Dark Demands 03: Totally His (5 page)

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Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #Dark Demands

BOOK: Dark Demands 03: Totally His
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Not ba
cking out on me now, Miss Deverell - surely n
ot after last
.  I know I wasn’t mistaken – you really
my little torment with the crop.  So
know there has been
a mellowing, Gina?”  He stroked her hair running his fingers down her cheek sensing the almost herculean effort this young woman was making.  “
I’m pleased
you’re prepared to indulge my ‘sort of stuff’ or at least give it try?”

“Yes, Matthew, I am,” she told him softly.  “But with conditions and absolute limits on what I’ll allow, do you understand?”

He understood very well
.  Despite all her previous protests she’d finally
relented and
he had her exactly where he wanted her.  The submissive streak he’d known was in there somewhere had risen and, ironically, asserted itself.

“Come on then we’ll go back to the villa and talk about this some more.”

Gina took his hand and followed him out of the café.  What was she getting into? 
But one thing she did know pandering to
Matthew’s sexual needs
meant she’d have
his heart, for a while anyway.  But
would that be enough?




Chapter 3


“I want you to be comfortable with this, Gina,” he said hesitating outside a locked
door.  “
Come in
with me and h
ave a look around and then
we’ll talk about the detail

had taken her back to the villa and down a staircase off the kitchen to the labyrinth of cellars that lay underneath i
t.  He’d led
her along a corridor and finally put a
key in
the l
ock of a heavy oak door
her inside

room was positively Spartan. 
It had plain whitewashed walls, a black ceiling and very little furniture. 
in a far corner
sitting in the centre of this room was a leather table
like bench
heavily padded
.  A
bit like the sort of thing the doctor has but that was probably down to the stirrups
like slings hanging
from chains
either side, Gina thought. She
walked forward
, to the corner,
and looked closer at the bed, or was it a bed she wondered
, it certainly wouldn’t encourage sleep
.  It had a metal rail running from the ceiling right around it and dangling from this was a series of different length chains with manacles attached. 
So this was where Matthew meted out all his pain filled little pleasures
, she decided trailing a finger down a length of chain.

“What sort of detail, Matthew,” she asked him her voice husky and laced with need.

“What I need from you and what you’ll allow,” he replied.  “But I’m greedy and I will, perhaps, demand more than you want to g
ive,” he admitted.  “But you will
have a safeword – a word you speak when you’ve had enough and you want me to stop.”

Did that make it all right – this safeword – or was it just another ploy to make her agree to all this?

On one wall was a large wooden cupboard and Matthew took another key and opened it for her, flinging the doors wide and inviting her to take a look inside.

w this little lot looks
freaky,” she gasped staring at the array of sex toys stashed
there.  “I’ve never seen so many – well ‘things’,” she blushed taking hold of an enormous black squashy dildo.  “Surely this can’t go…,” she puzzled out loud.

“Oh yes it can,” Matthew smirked
it from her
and putting
it back where she’d taken it from.  “But I suggest we start with something else,
this,” he s
taking a beautiful silver, stainless steel phallus and holding it out for her.

Gina blinked she could hardly believe
her eyes or
what she was doing
he thing in front of her face was
an exact facsimile of a huge penis, perfectly detailed.  It was
catching the light
from the dim lamps
glinting at her seductively almost inviting her to touch it. 
couldn’t resist so she
reached out and ran a curious finger slowly
around the head and then
down its length feeling every little bump and ridge
on its thick shaft
.  It was cold and hard but just so deliciously erotic that she licked her lips

How would it feel to have Matthew use it on her?
that was
thought too far

Gina blinked,
shook her head and
pushed it away

“I can’t,” she apologised.  “I can’t let you use these things on me, Matthew.  It’s scary and so different from anything I’ve
done before.”
She looked again inside the
open cupboard
lection of whips, leather paddles
, crops, canes and different types of multi tailed floggers.  There were cuffs and manacles
in fact
every shelf was
filled with

too scared.  T
his place
is weird.  I don’t feel happy
in here
at all
,” she
shuddered picking up a long, thin leather paddle and slapping it aga
inst her hand.  “That
hurts – could you really beat my backside with this?” she asked incredulously.

I might,” he admitted
taking it from her.  “
But it might be far more effective if used
on other parts of your anatomy,” he explained putting his
hand out to take it off her
.  “Remember what I did last night with the crop – well this
feels far more intense
,” he told her softly
.  “
Can you imagine it making contact – the sting, the quiver of
delighted flesh? 

Gina felt herself flush – she couldn’t help it. 
And yes, she could imagine it very well and how it would make her feel. 
She could imagine the
excitement, the need
that would surge through her body
as he swung it
between her legs.

I don’t
so –
n fact I want to go, now,” she insisted
.  “This whole place gives me the creeps. 
I can’t see what
there is
in being chained up and whipped or in having one of these put inside you,” she said taking
the stainless steel

I thin
you can, Gina.  After last night I think yo
u know very well the delight
these things can give,” he insisted

Gina glowered at him angrily and let the thing slip from her hands
hearing it hit
the floor
with a clang
.  Matthew bent
to pick it up and using its tip
d her
under her chin.

It’s really all about trust, isn’t it?  You have to trust me, Gina and then you’ll see I’m right.”  He thought for a moment watching her – waiting for her desires to claw her back into his clutches.  “
Let me
, and then decide,” he smouldered at her.  “Slip your short
and panties
off, sit on the edge of that bench
and let me show you what
being in here with me means.

She watched him rub the thing up and down in his hand.  The thought of him
using it on her
liquid fire rushing through her veins.   She shouldn’t let him – she really should call a halt
to this
but h
e was

and despite her early reticence
her own hunger was growing

gently push
her towards the be
nch in the centre of the room
– his expression fixed and moody again

Remember our bargain,” he told her
.  “So y
ou will l
et me do this
, Gina
And when you’ve experienced being in here with me
ever need persuad
,” he
promised with certainty.  Then he
took a handful of her blonde hair and pulled her
face towards him
before kissing her hard.

recognised the f
eeling building inside her – that urgent, carnal
need to be taken by him.  She moaned and tried to wriggle free but
still allowed him to push her onto the edge of the be

“And you must remember what you said about a safeword, Matthew.”

Okay – choose one but if you use it then I’ll stop straight away,” he regarded the girl with dark hungry eyes.  “But I won’t stop for anything else not even if you beg.  So choose well and don’t forget it.”

Gina’s brain worked frantically trying to choose something suitable – something simple.

“Black,” she said finally.  “I’ll have black.”  The word seemed highly appropriate.  It seemed to sum up this entire thing going on between the two of them.

Lie back, put your head against the rest
and take your
shorts and panties
off,” he told her.

She couldn’t see him properly - this place was full of shadows but Gina knew the e
xpression he’d have on his face.  It would be
expression – the
‘I’m getting all my own way again’

slipped off all the clothing from her lower body and
for him
her tee shirt and flimsy bra. 
Matthew had slipped the headrest forwards so that she
had to sit
with her backside on the very edge and with her legs spread wide
in the slings
she was just at the right height for him to fuck her standing up
.  Her body tingled with the realisation

he was going to stand between her open legs and pound into her -
watch her
every reaction
as he took her.  She felt the pulse of heat and the jolt of sexual excitement.  Goodness
where it
from but part of her couldn’t wait.

Matthew felt himself stiffen
.  How many times had he imagined her like this – on his bench,
in his chamber and helpless
?  H
e wanted her, he wanted to fuck her right this second but this was important.  He wanted
punish her a little
.  He
wanted her to realise that
he wouldn’t put up with her argumentative ways and that if she did cross him – disobey him then there would be

“Open your legs,” he growled
reaching for the
leather slings
either side and fixing her
lower legs into them and binding them tight

Then he took one wrist at a time and manacled her arms outstretched to steel rings each side of the bench.

She was
ready and
to stop
doing anything he wanted to her

That thought was almost too m
uch – his erection was growing and
ly begging
for attention. 
e stroked her inner thighs
atching her bite her bottom lip.  She was anticipating the worst -
wondering what torments
he w
as going to
inflict on her body.
wanted to reassure her but he was fast loosing all control t
o his darker self.  He growled
and moved in
standing between her open legs
He was going to inflict the very worst torment
on her
– the one that would trouble her the most. 
He was going to make her beg. 
He could see that s
he was wet – waiting for him.  He wanted to
fingers inside

test her reaction -
feel her readiness
but not yet – she wasn’t
any where near
hungry enough

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