said. He did not sound happy. “It did not work. Obviously.”

“Am I immune?” she asked eagerly. Another point of data she could file away.

“No one is immune,” the vampire said, but he sounded unsure.

Chloe, for her part, thrilled with glee at the thought.
I'm special! Take that, James and Jenny, you
jerks. “Ooooh, this is an interesting twist of events,” she said, unable to help herself. “Am I now the mysterious heroine of our story, no longer the hapless vampire victim, unable to resist the charms of a bloodsucking monster from beyond the grave?”

“I beg your pardon,” the vampire said stiffly. “I take issue with that characterization. And you are still unable to resist my charms.”

And to prove his point, he flowed across the space between them and kissed her.

Chloe didn't realize what was happening fast enough to escape, and, well, there was the issue that she probably didn't really
to escape. When his ice cold lips landed on hers, she inhaled sharply, but didn't have the presence of mind to pull away.

Her eyes slipped closed. Chill invaded her, but it was a strange sort of cold, the kind that burned as well as numbed. His hands had fastened in her hair, holding her in a firm, unyielding grip, and as his lips worked against hers the same sweet euphoria of his bite began to invade her body.

Any thoughts she may have had of escaping dissipated with the sensation of his kiss. His mouth was commanding, dominant, but instead of just taking what he wanted, as he had in the library, he teased and coaxed her lips with his, slowly persuading them to open before him. When they did, his tongue, cool and strong, slipped between her teeth and brushed against hers, a light, sweet question.

Let me in?

Chloe thought,
yes, please.

His tongue in her mouth was like nothing she had ever known before. It didn't feel like an invading body; it felt like it belonged there. The stroke of his tongue against her own was insistent but gentle, and she caught a whiff of something metallic. He tasted of blood and wine and fresh-turned earth. Logic flew out the window as she reached out and found his rock-hard body in the dark cramped car. Her fingers curled through his disintegrating clothes, pulling and tugging. They came away easily, revealing smooth, cold skin to her touch.

She'd expected the sensation to jar her, jerk her out of the easy, dizzy dream his mouth inspired in her—
vampire saliva must have some sort of narcotic effect,
Chloe-the-librarian suggested from far away—but instead it heightened her curiosity. He didn't feel dead at all, as she had distantly feared. Instead he almost hummed with energy. The coldness of his skin suggested something alien and out of the ordinary, something not-quite-human rather than a reanimated corpse. Intrigued, Chloe dreamily let her hands explore his body as his tongue stroked the inside of her mouth in a sweet, insistent rhythm.

Strong arms, hard biceps, broad shoulders. Firm, quivering muscles beneath his smooth, chilly skin. Her fingers wandered to his back, discovering the gentle undulations of his personal geography, and when she flattened her palms against him she realized she had pulled him even closer. Her breasts collided with his chest, and the contrast of his cool, hard planes against her soft, heated curves stole her breath away. She made an appreciative sound in her throat. She could have spent hours just discovering the secrets of his body with her fingertips, and it wasn't entirely due to the drugging effect of his kiss.

He made a soft, urgent noise in response. She barely heard it, but she felt it echo in her mouth. Drugged and lazy, she couldn't quite understand what it was he wanted from her, and as he pressed harder and harder against her she struggled to comprehend what he sought.

Abruptly he broke their kiss—up until now languid and unhurried despite its soft urgency—and his fingers in her hair crooked and dug into her scalp. His blunt nails ran down the curve of her skull, dragging shivers in their wake. Her whole body responded, shuddering in anticipation, dread, and remembered pleasure as his mouth found her throat.

He didn't bite her. Instead, he opened his mouth wide and dragged the tips of his fangs against her skin. Lightly they scraped over her throat, gentle enough not to draw blood, but hard enough to promise it. His hands on her shoulders grew insistent, strong, delving and smoothing over her curves, the soft flesh she had grown to hate, but the drug of his kiss made her concerns far away. Irrelevant.

He slid his palms over the lush mounds of her hips, then slipped them beneath her and lifted her from her seat.

Chloe wasn't
drugged that this seemed like a good idea. A tiny flutter of panic flared up—the quarters in this car were too cramped. What if he forgot his strength and broke her as he scooped her towards him?

She needn't have worried. Even vampires sometimes take the path of least resistance.

The seat behind her bent as he reached over and pushed against it. It curved into a backwards arch, the metal frame inside the foam groaning in protest, and if she'd had more blood in her brain Chloe might have protested right along with it.

But his other hand dug into the soft mound of her buttocks, long fingers curling and probing the soft folds hidden between her legs.

Chloe moaned, her wrecked car forgotten. She spread out into the new space he had made, turning to face him fully, her legs opening for him. Desperately she tugged on him, urging him closer, and she heard him laugh.

“That's more like it,” the vampire said. His voice rumbled against her drug-addled ears, velvety and dark, a sensation almost too intense to endure, and she writhed at the sound. His hands returned to her body, running up and down her legs, the cold of his skin slicing through her thin tights and stealing the thundering heat of her blood in her veins.

He hovered over her, kneeling in his seat between her parted legs, looking for all the world like a cobra about to strike. He was almost completely nude now, and the lights of the parking lot fell on the hard planes of his body, outlining him in harsh highlights and inky shadows.

One of her feet found the dashboard while the other lodged against the back of his seat, bracing for an impact she knew was coming.

Again he crooked his fingers and rain his blunted nails over her thighs, this time ripping her nylons without a second thought, scoring her flesh, and her arms, already shaking, gave out. Her head hit the window of the car with a thud as his hand found her panties and slipped them aside.

His cold fingers met the immense heat of her pussy with a strong, sure caress, probing and curling in her hot folds. Chloe gripped the steering wheel as her body responded to him, fire rising up to meet his ice. In the dark, his eyes glittered down at her, a predator's gaze, watching her intently as he slowly parted the folds of her labia and dipped an icy finger inside.

Chloe cried out, her hips bucking into his hand. “Ah!”

“Yessssss,” he hissed, his other hand sliding up her body to her breasts. She thought he might stop there, might linger on her softness, but instead his hand traveled higher, to her breastbone. The chill of him seeped through her clothing, and she gasped.

His head tilted, his heated eyes studying her as if he were distant from the proceedings, engaging with her out of purely scientific curiosity. He wasn't, though. He wasn't nearly as detached as he tried to let on: she heard his ragged breathing riding in tandem to her own.

“Would you like to come, Chloe?”

His voice dragged her attention to his mouth. His words were obscured, and she caught the gleam of fangs against his lips.

“I, ah...” She couldn't form a cogent thought.
she wanted to scream.
Yes, please!
But underneath it all she knew it was madness. She was under the influence, drugged into complacency and stoked into incoherence. The vampire was a dark figure above her, a vicious creature who could end her life without a second thought—and he probably would. If his glamour didn't work on her, what would he do to ensure his tracks were covered?

He didn't give her time to think about it, because he placed his thumb on her clit and flicked it with his thumbnail.

Chloe shrieked and tried to sit up, to writhe away from the intensity of his thumb against her hypersensitive nub, but the hand on her heart held her fast, kept her anchored against the car door. Not enough to hurt her, oh no, but if she tried to surge up too far, struggled a little too much, his hand held her down like an anvil.

He was an immovable object, restraining her with the barest of touches, and between her legs his hand played, dancing and flicking, thrusting into her hot, wet core and dragging pleasure out of it.


Her eyes rolled, her head tossed, and when his hand moved up to her throat, Chloe groaned.

The vampire held her immobile as he stroked her pussy. “You smell divine,” he said conversationally as she thrashed below him. “Your sex is soaking wet. The blood beneath your skin is hot and sweet. I want to devour you whole.”

His fingers, embraced by her core, began to warm, responding to her heat and desire. Flames of need flickered up and down her body, igniting and catching in places she hardly knew existed. The vampire watched her with glittering eyes, his breathing ragged and tattered.

Release came upon her suddenly and without warning. The iron-cold hand around her throat held her fast as streaks of lightning bolted through her veins, her pussy quivering and clenching around his hand. Pushing hard against the dashboard and the seat with her feet, Chloe's back arched like a bow drawing taut. Her fingers clawed at the seat and steering wheel, groping for something, anything to hold on to as his fingers plunged and circled inside her core, intensifying her orgasm to the point where she thought she might explode if she didn't somehow hold herself together. Straining, caught in throes so intense she thought she might pass out, Chloe arched and quivered, struggling against the hand at her throat. Black spots bloomed behind her eyelids.

Suddenly the pressure at her throat eased and she dragged a tortured gasp into her lungs. Light returned, and she thought, if she had any sense, that she would turn and open the car door and try to escape. Her orgasm was receding, her senses returning. She should run.

Then cool lips alighted on her pussy and his cool, flat tongue stroked against her pulsing clit once, twice, three times.

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