Dating Two Dragons (5 page)

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Authors: Sky Winters

BOOK: Dating Two Dragons
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Anna paused, she hadn’t expected a line of questioning. “That’s easy. Because you were cocky and rude. You acted like a guy who knew he could charm the pants off any woman he wanted. You needed to hear a different answer.”

Sonny smiled as he took in Anna’s half-shadowed figure. “So you wanted to teach me a lesson, then?”

“Not really. I didn’t know you and hadn’t planned on seeing you again. I just didn’t want to get involved with Rhett Butler.”

Sonny’s shoulders shook with suppressed laughter. “You know what’s funny? You aren’t the first woman to call me that, but it was the first time the comparison had backfired on me.” Sonny chuckled again, but quickly grew serious. “What made you change your mind?”
Please don’t say Brandon.

“I’m not sure. I think it was the need to try something new. I just got out of a shit relationship recently and needed to cut loose a little.”

Sonny turned his head so Anna couldn’t see his disappointment. “Oh, that’s all? Cool. I’m glad we could help.”

“Hang on a second.” Anna closed the last couple of feet between them. “Would it help if I told you that I was curious about you? The fact that you happened to show up on a date I was on, had to have been a sign, right?”

“Well not really. Brandon likes to invite me on all his dates and vice versa.”

Anna held up a hand. “Regardless. Tonight just felt a little bit serendipitous to me. I thought I’d see it through and find out what happens.”

Sonny cocked an eyebrow. “And?”

Anna took his hands. “
I’ve had the best night of my life. Thank you.” She stood on tiptoe and planted a gentle kiss on his mouth. Her breasts just barely brushed over his chest, commanding her nipples to attention.

Her soft thank you kiss quickly deepened into something hungrier, more demanding. Their tongues swept over each other and Sonny pulled her into him, crushing her to his body.

Every inch where his skin touched hers, set Anna’s body on fire. Her greedy hands roamed over his back and ass, curving around his hips to the front of him. She wrapped her hand around his half-hard cock and began to stroke it to its full size. Sonny was well-endowed and filled her hand.

He sighed and dropped is head back, egging Anna on. “That feels amazing, baby,” he declared before biting his lip.

“If you think that feels good…” Anna dropped to her knees and ran her tongue along the underside of the shaft. She watched Sonny’s face as she drew him into her mouth. He sucked in a breath through his teeth as she toyed with him. Her mouth and fist moving in tandem, driving Sonny crazy.

She didn’t care about her first impression of him any longer. The beautiful man in front of her was under her power and she liked it.

“Anna,” Sonny sighed. His hands dove into the tangled waves of her hair. “Anna, stop.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Stand up.”

Anna obeyed and rose to her feet. Something in the dragon’s manner compelled her to listen.

Sonny grabbed her by the hips and hoisted her onto the counter. His eyes glowed with flames. Her pelvis was level with his on the cold granite surface. Sonny gripped her thighs, and pushed her legs open as he sidled up to her.

Anna cupped Sonny’s face and pressed her lips to his. The taste of her from earlier lingered on his mouth and tongue, turning her on with every sweep of the tongue. It hadn’t been long since she’ had both men, but she wanted Sonny as badly as a man in the desert wants water.

Sonny nudged at her opening, teasing at the sensitive and swollen flesh with his head. With a groan, he eased himself inside her. “Oh God, you’re so big.” Anna gasped.

Sonny growled low in his throat as he thrusted, and the fire in his eyes brightened. “You belong to me, do you understand that?” Starting slow at first, then picking up speed as Anna gasped and moaned.

She loved every last stroke of him inside her, and as he drove her over the edge again, she called his name out and dug her nails into his shoulders. “Yes! Oh, god Sonny. Yes!”

“Tell me you’re mine.”

Anna came apart with a moan. “I’m yours,” she gasped as her body lost control.

With a shudder and groan, Sonny came quickly after her. He stayed buried in her with his arms wrapped around her waist as though she were his life raft.

“Tell me why I said no to you again,” Anna said with a giggle.

“Ah! Easy! I’m still inside you.” Sonny reluctantly withdrew, but the spasms from Anna’s laughing were a little too much for his oversensitive parts. “It’s because I had made myself as unappealing as possible.” He stroked her cheek as he spoke. “But I am really glad you changed your mind.”




“So it’s been a few months since I’ve seen you. What’s been going on?” Winnie asked with a glance at Anna’s midsection. “Looks like you’ve been busy.”

Anna rubbed a hand over the slight swell of her belly. She had just begun to show in the last couple of weeks so her whole life felt new. “You could say that,” she said with a giggle. “I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, but Sonny and I have just been in the throes of the new relationship period. I can’t get enough of him.”

Winnie smiled and leaned back in her chair. “That’s fine. I’ve kind of been in the same boat myself with Zack.”

“Oh, you mean you two have finally come out of the bedroom?”

“Yup. I’m not sure what happened, but one day we just decided to go see a movie and we somehow wound up committed. It’s been pretty great.”

Anna reclined in her lawn chair. Her feet hurt from running around all day and she wanted a good view of Sonny. “I’m finally going to get to see Sonny in action today. Isn’t that great? Have you ever seen Zack shifted?”

Winnie took a sip of tea, the ice tinkled against the glass. “Not yet. He’s still a little shy about letting me see his lion. I think he’s getting more comfortable with the idea though. He mentioned something about a hunt in the next couple of weeks. So what are we going to see from Mr. Sonny today?”

“He and Brandon have an exercise they’re going to do. I think it’s just to stretch their wings a bit. Sometimes they like to race just to burn off some energy.”

“I still can’t believe the relationship you found yourself in with those two. It’s so weird.” Winnie watched her friend through her dark glasses and wondered about what exactly went on with the three of them behind closed doors.

“My relationship is with Sonny. In the beginning, Brandon got an invite to join, but since confirming the pregnancy, Sonny has kept me all to himself.” A fact that she didn’t mind one bit. Anna felt the heat in her cheeks and hid her face in her magazine.

Winnie yanked the magazine from Anna’s hands. “Well, don’t be ashamed about it. It was interesting while it lasted, I’m sure.” She closed the pages to see the cover. “Celebrity gossip, huh?”

Anna shrugged. “I don’t smoke and I can’t drink for a while, so that’s my vice at the moment.” A whoosh broke from the edge of the trees and two large reptiles rose into the sky. They were nowhere near as large as the dragons depicted in legends, but they were still nearly twice the size of the men who inhabited the scaly bodies. Anna recognized Sonny right away. His scales were nearly black, only when the sun hit him just right did it actually reveal that they were green. Brandon’s was lighter, more of a deep golden brown, and both were stunning. Anna and Winnie sat in shock as the two dragons rose into the air. There was a pause as if to count down from three and then the pair took off over the tops of the trees and away from the two women.

“Wow,” Winnie exclaimed. “That was amazing! I know they didn’t do anything, but to see two dragons in real life!”

Anna was too shocked to speak. To think that she had found her mate in such an unlikely way and was now carrying his baby– who might actually be a dragon too! She felt like the luckiest woman in the world.






“So what’d you think?” Sonny asked on the way back home.

“I’m still speechless. That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen a shifter in their animal form–at least that I know of–and I certainly have never seen a dragon.” She laced her fingers with his.

Sonny gave her hand a squeeze. “You were the right choice then. Most people would have run screaming right to the asylum if they saw the pair of us.”

“How is it no one did see you?”

“We keep to the areas with next to zero population like where we were at today. That way, if a farmer or someone does see us, they can just chock it up to the heat or something.”

“The world knows about shifters, though. It’s not like some underground thing. I mean, I found you on a dating app and you don’t get much more public than that.”

“Technically, you found Brandon on the app. It was
who found
working a party, remember?”

Anna squinted in thought. “Oh yeah. I guess pregnancy brain is a real thing then, huh?”

Sonny’s face softened. “Yeah. And it’s pretty great.” He loved knowing that Anna was having his child. At the next red light, he snuck a look at Anna and his chest swelled with so much pride and love. The woman who didn’t want him was now his mate for life.

Anna caught Sonny staring and smiling at her. “What?”

He grinned. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” He gave her hand another squeeze as the light turned green and they headed for home.


Spanish Translation

Capítulo 1


La bola de bombero en Austin, Texas, fue uno de los más intensamente  la fete planificada y organizada en la ciudad. Cada detalle, desde la Sede hasta la platería y linos de tabla siempre fue organizado a la perfección. 

Todos los que había alguien que descienden en el Crowne Plaza Hotel vestida a las nueves en su Black-tie atavíos, listos para mezclarse y ser notado. El evento anual ha sido siempre un recaudador de fondos temáticos, ya sea para un fondo de becas, o un proyecto de escuela del interior de la ciudad, este año fue una noche de Casino a beneficio del fondo de los héroes caídos. La caridad impactó directamente a las viudas e hijos de bomberos y policías caídos en el área de Austin. Máquinas tragaperras, mesas de blackjack, ruleta y se habían establecido en todo el salón de baile. Un torneo de poker se celebrara en una sala separada con un buy-in de cien dólares con el cien por ciento del dinero recibido donado. 

Anna Nash no fue uno de los hermosos o personas adineradas invitó a la bola. Considerando el costo de la entrada solo era quinientos dólares un plato para no-bomberos, Anna no podía permitirse el lujo de asistir aun cuando tuvo la oportunidad. Lo que podía hacer era ganar un escaso 59 bucks para mesera y llenando vasos de agua en el evento. Con un poco de suerte, ella pudo codéate algunos consejos de los patronos.

El trabajó para la empresa de catering, Park Ave. Caterers, había sido contratado para proporcionar alimentos y bebidas menús para la primera vez en los 13 años transcurridos desde los inicios de la bola. Su agitada y muy Griego, Melina Tsangarelis boss, era naturalmente extasiados ante la idea de que tanto la exposición; y para una buena causa. Melina tenía Anna rolling dolmades y mezcla de aderezos para varios cientos de pollos enteros durante toda la semana en preparación para el evento. 

Después de una larga semana de prep y rompiendo el trabajo, finalmente fue diez minutos hasta pasar el tiempo. Melina había reunido a todo su equipo de veinte en la cocina para los ánimos para poner fin a todas las charlas. "Bueno, todo el mundo! Hemos trabajado duro durante toda la semana para esta noche. Va a haber mucha gente allí, la mayoría de ellos no han probado nuestros alimentos antes, así que esta es nuestra oportunidad para hacer una impresión duradera en todos y cada uno de ellos. Así que con eso, vamos a salir y divertirse. Oh, y no el tornillo arriba!". 

Anna se unió para romper el "listo" del momento, pero le es difícil ser entusiasta acerca de esta emocionante y reconfortante momento. Hace tres días, no había sido objeto de dumping por su novio de casi dos años. Le resultaba difícil reunir cualquier sensación de "Vaya equipo!" cuando su corazón había sido destrozado en mil pedazos. 

Pete había llamado el miércoles por la noche que semana a preguntar si ella quería reunirse con él para el desayuno la mañana siguiente. "Anna, necesito discutir algo con usted y es muy importante que te veo en persona".

"Por supuesto. No tengo que estar en el trabajo hasta once, así que el desayuno es perfecto". 

"Genial, nos vemos mañana".

Pete había colgado antes de Anna podría decirle que lo amaba, pero sonaba como tenía prisa así que no fue gran cosa. Sus manos sacudió como ella fijó su teléfono y su corazón corrió. Fue esto? Después de dos años y seis meses de su caída hints, Pete fue finalmente va a proponer! Ella saltó hacia arriba y abajo en su sofá de segunda mano y palmas convulsa con la emoción de finalmente tomar el próximo paso con el amor de su vida. Ella llamó a su madre y a su mejor amigo que la noche para contarles la buena noticia. 

Ella no tenía idea de cómo lejos de basar su proceso de pensamiento y era difícil que sería derogar la buena noticia. 

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