Dark One Rising (14 page)

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Authors: Leandra Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Dark One Rising
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“Melenthia, what are you doing here? What’s going on?”

“I’ll fill you in when I’m somewhere where curious ears cannot overhear.”

“Okay. I have a private room, in the back. I will have Kya take you there. I’ll be up later, and you can talk.”


So as not to be noticed, she slid a couple of gold pieces across the bar to him. He smiled, picked them up and put them in his apron pocket. He opened the door at the back of the bar, to the kitchen area, and called for Kya. A plump woman, only about five foot, came out the door and looked at her husband. She had brown hair, speckled with gray which was pulled back into a bun on the top of her head. A few pieces had come loose and were hanging in her face, and she brushed them back with a flour dusted hand. She then wiped her hands on her apron and put them on her wide hips.

“Please show our guest to the “back” room.”

She eyed Melenthia warily for a moment, then looked back at her husband.

“It’s okay, Kya.” He leaned over to whisper to her. “I’ll explain later.”

Kya nodded to him, and Melenthia stood from the stool to follow Kya up the steps to the rooms located on the second level. The warmth from the small tavern chased the chill off, but since she wasn’t sure it was safe yet, she kept her hood up. She followed Kya down the dimly lit hall and around a corner, to a room that was separate from the others. She pulled out a key and unlocked it.

She pushed the door open and went inside. She shuffled across the floor with quiet feet and lit the lantern next to the bed.

The room was small, but cozy, and very clean. From the outside of the tavern, you’d never know that Kya and Garreth kept a tidy inn. This room, which looked mostly unused, was no exception. There were clean linens on the bed, and the floor boards were shiny and swept. There was a wash bowl and pitcher on the side board, and a bathtub sat in the far corner. There was also a small table and one chair.

She smiled under her hood as she looked toward the tub. She didn’t know when she would get to take a hot bath again, so she wanted to take advantage of it. She may not always dress like a lady, but she certainly liked to smell like one. She went to the door and shut it and turned toward Kya, pulling off her hood. Kya stared in disbelief for a moment, then approached her and kissed her on the cheek.

“What are you doing here, child,” she asked pulling a piece of short springy curl, “and in disguise? If I’d known it were you, I would’ve said something.”

“I didn’t want you to until we were somewhere where no one else could overhear, or see. As soon as Garreth can get away I’ll tell you what has happened.”

She took Melenthia’s hands in hers and squeezed. “It must be something terrible if you are here at this time of day. I will bring you up some dinner and hot tea. You get comfortable. I will send Conor up with some hot water. You take a bath and eat, then Garreth and I will be up in an hour.”

“Okay.” She leaned over and kissed Kya on the plump cheek.

When Kya left the room, she slipped her bag off her shoulder and set it on the bed. She stretched her back and legs to loosen the muscles from being on horseback all day, and sat down in the chair. A quiet knock on the door alerted her to the arrival of Conor and the hot water, so she opened it, and a young boy of about thirteen came in. He looked just like his mother, but taller. He had the same brown hair she did, but had a build closer to his father, muscular but leaner. He came in carrying two large buckets of water and dumped them into the tub. He had always had a crush on her, and when he saw her looking at him, he blushed.

“I hope the water is the right temperature for you, Your Highness,” he said bowing.

“Please, Conor, we’re not in court. It’s okay to call me Melenthia.”

At that he blushed more. “I don’t think I could call you that, M’lady, it’s too improper.”

She smiled at him again. “Trust me, from this point on, Melenthia is all I have. I no longer hold the title of princess.”

“Has something happened?”

“Nothing you should worry about, Conor. I’m going to have a nice soak in that warm tub, then talk to your parents about some things. It’ll be alright.”

He bowed to her. “I will leave you to your privacy, Your..uh, Melenthia.”

“See, isn’t that much less stuffy?”

He smiled now, amused. “I guess so.”

“Good. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

He looked nervous again. “Oh, yes, I’m very sorry.”

He backed out of the room and shut the door. She laughed, locked it behind him and proceeded to get undressed. The dust from the day was only lightly coating her tonight, since she had not yet gotten too far, but the warm bath would help ease her tension and refresh her. She needed to be well rested for the long journey ahead.

While she soaked she went over in her head everything she knew so far. Fallon, having already acquired many parcels of land, and overtaking many towns across his realm, now apparently wanted land that belonged to her father. He was planning something and she was somehow the key to it all. She couldn’t fathom what on earth she could have to do with anything that related to power or riches, but the thought scared her. Her father had not been himself for quite sometime. He seemed so distant all the time, forgetful and melancholy. She knew that it had been hard on him after her mother had died, but this was different than loneliness. He seemed to have an agenda for every decision he made, and the agenda was not his normal one; it seemed more power driven. At times she felt he was afraid of something, like something had a hold on him, but he never let on as much. It was just something she noticed because she knew him so well. Obviously, Kevaan felt it too, and that’s why he knew she had to flee. She regretted that she broke her promise to him and didn’t wait for him, but things were happening faster than either of them planned. Leaving was the only choice. She leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes.




Kevaan and his father were in the conference room, just after dinner, talking about the arrival of Fallon and his men. Melenthia had been gone for many hours, and Kevaan had not let on to his father of that fact. He thought surprise would be best. Telling his father would make him nervous, and Fallon would see right through him. Kevaan was not concerned about himself. He would never let Fallon bully him as he was trying to do his father.

Kevaan sat at the table and watched his father pace back and forth across the room. Sweat was beginning to bead on his forehead, and he was mumbling inaudibly.

“Father, pacing back and forth isn’t going to make any of this better.”

“Yes, I know. I’m worried that Melenthia will do something to make Fallon angry. That would be bad. She just needs to accept what is done and present herself in a mature and civilized manner. I don’t need her making this more difficult.”

“We’re talking about Melenthia, father. She will not make this easier on you, you know that. She will more than likely make Fallon mad. We’ll just have to keep the situation under control. I’m telling you now, though, if he tries in any way to hurt her, I will put an end to it myself, pact or no pact.”

“Maybe you should not be here when the final arrangements are made.”

“Oh, I’ll be here, father. You chose not to tell me about your last meeting when you and he concocted this terrible deal. I will not let you dismiss me for this. If I’d been there for the initial negotiations, I wouldn’t have let you agree to it. Melenthia is my sister, and when she was born I made a promise that I would protect her, and if it means protecting her from you, so be it.”

Randor stopped pacing and looked at his son, frowning. He was becoming angry.

“You don’t wear the crown yet, my son. Having you present for any negotiations regarding this kingdom is only a courtesy. I’m still king, and I will make decisions for this kingdom without your input if I choose,” he said sternly.

Kevaan was getting mad himself. “This is not a peace treaty between two hostile territories, father, or an implementation of a border patrol for safe passage between two realms. This is a marriage proposal between a tyrant and your only daughter. You must see that Fallon is trying to manipulate you, father. He will take control of this kingdom if you let him, marriage or not. There is something sinister in this plan, something that involves Melenthia, but I don’t know what it is. You must feel something.”

“You are worried about your sister, Kevaan, I know that, but that is no reason to start believing in ghost stories. Fallon is powerful, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to solidify your position.”

“Father, do you hear yourself? He has enough land. He has already become one of the most powerful dukes in all of Aelethia. He has a huge army, bigger than what he needs, and he hasn’t earned any of it. This is more than wanting to solidify his position. It’s about power, ultimate power.”

“You listen too much to local lore, Kevaan.”

“I have felt things, father, seen things.”

The king shook his head. “Now you’re sounding like your sister.”

“Maybe we should have listened.”

“You spend too much time riding the countryside, I fear. I will allow you to be here for this, but I expect you as a prince of this realm to do your duty as such. I expect Melenthia to do the same.”

The finality in his words and the way he said it gave Kevaan chills. It were as if he were reciting a speech from memory. There was no feeling in it. Kevaan frowned, teeth clenched together so hard his jaw hurt. He would say nothing else, for now, but he would not let Fallon take his father’s power away so easily. Even if his father didn’t realize what he was doing, Kevaan did, and he had to try and stop it. He hoped that Alek had found Melenthia, and together, they were already on their way to Azlyn. If Alek failed, he feared it would mean more than Fallon getting Melenthia; he feared it would mean him getting everything.




The sun was just starting to set now, and Dain was pacing back and forth across the tile floors of his sitting room. Emerick had awoken him from his nap several hours before with an urgent message from Alekzand’r, his Royal Advisor, Bounty Hunter, and friend. The message was very disturbing.

It seemed Dain would have a visitor in the coming days, the princess from Aaralyn would be arriving, and Alek was asking his king for her protection. He didn’t go into a lot of details, probably afraid of saying too much if the information fell into the wrong hands. It seemed to him that she was in some sort of trouble. Alek did say that he first had to track her down, then they would run. Dain wasn’t sure, but he guessed that this might have something to do with all the other weird things going on. Maybe it even had to do with Fallon and all the strange stories surrounding him.

Was there nothing going on around the kingdom that did not involve him? He was like a plague, eating away a bite at a time, and soon, if he was not stopped, would consume everything, including Dain’s own realm. He frowned. He should have been a better king, one who paid closer attention and made it a point to find out about things before they got out of control.

He had no idea what the princess would have to do with Fallon, or why Alek thought he might be followed, but he was worried that whatever news Alek brought with him, would not be good.

Emerick was standing by the door, watching his king pace back and forth, but he said nothing. Dain finally stopped and turned to look at him.

“It seems we’re going to have a visitor. I recommend we prepare. It has been too long since a woman were in the castle.”

Emerick shot him a look, eyebrows raised.

“I meant a woman of nobility, a royal woman. This castle is in a shambles.” He raised his hand to let Emerick know he was not pointing blame on anyone but himself. “I’m not saying you are responsible. Lord knows the trouble I cause for you. I was just stating out loud that I would appreciate some order. I don’t want her to use the apartments that Annikka just vacated. Please have my mothers old apartments cleaned and put in some semblance of decency. I think she would be more comfortable in there.”

He raised his eyebrows at his king again. “You have never let anyone stay in the queen’s old chambers, Sire. Forgive me if I’m surprised.”

“Yes, I know. I’ve been annoyingly sentimental about it. Melenthia is a princess and therefore requires better living quarters than what I have allowed the other women in my life to have.” He shook his head. “I’m such a cad.”

Emerick approached his king now and placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. “It’s quite alright, Dain. I have been here since you were born, and you’ve always had a rebellious nature about you. As you got older, you allowed the influence of the other boys get you in trouble. I would agree that you have been a cad, but maybe you have finally seen your errors and will now start down the right road.”

Dain laughed out loud at his friend’s candor. “Yes, Emerick, you are correct. Kicking Annikka out was just the start of my awakening. I plan on being a better king, and a better man.”

“Your father would be proud.”

“Yes, yes, we’ll see how long it lasts. My attempts at decency don’t seem to hold very long.”

“I think you’ll find a way to make it stick this time.”

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