Dating Dr Notorious (28 page)

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Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dating Dr Notorious
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“Spill it,” Ben said.

They looked at each other. Alexa nodded to Lauren. Lauren cleared her throat.

“Well—as much as we could get from Regina’s drunken ramblings, she’s very upset you let Stephanie touch your hand,” Lauren tried to be serious, but she crumbled into laughter while Ben just stared at her in confusion.

The look on Ben’s face caused Alexa burst out laughing again as well. How could a man be so naïve and so—well,

It took Lauren a few moments to stop laughing enough to finish her explanation. “I’m sorry. I know it shouldn’t be so funny, but it was just Regina was crying about it as if her heart was broken. I won’t be able to tell the story for weeks without cracking up.”

“I don’t see Regina drowning her troubles in booze because some woman touched my hand,” Ben said, exasperated. He ran a trembling hand through his hair. “She knows there’s no one else in my life but her.”

“That wasn’t the real reason, Ben,” Alexa explained, “but I still wouldn’t let her be alone with Stephanie Sawyer if you can prevent it. Regina is like a vengeful god looking for a blood sacrifice to ease her guilt about you. Stephanie’s on the top of her potential victim list.”

Ben snorted. “I don’t even remember anything about the woman except she was totally fooled by the picture of Regina in disguise.”

“I thought what you did was brilliant and inspired.” Alexa said, shaking her hair back and gesturing with her hand. “Welcome to the notorious club.”

“Thanks,” Ben said, the knots of tension easing enough for him to laugh about something. “I’m guessing Regina didn’t agree with my brilliance?”

Ben slumped in the chair and stuck his legs out in front of him, crossing his feet at the ankles. “I was met by reporters when I went to work this morning. It’s been a hell of a day.”

“I can only imagine,” Alexa said, genuinely sympathetic. “Well, being a bad guy suits you. You look great in a tee shirt and jeans by the way.”

“Thanks. This is Regina’s idea of how I should dress when I’m relaxed. I thought it might soften her up to see me being casual and happy.”

Lauren looked at him. She agreed with Alexa’s assessment. Ben looked really good.

“Is Regina going to be okay?” Ben asked Lauren, the worry evident in his voice.

“Just still drunk I think. The guilt is eating at her, Ben. You may have to just hang tough until she gets used to your situation. I don’t think Regina’s ever had anyone sacrifice for her before. Her parents still call and chew her out over the press contacting them. Are you sure you’re okay?” Lauren asked in return.

Ben put his hands in his lap, then lifted them palms up. “I’m great. Really. The changes may turn out to be the best thing I’ve done professionally in years. I can’t believe Regina’s taking this so badly.”

“Hope and positive thinking are hard for Regina. She hasn’t had many people in her life who have loved her without limits. When she chose her field of study, and then actually excelled at it, most people in her life just fell away ashamed,” Alexa said. “You do learn to deal with it over time. At seventy, my mother still thinks I’m awful, too. I try to make sure she doesn’t get bothered by the press, but I have to live my life. You and Regina have to as well.”

“You don’t have to worry about me,” Ben said. “I’m here to stay. I’m not afraid of the press anymore now that the company is okay.”

“Regina will come around, Ben. She’s just not used to anyone but me and Alexa being there for her,” Lauren said softly.

“Thanks for calling me. I’m going to talk to her about the drinking later, too. She’s got to find a healthier way to de-stress,” Ben told Lauren.

Lauren stood and picked up her things. Alexa stood as well.

“You got it from here?” Alexa asked.

“Yes,” Ben said gratefully. “I’ll take care of her.”

When the door closed behind them, Ben walked back to the bedroom. He shucked his jeans and climbed into bed beside Regina. Under the blanket, her body was cold and tight. He wrapped himself around her from the back and tucked the cover around both of them. It wasn’t long before Regina warmed and relaxed in his arms.

Stubborn woman,
Ben thought, pulling her tighter. Her mind might reject the comfort he offered, but her body gratefully accepted it.

Ben lay there holding her, hoping the morning would bring some semblance of sanity back to their lives.

Chapter 23

When Ben woke the next morning, he was alone in bed. The shower was running, which he took as a good sign Regina was coming around. He poured her a cup of coffee when he heard the shower turn off.

When he opened the bathroom door, Ben found Regina wrapped in a big towel, sitting on a stool near the toilet. She looked like hell as far he could see since she refused to meet his eyes.

He walked over quietly, put down the toilet lid, and sat on it in front of her. He handed her the coffee, which she sipped tentatively but gratefully.

“I might need the facility again if this coffee doesn’t help,” Regina told him, still not meeting his gaze.

Ben laughed at her remorse. “I’ll move quick if I need to. You know, you’re too old to be getting this drunk, babe. Alexa and Lauren are worried about you. You need to stop drinking so much.”

“Gee—thanks, Dad.” She sipped the coffee that surprisingly did help steady her. She sighed and reached out to take Ben’s hand in hers. “Sorry. You’re right. I haven’t been handling stress well lately.”

Regina sighed in defeat, realizing how happy she was to have Ben there. When she woke beside him, she knew they would find a way to deal with the fallout of what he had done. Ben didn’t know, but Regina knew. And she would help him as best she could.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t going to able to wind the clock back to save his nice guy status.

“Being seen openly in public with me was not worth losing your job over, Ben. Now you’ve ruined your reputation as well. Catherine is probably rolling over in her grave, planning to come back and haunt me. I wouldn’t blame her. I didn’t want you to change your image of yourself.”

Ben thought of Daniel and Stacey laughing yesterday about his
other woman
. He was already being teased unmercifully among his family about being the only man alive who was so nice he used the same woman for both wife and mistress.

It seemed nobody respected a nice guy. Women didn’t even usually like them. He looked at the top of Regina’s bowed head. She was truly grieving for what she imagined he had lost.

Only her
, Ben thought. Only Regina had ever appreciated him for just being himself.

“I told you I was tired of being nice,” Ben said finally, at a loss for anything else to say.

Regina snorted, lifting her eyes to look at him at last. “The only time you’re not nice is in bed. It’s one of your best qualities.”

Ben grinned at the compliment. Truth was, the only time he wasn’t nice was when he was with Regina, and it was a lot of fun for him. There was such as thing as being too good, he’d discovered.

“I don’t think you’re seriously worried about ruining my image as Catherine’s nice husband. In fact, I heard it was a live woman you were concerned about because she was trying to put some moves on me,” Ben teased, lifting their linked fingers to his mouth for a kiss.

“Don’t mock me, Benjamin. I actually care about what people say about Catherine. Stephanie Sawyer, on the other hand, is a dead woman walking. She put her hands on you, and now she must die,” Regina said coldly, “as soon as the drum roll in my head stops and I can focus both my eyes in the same direction again. I will take great joy in planning her total destruction.”

Ben laughed, her jealousy thrilling him, knowing it meant she wasn’t giving him up.

Definitely not nice thinking
, he scolded himself.

“Sorry. As much as I would enjoy two women fighting over me, I can’t let you hurt Stephanie yet,” Ben informed Regina, relishing the moment. “Not until she finishes making me notorious. I didn’t go through that hellish interview for nothing. I want the full benefit.”

“Yeah? Just what do you consider the full benefit?” Regina asked angrily.

It reminded Ben of the first time they argued in the parking lot of the country club. He looked at Regina and smiled, hoping all the love and lust he felt for her was in the gaze he locked on her furious face.

“As sick as it is, I want to fight with you for the rest of my life. Marry me, Regina,” Ben said sincerely.

“Ben,” Regina closed her eyes. “I can’t think about marrying you right now. I still want to kill you.”

“Well, get over it. Think how great it will be. I’ll give you more orgasms than you ever dreamed about having. Now that I’m scaling back at work, I’ll even have more time to think up surprises,” Ben promised, laughing as Regina spit a mouthful of coffee on his tee shirt.

“Damn it, Ben.” She took the corner of her towel and mopped at the brown stains.

Ben put his hand inside the opening of the towel and cupped her waist. She sighed happily and he felt the same happiness resonating inside him.

Nothing else was nearly as important as this, but it seemed he was going to be lucky enough to have a lot more anyway.

“Would you believe me if I told you I want to go into business with Casey because I think working with him will be exciting and fun? Would you believe me if I said I think Alfred and Daniel will do just fine with my occasional help at the company, and I don’t know why it never occurred to me to scale back before? The more I think about the changes, the more excited I get about what it could mean for me.”

Ben scooted forward on the toilet seat, enclosing her between his legs. “Hell, I’m a notorious guy planning to marry a notorious woman. Anything’s possible.”

“You’re awful sure of yourself, Kaiser. I haven’t said yes yet.” She put the empty coffee cup on the floor beside her and her arms around Ben.

Ben laughed as he lifted her from the stool to his lap. “My regret over the brunette and my proposal will be in papers everywhere. You’re going to have to say yes eventually to make an honest man of me. The press will hound you until you do. It’s all part of my brilliant plan to make you my sex slave forever.”

Regina moaned against his neck.

“Can I at least have breakfast first? If I don’t get food soon, I’ll likely be sick again. I had a rough day yesterday,” she said sadly. “My office staff thinks I’m the worst doctor in the world. I ran off a patient when I was swearing at the TV in my waiting room. Some woman had her hands on you, and since I couldn’t stop her, I screamed like a banshee. I got a very public marriage proposal that reduced me to tears. Then I drank most of a bottle of cognac because I felt sorry for myself.”

Ben laughed hard against her as he hugged her tight. He rocked her and kissed her temple, happy to have such a passionate woman in his life.

He could imagine her fired up enough to swear at the TV and was sorry he missed seeing it.

If Regina knew how much he was enjoying her misery, Ben thought, she’d definitely not think he was so nice.

“Up,” he commanded, helping Regina to gingerly stand. “I’ll make breakfast while you get dressed.”

While Ben cooked, he called Lauren and Alexa to let them know Regina was okay.

When Regina came out of the bedroom, Ben was talking to Casey. She watched him scrambling eggs, making toast, and talking all at the same time. He looked like the happiest person she’d ever seen. It was easier to believe Ben’s story when he was all but dancing around her kitchen while making plans.

Regina sat at her dining table while she waited for Ben to finish his call. He brought her toast and more coffee. She sighed in contentment.

Ben was definitely going to get the worse end of the deal in their relationship. She didn’t cook much, was bitchy as hell about many things, and prone to being pessimistic about her life. She could only hope her absolute devotion to him counted highly in her favor.

Maybe she’d pull out her books and look up some ideas about how to reward him, Regina thought, noting how nicely he filled out his jeans.

And she wouldn’t actually kill the TV interviewer over Ben, she’d just make Stephanie wish she were dead.

Regina bit into the toast as she watched Ben move gracefully around the kitchen, his motion merely one smooth movement after another. Yes, he was certainly fine to look at, and she could easily imagine doing it every day. She could also imagine having her name tattooed on him somewhere highly visible. It made her feel much better about her hatred of Stephanie.

Ben brought eggs to her and held up two fingers to signal he was almost done talking.

Regina laughed when she noticed the coffee stains on his shirt. When they were together, she had quite a habit of messing up Ben’s fastidious appearance. At least the harm to jeans and a tee shirt were minimal compared to the damage she might do to one of Sydney’s suits.

She dug into the fluffy soft eggs that looked so perfect on her blue and white china. As she ate, she tallied the pros about Ben. He was great in bed and out, could cook like a dream, was a true friend, nice beyond reason, and still managed to be a lot of fun. He was also full of surprises and genuinely cared about people.

How could she let a man like him get away? Well, she couldn’t of course. She was quite intelligent, despite the brain cells she’d lost lately due to her drinking binges. Maybe if Ben was around to help her relieve stress, she wouldn’t need alcohol ever again. Sex with him was a lot more satisfying.”

Ben hung up the phone and noticed a very strange look on Regina’s face.

“Sorry. I get carried away talking to Casey. I’m having a good time planning a business with him.”

“I believe you about work now. Let’s move on to the next matter of contention between us. Where’s the ring?” Regina demanded, carefully placing the fork on her empty plate.

“What ring?” Ben asked, wrinkling his face before the light bulb finally came on in his head. “Oh. The ring I showed on TV. I left it at home. It’s not the real one anyway.”

“Not the real one?” Regina asked, leaning back to sip her coffee. “I’m confused. It must be the hangover. Explain, please.”

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