Dark Demands 03: Totally His (10 page)

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Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #Dark Demands

BOOK: Dark Demands 03: Totally His
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“Be ready
– I don’t know the detail but we’ll get you away from here.  But make no mistake Gina, if Matthew suspects anything he’ll keep you here – you’ll be even more of a prisoner than you are now.”

Lisa left as quickly as she’d arrived leaving Gina with a mountain of questions and no answers.

She tried to relax; she lay on a lounger in the sunshine and sipped on a glass of wine. 
But h
er head was buzzing – was Matthew really someone she should run from – was she really in danger?  Something – some inner warning voice confirmed all her worst fears – she
seen it for herself –
sampled it in his chamber. 
Matthew had a dark
a very dark side.  A
nother more dangerous Matthew lived in his head with him –
Hardcore Matthew

And one day he’d rise and assert himself in a way Gina would hate him for.  So Lisa was probably right and she should grab this opportunity to get away. 
But she’d no idea what Lisa had
planned or what she’d
telling her to
‘be ready’ – was she supposed to pack – try to find her passport – what?

Matthew retuned early.  He seemed relaxed less stressed than this morning when he’d left her.

“We’ll eat out,” he suggested.  “At Luigi’s down in the bay.  We can hold hands – drink wine and watch the sun go down,” he smiled and kissed her cheek.  “Get ready – ten minutes then we’ll go.”

Despite not being far he wanted to take the car.  He promised her a ride around the coast before it went dark.  When he was like this she loved him, he was happy, joking and normal.  Was she going to
far by listening to Lisa – by planning to
run from him
  Her head was in turmoil – she loved him but he’d never love her.  He wanted her but to use as he pleased not as a partner to share his life.  No, she was making the right decision – she had to leave, return to her normal, ordinary life and forget all about Matthew Dark.

“Something’s happened, up ahead,” he said as they approached the bend before reaching
.  “An accident of some sort
I think
,” he said watching a young woman stagger by her stationary car.  “I’ll go and speak to her, see if she needs help,” he said pulling over.

Gina made to join him but he shook his head.  “No
you stay here and mind the car
Then h
e hopped over the driver’s door of his low slung sports car and
watched him walk towards the
woman.  Gina couldn’t have known it
but half a year would pass before she
’d see
him again.

“Gina, don’t say anything just get out, keep down and get into the car across the road.”

She blinked and grabbed her bag, this was it - this was her escape and it
was Kyle, Kyle Hastings
who’d come for her
.  He led her to a black limo with heavily tinted windows parked on the other side of the road.  The accident had been staged.  Kyle had been watching and waiting for his opportunity to strike.

Gina didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.  She turned and looked back but Kyle was driving too fast and Matthew was already out of sight.

“Round the coast,
a launch out to Benito’s yacht
then home,” he promised with a wide grin.  “No more Matthew Dark – no more fear,” he added.  “This time tomorrow, Gina you’ll be home in
and safe
with Grace.”




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