Read Dark Seduction Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #paranormal romance, #agent, #Cheyenne McCray, #spy story, #Erotic romance, #paranormal suspense, #Erotica

Dark Seduction (16 page)

BOOK: Dark Seduction
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She swallowed. “What did you plan on doing with the device?”

“I planned to sell it to the US government,”
the device said.
“When it was fully functional.”

Technology such as this is dangerous in anyone’s hands,
was in green across the LCD screen.
Sometimes I think that the CVP was a mistake.

“Do you forgive me for what I’ve done?” she asked quietly.

the device said.
“I believe you were doing your job and you believed that it was for our government.”

I love her,
popped up in green on the LCD.

Her eyes widened as she looked from the LCD to Logan. “You love me?”

the device said.
“I love you.”

He cleared his throat. “I didn’t expect that to come out. It came from my subconscious.” Then he smiled and said, “But…yes, it’s true.”

She swallowed. “Were you in love with Carla?”

“Carla has been different than before,”
came out of the device.
“Now I know it was you all along. So it’s you I fell in love with.”

She took a deep breath and moved the CVP device to the coffee table, not meeting his gaze for a moment. Then she turned to him and smiled. He took her in his arms and kissed her.

The kiss was long and sweet and she felt lightheaded when he pulled away. He stood and took her by her hands and drew her to her feet. He kissed her again and said, “Wait right here.”

He reached for the device and picked it up then carried it to the safe and locked it up again.

When he returned to her, he took her hand and led her to his bedroom.

He pulled his polo shirt over his head, his gaze on her, and he removed his shoes, socks, and jeans.

She kicked off her own shoes and tugged off her socks. He watched as she unbuttoned her blouse and took off her bra, before she shimmied out of her panties and jeans. When she was naked he just stared at her for a long moment.

His body was magnificent and she couldn’t help but look him over, too. So solid, so virile. His body was hard and muscular and she wanted to touch and run her tongue over every single inch of him.

He took her hand again and led her to the bathroom. She followed him in and watched as he went to the shower that was partially enclosed by rock and turned on the showerheads in the spacious area. When the water was warm, he drew her into the shower with him.

“Shampoo and body soap is there.” He gestured to a small alcove built within the rock.

As water beat down on them she retrieved the bottle of shampoo. She turned to see that he was staring at her with hunger in his eyes. Her gaze traveled down his hard chest to his taut abs and lingered on his erection. She met his eyes again and his throat worked as he swallowed.

“Come here,” he said, his voice low and husky.

She moved toward him, wondering what he was going to do. When she reached him, he took her by the shoulders and faced her away from him before taking the bottle of shampoo from her. He poured some on his palm then set the shampoo bottle on a shelf built into the rock wall.

He started washing her hair, soaping the short strands into thick lather. She closed her eyes as his fingers massaged her scalp and her nape, some of the tension slowly easing out of her. He didn’t say a word so she kept her mouth shut and didn’t speak. She wanted the moment to last before they had to face reality again.

His cock brushed her backside as he moved closer to her and she trembled from his touch, from need.

“Let’s rinse you off.” Water beat down on her as he moved her beneath the spray. He combed his fingers through her hair, rinsing out the strands, the shampoo running down her body in streams.

When her hair was clean and free of soap, he reached for the bottle of body soap and a bath sponge. He brought her around to face him and she watched as he poured the gel onto the sponge. After he set the bottle aside, he started lathering her body.

He started from her neck to her shoulders, slowly running the sponge over her skin. He moved the sponge over her arms and then she looked up at him as he began soaping her breasts.

Her nipples were hard nubs and she caught her breath as he ran the sponge over first one and then the other. He got to his knees and lathered her belly and her legs. Her legs trembled as he ran the sponge over her mound.

She wanted him to touch her between her thighs so badly, but he faced her away from him and soaped her ass and then rose to wash her back. The entire experience was so incredibly sensual, like she’d never experienced before.

When he turned her around to face him again, he set the sponge on the shelf next to the shampoo and moved her directly under the spray again, rinsing all of the soap from her body.

He touched her face with his fingers, brushing wet hair away from her cheeks. Then he cupped the back of her head and brought her to him for a kiss.

A thrill ran through her as he gently kissed her. Water pounded down on them as she slipped her arms around his neck and kissed him in return, letting her need for him show.

Their kisses became more urgent and he pinched her nipples as he moved his mouth over hers.

“Tori, I need you.” He nearly growled the words when he tore his mouth from hers.

“I need you, too,” she whispered.

He grasped her waist and she hooked her legs around his hips. He pressed her up against the rough shower wall. She held her breath as his eyes held hers and he thrust his cock inside of her.

She cried out at the feel of him, his thickness stretching her, his length reaching places only he could touch. He took her hard, driving in and out and grasping her close as if he couldn’t get enough of her. She gripped his shoulders, clenching her nails into his slick, wet skin, never wanting to let go.

For a moment it was as if his body was flickering again, just like it had the other times they’d had sex. What did that mean?

The water pounding down on them added to the sensations as he took her and she fell more deeply into them. She felt an orgasm building inside of her. Heat built inside of her, coiling low and tight in her belly.

The climax exploded within her, sending sensation and heat and fire throughout her body. She cried out and gripped him tighter, feeling like she might dissolve with the spray to be washed away and down the drain.

His thrusts came more and more urgent, drawing out her orgasm, her core clenching around his cock.

“Tori,” he said in a low, harsh growl. Then he shouted and she felt his cock pulsing inside of her as he climaxed. It throbbed and she felt as if her whole body was throbbing with him and that the sensations would never stop..

He came to a stop, his chest moving up and down as he tried to catch his breath. He buried his face against her neck then moved his mouth to hers, kissing her hard.

With a groan he pulled away and looked into her eyes as if searching, searching for something. His voice was hoarse when he said, “I love you, Tori.”

She rested her cheek against his hard, wet body. “I love you, too.”

Chapter 16

Tori’s belly flip-flopped as she waited beside the minivan outside the ice cream shop, anticipation thrumming through her veins. She’d taken the form of an all-American soccer mom who might live next door to anyone. Pretty, average height, a few extra pounds, someone who wasn’t likely to attract a lot of attention.

The day was cool and blustery, tossing her medium-length hair in the wind. She looked up at the sky. It was bound to rain soon

She blew strands of dark blonde hair out of her eyes as she watched Brian inside the shop, through the big plate glass windows. The fact that he liked ice cream was the only thing he was predictable about that she had ever noticed. Even his choice of ice cream was unpredictable.

The minivan was parked between two large vehicles, on the passenger side of Brian’s Porsche. She crossed her arms and tapped her fingers on her biceps as she waited for him to come out. Earlier McKnight had injected the tracking chip beneath her skin. It had stung at the time, but now she couldn’t feel it.

As soon as Brian went to the register, she turned to the vehicle. It was a typical minivan that a mom with kids might drive, but with windows tinted darker than normal and no rear seats to make room for unusual cargo. One of the things that she liked about the minivan was that it had a driver’s side sliding door, which would make it convenient for this op. A regular van parked near his Porsche might have made him wary, but not a minivan with a soccer mom who had locked her keys inside.

From the corner of her eye she saw Brian walking in her direction with his cup of ice cream. He was wearing cowboy boots, boot cut jeans that went over the tops of his boots, a forest green T-shirt and a flannel over shirt that hid the weapon he was no doubt carrying. Whatever ice cream he’d chosen was covered in whipped cream, brownies, and the colored sprinkles that kids loved.

“Darn it,” she said out loud and put her hands on her ample hips when he was in front of the minivan.

Brian glanced in her direction. She pushed her hand through her hair as she looked at him. “I locked my keys in my van and my cell phone is in there so I can’t call anyone. I have to pick up my kids in ten minutes.” She used a sweet voice and did a credible job of making it look like she was about to burst into tears. “By any chance can I borrow your phone?”

“Don’t have mine on me.” He paused beside the minivan. Of course it was a lie—no doubt at all that he had a phone with him.

“Do you know how to get into a locked vehicle?” she asked, willing him to come closer.

All in all, Brian had always been nice enough to Tori. He might assassinate people for a living, but when he wasn’t on assignment, he seemed normal. As normal as a hired killer could be, she supposed.

He shrugged and took a bite of his ice cream, which was starting to melt. “I can give it a shot.”

She wanted to roll her eyes. Brian could break into anything and was proud of his skill, which was one of the reasons why she’d chosen this ruse.

“Thank you.” She made a sound of relief and stepped away from the driver’s side door.

She eased a Taser out of her pocket. The moment he reached for the door handle, she raised it.

Brian whirled, his hand raised, and knocked the device from her grasp before she could use it. The Taser landed hard and clattered across the asphalt. His ice cream plopped beside his shoe.

She dropped to the ground to avoid being punched, giving her a chance to do what she needed to.

She grabbed his ankle at the same time she began shifting into his double. Because she’d touched him, in that instant she took on some of his attributes and his most recent memories.

But it didn’t come without a price. For a moment she was frozen, her body screaming with pain as she shifted, making her defenseless.

“What the fuck?” He swung his leg to kick her, his movement quick and smooth. “Tori?” he said even as his boot rammed into her belly.

Pain tore through her, stars sparking behind her eyelids, as air whooshed from her lungs. Even through his surprise, he didn’t slow and went after her again.

She rolled out of the way. As herself, as Tori, she could have given him one hell of a fight, won even. Caught in a transition, going from the soccer mom to Brian’s form, made her vulnerable.

But she didn’t have to worry about it. Logan appeared out of nowhere—literally—and Tasered Brian before he even knew what was happening. His muscles froze and he toppled like a telephone pole into the now open minivan door.

James McKnight was in the van and the three of them hurried to hoist the big man’s dead weight in. McKnight tied a sack around Brian’s head and cuffed his ankles to a hook inside the mini van.

Logan tossed a syringe to Tori and then he cuffed Brian. She injected the tranquilizer in his neck that was strong enough to send a polar bear to LaLa Land, but wouldn’t kill him. That would keep Brian down and out when his body wasn’t frozen any longer from the Taser.

After securing Brian, Logan fished out the wallet, keys, and keycard from the man’s pockets, and a Glock from a shoulder holster from beneath his over shirt. He handed everything to Tori who stuffed it all into her pockets with the exception of the gun that she holstered into the shoulder holster that she was now wearing.

“When he comes to he won’t know where the hell he is and what’s happening to him, and he’ll likely have a hard time remembering what happened for a while,” Logan said. “That tranquilizer is some good stuff.”

Tori frowned at him.

He raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“You literally appeared out of
.” She narrowed her gaze at Logan, able to look eye-to-eye with him now that she was in Brian’s form. “I
did not
imagine that.”

“I guess we all have our secrets.” He took a set of keys out of his pocket and climbed into the driver’s seat of the minivan and looked her up and down. “I’m not kissing you goodbye, by the way.”

BOOK: Dark Seduction
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