Dark Ice (14 page)

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Authors: Connie Wood

BOOK: Dark Ice
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“And I am no barbarian, animal,” he said with dignity in his voice. “What business do you have here? This woman is under the protection of the venators.”

“This woman,” Darius said, cocking his head toward the house. “Is the mate of a versipellis, the bear Dane.”

“The bear departed early this morning, he is no longer a threat.”

“He was never a threat to the woman.” Darius stepped closer.

“We differ on that opinion,” Rin said, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the hilt of his sword.

“If you believed that, why didn’t you kill Dane as he left this morning?” Darius asked the question without thinking, but now very interested in the hunters answer.

Indecision crossed Rin’s face, mixed with confusion and a hint of humanity. “I arrived just as the bear was leaving this morning. He carried the body of the wolf Sebastian. The wolf had been a problem for some time. I thought it prudent, seeing that the bear killed it, then he could dispose of the body. So I allowed him to leave.”

Darius’ laugh echoed coldly through the garden and a bird took flight from the bush next to Rin and went to the sky.

“Liar,” Darius spat out. “I can smell your lies all over you.”

Rin looked affronted and his body stiffened as if readying himself for battle.

“You actually like Dane, don’t you? That’s why you didn’t kill him.”

“While it is true the bear was of some assistance to us in the massacre of the Dark Moon, I am a venator and it is my duty to annihilate all shifters.”

“And yet, you allowed one shifter to walk away this morning.” Darius crossed his muscular arms across his chest. “And here I stand, alive and well.”

Fury crossed Rin’s face and Darius was reminded of his fierce protectiveness in the hall yesterday as he stood his guard and defended the woman. A sliver of reluctant respect for the man crept in on him.

“Am I pissing you off yet?” Darius grinned.

“Yes, as a matter of fact you are.” Rin stepped onto the garden path and stopped in front of Darius. “The woman is off limits. She has been through enough.”

“I cannot disagree with that,” agreed Darius. “But I must talk to her.”

“I will not allow it.”

Darius hackles went up. He needed to speak with Lea. There was hope for her and his cousin. He could help them find the peace that never allowed his soul to rest. If he assisted Dane find love, would that help pay the penance that sat heavy on his heart?

“You won’t stop me, venator,” Darius said softly with an edge to his voice.

Surprisingly, Rin released his sword and a slight sigh escaped him, Darius had the impression he’d let that emotion slip.

“I know the bear loves the woman. It cannot work between a human and a versipellis. The bear was right to leave. Leave the woman to her life, it will be kinder in the end.”

“You speak from experience.” Darius knew the strained emotion lingering in the venators voice, against his will, his heart went out to him.

“I speak with common sense.” Rin’s face was back to being stoic, his stance stiff and formal. “Do not offer hope where there is only pain. I will be protecting the woman until it is deemed safe for her to be alone. We leave with good will, but if you attempt to contact the woman on my watch, I will kill you.”

“You’ll try.”

Rin nodded his head curtly in dismissal before stepping backward to stand on the front verandah, taking his position slightly behind the thickly flowered Jasmine bush.

“What, you’re just going to stand there at the front door until she smells completely human again,” Darius said with amused sarcasm.

“If need be, yes. At the moment the woman sleeps, fitfully, but she sleeps. I will not have her vulnerable in her sleep.”

Darius grinned knowingly, but only nodded in agreement. “Well, I’m sure you know best. Until we meet again, hunter.” Darius bowed his head briefly in return to Rin, never taking his eyes off the man as he turned around and walked back along the garden path toward the street. A quick shiver slid down his spine as he had his back to his enemy.

The woman slept. Good. She was more vulnerable in slumber than anywhere else. But she was only susceptible to Dane and there was no harm there. Except for their hearts.

Darius strolled along the street as if he didn’t have a care in the world. But his mind worked feverishly. Dane wouldn’t listen to his reasoning, so he would find a way to speak with Lea. And if that meant having to kill the venator, then with a twinge of regret, he would.


Chapter Thirteen


Sunlight glared harshly and reflected off every surface, gleaming off bright white ice and snow. Recognizing the den from a previous dream, Lea placed a hand on one of its side walls to steady herself. Her hand burned before becoming numb, the strange sensation slowly making its way up her arm.

Her heart jolted, constricting her chest as she heard a movement inside. An animal inside the den sniffed loudly and growled. The sound magnified in the confined space before echoing across the horizon.

Petrified, Lea snatched her arm off the den’s wall and locked all her muscles as a severe tremor ran through her body. She wanted to turn and run or at least to wake up from this dream.

But she came here for a reason. She wanted to see Dane, needed to be with him. She could hear him inside, pacing frantically, sniffing and snarling. The ground vibrated like thunder as he stomped around. He sounded angry and dangerous. Would he recognize her while he was in bear form and so agitated?

The beating of her heart went up a notch, pounding blood through her to heat her body, readying itself to run. Part of her mind screamed to get away, but her instinct took over and Lea stepped inside.

The polar bear was huge in the confines of its den. It continued to pace a few steps in each direction, like a captive animal, its aggravation clear. Lea stepped to one side of the den with her back to the wall, but not quiet touching the ice.

“Dane,” she spoke softly, attempting to get his attention.

The bear stopped and slowly turned toward her. Its black eyes were Dane’s but there was little recognition in them when he looked on her. Its ebony gaze was more animal than human. They creased up in deliberation as he eyed her.

Lea tried to swallow and clear her throat, but those eyes held her captive. The bear sniffed and growled, baring its teeth in an angry snarl. It stepped forward. The heat from its body flowed off it in waves. Lea could feel the tension it was holding in check.

It growled low and deep and Lea felt lightheaded with fear. Her breath came in short, sharp bursts. She could smell the animal and it filled all her senses. But she could also sense Dane, the man, in there somewhere. He had to be there.

“Dane, please. You’re scaring me.” Her voice broke and involuntary tears cascaded down her face.

The bear bellowed, so close now that Lea could see only teeth and fur. The sound hit her like a physical blow and she couldn’t help the whimper that escaped her. The bear stood inches from her, teeth bared and it seemed to be almost panting just as much as she was.

Petrified, Lea reached out a trembling hand, unsure what would happen. The instant her fingers brushed the tips of its fur, the bear instantly transformed into the man she loved. He stood, dressed only in jeans, his chest and feet bare and shivering in the cold. She tried not to baulk, he looked as angry and terrifying as the bear.

“You can’t do this. Get out of my dreams,” he snarled. “I can’t handle it. I want you too badly.”

There was a note of pleading in his voice and it broke her heart. She reached out to him again and he stepped back, avoiding her touch.

“You can have me. Here in our dreams we are safe.”

“You are never safe with me,” he yelled. “I’m a beast.” He ran a hand through his hair and turned away from her. The wounds the wolf inflicted at her home were still evident, raw and painful looking across his bare chest and back.

“You are not a beast.”

“I am.” He turned on his heel to face her, the planes of his face hard and cold. “You are terrified of me. I can feel it.” He racked her with a slow glare, starting at her feet and when he reached her face, she could feel it redden with heat. She gulped and jutted out her chin.

“I-I’m not scared of you,” she stuttered, trying to sound convincing.

Dane crossed the small space between them in one step. Lea moved back and she jerked as her back hit the ice of the den wall. Dane towered over her and bent his head close to hers. Lea didn’t know if the heat she felt was coming from her or Dane, but the anger, agitation and pain certainly radiated from him.

“Yes, you are scared of me,” his voice as low and guttural as any growl she’d heard from the bear. “And you should be.”

Lea shivered, unsure if it had anything to do with her back now frozen against the solid wall of ice. Yes, she did fear him, but more than that, she feared his pain he hid so effectively. She saw a shadow of it pass over those dark eyes. She yearned to see the pleasure in them, the happiness and kindness she knew they held.

Reaching up, Lea cupped the rugged angles of his jaw and kissed him softly. His lips hardened, tensing under her lips. She ran her tongue along their contour and he parted his lips to allow her entry. She sighed as he relaxed his mouth open, allowing her access to him. He tasted musky, salty and more feral than she remembered.

Lea moaned as Dane took the kiss deeper, at first tenderly, almost reluctantly. Then he thrust his tongue roughly against hers and crushed his mouth to hers almost brutally. Lea matched his ferocity and kissed him back with a passion building deep within her. She pushed the length of her body into him, needing to feel his heat against her. Dane’s arms came around her body for an instant. Then breaking the kiss, he pushed her away, turning his back on her.

She stood there, her mouth agape, her chest heaving as she fought for breath. She wanted him, damn it. And he wanted her. She knew it. There was no way he could hold such passion for her and expect her to walk out the door. His broad back was still facing her, his shoulders slumped and his hands by his side. His hands tense fists, his knuckles almost as white as the snow. He looked like he was wrestling with something. Was he fighting his transformation or his desire for her?

“Hey!” She swallowed down the last of her fear. “Don’t you turn your back on me.”

Lea stepped up to him and pushed at his shoulder, trying to turn him around. It was like hitting a steel bar and he hardly moved.

“You’re not the only one who fell in love in these dreams. You come into my world, save me, make love to me, steal my heart and then walk out. And you say it’s all for my own good.” She pushed his arm again, still he didn’t budge. “Hey, I’m talking to you.”

A soft growl answered her.

“Don’t you growl at me.”

This time she punched his arm, he hardly blinked, but he turned to face her. All her resolve almost fled at the look on his face, but she stood her ground.

“You don’t get to do this to me. To us,” she said.

“There is no us. I know what I am and I saw the look of disgust on your face at your house this morning. I’ve seen fear and hatred in the eyes of many over the years as they look on me.” He locked his gaze with hers and it felt almost like a physical touch. “I won’t have it in the eyes of my woman.”

“So you’re just going to be a coward and leave because you can’t handle someone else’s emotions?” The words were out before she could stop them. It was more the psychiatrist in her speaking, rather than as a woman. She regretted them the instant she said them.

Dane hissed at her, his black eyes narrowing as he curled his lips in a snarl. She’d pushed him over the edge. The fear that had subsided earlier returned with a vengeance, her heart beating so fast she thought it would burst. The longer he stood there, the more aware of him she became. She started to shake in anticipation.

With a grunt, Dane bent his head and crushed his mouth to hers. Lea opened her mouth with a gasp of surprise. Dane thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, kissing her hard. It was a kiss of passion and desire. She could feel the barely suppressed anger in him as he continued to kiss her roughly.

Lea reached up and grabbed a fist full of his hair and tugged at him, bringing him closer. Sensual heat rose through her body and a frenzied passion took over. Lea kissed him back with matching ferocity.

Dane’s hands came up to her front and grasped the edges of her button up shirt. He tore it off with ease and roughly cupped her now naked breasts with one hand. She moved closer into him, pressing against him, wanting to feel his arousal. His arm wrapped around her back and she could feel the muscles in them tense as if he didn’t want to crush her.

He hooked his thumb into the waist of her skirt and started to pull it down. With a grunt of impatience, he took it in both hands and ripped it to shreds. The remnants of her skirt still around her waist held on by the elastic band.

Still they kissed each other, frantically, almost brutally. Lea ran a hand up his chest, caressing the heat of his skin. Dane moaned deep within his throat and Lea brought up her other hand, her fingers plying into the muscular flesh of his back.

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