Dark, Dangerous, Delicious - Control (4 page)

BOOK: Dark, Dangerous, Delicious - Control
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The moment he impaled her with one deep and very hard drive she whimpered, the moan slipping past the tantalizing muscle in her mouth. Every nerve ending was alive as electric current sent a wild series of jolts from the base of her neck straight into her pussy. Her entire body jerked up, fighting the restraints, and she shuddered as the two hot men continued to consume, take her hard. God she was in heaven.

Granger thrust into her pussy and pulled back, only to repeat the effort. “Hot. Wet.”

“This girl is… hot and…” Rusty groaned as he intertwined one hand in her hair, jerking back roughly. “That’s it. Take all of me.”

There was something so amazing about having two men, two men who she’d longed to taste or have a little fling with, fucking her. No, they were controlling her. Brittany breathed out and succumbed, a moment of true clarity crossing her mind. This was going to happen again.
Oh dear God I hope so
. As the men continued to pound her pussy and fuck her mouth, she simply let herself go. This she could do again and again.


Still tied, Brittany was enjoying the light breeze wafting against her ass. The two delicious men were lounging in the grass and while she enjoyed the sight of them, she wanted free of the rope binding her. Sighing, she cleared her throat, hoping they would gain the hint. When they continued talking, she wiggled. “Guys. Can you let me go now?” She waited for a solid ten seconds and when neither responded she whistled or at least she tried to whistle. “Boys can you untie me please?’

She was shocked when they continued talking. “Guys? What’s going on?” Brittany wasn’t a patient girl and when Rusty finally looked over at her she gave him a huge scowl. When he rose to his feet and moved toward her, she was thrilled. “Please untie me.”

“Hmmm… No can do,” Rusty said as he laughed and patted her ass.

“What do you mean no can do?”

“You heard me. This exercise is all about control and we were merely the first shift.”

Brittany heard both he and Granger laugh before the sounds became more distant. She was so fucked. And all she could think about was the phrase
be careful what you ask for…

Her Lies

“Who said I was arguing?” Dani Fuller asked a she stole a look at her husband. She’d been pushing the last slivers of the smoked salmon appetizer back and forth across the plate for a full five minutes. To say she was agitated didn’t just do her foul mood justice.

“My darling wife, today all you’re doing is arguing,” Mark laughed as he turned his head slowly to look at her.

She knew the look, the very one that made her shiver. The moment he placed his hand on her knee she trembled. Mark was seething under his quiet exterior. No one would ever be able to detect just how angry he was, given his genuine smile and sparkling eyes. But she knew better. She’d crossed more than one line. And little did he know about others.

“Come on you two, this is supposed to be a celebration of my new promotion.”

Dani smiled sheepishly at Betsy before glancing around the table. The group of friends had been celebrating everything from birthday parties to holidays together for almost ten years. She adored the two couples, yet neither she nor Mark felt like they could open up to them, trust them with the changes that had occurred in their marriage. Betsy and Steve, Callie and Drake were more like family than friends, but they were very traditional in their marriages. That’s why she was having more and more difficulty being around them as of late. They’d all been spending so much time together and they more they did the less she felt like talking about the changes she and Mark had been going through. “We are celebrating.” Raising her glass, she fought back the nervous tick that had appeared in the corner of her mouth.

“Yes, we are. Congrats Betsy. We all know how hard you worked for this.” Mark leaned across the table.

“Here. Here,” Drake said as he raised his glass.

Almost twenty minutes later the moment of awkwardness was gone as they ordered and sat back enjoying a lively banter. For some reason Dani remained agitated, perhaps given the basic discussion she and Mark had endured moments after climbing out of bed. Who was she kidding? Mark had lectured and she’d remained quiet, digging her nails into the comforter. Her mind wandered back to the morning, and the terse words they’d shared.

“Earth to Dani. Where are you?”

Before she had a chance to respond to Callie, Mark placed his hand around the back of her neck.

“She’s had a lot on her mind lately and work has been particularly difficult for her. Her mood swings have gotten worse.” Mark’s voice was quiet.

“Mood swings? How would you know? You’re never home.” The words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them.

“Dani,” Mark cautioned.

Dani sucked in her breath. She didn’t need to see his face to know how angry he was becoming.

“I think you both need a vacation,” Steve said, his eyes darting back and forth. “Somewhere very tropical and serene.”

“We all need that,” Betsy chortled.

“Dani just needs some quiet time.” Mark’s tone was stern, but even. Smiling, he leaned over and nuzzled into her neck, his whisper low and husky. “Don’t continue pushing. I don’t want to have to deal with your bad behavior here. But I will if I have to.” Kissing the top of her head, he squeezed her against his chest before tipping her chin up with a single finger, his mouth capturing hers.

The kiss was passionate, just like their incredible relationship, and for a few seconds she longed to climb under the table and suck his cock. Their tongues entwining, she managed to rub her fingers back and forth across his crotch twice before he grabbed her hand.

When Mark broke the kiss he raised a single eyebrow. “Remember what I said.”

Her left leg quivered as she nodded, a single bead of perspiration sliding down the side of her face.

“Look at the love birds,” Betsy said a she poked Steve in the stomach. Wish we were that close.”

“Ha! Marriage is work. A lot of work.” Callie swished her finger back and forth.

“Yes, it is, especially when you argue over the smallest things.” The words were said under her breath more than anything, but Dani could hear Mark’s slight growl. Above all she wasn’t supposed to disrespect him in public.

“You know. I never see you two argue,” Betsy offered, a grin crossing her face. “Tell me how do you do it?”

“I keep her in line.” Mark teased.

Dani couldn’t help but look at him, realizing her look had turned into a glare. She wasn’t certain why today she was so angry, but she was. Maybe because he was indeed gone so often, leaving her to tend to everything with the house as well as her overtly stressful job. When she was given “that” look gain, she cringed and bit her lip. She certainly wasn’t racking up any good girl points today.

Five minutes later she found herself in a rather heated discussion with Callie about the fact she’d recently gotten a speeding ticket, a true no, no. And she’d been ticketed for texting. As soon as she said the words, she could tell feel Mark bristle. She knew she’d been caught in a lie.

“What did you say?” Mark asked as he twisted his chair to look at her.

“Nothing. I just said that I got a speeding ticket. That’s all.”

“And you didn’t tell me?” His tone grew dark.

Dani smiled sweetly, trying to blow off the incident. “I’m sorry. I meant to tell you.”

“Is that all?” Mark asked quietly.

“Yes,” Dani insisted.

“Except for the part about texting.” Betsy was laughing, having no idea what she’d just done.

Horrified, Dani couldn’t look at him. Oh my God, he had to be pissed. This was not a banner day in their neighborhood.

Mark remained silent for a minute and finally eased her back into the chair, his fingers aimlessly rubbing the top of her thigh. “Interesting.”

“I meant to tell you. Really.” Dani could barely hear her own voice. When she heard him sigh, instantly she froze. There weren’t any harsh words or even an exclamation on his part. Yet she knew without a doubt she’d crossed the line. She fidgeted as he remained quiet, and in his silence she remained stoic, her mouth dry. A full three or four minutes passed by and Mark said nothing. She was beginning to wonder if he was going to allow her fall into disgrace go without reprimand when he cleared his throat.

The group almost immediately forgot about the ticket or anything else and bantered about other things.

Dani heard nothing but blah blahs and echoes.

Mark rose from the chair slowly as he grabbed her hand. “Forgive us. I need to talk to Dani about something in private. Shouldn’t take us too long. If brunch comes, please start without us.”

Dani couldn’t stand to look at any of them as he led her away from the table. Her heart was racing and she could barely keep up with his longs strides as he led them both out of the restaurant and toward his truck. For some reason she was thinking she was so glad he’d parked away from everyone else. Then it suddenly dawned on her what he was really going to do. He was going to spank her right here, in the middle of the parking lot in the middle of the day. Oh Shit. She’d never been disciplined outside of their house other than an occasional swat on the ass.

There were few outward signs that Mark was pissed except for his even gait and deep breaths. When he arrived at the truck he let go of her hand and turned to face her slowly. “I believe you purposely lied to me and…”

“No! I didn’t. I was just…” After interrupting she could tell he went from pissed to something else. “I’m sorry.”

Mark shook his head. “I honestly don’t know what’s gotten into you lately. We’ll deal with this in much stricter methods when we get home, but I can’t and won’t allow you to think you can behave this way. Not in front of our friends and not because we’re not alone. The lies are starting to get out of hand. And texting while driving? We’ve talked about how dangerous that is more than once.” He kept his eyes pinned on her as he unlocked the passenger door, opening it slowly. “I’m truly disappointed that I have to treat you like a child here of all places.”

Dani was unable to say anything. A frog the size of a small dog has crept into her throat.

“You’ve been doing so well. Now this…this crap, Dani. God.” He opened the glove compartment and pulled out a hairbrush with a wooden handle. As he turned to face her he cupped her chin, rubbing his thumb back and forth across her lips. “I think stress at work is making you lash out and do impetuous things. I think you need to be placed on a regimen. We’re going to work on that. Okay?”

“Yes…yes, sir.” A regimen. Great.

“Good girl. Now take off your panties and hand them to me.” Mark climbed into the truck, settling on the passenger seat.

A quick darting glance over her shoulder told her there was no one coming. My God, she was as nervous as a kitty cat. She managed to remove her panties without showing her ass and as she handed them to Mark, she realized she was shivering.

He nodded as he grabbed them and patted his lap. “Raise your skirt and climb over my lap.”

There couldn’t be anything more embarrassing than receiving a spanking here, where others could see. Nothing in the world had prepared her for the wrenching nausea, the way her legs quivered. Gulping air, she raised her skirt and just about as awkwardly as possible, finally managed to climb then was half pulled over his lap. The light breeze blowing across her backside was enough to remind her she was so very exposed.

“Hold your arms out straight and remain still. I’m only going to give you twenty swats right now. We’ll finish up later with much stricter punishment, much more in the line of what you deserve.”

Twenty? My God that might as well be a hundred with the dense brush. The moment he slid the cool wood back and forth across her ass she clenched her eyes shut.

“You do know why you’re getting a spanking?” Mark asked as he pushed up her shirt and pressed one hand on the small of her back.

“Yes, sir. For back talking and lying to you.”

“Among other things. We’ll deal with the back talking during this session. I need to calm down before I deal with the other. Right now, you’re going to understand you can’t behave in public badly any more than you can at home.”


“Ooohhh!” Screeching, she bit her lip as her body jumped involuntarily.

“Stay still.”

Slap! Crack!

Over the course of the next five minutes or so she trembled and squirmed, her backside slowly turning to molten fire. Tears filled her eyes and she wailed softly, trying her best to keep her sobs to a minimum. She heard as least one couple exclaiming in shock after finding her in this position. A grown woman being spanked in public wasn’t something people witnessed every today.

“You did well,” Mark breathed as he rubbed her ass and pulled down her shirt. Very tenderly he eased her off his lap, helping her onto her feet. He kept both hands on her arms as he climbed out of the truck, kissing her lips gently. “Now you’re going to go back inside and be polite and respectful to everyone. Do you understand?”

Sniveling, she nodded. “Yes sir.”

“Good girl.” He moved around her, placed the brush in the glove compartment and shut the door.

With her panties inside. Dani opened her mouth to object and knew this was part of her punishment. With every step she took, the material of her skirt scraped across her bruised ass and she bit her lip to keep from moaning. The moment they walked back into the restaurant she knew all eyes were on her. They knew. They had to know. Of course they couldn’t know.
Could they?

“There you two are. We thought we were going to have to send out a search party,” Betsy said as she shook her head, then narrowed her eyes. “You okay girl? You look flushed.”

“Fine! Just fine.” The words were said a little too quickly. She held her breath as she slid into the seat. Instantly a slight moan escaped her lips. My God who knew thin cotton could be such a nemesis.

“Uh-huh. I can see you are.” Callie glanced at Betsy and both leaned forward. “Did you two finally have a little love argument?”

Mark smiled as he sat down. “Not exactly.”

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