Dark Invasion: 1915: Germany's Secret War and the Hunt for the First Terrorist Cell in America (39 page)

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biological weapons and, 269, 271, 272

von Rintelen recruited by, 144–46

Noordam, 49–50, 59–60, 332, 352

Norfolk, Virginia, 384

Northrup, Clark, 237

North Sea, 103

Norway, 146

Nova Scotia, 95


Oberste Heeresleitung (OHL), 36–37

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), 110

opium, 92

Orozco, Pascual, 228

Orton, 122

Ott, Louis, 285


Pabst’s, New York City, 128

Paddison, 306

Page, Walter, 389

Pain Fireworks Display Company bombing, 94

Paris, 48, 79, 211

passports, 86–90, 146, 257, 332, 410

forgery scheme, 87,
88–90, 91, 112, 283

U.S. requirements, 86

Patapsco River, 81

Pearce letter, 292, 295, 309–10, 314

Perth Amboy, New Jersey, 199

Petitt, Sheriff, 328

Philadelphia, 379

Phoebus, 183–84

phosgene gas, 267

Physick, 297–301

pneuomograph, 5

poisoning, 229

arsenic, 11

Polignani, Amedeo, 44–45, 116, 117

as Frank Baldo, 44–45, 53–58

Brescia Circle investigation, 44–45, 53–58

Polk, Franklin, 108–12, 385, 387

Port Colborne, 162

potassium chlorate, 186

press, 217, 22–23, 270–71, 292, 305, 388–89

on German sabotage operations in U.S., 346–48, 412, 417, 420

on Lusitania sinking, 338

on Muenter case, 307–8, 310,

Pearce letter and, 292, 309–10, 314

pro-German, 340, 345, 388

Washington, D.C., 292, 295, 417

See also specific publications

Price, Charles, 302

Pullman, Raymond, 309–10


Queens, New York, 43


Resolute, 289

Rice, Malvin, 145, 167, 169

Rio Lages, 262

Ritz-Carlton, New York, 172, 388

Ritz Hotel, Philadelphia, 379

Rochambeau, 262

Rockefeller, John D., 24

bombing attack attempt against, 24, 25

Rockefeller Institute, New York, 271

Room 40, 104–5, 210, 416–17

Roosevelt, Theodore, 18, 98, 108, 195

Rough Riders, 99

Rotterdam, 332

Rough Riders, 99

Royal Navy, 40, 59–60, 76, 78, 269

rudder bombs, 233–34, 247–59,
260–63, 280, 389, 421

detonation, 259

Russia, 31, 36–37, 144, 266

army, 144, 211–16

transport of munitions from America to, 211–17

U.S. credit to, 137

von Rintelen’s munitions scheme, 211–17

World War I, 31, 39, 48, 80, 134, 137, 144, 171, 211–17

Ryan, Jerry, 325–28


St. Alphonsus Church, Brooklyn, 23

St. Louis, 75, 228

St. Patrick’s Cathedral bombing attempt, 15–17, 56–58, 60–61,

St. Petersburg, 48

Samland, SS, 94–95

Samoa, 108

San Francisco, 233, 266

Scandinavia, 89, 266

Scheele, Walter, 39, 175–84, 233, 363–68

cigar bomb, 176–98, 363

Hoboken laboratory, 179–82, 362–64, 373

Schimmel, Karl, 374, 375

Schleindl, Friedrich, 399–400,

Schmidt, Carl, 363, 373

Scholz, Walter, 202, 207, 247–52, 258, 259

Scotland, 136

Scull, Guy, 19, 98–102, 113, 117, 126, 128, 165, 185, 195–96, 198, 324, 385, 387, 407, 416

background of, 99

Seaboard National Bank, 307

Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), 105, 113, 227

Secret Service (U.S.), 109, 207, 208, 339–49, 421

Albert papers fiasco, 340–49

surveillance of German spy network, 339–49, 388–91

Section V, 102–8, 210, 226–28, 243–44, 331, 389, 416–17

Sektion Politik des Generalstabes, 37

Senff, Henry, 118, 191, 360, 371–73

background of, 118

Serbia, 31, 48

Shakespeare, William, 123

shipboard fires and munitions plant explosions, 91–95, 100–102, 121–23, 179, 183–98, 215–16, 232–34, 244, 260–63, 330–31, 402, 411–13, 421.
See also specific ships and munitions plants

Shipping News, 183, 184, 216, 233, 234

Siberia, 266

Siebs, Paul (aka Karl Oppegaarde), 199–204, 207

Singer Building, New York,

Sketch, The, 347

Smith, William, 328

Smith-Cumming, Mansfield (C), 105, 108, 113

Society Summer Directory, 287–88, 296, 297, 329

Southern Methodist University, 273

Spain, 79, 410

sphygmagraph, 5

spy network, German.
Abteilung IIIB network in America; Manhattan Front;
specific spies and operations

Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil, 298, 299, 300, 306

Staats-Zeitung, 75

Stallforth, Frederico, 220

Statue of Liberty, 81

Sterett, James,
203, 205, 208, 249, 250

stevedores, 94, 171, 183, 184, 196–97,
383, 404–6

Stieber, Wilhelm, 38

Strowger, Almon, 129

Strowger switch, 129–30,

submarine warfare, 40, 226, 269, 337–40, 415–16

sugar cargo, bombs hidden in, 187–97,
198, 360

sulfuric acid, 186, 197, 318

Swan, Whitney, 10

Switzerland, 146


Tammany Hall, 18

telephone tapping, 129–32, 165

Texas, 149–51, 228, 273, 417

Texas Rangers, 99

Thirtieth U.S. Infantry,

Tiedmann, Friedrich, 352

TNT, 198–208, 233–34, 247–63, 345

Muenter (Holt) plot, 284–86, 288, 291–94, 298, 301, 308–9, 318–24,

rudder bombs, 233–34, 247–59,

sales to German network, 198–208, 247–63

See also
bombing; explosives

Troisvierges, 48

Tunney, Tom, 15–17,
18–22, 97–102, 113, 416

becomes head of bomb squad, 15–27, 113–14

biological weapons investigation, 375–76, 386–88, 391, 396–97, 407, 409–11

Brescia Circle case, 25–27, 43–45, 53–58, 60–61, 101, 116, 118, 186

cigar bomb investigation, 185–98, 261, 362–76

cover names, 159

discovers von Rintelen-Muenter connection, 403

Fay investigation, 201–8, 243, 247–63

German spy network investigation, 113–21, 125–33, 155–65, 185–210, 228, 243–63, 279–333, 339, 349, 359–76, 391–412, 420–21

Hoboken investigation, 359–76

Koenig investigation, 125–33, 155–65, 185, 391–402

links bombings and sugar shipments, 185–98

Muenter (Holt) investigation, 282–311

NYPD career, 15–20, 60, 159, 420

promotion to inspector, 420

St. Patrick’s Cathedral bombing threat and, 15–17, 56–58, 60–61

surveillance of lighter captains, 190–98, 262

von Kleist investigation, 362–76

von Rintelen investigation, 209–10, 228, 234–35, 243–46, 279, 330–33, 359–76

Tyningham, 262, 370


U-boats, 40, 226, 269, 337–40, 415,

sinking, 337–38, 338, 339–40, 389, 415

Ukraine, 268

Union Metallic Cartridge, 345

United Press, 307

United States, 39, 40

anti-German sentiment, 274, 284

British spy network in, 102–8, 210, 226–28, 243–44, 331, 389, 416–17

Civil War, 267, 352

declares war on Germany, 417–18,

German press, 75, 340, 345, 388

German ships interned in, 76,
77, 81, 171, 180–83, 359–60

German spy network in,
Abteilung IIIB network in America

horses, 268–72, 382–84, 405, 406

intelligence agencies, 109–11

Koenig sabotage campaign against industry in, 125–33, 140, 155–65, 175, 185, 209–10, 229, 282, 391–402

sinking and, 337–40, 389, 415

Muenter (Holt) sabotage operations in, 279–331

neutrality policy, 40, 51–52, 76, 80, 105, 111–12, 134–39, 219, 280, 327, 339

passport forgeries, 87,
88–90, 91, 112, 283

pro-German sympathies, 340, 345, 360

shipboard fires and munitions plant explosions, 91–95, 100–102, 121–23, 179, 183–98, 215–16, 232–34, 344, 260–63, 330–31, 402, 411–13, 421

von Rintelen sabotage operations in, 142–47, 167–98, 209–35, 243–46, 265–66, 330–33, 359–91

wartime economy, 111, 134–39

wartime loans and arms shipments to Allies, 40, 111, 133–40, 183–84, 187–90, 211–17, 222, 257–63, 274, 330–31, 384

U.S. Army, 111

U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C., 418

bombing of, 291–94,
295, 305–6, 309–14, 318–19, 323, 327–28, 402, 421

U.S. Congress, 108, 109, 134, 222, 291–94, 390, 418,

espionage legislation, 228

U.S. Justice Department, 109, 262

U.S. Navy, 73, 76, 111

U.S. Senate, 291–94

U.S. State Department, 134, 137, 185, 187, 347, 390–91

U.S. War Department, 101

University of Oklahoma, 151

U-20, 415


Vanderbilt University, 151

Van Cortland Park, 270

Vaterland, 32, 181

Viereck, George Sylvester, 340–41

Virginia, 351–52, 354, 384, 404

germ warfare, 404–6

Vladivostok, 266

von Bernstorff, Johann, 29,

exile in Adirondacks, 347,

as German ambassador to U.S., 29–38, 41, 47–50, 60, 69, 338–39, 346–48, 387–91, 410, 416

sinking, 338–39

ordered back to Germany, 416

spy network and operations, 38, 40–41, 48–51, 59–60, 69–95, 108, 125–33, 141–42, 172–73, 346–48, 410

von Rintelen and, 172–73

von Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald,
, 50

von der Goltz, Horst, 79–83, 91, 162

background of, 79–80

forged passport of,

as Bridgeman H. Taylor, 81,

Welland Canal operation, 80–83, 86, 91, 162

von Eckhardt, Heinrich, 416

von Falkenhayn, Erich, 140

von Igel, Wolf, 410

von Jagow, Gottlieb, 30, 32–33,
34, 75

von Kleist, Charles, 181–82, 222, 362–69,

interrogation of, 368–72

investigation of, 362–76

von Papen, Franz, 73,
79–83, 139–40, 164, 168, 176, 343, 362, 389–91, 410

background of, 73

as chancellor of Germany, 74

passport forgery scheme, 86–90, 91

recalled to Germany, 390–91

spy network operations in New York, 73, 79–83, 86–95, 168–69, 171, 228, 265, 389–91, 394, 396, 417

Welland Canal operation, 80–83, 86, 91

von Rintelen, Franz, 142,
143–47, 167–84, 265–66, 331–33, 374

background of, 143–44

Baltimore operation, 378–84

biological weapons threat and, 353, 386–87

Black Tom plot, 231–32, 411–12,

in British custody, 332–33, 359

cigar bombs, 176–98, 215–16, 232–33, 261, 362–76, 380, 383, 402–3

Huerta affair, 225–29, 244, 417

investigation of, 209–10, 228, 234–35, 243–46, 279, 330–33, 359–76

-Muenter connection, 279–80, 402

National Peace Union and, 221–23

recruited by Nicolai, 144–46

rudder bombs, 233–34, 247–59,

Russian munitions scheme, 211–17

sabotage operation in U.S., 142–47, 167–98, 209–35, 243–46, 265–66, 330–33, 359–91

von Bernstorff and, 172–73

See also
Manhattan Front

von Steinmetz, Erich, 233, 265–72, 375–76

germ warfare program and failure, 266, 269–72, 353, 375–76, 381, 396

von Wandel, Franz Gustav, 141–42

von Wedell, Hans, 88–90

background of, 88

passport scheme, 88–90


Walsh, Patrick, 15,
116, 203, 205, 252

War Intelligence Center, 73

Washington, D.C., 31, 69–70, 104, 108, 137, 185, 289, 309, 354, 355, 418

bombing of U.S. Capitol, 291–94,
295, 305–6, 309–14, 318–19, 323, 327–28, 402, 421

press, 292, 295

Washington Monument, 291

Washington Post, 417

Weehawken, New Jersey, 201–8, 247–54

Weiser, Max, 175, 180, 183, 211–16, 222, 231

Welland Canal operation, 80–83, 86, 91, 162–64, 282

Wettig, Carl, 199–204, 251–52, 255, 258

Whitney, W. F., 11

whorehouses, 92

as operational cover, 82, 122

Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, 37, 47,
48, 50, 77, 143, 144, 339, 415–16

Wilson, Woodrow, 31, 51, 69, 108–9, 137–38,
221, 292, 295, 415

death of his wife, 31, 51

declares war on Germany, 417–18,

Flag Day speech, 419

growing awareness of German spy network, 339–40, 344–46, 348, 385, 388–91, 415, 419

sinking and, 338, 339, 389

neutrality policy, 51–52, 76, 80, 105, 111–12, 134–39, 219, 280, 327, 339, 348

Zimmermann telegram and, 416–17

Wolpert, Otto, 233, 370,

Wood, Leonard, 20

Woods, Arthur, 20,
21, 24, 26, 43, 97–102, 113–15, 126, 165, 185, 195–96, 305, 311, 320–29, 339, 371, 385, 387, 407, 416, 420

Woolworth Building, New York,

World War I, 31, 37, 47–51, 75–78, 111, 133–40

ammunitions shortages, 133–34, 215, 257

Battle of the Marne, 77–78

beginning of, 31–32, 40, 48–51

biological weapons, 266–72, 353–58, 376–88, 389, 402–7, 409–11

British blockade, 40, 80, 121, 125, 274, 338–39, 359

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