Daylight on Iron Mountain (52 page)

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Authors: David Wingrove

Tags: #Science fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Daylight on Iron Mountain
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Much has happened between the publication of the first of these prequels, SON OF HEAVEN, and this second helping. One of the developments I’ve enjoyed most is the creation of a wonderful new home for Chung Kuo on the internet – Matt Acevedo’s Of Gifts And Stones: The Chung Kuo Website. For anyone wanting further information on what’s happening with the sequence, search it out at
. There’s a lot of Chung Kuo-related material on it, and I’ll be blogging from time to time. The official series website and blog can be found at

Special thanks this time out go to everyone at Corvus, for their enthusiasm, and to my good friends – you know who you are – who’ve helped me with encouragement and advice.

Additional thanks go to George R. R. Martin, for writing of an exceptional level. His A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE sequence has lost me many hours of sleep these past few months. May he keep producing work of such magnificence.

Finally, a word of thanks to Larry Rostant, painter extraordinaire, for the covers.

June 2011

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