Read Darque Wants Online

Authors: Diana Steele

Darque Wants (20 page)

BOOK: Darque Wants
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“How did you know you were a Dom?” Xander asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

“I have always known I was “different,” so to speak. I like taking charge and being served. When I met Garret, he saw that too, and he made me harness it. There are a lot of dominants out there, but many of them lose their way because they don’t know how to control that power they have within.”

“Garret, he’s something, isn’t he. Who is he, John? I mean, I’ve heard his name before,” Xander explained.

“You are quite slow, my friend,” John replied, shaking his head. “Stone & Morgan. That’s all I have to say.”

It became clear. Garret Stone was a business magnate. He dabbled in a little of everything from real estate, to investments, to his own insurance firm. The man was a business mogul. Alexander was very impressed and wanted to get to know the man more. If this man was willing to train him to be successful, who was he to pass up such an opportunity?

“He’s like a father figure, and he treats us with respect. You can learn a lot from him, Xander,” John replied.

“Thanks, man. This is some shit. I’m glad you recommended me for this gig.”

“I have a welcoming present for you,” John said.

Alexander was surprised and expected a gift of some sort, but he was given the answer when John left the room. Diana was still kneeling and as soon as the door closed behind John, she pushed herself forward until she was kneeling before Xander.

He was standing in front of the arm chair when she reached up and touched his buckle. He stepped back.

“Hey, what’re you doing?” The back of his knee hit the edge of the chair, so he had no choice but to sit.

“Welcome, Alexander,” Diana purred. Her voice was just a beautiful as she.

She reached for his buckle again and grasped it. The thing gave way without resistance. Xander was amused, and he started to relax as Diana pulled his zipper down. His cock was already hard, and he anxiously awaited what he knew was coming. The test was to see how well she executed.

He eased his buttocks off the chair just a tad while she pulled his slacks down. With it came his boxers, revealing his thick manhood. Diana smiled and moved forward, all the while on her knees. The touch of her lips on his tip was shocking. He hadn’t been with a girl in a while. He was horny as hell.

Diana’s warm wet tongue circled the ridge of his cock, and Xander was sure he jumped. His nerves endings were taut. He was sure he was going to have a premature ejaculation. “Control yourself boy,” he told himself. He closed his eyes and thought of rugby and how he would control the ball or his opponents. He relaxed his shoulders and opened his eyes, determined not to cum before he was good and ready. He may just decide not to cum at all.

It was hard controlling it as she curled her lips around him and slid her mouth down its shaft. She would slide her slippery mouth down and slowly come back up. The movements began slowly and precisely. Each time she went down, she would take in more of him. He could feel himself swell against her mouth, but he held himself in check.

She was picking up tempo. By the time she was at a consistent rhythm, her lips were touching the base of his pelvis. He could feel his glans at the back of her throat. She bit down ever so slightly and added some pressure with her lips. He could feel a tingling in his balls. A warm sensation was building in his belly, but he still held back. She continued to curl him with her tongue while she slid up and down. Her hot mouth, slippery with saliva, was like a sheath around him.

She withdrew just a few seconds. He groaned and closed his eyes, but, she wasn’t done. He could feel warm breath before her tongue circled the corona. She took it in her mouth and sucked gently before retracting and licking the tip. He knew this was it and he grasped the back of her head and shoved his cock into her mouth. She gladly took him in deeply, as he exploded in the back of her throat.

She waited until he was all done then she slowly withdrew, sucking up any last drop that may have escaped. He couldn’t remember every getting a blow job like that. He felt energized. He wanted to see what was about to happen and anxious to get into the Old Guild.

“Diana, you do that very well,” he complemented her. “So your John’s girl?”

She explained to him that though she belonged to John, it was not yet official until he collared her. He asked her what that meant, and she explained that each master was allowed to collar their subs so that they would rightfully belong to them. Since John would be promoted that night, they agreed that he would collar her shortly afterwards to make it official.

It must be more than this, he thought. Though having your own submissive was enthralling. but it had to be more than having her serve you hand and foot,. He wondered what opportunities lay ahead in this club. Alexander was not one to lounge around and wait patiently. After Diana left, he headed downstairs to find another lavish table setting in buffet style. There were more people around than before. He even recognized a few of them; a very well-known female judge, a few high profile lawyers, a television personality.

Alexander, like a hawk, scrutinized each face, assessing them. He leaned against the doorjamb and pushed his hands in his pocket. His appeared  nonchalant, yet confident. Garret spotted him across the room and noticed how Xander took in every detail of what was happening. People were chit-chatting while their subs fed and attended to their needs.

After about five minutes, they were ushered through a door leading off the den. Inside the huge room there was sparse furniture. There was a raised area, like a podium of sorts. Garret took his position there and addressed the crowd. They said their pledge which was the three words Garret had told him were their core principle.

“Duty, Honor, Courage!” The group chorused.

Alexander found himself chanting along with the other Guild members. He already felt like he belonged there and was immensely enjoying the thrill of it. After a few words from Garret, John was called to the front of the crowd. Xander noticed he was wearing no shirt and he was without shoes. When John knelt before Garret, Xander inched closer to see what would happen next.

A man stepped forward with a leather flogger. At a nod from Garret, he lashed John across the back. John did not flinch. The man continued his beating of John who took the whipping in stride. The only sign that he felt anything were his clenched jaw and noticeable arousal. However, his back and was red and raw by the time the punisher was done.

Xander was shocked at all this. There were thirty lashes in all, he counted them, every single one. He started to wonder if he had made the wrong decision in deciding to join the Old Guild. This was not in the bargain. It seemed like something college fraternities would do for initiation…only worse. John knelt until the room emptied somehow before collapsing on the floor. Quickly several Subs rushed in and scooped him up, taking him to a room next to the ceremonial quarters.

They laid him on a bed and started attending to him. He was still conscious and managed to smile as the Subs fawned over him. Applying salve to they began to kiss his body, there were about six women, some caressing, kissing him, and stroking his hair while another fed him strawberries.

They stripped off his pants and started kissing his cock. That’s when Alexander walked away. He decided to give John his privacy. He didn’t seem worse for wear, as a matter of fact John was enjoying himself immensely, being pampered and fed by a bunch of beautiful women. One would have thought he enjoyed being whipped just so he could have them all to himself.

As he walked off, Xander chuckled at the thought, thinking that if John could endure a few lashes, so could he. He had never backed down from a challenge, and he wasn’t about to let a little beating stop him.

He was surprised that after such a lavish dinner earlier that evening, he was hungry. The buffet was looked to be a feast. He helped himself to a plate and a glass of champagne. Garret noticed him and walked over.

“I could see you are rethinking you decision earlier tonight. Changed your mind?”

“I like challenges, plus, if the “rewards” are anything like what John got, I’m all for it,” Xander replied.

“Come, lets meet some of my other pupils,” Garret led the way. There were more than a dozen young Squires that Garret was training. A few of them were set to be promoted soon. They each had their subs beside them attending to their needs.

At that moment, John entered the hall with Diana. Xander was surprised he could even walk after such a beating, but John, like Xander, was an athlete. They were strong.  All eyes turned toward the couple as they stood in the center of the room. He then handed her a box which she eagerly opened. Inside was a black leather and lace collar. It was beautifully made, and looked more an accessory. There was a small dog tag on it that dangled at her throat like a pendant. Alexander was curious about what was written on the tag, but he knew that in time he’d find out.

The party went late into the night, and Xander learned a lot from his experience. He learned that Submissive people were not weak. They were as strong as anyone else, just different. Being able to totally commit yourself to someone else was a strength in itself and very admirable. That was why they were respected by their masters and not treated any differently than equals.

It was close to morning when he made his way to the guest room he’d been given. While he showered, his mind wandered to his life at Boston College and his dreams of running his own company. It was in the works, the plans were all drawn up, and he had found a business partner. All that was left to do was set up office and start making money.




He was used to awakening before the crack of dawn for practice, and this morning was no different. The huge king bed was comfortable, but he was awake before anyone else, as he discovered upon going downstairs.

The place was quiet. To his surprise, everything was as sparklingly clean. You couldn’t tell that there had been a party just a few hours before. He’d gotten a tour of the outdoors the evening before, but he was curious to see the interior, so he went on a little expedition.

There seemed to be a drawing room and a study on each floor. There was a section of the third floor that seemed closed off from everywhere else. This, he surmised, was Garrets private wing. On the ground floor, in addition to the rooms he saw the day before, there was a recreation room and a smoking room. It seemed this smoking room also doubled as a poker room. He soon got bored and headed to the kitchen, where he found coffee and its maker. He put on a pot and waited for the dark concoction to brew.

“Do I smell coffee?” Garret’s rumbling voice sounded behind him.

The man was sweating and wearing a jogging suit! “I thought I was the first one up,” he exclaimed.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, my boy,” Garret patted him on his shoulder and gave a mock sympathetic look. Xander chuckled, poured two mugs of steaming coffee and handed one to Garret.

“I hope you don’t mind me using your kitchen.”

Garret toweled his face and took the mug, inhaling deeply, “This is your second home now, if you haven’t changed your mind about joining us.”

He walked to the terrace overlooking the swimming pool, and Xander followed. They seated themselves at wicker chairs around a glass table. They made small talk. Xander commented on how he liked being at the mansion.

“It’s different from campus with all the noise. One can sit and think here,” he told Garret.

“That’s why I bought this property. How did you find the proceedings last night? Any reservations?”

“No, I’m game,” he replied, omitting to mention that he did have second thoughts at one point, especially seeing John being whipped. They talked about the club for a while, with Garret telling him that once he became a Squire, he would be required to attend functions, meetings, and most of all, lessons.

Garret left him for a few minutes and returned with a velvet-bound box which he pushed across the table. “You are now my Squire. Welcome to the Old Guild, where you will pledge your duty, courage, and honor, and walk with integrity.”

Alexander’s pulse picked up a little. It felt like he was behind the wheels of his car, going at a hundred and twenty miles an hour. He loved the rush the speed gave him, and this was something similar. He opened the box to find a ring, similar to one he’d seen John wear. He always assumed that John’s ring was a family piece, but now he knew better. What was more enthralling was that the ring fit perfectly. He placed the ring on the ring finger of his right hand like Garret and admired the yellow gold and black diamond.

“When you become a Master you get the diamond key,” Garret said.

Alexander had no idea what the diamond key looked like. As if reading his mind, Garret reached inside his sweatshirt and pulled out a gold chain with a pendant that sparkled even though the sun was just peeping over the horizon. There were parts of the key that were gold but for the most part, ninety percent of it was made of the purest diamond.

They talked a while longer before Garret gave him his first test. He asked him to follow him to the chamber he’d slept in earlier. There waiting were two subs. He told them to bathe Alexander and cut his hair. He told Xander that his task was to not touch them while they attended to him, no matter what they did to make him want to. He thought that would be easy enough, it was just a bath and a haircut.

BOOK: Darque Wants
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