Dark Star (2 page)

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Authors: Patricia Blackraven

BOOK: Dark Star
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rie shook her head with disgust
while saying “Not my type”

“Why? Y
ou have a similar style”
Paige said


Carrie couldn’t finish because
there appeared
ever-stupidly smiling  Jay with drinks
between them
.  He gave out glasses filled with colorful

So what girls? Are we gonna play a little?
” He asked happily.

Paige squeaked happily at this proposition
but Carrie turned her head back and forth with a
and said “You go alone, I will just hang out here   and look around…”

“A smart decision” Jay
said while nodding his head
after wh
he started dancing with Paige

Carrie finished drinking her drink and found a free place under the wall. She stood there –
thankfully far enough of that weird
guy Paige showed her – and started looking around.
Maybe Jay was right? Maybe
she really shou
ld start meeting people?
e books may be very interesting
but none of them will fill the void in her  heart …

And in one moment the girl

s gaze stopped at a table in the corner of the room. Five people were sitting
it – four men and one woman. E
ach of them was dressed in black just like Carrie.
The girl noticed that one of the men
was looking
at her wit
h more interest than the others and the woman was totally
ing her.
The man who
was looking
at her so intently whispered something to his associat
es, stood up from the table
and went towards her with uncanny grace. Carrie

s heart started beating like crazy. She felt that her
legs turned into marshmallows when she looked directly into
the young man’s green eyes.

“Hello” he said in a low sensual ton
e when he stopped next to her
“What does a beautiful girl like you do in a place like this?”

She started shaking.
She reverted her gaze and looked down on the ground

“I’m with
they are dancing now”

“And why aren’t you dancing with the
the boy
, moving his head to the side

“I don’t
want to get in the way”

“Well then maybe you’ll dance with me?”

“I don’t think so… I don’t know how”

“Well you don’t have to know how to dance to this song”

Finally she decided to look at
him. His green eyes were filled with
the golden dots
and his handsome face was covered with black bangs. Carrie opened her mouth to say something
but the
words were stuck in her throat. She felt the young boy
’s finger on her lips.

“You don’t have to say anything. Just follow me… Oh, and I forgot. My name is Morton. Jacob Morton

“Andrews. Carrie Andrews” she answered

The boy smiled,
took her hand and took
her to the dance floor
and started
his body rhythmically.
Carrie felt thousands
of eyes looking at
but all that didn’t matter, she
only on Jacob. Everything else stopped existing for a moment

And suddenly she was surp
rised by the fact that Jacob got closer to her
and put her hand on his shoulder.
She felt a strong shiver
when his other hand stroked her spine. He
was moving so fast
and a
part of Carrie didn’t like that
but another part of her didn’t want him to stop, it wanted more and more.

The song stopped in the best moment and the hard
techno music started emanating from the speakers. Ja
cob moved away from Carrie
and she drowned in the greenness of his eyes

“Thank you for the dance” he said and turned aroun
d with the intention of leaving
but the girl screamed in the last moment

Jacob… Do you want to leave already?”

He stopped and smiled under his nose. Everything went according to
The fish took the bait, it was
time to roll her in. He turned around to Carrie

, you’ll meet my friends “
he said

“Ok, I’ll just
tell my friends where I’ll be “
she said

The boy sighed
and pulled her towards him

“You don’t have to
they’ll figure out on their own
that you’ve met someone
they will
leave you alone”

They made their way through the crowd and reached the table occupied by three young men and a woman. All of them looked at Carrie. Ja
cob  pulled her towards himself
and they both sat on the leather couch next to the table

“It’s nice
to meet you, Carrie Andrews”
said a young man very similar to
Jacob, except with shorter hair

My name is Blake Morton, I’m Jacob’s twin b

“How do you know my name?” the surprised girl

Blake laughed for a bit
and dismissingly waved his hand

it’s just brotherly telepathy… L
et me introduce you to everyone else. This is Aidan, Zack and Mikaela”

Carrie thoroughly observed each
of them. All
of them
perfectly symmetrical faces. They
only differ
in the colo
rs of their eyes and hair.
Aidan had
bright shining blonde curly hair and sky blue eyes.  Zack had chestnut brown hair and his
eyes were like black chocolate
and Mikaela had burn
ing red hair and lavender eyes
with which she reluctantly observed the newly arrived girl

“It’s been nice.. I’m
really happy I’ve meet you all but I really have to go now.”
.  She wanted to sta
nd up
but Jacob held
her down
and with a punishing look communicated that they weren’t done yet.

“You don’t have to rush Carrie”
Blake said

You can stay with us. Your friends wo
n’t have any problems with that
and we really would like to get to know you more

As if  it was planned, bright smiled appeared on everyone’s faces.  Suddenly Mikaela took a
of mysterious shimmering black powder out of the
pocket of her  leather jacket
and gave it to Carrie

“What is it?”
the girl
as she started turn
around with her fingers.

a powdered black
crystal, it gives you a nice kick and helps you
to relax”
in a light tone
“It’s a gift, keep it”

“But I don’t take drugs”

“It’s not a drug
but if you don’t want to, you don’t have t
o try it”
Aidan tried to calm her down.
He looked menacingly at
but she didn’t make anything out of it

“Thank you… But I really have to go now” Carrie
put the
into her pocket and stood up

“Maybe we’ll meet again?”
Blake Morton

Carrie forced a smile again

“Maybe… G
oodbye till
that day

She left the table quickly, feeling the gaze of the five people. She
ing the dance floor for a while
but Jaya and Paige
were nowhere to be seen among the dancing
couples. They must have went to his home.
Carrie left the Delirium C
but after a few moments Jacob ran after her

“Wait. Where do you live? Maybe I could drive you home?”

The cold wind felt cold
even though she zipped up her jacket as much as
he could.
couldn’t stop looking at the boy
. He was just too handsome…

Carrie shrugged and said “Sure, if you don’t

He got c
lose, covered her with his arms
and guided her into the club

s parking lot.

“Believe me
it’s  my pleasure. I l
ove helping young women”

Carrie im
mediately felt warmer when she
entered the luxurious black jaguar. The boy surprised her again. Incredibly handsome
,  covered in a veil of mystery and probably rich… S
uddenly she wanted to get to know Jacob better. She didn’t care about his friends – only him.
She was so focused on him
that she didn’t even notice when the engine of the car poured and they started moving

“Where exactly do you live?”
he asked, not moving his eyes from the road

“On the
suburb, in this large white house”
she said under her nose

A long awkward silence

“I think your brother is weird”

Jacob looked at her from the sides and asked  “What do you mean?”

I didn’t know what he meant by
‘brotherly telepathy’”

Jacob laughed

“We can read each
other’s minds. It’s common among siblings”

“You all seem
to be
so… different. Why do you want to become friends with me?”

, we just noticed
you and thought you were okay. What? Is making new friends illegal here?”

Carrie covered her face with her h
ands, feeling she’s starting
and said


Jacob suddenly stopped.
Carrie looked out of the window
and noticed that they are standing next to her house. It’s unbelievable but
the time with Jacob flew instantly.
The girl unbuckled her belt, even tho
ugh she didn’t really want to. She put her hand on the knob
and suddenly felt Jacob’s touch on her hand. She looked at him, his eyes were bright like two emeralds

“Will we meet tomorrow?” he whispered

Her heart almost burst out of her chest. He was so close, she had to use all of her will power to stop herself from jumping on him and kissing him.
What is happening to me?. she thought
and swallowed her spit nervously

she answered

His mouth widened in a sensual smile and he said

“If that’s the case
ll meet you tomorrow at 8 p.m.
Don’t worry,
I’ll remember the road. Goodbye” he touched her face
and she felt a
n ice cold sensation on her skin
but it didn’t bother her. She smiled and left the car.

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