Dating Dr Notorious

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Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dating Dr Notorious
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Table of Contents

Title Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

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Author’s Note About the Never Too Late Series

About the Author





Dating Dr. Notorious


Book Two of the
Never Too Late



Donna McDonald



* * * * *


Copyright 2011 by Donna McDonald



Cover by Dara England

Edited by Toby Minton



Edition Notice


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is coincidental.

This book contains content that may not be suitable for young readers 17 and under.


I would like to thank RA Bettez for taking the time to read this book and provide feedback. It took me a full week to decide what to edit and what to change based on your comments. Your tough love is appreciated. I promise to listen to you say “I told you so” if the readers complain about what you didn’t like either that I left in because I couldn’t part with it. I will just need lots of chocolate before I can do another revision.

I would like to thank my fiancée, Bruce McDonald, for never making me feel guilty about needing or wanting to write when the muse visited at inconvenient times. I know I wrote all night, often got up at dawn, and in general—drove you crazy. I hope one day to be less obsessive about this work and more balanced about when I write. Your love and support helped me make this dream a reality. You are always the best of every hero to me.

I would like to thank my editor, T Minton, for helping me clean up my act. My readers and I are both grateful for your hard work. I just hope I got all the corrections included. Thanks for the moral support, too.

I would to thank all the women who choose to go into careers where they have to speak any uncomfortable truth. Your courage and conviction inspired me to create a character who would say anything, be herself, and live being true to what she believes. Naturally, I wanted to make sure someone entered her life who consistently thought she was worth supporting.


Regina moaned as her lover’s hand brushed over her breast, teasing an excited nipple before sliding slowly, ever so slowly down her stomach. Dizzy with lust, she arched up to meet his touch, her whole body quivering in response as he kissed her neck.

“Yes—yes do that more—oh, harder.”
Regina whispered the directions, rolling her neck to the side to encourage what he was doing.

She sought his gaze in the dark, wanting to see him. She wanted him to know that she was so hot she was practically on fire for him. Her chest, her neck, her face burned with heat.

She was a flame in the night ready to blaze out of control if he would just move his hand a little lower. She moaned at the thought of what was about to happen.

,” he whispered huskily in her ear, just before pulling away.

Her eyes popped open then, and she stared hazily into the silent darkness of her bedroom. Turning her head, she knew what she would find—no one on the pillow, no man beside her—again.

” Regina moaned aloud, her heart still thundering in her chest even as she lay panting and drenched in the bed, her nightshirt sticking to her hot body. “
Not again.

Regina swore over and over as she sat up in bed, her words bouncing around the empty bedroom before coming back only to her.

Only a dream, she realized as reality returned in bits and pieces. It had been just another erotic dream. And she didn’t even get to the good part because the damn hot flash woke her up.

“I don’t believe this,” she said, raking her wet curls back from her face. Being forty-seven truly sucked at times, and tonight was definitely one of them.

Peri-menopause sucked as well, and losing sleep was certainly not good for anyone, but she’d rather test some alternative solutions before altering her body chemistry more drastically with hormone replacement therapy. She already knew of one solution she’d willingly try first chance she got.

Based on her surveys of her female clients, Regina had developed a theory that an active sex life could inspire the body to help regulate hormones—at least when orgasm was achieved regularly—but to test the theory she needed a real man in her life.

Damn it.

And she obviously still wanted one badly, judging by how often she had sex dreams.

Frustration tensed her legs and hips, making her sluggish as she forced herself to climb out of bed. Shedding her now wet nightshirt on the way to bathroom, she hung it carelessly on the doorknob to dry. She bent over the large cut glass sink she cherished to splash her burning face with cold water. The cool water brought immediately relief and the return of the rest of her sanity.

“You even look horny,” she told her reflection in the mirror, assessing her shiny face and tousled bed hair curling wildly. What she saw reflected there was a fairly attractive, hot-blooded, mostly red-headed woman, who was still looking to be the answer to some man’s erotic fantasies.

“So where’s the guy then?” she asked her reflection.

The biggest irony of her life was Regina knew as much about sexually pleasing a man as a professional prostitute. She should have a black book full of satisfied lovers to rival her friend Alexa’s list. Instead, Regina rarely even had a man to practice her expertise on.

Oh granted, there was sometimes a line of men who
they wanted a night with her. But when they found out how seriously she took sex, they ran really fast in the other direction.

Okay, her typical reaction of unleashing her temper probably made men run just that much harder and faster away from her, but how else could she react? No, she wasn’t like Alexa with her endless optimism for dating. Still, she wasn’t like her friend Lauren either with her collection of mechanical toys and men-are-slime attitude.

Sure she wanted sex, Regina conceded, but also more than sex. She wanted love. She wanted what Alexa had with Casey, only with a mature guy she could talk to about her work now and again.

How did someone with her crazy life meet a guy like that?

Disgusted, she pulled her messy curls up with her hands and stared angrily at the woman staring back at her, who for all her degrees, her years of expertise, her phenomenal success rate with clients, still couldn’t solve her own frigging problems.

Love and sex simply did not have to be this complicated. Wasn’t that what she told her clients every day? Well, at least sex didn’t have to be, and Regina was really, really tired of being the frustrated, bitchy sex therapist who never had sex. If she were counseling herself, she would conclude it had just been too long since she had been physically intimate with a man. She had made Alexa address her physical needs, and then her friend had ended up dating Casey.

So why wasn’t she taking care of herself? She splashed more water on her face as she thought about it.

“Damn good question,” she answered, patting her face dry.

Maybe she’d just take a trip to Europe and hire a man for a week over there where she was unlikely—or at least less likely—to be recognized. Regina closed her weary, sleep-deprived eyes and let herself imagine a sexy European with a thick accent whispering lusty demands in her ear to touch him, to please him. Hearing the current governor of California’s Austrian accent in her head immediately improved her mood by making her laugh hard out loud.

I’ll be back for you, darling
,” she mocked, not coming close to any European accent at all. She didn’t mind the failure of her gigolo fantasy. Regina figured hysterical laughter at four in the morning had to be better than swearing or crying.

And amusement counted as optimism, didn’t it?

Sighing and mostly calm at last, Regina got a clean nightshirt out of her dresser, pulled it over her rapidly cooling body, and climbed back into bed. She swore again when she discovered her pillow was wet, flipped it over, and finally settled back down for a couple more hours of restless sleep.

Chapter 1

After a day made more grueling due to several nights of interrupted sleep, Regina locked her office door and happily dropped her office keys into her portfolio bag.

She still wasn’t sure how her friend Lauren McCarthy had coerced her into being the entertainment for her latest fundraiser, but that’s where she was headed. Her sneaky, manipulative friend would just have to forgive her for running a little late. It had taken a while to come up with a talk tame enough for the country club crowd.

Regina knew how to practice restraint in her subject matter when necessary, but she was more used to saying things others barely dared to think about.

In the parking lot, Regina pulled her attention away from her surly thoughts to the present and smiled. The day got measurably better when saw her favorite male waiting for her in the parking lot.

“Hello, Harry,” she purred in her best sexy voice, “you’re looking very handsome today. Want to go for a ride?”

Regina walked the short distance to her car, an excited hand reaching for the sleek door handle of her metallic baby blue Porsche. Delighted to be comforted at last, she let herself sink into the plush leather driver’s seat. It rumbled beneath her rear as she started the car and she sighed in pleasure, laughing softly at her intense response.

Ironically, it had been Saint McCarthy who pointed out to Regina her relationship to her car was the most sexual one in her life. While Regina had laughed hard at Lauren’s teasing, she readily admitted a growling car sure as hell beat a vibrator for her any day. Driving Harry made the craziness of her life seem at least a little more worth it. Regina worked hard on letting Harry and the good she did for others be enough to keep her content.

Tonight she stroked the leather shifter firmly, groaning in happiness as she pushed in the most responsive clutch she had ever known. She touched a button on the dash and the Stones soulful music filled the small car. It was reassuring somehow to hear the sexy lead singer complaining about the same problem finding satisfaction Regina had.

“Come on, Harry. Let’s go talk to some stuffy rich people about sex,” Regina said to the car, peeling out of the parking spot.

*** *** ***

Ben Kaiser walked the long hallway to the country club offices, trying to remember the last time he had been to a function like this. It probably had been before Catherine had even gotten sick, which was three years ago at least.

He hadn’t really been very social since she’d died, though not from grief exactly. His grieving had taken place over the entire two years of her illness as he lost her a little at a time. By the time Catherine had finally died, sheer relief she was finally out of pain was stronger than what he felt over the final loss. The six months since her death had been about figuring out next steps.

His family was encouraging him to start dating again, and Ben wasn’t opposed to it. He just wasn’t thinking about it much or taking any steps yet. It was one the reasons he had decided to come tonight and deliver the bid himself.

It had crossed Ben’s mind several times lately to ask Lauren McCarthy out to dinner.

Lauren was divorced, had been for years. A tall, sleek blond who dressed meticulously, she was as polished as Catherine had been, though she didn’t seem to have the same warmth.

Not that he was looking for another Catherine exactly.

Actually, Ben didn’t really know what he wanted next time around. After being married for twenty-five years, he didn’t know how dating worked anymore or what it was like to look for someone new.

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