Read Darque Wants Online

Authors: Diana Steele

Darque Wants (21 page)

BOOK: Darque Wants
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The girls led him to the bathroom. He’d been in there before to take a shower, but he never noticed how huge the tub was. It was already filled with water, bath salts, and scented oils. They stripped off his clothing, and he stepped inside the hot water. He was just settling in when the Subs started stripping as well. “Uh-oh,” he said to himself. “This is gonna be harder than I thought.”

Their breasts were firm and full with pointy pink nipples. He hadn’t even realized the girls were twins, about his age. “Twins, just what I need,” he groaned inwardly.

“Hey ladies,” he greeted as they entered the bath.

“Hi, I’m Melanie, and this is Maya,”one of the girls said.

He couldn’t tell them apart and soon forgot their names. He thought if he talked he could distract himself. They were stripped naked of all clothing, and they were shaved clean as well. They laughed and talked with him, and he began to feel relaxed. That is, until one of the twins took up a loofa and started gently massaging him with it, while the other lifted his foot and sucked on his toes.

The one with his toe didn’t stop there, she continued up his legs and eventually reached his thigh under the water. When he felt her mouth on his cock, he began to worry about her not being able to breathe.

Briefly she came up for air before resuming her assault on his manhood. He’d never had an underwater blow job before. It was proving very difficult to restrain himself. Meanwhile, the loofa girl had abandoned her equipment and was massaging with her hands. Her fingers brushed against his nipples and sent little bolts of current through his chest. She picked up the loofa once more and ran it against his nipple. The roughness of the sponge grazed his skin, and his nipples became taut.

“Ahhh,” he breathed. “You’re not making this easy for me.” The girl smiled coyly.

Little Miss Balls-Sucker had come up for air again, and then went back to taking him in fully. He could hear the sucking noises underwater as she pumped his pole. The other girl sat behind him and continued to rub him with the loufa while her other hand ran over his skin. Her breasts bobbed on the water surface. Xander was tempted to reach out and squeeze them, but remembered his instructions.

He got some relief from his underwater assailant when she abandoned her task and started to lather his hair. Her fingers in his hair were tantalizing and sent ripples down the back of his neck. He was tempted to tell them to stop and get out, but he wanted to prove to Garret that he could be in control of anything, if he wanted.

With his cock standing at attention in the water, he was finding it quite difficult to keep his hands to himself. For Pete’s sake, he was in a bath with two beautiful women, twins! The girl astride him moved, and her ass brushed against his swollen member. He sucked in his breath at the sensation that shot up his belly. She moved again, and he swore her vagina brushed him. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

For nearly an hour, the twins tortured him. By the time they stepped out of the bath, he was sure he was going to ejaculate. They were even more beautiful when they were glistening from the water on their skin. Their skins glowed under the soft lights.

After toweling him and themselves dry, they let him sit in front the bathroom bureau where they proceeded to give him a haircut. As they worked, their naked breasts brushed his cheeks. One of the girls came around to stand in from of him and her nipples almost touched his lips, Xander swallowed hard at the urge to take them into his mouth.

All too soon, they were done, and he was as horny as a goat. His whole body was revved up from the scrubbing of his skin to the sucking of his cock. Everything the twins had done to him had excited him. He didn’t even have time to calm his nerves before Diana called to say she was ready to drive him back to the dorm.

He followed her down the stairs and watched her behind in her tight jeans. His hard-on hadn’t gone down, and he remember the head she gave him the evening before. Now all he wanted to do was push is cock inside a warm and willing woman until he came hard.

“So how long have you known John?” He asked Diana

They were leaving the driveway. He had to have some kind of conversation to get his mind off sex.

“Three years,” she replied, glancing at him in the mirror. She was wearing her collar.

“Do you guys always wear that thing?” He motioned to the collar she’d received the previous evening which she was wearing.

“This?” she took one hand off the steering wheel and lovingly touched her collar with a smile. “No, not all the time. Just when at the mansion or if we feel comfortable wearing it to go out. This looks nice with my outfit don’t you think?”

He looked at her through the mirror, and it was a bad idea. Her cleavage was showing and those olive breasts were very inviting, he closed his eyes and turned his head away. ‘I’ve got to get laid, soon,’ were his thoughts.

“Did you say something?” Diana asked.

“Huh?” Did he say that out loud?

“I thought you said something,” she repeated.

“Nope,” he replied.

“We met when I was Senior and he was a Freshman, but we didn’t start dating until later,” she stated. That was new information to Alexander, Diana was older than John by at least two or three years. “I just knew he was the one the minute I saw him, but he didn’t notice me at first, or so I thought.”

“How did you get together?” He had to sound interested to keep his mind off her tits.

“About two years ago, he walked up to me told me we were going out. He said,
‘we’re going out tonight. Wear something sexy.’
That was the best night of my life.”

One thing he realized about this Guild of Garret’s was that you had to be discreet. John wasn’t his best friend, but they were buddies. John had never mentioned a girlfriend, let alone the club. He admired that, and he knew that he could learn a lot from his friend.

He said goodbye to Diana at the campus gate and sauntered into his dorm, looking around for a one of the girls he usually “dated.” He didn’t see any of them. It was Saturday, so maybe they were off somewhere for the weekend. Moreover, he hadn’t been with any of them for a while, as he had taken time out to concentrate on his business dreams.

It was around 5:00 when he returned to his small dorm room apartment, almost 24 hours since he had left to go fix a machine. Touching the ring, he knew that he was coming back different than when he left. One thing was certain, he still desperately needed sexual release.

He stripped his clothes off and entered the bathroom, locking the door behind him. There was a stack of magazines near the toilet. He rifled through them before choosing one but threw it back on the pile as quickly. He didn’t need that. The thought of the twins was enough. As he remembered how one of them took his scrotum in his mouth, his cock throbbed. He grasped it in his palm and began stroking it lovingly. He always loved his manly parts. He thought he looked good.

His shaft swelled against the massaging of his hand. He watched as he slid his hand up and down, picking up speed as he imagined what it would have been like having both twins and making them squirm under his thrusts.



He smiled and slowed the car significantly, as he entered Bridge Street. At least he was feeling just a little better.


Reckless Initiation

Morgana Patrick

Copyright © 2016

All Rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of required fees you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this book. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known, hereinafter invented, without express written permission of Dark Nights Press. For more information contact Dark Nights Press. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



Please don’t be stupid and kill yourself. This book is a work of FICTION. Do not try any new sexual practice that you find in this book. It is fiction and not to be confused with reality. Neither the author nor the publisher or its associates assume any responsibility for any loss, injury, death or legal consequences resulting from acting on the contents in this book. Every character in this book is over 18 years of age. The author’s opinions are not to be construed as the opinions of the publisher. The material in this book is for entertainment purposes ONLY.  Enjoy.



              Nai shoved him against the wall so hard, it knocked Johnny's breath away. Her hands moved quickly towards his belt buckle as her teeth sank into his neck.


              “Nai, slow down,” Johnny said as he tried to push her back. “Ouch, not so hard,” he said as her teeth bit down on his ear lobe.


              “Shut up, Johnny,” she said as her hands worked his belt buckle like a safe combination. She tugged hard at his fly buttons, ripping them open so fast, one button bounced off the wall and skidded down the hallway.


              “My pants,” Johnny whined as Nai dropped to her knees on the hard wood floor. Her hands dove deep into his jeans and ripped them down to his knees. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes.


              “Why are the men I drag home always such girls?” she thought to herself as she fished in his boxers and grabbed his cock. “Well, any cock in a storm,” she said to herself with a grin, as she pulled his rock-hard member free. She instantly sank her mouth down around Johnny's cock and started bobbing up and down, ravenously taking him into the back of her throat. She wasn't listening to his moans. She didn't really care what he was feeling. This was for her. The feeling of his hands in her hair and the taste of a cock in her mouth was a distraction from life, and she was going to have it her way. She grabbed fists full of his jeans in both hands and tugged hard. She wanted that cock. She wanted to feel it deep. Her eyes watered, and the world slipped away from her thoughts.


              “Come on, Jimmy,” Nai said as she pulled him from her mouth and gasped for air. She quickly hopped to her feet and grabbed his shirt with a jerk as she headed towards the bedroom.


“Johnny,” he said as she pulled him from the wall. “My name's Johnny.” As she let go of his shirt, she started to strip. Nai ripped her tank top off her head and tossed it on the floor. As she crossed the room, she quickly shed her bra, exposing the firm dark skin of her breasts. Her deep, rich, coffee-colored nipples were already firm with passion. Johnny watched from the doorway as her tall slender body came into view. Nai's long black hair swayed back and forth across her caramel colored back as she walked across the room. Her slim waist spread out at her hips slightly, making the heart shape of her ass wiggle gently with each step. As she reached the bed, she turned towards him, proudly displaying her pert and perfect breasts. With a teasing sway to her hips, she unzipped her jeans and worked them downward until they reached her knees. Nai kicked up her heels and grabbed the rough leather of her old cowboy boots. As she tugged at them, she fell back on the bed. One boot hit the hardwood floor with a loud thunk that was followed shortly by the other. Her jeans and panties hit the floor soon after as she sat up to see what was taking him so long.


              “My name's Johnny,” he said as he looked at her body spread out on the edge of the bed.


              “Do you really give a damn what I call you?” Nai asked as she reached up and cupped her breasts and offered them to him. “Or are you going to get the fuck over here?” Johnny got the message and started to strip down as well. He reached the bed, naked, and started to push Nai down on her back. “Oh no, Cowboy,” she said as she pushed back hard, rolling him over on his back. “I'm the one riding this herd, Mister,” she said as she swung her leg over his body and grabbed his cock in a tight grip. Nai lifted her hips up high and guided the head of his cock between her moist lips. She kept her eyes wide open as her hips pushed back, and she sat down in the saddle. Johnny's cock pushed deep into her body as she released it and grabbed at his shoulders. “Oh shit! Yeah, that's what I needed,” she gasped out as her hips began rocking front to back, on top of him. Johnny grabbed her hips and pulled her harder as she rocked on his aching cock.


              “Oh fuck, Nai,” he groaned as she rode him faster. Nai could feel her clit drag along his shaft with each stroke of her hips as they rolled forward and down on him. His hands dug into her hips as he throbbed deep inside her. “Ride me Nai. Ride my cock, baby.”


              “I'm nobody's baby,” Nai said as she grabbed his head with her fingers tight in his hair. “I just need a good hard buck. Got it, Jimmy?”


              “Johnny,” he said in an irritated voice as she pulled his hair and slammed her ass down on his hips, hard.


              “Shut up, bitch, and fuck me,” Nai said as she drew her hips up until his head nearly slipped out from inside her and then slammed back down on him so hard, the sound of it echoed off the walls. She knew what she was doing, and it showed as the sweat trickled down her back and slipped between the cheeks of her toned ass. “Fuck me, damn it, yes!” she screamed. The painful feeling in his scalp drew attention away from the fact Johnny's cock was pulsing wildly inside her, but Nai could feel it, and it was driving her crazy. But she was going to get what she came for. “Don't you dare cum, bitch, not until you get me off,” she said as she jerked his hair harder. “Do you fucking understand me, Jimmy?” The look in her eyes was fierce as she pulled his head up and shook it.


              “Yes,” Johnny gasped out. “Yes, Nai. Oh God, please cum Nai.”


              “That's a good boy. Buck back, damn it,” Nai said as she felt her insides tighten and twitch around his invading member. “Buck bitch. Momma's gonna cum!” Nai screamed. Her glistening breasts bounced up and down with their weight as she undulated on top of him. The swell building inside her as her juices flowed past her stretched lips and down the shaft of his violently jerking cock. She was on the edge of a cliff, and her body was about to throw itself off. “Oh God!” she screamed as the muscles inside her aching body clenched tightly and exploded. She felt her whole body shatter as it flooded out around his cock in a gushing wave.


              “I'm cumming, Nai,” Johnny screamed as he shoved into her hard and held his legs tight as if he was pushing for the ceiling. His cock jerked inside her as his seed rushed through the length of it and erupted into her drenched canal. Nai didn't hear him. She didn't have to, though, as she felt him burst inside her. The sensation of it jetting into her so deep in pulsing hot spurts sent her orgasm to a new level. Nai's body thrashed until she lifted up off his lap and spilled out on the bed beside him.


              “Oh shit, tossed from the saddle,” she said in a breathy voice as she struggled to regain control. Johnny still lay on his back. His body was covered in sweat, and his hips were soaked in the pleasure of their orgasm. As quickly as it had started, though, it was over. “That was great, Jimmy,” she said as she leaned up on her elbow and patted him on the shoulder. “But ya gotta get now. I have stuff to do.”


              “What?” Johnny asked, surprised. “We just finished like thirty seconds ago.”


              “Yeah, finished. That's the point,” she said as she waved her hand towards the door. “That means you head out, Mister.” Johnny quickly climbed from the bed and started to get dressed. Nai sat up in bed and leaned against the head board as she watched him. His anger was obvious as he was halfway to the door in record time.


              “And it's Johnny,” he said in a spat as he reached the door. “Bitch.”


              “Bye, Johnny,” she said in a half-whisper as the door slammed. She looked down at her naked body and felt a shiver of guilt wash over her. “Oh well, won't see that one again,” she said. She pulled up the blanket over her trembling legs and rolled on her side. As she lay there looking at her bedside table, she saw the letter still leaning there against the lamp. She reached out and picked it up. The parchment-like envelope felt rough between her fingers. Her grandmother's handwriting, the flourishing script, was unmistakable. “But why does the postmark say California?” she wondered. She was going to open it. She meant to open it. She just forgot. And then the call came, and the letter just sat there. She couldn't bring herself to open it now.

BOOK: Darque Wants
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