Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi (53 page)

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Authors: Kenneth R. Timmerman

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reports about U.S.-Libyan relations of, 101

return to U.S. of, 150

romanticism of, 1–2, 47, 50, 101

and Salabi brothers, 262

and search for Stevens at Mission, 250, 306, 326–28

and security on anniversary of 9/11, 279–80

security concerns of, 235–37, 249, 250–51, 255, 265, 276–78

security for, 4, 5, 101, 102, 165, 193, 194, 227–31, 235–37, 264–65, 267–68, 277, 284, 293

security requests from, 155, 197, 216, 220–23, 235–37, 250–53, 255, 256, 370

security reviews by, 220–21

special envoy appointment of, 100

and Stevens return to Benghazi, 266–70

and Syrian aid, 165, 213

TNC and, 40, 42, 100, 101–2, 119, 141

travel plans of, 264–65

Tripoli assignment of, 43–47

views about Libya of, 44

and warnings about possible attack on Mission, 4–5

and White House report to Congress, 118

Wood and, 165, 194, 213, 214, 227

Younis murder and, 118, 119, 123

Stimson Center, 165

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 109, 110

Strange, Charles, 131, 133, 139

Strange, Mary Ann, 133

Strange, Michael, 131, 137, 139

Stratfor, 107, 245, 361, 381
, 392
, 414

Sudan, 9–10, 201, 254, 359

Sufi Islam, 101

Sufi Muslim Shrine (Zliten), 158

Suleymani, Qassem, 231, 243, 244

Sullivan, Jake, 282, 341

Supreme Security Council (SCC), 223, 237, 246, 252, 293, 299


and aftermath of Benghazi attacks, 355, 358, 359

Al Entisar
affair, 257–58

al Qaeda and, 87, 209

arms transfers to rebels in, 7, 10, 98, 173, 176–81, 212, 243, 246–47, 257–58, 259, 260–62, 265, 270–76

Belhaj and, 149

calls for aid for rebellion in, 176

CIA and, 8, 243, 247

and Clinton’s slush fund, 174

Harati trips to, 245–46

Haroun and, 259–60

Iran and, 10, 243

Letfallah II
and, 176–81

Libya jihadists and, 202, 244–47

missing missiles and, 3, 173, 246–47, 260, 261–62, 270, 358, 359, 360–61

Muslim Brotherhood in, 8, 245

role of U.S. in civil war of, 13–14

and shift in U.S. foreign policy, 175

shootings in, 254

Turkey and, 286

U.S. aid to, 208–13

Tadros, Samuel, 199

Tahir, B. S. A., 25

Tahir, Qari, 132, 136

Takeyh, Ray, 64


in Afghanistan, 51, 52–53, 80, 87, 88, 145, 224–25, 231, 253

al Qaeda and, 231

and Allen-Kusa discussion and, 20

arms aid to, 253–54

and cooperation among Islamic terrorist organizations, 240

and good and bad Islamists, 124

Iran and, 53

and looting of Iraqi weapons, 53

MANPADS and, 51, 52, 53, 145, 225, 361–62

mujahedeen and, 88

and Qatar as arms pipeline, 95

as shooting down U.S. helicopters, 51, 52–53, 130–40, 253

See also specific person

Tanzania, attack on U.S. embassy in, 152

Tapper, Jake, 73, 339–40

Tarhouni, Ali al-, 85–86, 121

Task Force Corsair, 52–53

Tek, Nathan, 101, 104

Tenet, George, 19, 23–24

Thani, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-, 112, 113

The Amateur
(Klein), 232

Thesiger, Wilfred, 20

Thomas, Helen, 16

Thomas, John, 52

Thompson, Mark, 316–17

Tillou, Patrick, 215

Tinner, Urs, 25–26

Transitional National Council (TNC)

al Qaeda and, 81

anti-Semitism of, 148

attacks on, 158–59

Aujali on, 98

and collection of MANPADS, 166

Feltman talks with, 106

goal of, 147–48

and Iran, 109

and Islamist victory in Libya, 148

and Kocak case, 159

leadership of, 102

and Libya’s stockpile of weapons, 144

LIFG and, 122

local frustrations with, 276

and “normalization” of Libya, 203

and Qatar as arms pipeline, 111, 112

and security in Benghazi, 161

security for, 107

and shift in Benghazi activities, 151

State Department and, 106, 119

Stevens and, 40, 42, 100, 101–2, 119, 141, 286

UN and, 141

and White House report to Congress, 117

and Younis murder, 119, 120, 121, 122

Travellers Club (London), Allen-Kusa meeting at, 20–21

Treasury Department, U.S., 187–88, 240, 241

Triple Canopy, 107

Tripoli Brigade (of Belhaj), 245

Tripoli, Libya

Arab Spring in, 79

CIA Annex in, 192, 213–15, 250–51, 324

McCain visit to, 217–20

security in, 153, 159, 160, 189–90, 193, 194, 200, 219, 222, 238–39

and Stevens security requests, 221, 222, 223

weapons storehouse in, 143–44

See also
Tripoli, U.S. embassy in

Tripoli Military Council (TMC), 120–21, 122, 141, 183, 219, 246, 346, 352

Tripoli, U.S. embassy in

and Benghazi attacks, 298

cover-up and, 336

downsizing of, 150

evacuation of, 323–24, 325

military supplies for, 271–72

and “normalization” of Libya, 202–4

reopening of U.S., 141

security at, 196, 215, 216, 220–22, 252, 256

threats of attack on, 323–24

Trupiano, Francesco, 85


and aftermath of Benghazi attacks, 353, 354

al Qaeda in, 145, 240

Arab Spring/protests in, 8, 70–72, 78, 109

and elections in Libya, 217

and Iranian planning of Benghazi attacks, 244

Libya and, 114

missing missiles and, 361

Muslim Brotherhood in, 8, 126

U.S. aid to, 354

Turi Defense Group, Inc., 110

Turi, Marc, 109–10


Al Entisar
affair, 2, 257–60, 261, 270, 272, 273, 275

as arms pipeline, 2, 4, 173, 209, 247, 257–60, 261–62, 270, 272, 273–74, 275

Belhaj–Syrian rebels meeting in, 149

CIA intelligence-gathering post in, 211, 213, 225–26

Engel’s report about missiles in, 247

Kocak incident and, 159

Kurds and, 262

Letfallah II,
177, 178

Libya and, 273

Mavi Marmara
incident, 244–45

missing missiles and, 2, 95, 173

Petraeus trip to, 260–61

Rocketstan missiles in, 246

and Syrian aid, 209, 213, 225–26

See also
Akin, Ali Sait

TWA Flight 840, 15

Ubben, David, 249–50, 268, 269, 283–84, 293, 296, 297, 305–6, 307, 318–19, 329, 330

Ukraine, 115

United Arab Emirates, 95, 115, 147, 261

United Nations

attacks on, 201

and Christian migration, 68

and collection of MANPADS, 103, 173, 361

health report by, 42

and IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, 258

Iraq and, 36

Letfallah II
affair and, 176, 177, 178–79, 180

Libya/Qaddafi and, 21, 81, 82–83, 87, 108, 114–15, 141, 178, 252

Resolution 1973 of, 82, 83

TNC and, 141

travel ban on Libya imposed by, 18

U.S. aid to, 75

United Nations Observer Force, 181

United Nations Panel of Experts, 114–16, 178–79, 180, 260

United Nations Security Council, 178

United States

double standard of, 35

image of, 13

Muslim Brotherhood in, 56

USA Today,


attack on, 316

Coral Sea,


Vallely, Paul, 360

Van Susteren, Greta, 366

Vaughn, Aaron C., 130, 133, 135, 137

Vaughn, Billy, 130, 133, 134, 135, 137–38, 140

Vaughn, Karen, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137–38, 139

VCHZ Synthesia, 116

Velayati, Ali Akbar, 233–35, 362–63

Vietor, Tommy, 71–72, 362–63

Villiers, Gerard de, 191, 353

Vitol, 285

Voice of America, 60, 65

Wall Street Journal,
92, 191

War Powers Act, 116–18

Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 111

Washington Post,
35, 64, 73, 339

Washington Times,

Watergate, 11

Webb, Brandon, 107, 186–87, 188, 307, 328

Wedeman, Ben, 80–83

Weldon, Curt, 30–31, 33, 34

West, Diana, 287

Westmoreland, Lynn, 297, 337

White House, meetings about Benghazi attacks, 309–14

Whitlock, Nicholas, 168

Wickland, Scott, 249–50, 268, 283–84, 293, 295, 296, 297, 298
301, 303–5, 307, 326

WikiLeaks, 136

Wiktorowicz, Quintan, 127–29

Willis, Bruce, 50

Wisner, Frank, 72

Wolf, Frank, 354

Wood, Andrew “Andy”

Ansar al-Sharia activities and, 162–63, 164

and Asquith incident, 206, 207–8

CIA Annex attack and, 330–31

and Clinton’s stand-down orders, 314

and Djibouti incident, 168

Ham’s visit to Libya and, 192–93

and mortar attacks, 330–31

and “normalization” of Libya, 193–94, 214

professional background of, 163

return to U.S. of, 165

security concerns of, 156, 160, 161–63, 192–94, 197, 213, 216, 238

State Department and, 193

and Stevens’ emergency security meeting, 213–14

Stevens’ relationship with, 165

Stevens’ security and, 194, 213

and Stevens’ security requests, 221

and Syrian aid, 213

and training of counterterrorism forces, 163–65

warnings of, 227

Woods, Charles, 186, 303, 345

Woods, Tyrone “Ty”

and Andrews Air Force Base ceremony, 345

attempt to rescue Benghazi Mission by, 301–3, 306–7, 318

and CIA Annex battle, 319–20, 322, 328–29, 330

death of, 5, 6, 330

and initial attack on Mission, 5

and Stevens meeting with CIA Annex members, 269

World War I, 67

Yamamoto, Donald, 172

Yazdeh, Ayatollah Mesbah, 300

Yediot Aharonot
(Tel Aviv), 363

Yeltsin, Boris, 33

Yemen, 163, 186, 240, 346

Younis, Abdelfattah, 78, 118–23

YouTube, 326–27

Zaid, Mark, 366–67

Zarkawi, Abu Musaab al-, 347

Zawahiri, Ayman al-, 188, 281, 347, 351

Zawahiri, Mohammad al-, 281, 360

Zeid, Ziad Abu, 327

Zintan Militia, 159, 228

About the Author

is the
New York Times
bestselling author of
Shadow Warriors,
Countdown to Crisis
Preachers of Hate
, and
Death Lobby
. He has written for
USA Today
, the
Wall Street Journal
, the
American Spectator
, and the
New York Times
. He lives in Maryland with his family.


for exclusive information on your favorite HarperCollins authors.

Also by Kenneth R. Timmerman


Shadow Warriors: Traitors, Saboteurs, and the Party of Surrender

Countdown to Crisis: The Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran

Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America

Shakedown: Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson

The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq


St. Peter’s Bones

Honor Killing

The Wren Hunt


Cover design by Cardon Webb

Cover photograph © AFP/Getty Images


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ISBN: 978-0-06-232119-0

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