Dating Two Dragons (37 page)

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Authors: Sky Winters

BOOK: Dating Two Dragons
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“So, what is your relationship with Ms. Biel?” Adrian asked curiously.

“Well, to be honest I clean her house. I work on acting in my spare time.”

“I am sure you are very talented, I noticed you immediately. However, I must warn you that perhaps you should pursue another day job. Ms. Biel is not to be trusted” he said with concern.

Cindy was immediately confused. What is going on here?

“I have to go, I’m sorry,” she replied, and ran towards the bathroom.

There was already a woman in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror. She was about her age, but the way she was applying lipstick, seemed as though she had been doing that for ages.

“Hey,” said the girl, while looking straight into the mirror.

“Hi,” Cindy replied, she was breathing heavily.

“I like your dress.”

“You didn’t even look at me,” Cindy turned the tap on.

“I don’t have to,” she replied.

“You’re wearing a nice lipstick,” said Cindy, trying to return the favor, “What color is it?”

“BLOOD-red,” she emphasized the word blood and turned her neck to look at her with an uncanny look on her face.

Cindy turned the tap off, and exited the bathroom in haste.

She saw Ms. Biel, standing with Adrian where she had left them before. She decided to listen to what they were saying. So she slowly moved around the hall, and hid herself behind a massive white pillar.

“I think it’s time to take this party to the next level,” said Ms. Biel, with a naughty smile on her face.

“What have you arranged this time, Ms. Biel?” he inquired hastily, as he emptied his glass.

“Well my dear boy, it’s a virgin that we’re going to get for this small party.”

“I’m sure that everybody is going to love this treat of yours too, like always. You’ve always had a great taste.”

“You always know how to flatter people, Adrian,” she raised her glass, and then brought it close to her lips.

“Where’s it?” he inquired out of great desperation.

“Not it, she. We need to respect our food.”

“Okay, where is she?”

“Right behind the pillar, trying to listen to what we’re saying,” she sounded confident through her pursed lips.

Adrian’s faced immediately changed when he realized who Ms. Biel was talking about.

“That girl deserves to live. She’s no food for us. She’s no food for me.” his face started to get harder and harder, and his eyes turned dark red.

Cindy had no clue about what was going on over there. But she was sure about one thing that she was in grave trouble. She made a run toward the main apartment door. But a strong wind blew the door closed.

She put her entire strength to pull that door open, but it didn’t even move an inch. When she turned her back, she found each and every guest staring at her with blood-red eyes. Cindy was heavily sweating, and her heart starting throbbing once again. She wanted it to be quick, whatever that was about to happen at that very moment.

“I’ve been hosting parties for our society for many centuries, and for every occasion, I had something special. This time, I’ve brought a virgin, and you know that virgins are hard to find these days. Please have a taste and pass her on, so that everybody could celebrate this communion.”

She felt the room fading, her heartbeat was getting slower and slower, and her blood pressure was dropping with every goddamn second. She fainted.

Chapter 6: His Own Kind

Cindy was half-conscious, lying helplessly on the floor. She could hear what the people around her were talking about, but she couldn’t do anything about it. Her nightmare was turning out to be real and grotesque. Every guest was looking at her viciously, as though she their dinner. Ivanovic made a run towards her, but Adrian shielded Cindy. “Nobody touches the girl,” he said angrily.

“You’re a fool, Adrian. Step aside.” Ivanovic threatened him. His eyes turned dark and red. His long fangs clicked down. And he eyed Adrian.

“You’re making a mistake,” said Adrian, “leave the girl and I’ll let you walk away.”

“So, are you threatening someone of your own kind for this… for this worthless food? You’re better than that Adrian.”

“You could get anyone you want. It’s in your power. Why can’t you spare this one girl?”

“If you have any respect for your race, you would step aside, this very instant, and let us all have a merry night. Besides, this girl is special. Virgins with this level of development are rare in New York.”

“I’m warning you.” Adrian yelled at the man.

Ivanonic pushed Adrian aside, using all his strength. Then he advanced towards Cindy with a lightning quick pace. But before he could sink his long ruthless fangs into Cindy’s tender flesh, Adrian grabbed the man’s head with both hands, and yelled as he ripped his head off. He sunk his long fingernails in the man’s skull and raised it to show every individual who was in power.

Everybody started looking at each other with a look of astonishment on their faces. Ms. Biel couldn’t believe what he just did. She walked toward Adrian.

“How dare you kill one of our kind?” her tone was harsher than ever, “all this for a petty and worthless human girl? Your father would be ashamed of you.”

“He would be more ashamed of you,” said Adrian with a cold look on his face.

Cindy could barely hear and see what was going on, in her pitiful state. Adrian came around her, and picked her up gently in his strong muscular arms that were bathed in cold blood. Everybody moved aside to give him way, as he walked right through the crowd.

Adrian could sense everybody hissing behind his back as he walked. He turned around, eyes red, and fangs out. “Do we have a problem?” he inquired. But there was no response. It was pin-drop silence in the hall. “Do we have a problem?” he inquired once again, but this time he was louder.

“I guess not,” he turned around once again and walked toward the exit. The door was jammed. He kicked the giant door so hard that it cracked into myriads of tiny pieces. But before he could exit, a familiar voice came from behind.

“Adrian,” said Ms. Biel.

He turned his face a little to listen to what she had to say.

“Don’t come back,” said Ms. Biel with a cold look on her face.



Adrian walked down the staircase with Cindy cradled in his arms. “I wanna go home,” said Cindy unconsciously. He ran toward his Porsche at lightning fast speed, which was just parked right outside the building.

He reached for a clicker in the inside pocket of his coat and unlocked the car. Then he opened the back seat door and slipped Cindy right into it. He took his seat behind the wheel, and started thinking what to do with her. First he thought that it would be best to drop her at her home, but on second thought, he realized that every bloodthirsty vampire in the neighborhood was looking for an opportunity to tear her into shreds, so taking her to his secret mansion in the Hamptons was the best thing to do.

He started the Porsche and drove her all the way to Montauk. As the gates opened to his mansion he breathed a sigh of relief, he was sure they had not been followed. He picked her up and took her straight into his bedroom, furnished with an ornate bed surrounded by tapestries. She was still unconscious. He had to wait for her to get up, so that they could talk about what had just happened. Adrian knew that he had gone too far, but for Cindy it felt oddly necessary. He felt a strange draw to her unlike any other human woman. He could see her life had been difficult and he wanted to protect her.

Adrian was popular, for being the most cold and ruthless vampire in New York. But even he himself couldn’t have thought a girl like Cindy, could plant a seed of conscience in him.

Adrian sat on the edge of the bed, and stared at Cindy for hours. Cindy had been out for a long time now, which was making him anxious. The biggest problem was that, if the girl is conscious again, how would he be able to make sense to her, of what just happened in Ms. Biel apartment. What would he tell her about his identity? If he lied to her, then their queer relationship would be established on untruthfulness. But if he told her the truth, she might lose her cool, or make him swear never to see her again.

Cindy’s hand moved. Adrian’s thinking-time was over. He had to do something he had never done before; tell a human woman the truth.

Chapter 7: The Truth

“Where am I?” Cindy recoiled the moment she opened her eyes, “who are you?” she inquired in an anxious tone. “Please don’t hurt me,” she insisted. She covered herself with a blanket.

“Hey… sssshhhh… relax. I’m not going to hurt you at all,” he answered. He picked up a glass of water and extended it to her.

Cindy shook her head, and slowly started remembering just who Adrian was. She took the glass of water out of a mixture of fear and appreciation.

“Look, I know that I’ve no right to bring you here without permission, but I had to.”


“Because there’s something that you should know,”

“Know what?”

“I know that all this would seem a bit weird to you and I could understand that, but you need to calm down so that I could tell you everything,”

Cindy’s hands were shaking like a dry leaf. So was the glass she was carrying. “I’m a vampire,” said Adrian, as charmingly as he could.

The glass in Cindy’s hand fell into her lap.

“What?” she asked astonishingly.

“I’m a vampire,” he repeated, “and the party in which we were was a party of elite vampires across the globe.”

“This can’t be real. I must be dreaming.”

“Okay then,” Adrian raised his wrist in front of her. His shiny white fangs clicked down, and he sunk them right into his own skin, leaving two massive holes that were bleeding cold blood.

Cindy’s eyes widened, but this time she experienced no fear.

“Look,” he emphasized.

The blood sank right back in his wound and it healed immediately.

“Pretty damn cool, right?” he chuckled.

“What do you want from me?” she whispered.

“Your hand,” he replied, with a sweet smile on his face, “could you give me that?”

The memories of his protection were coming back to her and filled her with feeling of calmness, and confidence. “You know what they say about vampires?”

“Well, I’m excited to know that,” he got up and walked right towards a glass shelf that had the best scotch in the world.

“They say that you’re the dead,” Adrian started to laugh.

“It’s not funny,” she said.

“Well, to me it is, because if I’m dead, then how am I talking to you? That doesn’t make sense,”

“You’re supposed to be dead, but you’re not, and that makes you the undead. You neither belong among the living, nor the dead.”

“I’m impressed. Do you research on vampires often?”

“Not exactly, I read what I get my hands on for paranormal theatre. I always thought that vampires are interesting and I wished them to be real. I didn’t know that one day, I’d be abducted by one.”

“So do you feel afraid?”

“No, I’m not, not anymore, which is surprising. I should probably get my head examined.”

“No, you’re perfect, just the way you are,” he poured his favorite bottle of scotch in two small glasses. He gave one to Cindy, and held his glass high.

“I don’t drink.”

“Neither do I, but it’s a special occasion and I’m sure that you could make an exception, knowing that you’re with a vampire. What do you say girl?”

“Well, I guess I could try it. For once.” She raised her glass.

“Cheers,” he said in a vibrant manner.

“Cheers,” she said, and drank the glass, letting the amber colored liquor fill her senses.

“I don’t believe this is happening to me. You can’t be a vampire at all,”

“Cindy,” Adrian said hesitantly, “you know things that you’re not supposed to know, and it’s going to cost us both dearly. We can’t just imbalance the world like this. We both belong to a different species. I don’t think we could co-exist,” his voice was low and shaky, as if he was losing himself.

“Cindy, perhaps its best if I erase your memory and will you to move to another place.”

“But, Adrian don’t you feel this connection between us? I don’t want to lose that”

“I’m sorry Cindy, I have to erase your memory,” he sounded sad and helpless, “now look at me.”

His deep blue eyes started turning dark. Cindy grabbed his face with her hands and pulled him against her face. She kissed him on the lips. Adrian’s blood-red eyes turned blue again. He threw his arms around her and kissed her back with a raw impulse running through his body. It was Cindy’s first kiss. His lips were soft and delicate, but cold as ice. She grabbed him from the back of his hair and pulled it. His cold hands were exploring her warm back which was melting away with his touch.

He pushed her down, on to the bed and removed his jacket. Cindy was under his spell at the moment. He was so handsome. She wanted him to be her first and last. So she didn’t even think twice. But the reason why she wanted things to go fast was simple; she didn’t want to lose him. She knew that if she lost her memory, she would lost him for sure.

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