
Read Darshan Online

Authors: Amrit Chima

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #India, #Literary Fiction, #Sagas, #General Fiction, #Fiction - Historical

BOOK: Darshan
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Amrit Chima


Copyright © 2010 Amrit Chima


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ISBN-13: 978-0-9897868-1-2

1. Families—Fiction. 2. Interpersonal relations—Fiction. 3. Community life—Fiction. 4. India—Fiction. 5. Domestic fiction.


Photography and cover design by Kerry Ellis (www.kerry-ellis.com)

Manuscript copy edited by Heather Turbeville


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.




For my parents




Family Tree



1942–1945 An Attempt to Escape


Part I

Baba Singh

Punjab, Northern India


Hotel Toor: 1910

Dr. Bansal’s Ladoos: 1911

A Coconut & a Sword: 1911–1914

The Mighty Champion Splash Maker: 1915–1919

Colonial Police Batons & Pistols: 1920–1922

Avani’s Wooden Elephant: 1930

Heaven Bound in Brown Leather: 1932

A Two-Story House: 1935–1937


Part II


Greater Suva, Fiji


Plastic Toy Tools: 1947–1948

LPs on the Gramophone & a Cabinet Radio: 1949–1952

Pasteurized & Homogenized: 1957

Malady & Mutiny: 1959

Ankylosing Spondylitis: 1960

Secrets in the Rafters: 1962

Psalm of Peace: 1965

A Shack in the Jungle: 1966


Part III


The Bay Area, California


Ford Falcon Futura: 1969

Still Swallowed Whole: 1970–1972

The Hindu Pundit of Amritsar: 1974–1975

A Baptism & a Kirtan: 1976–1978

Sacramento’s Greyhound Bus Depot: 1985

Manmohan’s Garden: 1993–1994

The Return of the Moneylender: 2000

The Apartments on Howard Street: 2004–2005










Family Tree


Baba Singh Toor removed his shoes at the door and surveyed his son’s living room. Evidence of guests still textured the house: empty cups of chai, half-filled plates of sweets, crumpled sheets on the floor where people had been seated for the
honoring the birth of his second grandson. He was sorry he had not made it to the prayer in time. He supposed he could have tried harder. The outer Fiji island where he lived was not so very far away. But the man who chartered the boat was an old friend of his from India, and he had found himself lingering to chat.

Two gifts were in his hands: a metal toy truck painted yellow and a solid gold bracelet, the size of a pocket watch or a compass. Clutching them tightly, feeling a little haggard, he turned to his son. “I cannot believe the year.”

Manmohan shut the door behind his father. “You are late,” he said.

Baba Singh listlessly noted the kitchen sink, crammed with dirty dishes. “She has missed so much,” he murmured. “It has been a very long time.” The dusty hay smell of his village in India and the memory of the last time he had seen his wife were suddenly vivid, almost tangible, the memories rushing toward him like a clunky Fijian bus.

“You can go back any time,” Manmohan said. “She is waiting for you.”

Baba Singh’s expression hardened. “I thought so once, but your mother was never waiting for me.” He glanced at his daughter-in-law, Jai.

She was seated on the couch swaddling the baby in a gray hospital blanket with a final, snug tuck. She smiled at Baba Singh and leaned back, humming absently. A young boy sat stiffly next to her, as if on guard. Baba Singh regarded him critically. His oldest grandson was a little too plump, still not grown out of his baby fat, his four-year-old face grave. He was a big brother now and appeared to take the job seriously. His name was Mohan, after his father, but he had inherited more than just a name. Manmohan and Mohan were so much alike, both sober and humorless.

Sitting beside the boy, Baba Singh put the truck on the cushion next to his knee. He reached over, firmly pressing some money and the bracelet into Jai’s hand. “For the baby.”

She accepted, squeezing his hand before letting go. “His name is Darshan,” she said. She continued to hum.

He gently touched Darshan’s cheek with a solid, thick fingertip, age worn and creased with labor. “It is a very good name,” he said, satisfied. “Sight. Visions of God.”

Manmohan brought in a chair from the kitchen. “You missed the kirtan,” he said, sitting.

“I know.” Baba Singh nodded curtly. He turned to Mohan. “You are growing up very fast.”

Mohan regarded the yellow truck with a sidelong look of exaggerated indifference.

Manmohan crossed his legs. “Must have been something very important,” he said, “to keep you away.”

Baba Singh looked at his son, not speaking for several moments until Manmohan dropped his eyes. “Darshan seems very strong,” he said. “You were much smaller when you were born.”

“I am sure I was,” Manmohan muttered.

“I was big and very,
strong,” Mohan said, his voice loud, the solemnity in his expression gone, replaced by indignation.

“Of course you were,” Manmohan said, beckoning, patting his knees. Mohan clambered off the couch and onto his father’s lap.

Baba Singh held his arms out, and Jai passed him the baby. She slouched lower into the cushions, her eyelids heavy. Settling Darshan on his legs, Baba Singh measured the smallness of the infant against his muscular forearms, feeling powerless. He began to sing under his breath in a near whisper. “
Chir jeevan oupajiaa sanjog
, The long-lived one has been born to this destiny…
Vadhhee vael bahu peerree chaalee
, The vine has grown, and shall last for many generations…” He stopped, unable to recall the rest of the words.

Manmohan pointed at the yellow truck. “Is that for Mohan?”

“Yes,” Baba Singh said with impatience. “Take it, take it.”

Mohan squirmed out of his father’s lap, dropped to the floor and reached for the truck. He began to roll it across the linoleum, making the low grumbling sounds of an engine.

Murmuring to the infant, Baba Singh said, “I am here.” Darshan woke and stared up at him.

“I hope you are not just saying it,” Manmohan said.

Baba Singh stiffened, like he had been hit.

Manmohan was angry now. Too much had been neglected for too many years. “I was a little older than Mohan when you left us.”

“I was not gone very long.”

“We were not babies anymore when you came back.”

“No,” Baba Singh said quietly. “Nearly men.”

Manmohan shook his head, remembering. “The last thing you told me before leaving was that I was spilling too much water. I was bringing it to Bebe. You told me that I was wasting it.”

“I had forgotten about that.”

“I never did.”

“Your mother needed a full pot,” Baba Singh said, gently bouncing the baby on his knees. There were things he would also never forget. He wished it could be different, but maybe they all had something like that, something that stuck, like field burs hooking into their clothes. “It was a challenge. It kept you from spilling more.”

Manmohan bit the inside of his cheek, feeling small again.

Baba Singh bent down and touched his long nose to Darshan’s. The baby’s eyelids fluttered momentarily and Darshan studied his grandfather’s looming face with unruffled intensity. Then drowsily he closed his eyes again, falling seamlessly from consciousness back into sleep.


~   ~   ~


At one year of age, before uttering his first word, Darshan took his first steps. Crawling did not come naturally to him. It was almost painful for Manmohan and Jai to watch him struggle across the floor on one knee and one foot in a crawl-limp. The motion was not only awkward, but it was very clear how much Darshan hated the slow pace. This was the only time Manmohan had seen his son’s expression, usually lively with laughter, colored red with impatience and frustration.

Walking was better suited to Darshan. It allowed him to more easily map out his environment as he peeked into rooms and drawers and closets, to more quickly traverse the space of the living room, and to carry toy blocks over to the corner where he liked to arrange them in relative neatness. Jai had great difficulty putting him to sleep at night. His legs flailed like motors long after he closed his eyes as he battled his drowsiness. The boy had a need for movement that sometimes seemed more primal than the need for even food and water.

It was not until Darshan reached two years of age and his increased dexterity allowed him to undertake more challenging activities that Manmohan thought he understood why. While polishing one of his police boots before his assigned patrol of their neighborhood in Tamavua, Darshan struggled with the other. Dipping a rag into the black polish, he clumsily imitated his father’s circular hand motions across the leather. When Manmohan was in the garden picking cucumbers, Darshan also tugged at the vegetables, holding each one up triumphantly before depositing it on his own small pile. If Manmohan opened a book, Darshan climbed onto his lap and stared patiently at it as though he too should read. He seemed to achieve a profound sense of satisfaction with each turn of the page, like living was a series of tasks requiring immediate completion, even if he did not yet comprehend the reason why those tasks needed to be accomplished. His mind was consumed with action, with always doing.

It was not surprising then that Darshan developed a particularly keen interest in tools. Though his first word was
for his mother, his second sounded much like the word hammer. The word was not always attributed to an actual hammer but was his term for all tools, even the rag with which Manmohan polished his boots. Darshan often stood beside his father to peer into the toolbox, carefully examining the level, the cable cutters, pliers, and manual crank hand drill. He frequently watched his father use them: a trowel to dig holes in the garden, or the hammer to replace a slat in the fence out back. Each instrument allowed for a more productive means to
things. Soon he began to participate, clutching the trowel with Manmohan’s help to dig holes for seeds and wrapping a hand over his father’s grip on the hammer, staring at the nail as it sank deeper into the wood with each blow.

So it was that when Manmohan happened across a novel set of plastic toy tools in Suva’s local general store, he brought them home. They had been quite expensive, rare, and manufactured to appear real. The handles of the hammer, shovel, and screwdrivers were painted a wood-brown grain, their heads as well as the plastic wrench, coated gray to look like carbon steel.

Delighted with his new tools, Darshan used them for every imaginable repair in and around the house. He banged the knobs on the stove with his hammer as well as the corners of linoleum flooring that had started to peel away with age. He tried to tighten bolts under the sink with his wrench while Manmohan fixed a leak, he dug holes for cucumber seeds with his shovel, and where he thought necessary attempted to adjust screws with his screwdriver.

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