Dark Ice (19 page)

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Authors: Connie Wood

BOOK: Dark Ice
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Lea moved further into the open, fear gripping her stomach. The bear growled, low, baring its fangs and Lea’s stomach twisted. She swallowed and slowly raised her arm, her hand extended toward the bear. It opened its jaws and howled. Lea shook, her outstretched arm trembling.

“Dane, please. We have already done this and you didn’t scare me away last time. And you won’t this time.”

The bear sprung forwards, stretching out its huge powerful legs and ran at Lea. Lea’s heart skipped a beat as true fear permeated her brain. As the bear got closer, snow and ice flew up from his paws, showering her in coldness.

She didn’t dare take her gaze away from him. Scared that she wouldn’t see what was coming and terrified that she would see it arrive.

The bear skidded to a halt inches away from her. It panted hard, she could see its breath on the air as it snorted at her.

“Dane, I know it’s you.” The bear snarled at her. “Don’t do this to us.”

She stretched out her already extended hand and laid it against the soft thick fur of his face. The bare shut his eyes as she caressed his face.

“I love you, Dane,” she whispered, tears stung her eyes.

The bear opened his eyes and pierced her with his black gaze. She could see Dane deep within there and hope welled.

The bear whined, a pitiful sound wrenched from its very soul. It nuzzled against Lea’s hand before he dipped his head and turned away to walk back to the horizon.

“You know where to find me,” she called across the land, the distance stealing her voice.

Lea stood stock still, watching the bear until it disappeared into the distance. Numb to her very heart, she hardly registered the sound of the bus door reopening. She heard snow crunching underfoot.

“Come away now dear,” Mable’s voice came to her as if from a long distance away through a hazy fog, but she stood right next to her. Old but strong hands took her upper arm and led her back into the bus. She momentarily heard the clamoring from the other passengers.

Lea sat automatically, oblivious to everything but her own inner world. Mable sat next to her and placed a comforting hand on her knee.

“Well dear, I’ve seen may a strange thing in my time, but that certainly defies all logic.”

Logic be damned, for the first time in her life, she was running on pure emotion and instinct. So far, both had been right. She had let Dane know her feelings and now their destiny was in his hands. She wouldn’t harass a man to love her, no matter how much she needed him.

It was up to Dane. But would Dane let her risk her life so they could be together? Now it was either her heart, her soul, or her life.

Chapter Seventeen


Mist, so unusual in town, curled its way around the buildings, engulfing everything in a hazy blanket. Dane used the fog to keep to the shadows. Nobody walked the streets and he was grateful for the solitude. He rarely ventured into town these days, the urge to take the humans was strong when he lived amongst them for too long.

Before Tynan, the previous venator had left, they had a silent agreement and Dane never took too many humans from the villages. Now a new venator was in town and Dane would bide his time. Not that he was afraid of the man or retribution, but he liked his hometown and wanted to continue living here in relative peace.

Dane headed straight to the only hotel and bypassed the front entrance. The backdoor was locked and Dane pushed at it with his considerable strength. It popped open with a crack as the door-jam splintered away from the wood surround. He moved to the outside wall of the building, leaving the doorway exposed and waited to see if anyone would come to investigate the sound. Out here in the harsh wilderness people tended to check things with a high powered shotgun. And were quite happy to use it.

When Dane was certain no one would come to explore, he stepped inside and made his way slowly to the bar, which also doubled as a reception area. A thick leather bound sign-in book sat open on the wood counter. He quickly scanned it and found Lea’s name and room number. He ran a finger across her writing and closed his eyes briefly.

What was she doing here? What did she want from him? A myriad of questions crashed through his mind since she’d arrived. He had felt her close by, but believed it was more longing than his real senses taking over. The moment he saw the tourist bus, he knew without doubt she was on it. Sometimes he watched the tourists, understanding their fascination with the ice and those that inhabited the cold waste lands.

But today as soon as he’d seen Lea step out onto his open icy plains, he thought his heart would burst from his chest. He yearned for her, but as soon as he approached her he felt her trepidation and the outright fear coming from those on the bus. What did she hope to achieve by coming here?


It was as contradictory as ever. He hoped to have her in his arms forever and still he believed there was no room for hope in his heart.

Dane tapped his finger on the ledger and took the back stairs to her room. He stood at her door, his heart in his throat, anger and frustration still lingering, and knocked. It opened instantly as if she’d been waiting for him.

“I wasn’t sure you’d come,” she breathed.

“Why are you here?”

She jerked as if he’d physically struck her and instantly regretted the severity of his voice.

“I needed to see you,” Lea replied, raising her chin defiantly.

Dane shifted. “This can’t work, Lea. I’m a—,”

“I know what you are, Dane.” Lea reached for him, her gentle touch scored him like lightning. “Come in. This isn’t a conversation to have in the hall.”

He allowed himself to be pulled inside, crouching down as he passed through the door lintel and shut the barrier behind him.

Lea turned to face him, her tiny hand still clutching his. He half heartedly tried to pull away and she tightened her grip.

“Dane, I know what you are and—,” she began.

“We have already had this conversation,” he interrupted, not wanting to go over the same information. The unfamiliar emotions still lingered from the previous confrontations. He didn’t know how to react if they flared up again. In their last dream his emotions were distorted, too intense, he’d been close to breaking point.
He’d been terrified he wouldn’t be able to control his feelings and he never knew what he’d be capable of doing.

“I know we already talked about this, but that was a dream. And no matter how real our dreams are, they are never as real as this.” Lea put her other hand over their joined hands to prove her point.

Dane finally looked in her eyes as he felt her gaze bore into him. It had been something he deliberately avoided until now. He knew he’d be lost the moment he did.

Her brown eyes burned into his and they glistened with unshed tears. It was his undoing. He lowered his head and kissed her, savoring the softness of her lips before he slid his tongue into the wetness of her mouth. He felt her sigh and he flexed his muscles, curling up his arm, bringing their hands up to rest against the beating of his heart.

Lea stepped into him easily, her entire body fitting against his perfectly. He slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her hard against him. She moaned and writhed against him, his arousal now smoldering like fire.

Lea broke the kiss and he looked down at her. Her lips were swollen from his kisses, her mouth slightly parted, color burned in her cheeks as he eyes shone bright.

“Make love to me, Dane,”

“Love,” he croaked and he wondered if Lea could feel his heart skip a beat under her palm.

“You do love me, don’t you?” she asked, the apprehension in her voice obvious.

He should say no, break her heart now before he cost her her life. Harden his heart and walk out the door for good this time.


Silent tears trickled down her cheek and he knew the truth hurt.

“Yes, I do love you.” He wiped away her tears, her cheek like satin against his hard, calloused fingers. “But sometimes love isn’t enough.”

Lea stood on tip toe and he automatically lowered his head to meet her. She stopped millimeters from his mouth.

“And sometimes,” she whispered, her breath tickling his lips. “Love is everything.”

He claimed her mouth with his, kissing her deeply. He tried to convey all his passion, all his feelings into that one kiss. Lea tugged at his hand, still held by both of hers and moved him toward the bed.

He stopped with his back to the bed and Lea grinned wickedly at him. A jolt of lust shot through him and he hardened instantly. She pushed him backward and he allowed himself to fall onto the slightly too small bed.

Dane groaned as Lea slipped her T-shirt over her head to reveal creamy naked skin. He raised a hand and cupped her breast, running his thumb her erect nipple. She arched her back and leaned into him briefly before stepping away from him.

Lea wiggled out of her jeans, bending down low to slide them off her legs, taking her pink socks with them. She stood up before him, wearing only cotton panties.

Dane reached out to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. The bed creaked under his weight as he twisted onto his side. She was smooth and soft as Dane caressed the length of her back. He hooked his thumbs into her panties and pushed them down. Lea wiggled her hips and her panties slid down her legs, she stepped out of them and onto the bed.

Dane rolled back onto his back as Lea straddled him, his hands on her hips. God she was beautiful, he thought as he looked up at her. Her long brown hair tickled his shoulder as she bent over him, her breasts pressed against his chest.

Her soft lips brushed the skin at the base of his throat and he hissed as she licked him slowly. She writhed against him, her breasts crushing his chest, her core grinding into his arousal.

With a grunt, Dane grabbed her around the waist and sat up with her kneeling above his thighs. Impatiently, he ripped his shirt off over his head. Lea smiled and caressed his naked chest. Her small soft hands sent shivers through him, comforting and arousing him simultaneously.

He cupped her face and ran his thumb across her cheek, taking in the texture of her skin, the feverish look in her eyes that turned loving as she gazed at him. His heart soared. There was no fear in her eyes, only what she had always said there was. Love.

His kissed her, slowly and deeply. She moaned and it vibrated through him. Her hands continued to stroke his chest in an almost methodic fashion, it was lulling him into a sense of security. A flash of panic rose within him and he beat it down. He wouldn’t allow his wayward emotions to betray him now. He needed this moment with Lea.

He broke the kiss and bent lower, taking her erect nipple into his mouth. She was soft and consuming in his mouth and he wanted all of her. Lea pulled away from him and placed her hands on his shoulder and pushed him back onto the bed.

She kissed and licked her way down his chest and as she moved lower, his stomach contracted. Small fingers worked at his jeans, unbuttoning them. He raised himself off the bed and Lea pulled the denim from his legs and tossed them to the floor.

Lea slowly crawled back up his body and pressed her entire length against him, her legs on each side of his hips. Growling, Dane wrapped his arms around her small back and raised himself onto his elbow and twisted until Lea lay underneath him.

He locked his gaze with hers and slowly pushed against her core until he slid inside her. His eyes drifted shut for a moment as she engulfed him and he started to rock against her.

Lea pushed up against him, her hips grinding into his. She sighed as he half pulled out of her before slowly thrusting into her again. He found her rhythm and moved with her. He didn’t take his gaze from hers until she started to convulse around him. She flung her head back and called out his name.

It was his undoing. He stiffened as the nerves through his entire body screamed and strung taut. He hardened inside Lea and his release made his muscles contract to the point of pain. Everything else flew from his mind until it was only him and Lea.

Slowly he relaxed, his muscles still shaking from pleasure. It was a moment before he realized Lea silently caressed his jaw. He bent his head and kissed her softly, almost chastely on the lips. He pulled himself away from her and he felt separated again. He lay awkwardly on his side, the bed too small for him to lie comfortably. Lea shifted until her head was pillowed against his chest.

He ran his fingers through the long lengths of her hair, it was almost meditative and for the first time in what felt like forever, a peaceful calm washed over him. He didn’t know how much time passed as they rested together.


“Mmmm,” he mumbled.

Lea lifted her head and her beautiful brown eyes met his. He cupped her face gently in his massive hand.

“You seem different somehow,” Lea said, slight curiosity marring her voice.

“How so?”

“Calmer, more relaxed somehow.” She tilted her head deeper into his palm, the trust and innocence of the action astounding him.

“Don’t fool yourself into thinking I’m safe to be around, Lea. My emotions run deep and are very volatile at the moment. I don’t ever want to hurt you.”

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