Dark One Rising (12 page)

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Authors: Leandra Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Dark One Rising
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“The world outside these walls don’t frighten me. Be more afraid of Fallon finding me.”

“I am. Don’t waste any more minutes. Go.”

“I love you, Lucan.”

“I know. Go.”

She turned her horse around and kicked her into a gallop. The chill of the wind blowing through the gap in her hood, made her ears cold, but she rode hard, not stopping until she reached the stream. She slowed enough to take the turn and followed it around the bend and into the entrance of the woods. She looked behind her, the castle walls still close enough to block out the lower floors of the palace. She could see her room, higher up in the left tower and suddenly felt sad. She was leaving the only home she had ever known, leaving her father whom she still loved dearly. Sad that she would never again see him, that he was not himself and therefore didn’t know what he had done. She was sad even more for Kevaan, her dear big brother that had made her promise she would wait for him. He had not yet returned, thinking as she had, that Fallon would not arrive for three days. If he had known Fallon was that close, he would’ve returned and helped her flee. She was sad that she could not say good-bye to the only man in her life that she truly loved. She hoped someday he would forgive her. She turned her horse forward again and raced into the trees.




When Kevaan arrived back at the castle, only hours before Fallon and his men, he flew through the gate and dismounted his horse before it had even slowed. He threw the reins to a stable boy who had scurried out from the stables, bowed to his prince, and led the horse back in to wash and feed him. Kevaan went through the back door and flew passed the kitchen crew. He ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and hurried down the hall to his sister’s room. He knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked louder. All was quiet. He swallowed the panic that was beginning to well up and tried the handle. The door opened easily, and he pushed it open. She was not in her room. He went to the door to her adjoining washroom and knocked. There was no answer there either. He opened it and looked inside, worried that he might be intruding on her asleep in the bath. All was empty. He turned back and went into her bed chamber again, looking around for something amiss. He didn’t think she would have cooled off enough to spend time downstairs with her father, but she had promised she would wait. Kevaan was starting to be afraid that Alek had been right, and she was already gone.

He finally noticed a drawer in her dresser that was slightly open, a silken slip peeking out. He went to it and opened it further. It was a mess, as if someone had rifled through it in haste, looking for something. He opened her jewel case and looked under the tray. The gold pieces she always kept there were gone. The panic started growing more intense. He opened the door to the armoire and looked under her long dresses, pushing them aside so he could see the back. Her day bag, the one she carried every time she went out for a day of riding, was gone. He slammed the door shut again and walked back down the corridor and down the stairs. This time he went out the front door and strode across the inner bailey toward the gate. Tomas saw Kevaan headed his way and walked forward to meet him. He wanted Kevaan far enough away from the gate so as not to be heard by Gerard.

Tomas bowed. “What’s so urgent, My Lord, that you are in such haste?”

“I’m looking for my sister. Have you seen her, Tomas?”

“No, Your Highness. She has not been down here today.”

Kevaan didn’t quite believe the young fair haired man, but he decided not to make a scene. He knew Lucan would know something and tell him.

“Thank you, Tomas. As you were.”

Tomas bowed to Kevaan and returned to his post. Kevaan went into the stables. He found Lucan working with a skittish horse halfway down the stables. Lucan looked up and saw Kevaan standing over him. Lucan knew the prince was mad, but he had to be strong for Melenthia.

“Where is she, Lucan?”

“Who, Your Highness?”

“You know damn well who, Lucan. Where’s Melenthia?”

“I haven’t seen her today, Your Highness. Perhaps she’s in the garden playing lawn ball.”

“No, she’s gone. Her day bag is missing.”

“Then perhaps she went into the village to buy some chocolates at the market.”

Kevaan stared at him, hard. He knew Lucan knew where she went, and he would beat it out of him if necessary. He knew Lucan cared deeply for his sister, even loved her, and he knew he would be devastated if anything happened to her. He also knew Melenthia told him everything. He would know about her betrothal to Fallon, and that he was on his way. He would try being gentle. If that didn’t work, then he’d beat it out of him.

“Lucan, we both know how you feel about Melenthia. You are in love with her and if things were different, if you were not a stable hand, I know you would have asked her to be your wife years ago. But because you love her, you would not do anything that would embarrass her, so you have kept silent about it. If you truly love her, like I know you do, you will tell me what you know. I’m afraid for her life but I have made plans to keep her safe. What’s happened? Tell me where she has gone.”

Lucan hung his head and began to weep. “She has fled, Your Highness. She found out Fallon was ahead of schedule and asked me to help her escape. I cut her hair, Your Highness, short, all her beautiful hair. I prepared her horse while she packed, and Tomas stole her sword out of the armory. She left just after dawn, heading west down the Stillwater Creek. She is probably halfway to the Dark Woods by now. I would guess she will hole up somewhere in Tamerlane, then continue on west at dawn. She may be headed to Isamar. I’m sorry, Your Highness.”

Kevaan placed a consoling hand on Lucan’s shoulder. “It’s alright. I know you were doing what you thought was right to keep her safe from a terrible fate. You must tell no one of this. I will be here when Fallon arrives and will make sure my father knows nothing. If he’s surprised by her departure, he cannot be called a liar. Fallon would see right through him if he did.”

“What about Melenthia?”

“She’s safer if I don’t follow. I have a plan in place to keep her safe. I have someone who will look for her and escort her somewhere so that she will be hidden and protected. It’s better if she’s on her own, for now.” He paused for a moment, then asked, “Did you say you cut her hair?”

“Yes. All of it.”


“She thought it would help disguise her.”

Kevaan shook his head. “That’s all well and good until someone looks too closely at her eyes.”

“I tried to tell her that, but she wouldn’t listen. It pained me to do so.”

“It’ll grow back.You did the right thing to help her. Continue to keep her safe. Tell no one of her departure or that we spoke, and make sure Tomas remains tight lipped as well. Her safety depends on it.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I would do nothing to bring her to harm.”

“I know.”

Kevaan patted Lucan’s shoulder and left him to finish his work. As he crossed the bailey to go inside, he caught Tomas’ eye. He nodded to him subtlety, and Tomas nodded back. Kevaan didn’t worry about either of them. Melenthia had mesmerized many men with her beauty and charm; he just wished one of them could have been of royal blood. Then she could have married and saved herself from this awful fate. He shook his head sadly and went inside.


ing Dainard Grayson stood with his back to the bedroom door, staring out the window, gazing across the green countryside that rolled all the way down to the Eirene Sea. He was the king of all of the land laid out before him, and he was proud, but something felt missing in his life lately. He felt incomplete. He took a deep breath, and the light southern wind blew the smell of salty air to his nostrils.

His black silk breeches clung to his muscular behind, and his back muscles tensed whenever he shifted his weight. His dirty blond hair was tousled from being in bed, and a piece fell down across his forehead. He reached a hand up and brushed it back. He felt tired but his pale blue eyes were alert. He held a glass of dark Tierian ale in one hand, the other hand supported his weight as he leaned against the windowsill.

The door opened and a woman walked in, closed it behind her and approached him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She placed her head on his back and sighed. She was thin and petite, in size only, for her voluptuous figure was not proportioned to the rest of her. Her curvy figure made her small waist seem even more so. She had long, sandy blond hair which hung down her back and practically touched her bottom, and cream colored skin. She wore a thin gauze-like nightgown that clung to her womanly curves and was transparent in the late morning sunlight. She rubbed her hands up and down his broad bare chest, pressing herself firmly into his back.

“Darling,” she said, standing on her toes slightly to reach his ear. “Breakfast has been ready for some time; aren’t you hungry?” Her hot breath sent a chill down his spine. He shivered.

“No. I’m not in the mood to eat.”

“Well maybe it isn’t food you are hungry for, but another kind of hunger you need sated.”

She slid her hand down his chest and headed down his belly. He grabbed it before she got further than he wanted and growled.

“Are you never satisfied, Annikka?”

“With you my love? Never.”

She tried again to get him to let her touch him. He pushed her hand away again.

“Go take a cold bath.”

She moved away from him and crossed to the armchair near the hearth, sitting down with an exasperated sigh. “What’s wrong with you the last few days, Dain? Why are you so grumpy?”

“Just because I don’t want to partake of your pleasures this morning doesn’t mean something is wrong. Perhaps I’m just tired, since you refused to let me sleep last night.”

“I can’t help it, darling; when I’m near you I can’t control myself. Your stamina has always been considerable. You’ve never had trouble going all night without effect the next morning.”

“But not all night, every night for the last two weeks,” he grumbled, tossing down the rest of his ale and going over to the highboard to pour another.

“Maybe I’m not sensual enough for you.”

“On the contrary, dear,” he said, glancing in her direction, taking in the curves of her body apparent through the thin material, and swallowing his again rising urge. “You’re almost too sensual at times.”

“Then perhaps you are boring of me.”

“I really don’t know, Annikka. I’m just not feeling myself these days. Perhaps it’s time for us to part ways.”

She stood up and went over to him, draping her arms over his shoulders.

“I’m sorry I kept you up again, darling. Why don’t you go back to sleep, and I’ll wake you when Emerick comes to get you for your meeting.”

“I don’t want to,” he snapped, becoming somewhat annoyed. “I have other things I need to attend to before that. Please, Annikka, go away and leave me be.” He took another large gulp of ale.

She dropped her arms and placed her hands defiantly on her round hips. “Maybe you wouldn’t be in such a foul mood if you’d quit drinking that swill in the wee hours of the morning.”

“Don’t tell me what to do, wench!” He seethed, pale blue eyes becoming lighter in his growing impatience. “That’s the reason I desire to part ways. I don’t like to be mothered!”

“Maybe you need more mothering.”

He shot her an angry look now. “What?”

“I’m just pointing out the obvious, darling. No reason to get riled.”

“I’m so glad I have you here to point out all my flaws,” he answered sarcastically. “Now would you please be so kind as to remove yourself from my presence.”

“You’re seriously thinking of kicking me out after everything I’ve done for you?”

His head snapped around, his face becoming red. “Done for me?”

“I have fulfilled your desires for the last two months without any thought of compensation. I’ve been here for you, at your beck and call, and have loved you unconditionally. I’ve been here for you on your best days and your worst days.”

He turned toward her, eyes now so light blue they were almost transparent, the muscle above his tight jaw twitching, his teeth grinding together.

“Sex isn’t the only thing that matters to me, but you wouldn’t understand that I’m sure. You don’t understand me.”

“Maybe not, but what have you done for me?”

“Everything you wanted. I took pity on you when your husband, Colonel Waverly, threw you out for your blatant infidelity. I gave you your own room in my palace, put jewels on your fingers and elegant dresses on your back. I’ve given you enough money and social graces to keep you comfortable. Let’s face it, Annikka my dear, I’ve given you more than you deserve.You don’t really care about me; you’re just hoping I will tolerate you long enough to make you my queen, but I can assure you that isn’t going to happen. I’ve tarnished my reputation enough by bringing you into my bed, but I certainly have no intentions of tarnishing it further by making you my wife,” his tone changed slightly, and he sighed. “Besides, I don’t love you, Annikka.”

She laughed, “Men in your position don’t marry for love darling, they marry because they have to. Why do you think nobles have mistresses, because they don’t love their wives. We’re good together, Dain.” She wrapped her arms around him one more time, making a point to press her ample bosom against him.

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