Dark, Dangerous, Delicious - Control

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Volume 2



Cassandre Dayne



Dark, Dangerous, Delicious – Control

By Cassandre Dayne


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This book may contain explicit sexual content, graphic, adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which might include: male/male sexual practices, multiple partner sexual practices, strong BDSM themes and elements, erotic elements and fetish play. This e-book is for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/Fetish titles without the guidance of an experience practitioner. Neither the publisher nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.


Publisher’s Note:
This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.


Cover Art by Peter Halle

What Fantasies Do You Have?


We all have them. From longing to experience BDSM to hungering for a hard spanking, then perhaps being a part of a ménage to voyeuristic sex, passion lives and breathes within all of us. Sometimes we indulge in creations living in our imagination and other times we keep them to ourselves, preferring to enjoy during private, late night moments. For a few of us, we wonder whether our fantasies are too kinky, bordering on something darker, perhaps dangerous. Perhaps that’s why we read about creatures of the night, blood-sucking monsters who give us shivers while reminding us of our humanity.

We watch horror movies and hide behind Kindles that allow us to read whatever we hunger for without prying eyes. Delicious, don’t you think? When you add in a touch of danger then all the better. Many of us also long for someone to control us, dominate us and this particular book is all about that very aspect. From BDSM to D/s and DD – these short stories will drive you into a special place of fantasy.

Could you tell your partner you long for a spanking or wish to indulge in a threesome? Could you go to a kink club where being bound tightly and flogging is on the menu? Could you allow yourself to go to a hedonistic resort, one catering to every aspect of BDSM, no matter how kinky in nature? For many of us the answer is no – but we can still draw on our imaginations and become a part of the story. We can still enjoy reading, exposing a part of us few ever are allowed to see. Kinky and wicked…

These stories are all short, hot and designed to give you a snippet into a lifestyle you might never be able to taste. Sit back, allow your mind to open to all possibilities and enjoy a sinful feast for the soul. After all, there’s nothing wrong with dark, dangerous and delicious. After all – we all crave being controlled…

Take Down


“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you can take your attitude and your business and shove it up your tight ass. Jerk off! I’m going to fucking take you down!”


“Ouch!” Marcy cringed as she stole a look at the door. “Bart’s in a particularly nasty mood today.”

Michael Simon exhaled slowly as he clenched his fists. Marcy had no idea how often this was happening as of late. Bart’s outbursts were getting completely out of hand.
Take them down?
Right now he could beat the man with a switch. His partner, the aggressive Bart Winston, was constantly turning back and forth from Jekyll to Hyde and their customer base was dwindling because of it. “Do I want to know who he just sent out the door and no doubt to our rival firm?”

“Um, I hate to tell you this, but Murphy Manufacturing.” Her voice was sheepish and she eased back from the desk, her face flushing.

“Goddamn it.” Said mostly under his breath, Michael attempted to control his building rage. His employees certainly didn’t need to see the bitter discord developing between he and Bart. The man was a walking time bomb, his explosions becoming more frequent as of late. Now their entire business was suffering. There was no doubt it was time to take control, show the haughty and opinionated man who was really boss in the organization. “What is wrong this time?”

“Oh, I think the argument Bart had with the owner on the phone yesterday about the television campaign finally did it. They were screaming for a full thirty minutes. Let me tell you the words used were…”

“And Mr. Murphy?”

“Well he did call me this morning and told me in no uncertain terms if they couldn’t come to some understanding, with someone else in charge, then they were gone,” Marcy stated, her eyes flashing. “I think he mentioned our competition in fact.”

Ah fuck.
That’s the last thing they needed. Michael gripped the edge of his desk and rose to his feet. He wanted to bite her head off for not telling him, but one hothead in the company was enough. Without a doubt he knew what he had to do. He just needed the strength to follow his unconventional idea through to the end. This had been a long time coming. Making a decision this strict would change the course of their relationship, both personally as well as professionally. Sucking in his breath he counted to ten then made the decision. “Marcy, do me a favor and hold all my calls for the rest of the afternoon. There’s something I need to do.”

“You mean Bart?”

Michael remained quiet but could tell she was thrilled he was doing something. Anything. How many employees had threatened to quit over the last weeks? One too many. ”Marcy.”

“Yes, sir. Good luck.” Giving him a look, she rose to her feet and sashayed toward the door. “Oh, and give him hell for all of us.”

He could see glee in her step and oddly enough he almost answered her. Well, there wasn’t any doubt all the employees were waiting for him to take charge, try and control a man who was hell bent on taking their very profitable business down the tubes. Rubbing his temple, he was tired of every day ending in a headache. Sadly, he knew the entire situation stemmed from their breakup almost nine months before. Not a single person in the company knew they’d been lovers. Maybe if they’d allowed their relationship to hit the streets so to speak their advertising firm wouldn’t be in such a difficult place.

Maybe. Michael held his head in his hands for a full five minutes before he finally rose from his chair and moved out of his office. As he walked down the long hallway toward the back of their offices, he couldn’t help but think about every aspect of the firm Bart had insisted on. From his “need” to have the office in the back, sequestered away from the employees to the custom leather furniture in the conference room, the entire direction of the company had been Bart’s decision alone. And Michael had allowed his partner to take the reins. This exercise would prove to be interesting.

He stood outside the closed door, hearing the berating tone in Bart’s voice, and grew more and more agitated. Pressing his hands down the front of his one hundred dollar crisp, white cotton shirt, he narrowed his eyes and resisted knocking, choosing instead to walk right in. Michael did own half the company after all. No, he owned fifty-one percent. The bizarre drinking game had solidified the ownership. Maybe now he was glad. The look of disdain crossing Bart’s face annoyed the hell out of him. And he made certain his ex-lover knew it by the scowl he planted on his face.

“You heard exactly what I said. Two o’clock or no deal. You got it? Yeah, that’s right. You heard me.” Slamming down the phone, Bart snarled and turned his gaze toward the window. “Bastard. You can never allow the stupid assholes to get the upper hand.”

Michael was surprised he waited for a full minute before clearing his throat. By that point he could hear Bart’s breathing becoming ragged. Of course Michael never made waves.
Look out buddy
. “Bart. We’re going to talk. Now.”

“All right. What do ya want to talk about?” Bart sat back in his seat but continued to type, his gaze locked on the computer screen.

“Stop working and look at me.” When Bart didn’t budge he slapped his hands on top of Bart’s desk and the single word came out as a stern bark. “Now!”

Bart jumped and narrowed his eyes, yet he looked up and removed his hands from the keyboard. “Good God. Okay. What is it?”

“Your behavior and your bad attitude.” He inched closer, leaning forward until his face was a mere four inches from Bart’s. “They’re going to stop.”

“Behavior? What the hell are you talking about? And I have fine attitude. I just don’t like jerk offs.”

Remaining quiet, Michael sucked in his breath.

“You mean dealing with the assholes we have to deal with? Come on. You know we’re required to take a heavy hand, make sure they know their place.”

“Their place? They’re our customers and the people who allow us to pay our bills. Your ridiculous and very nasty behavior is slitting our throats and it’s going to stop. You’re as unprofessional as I’ve ever seen and I refuse to have it any longer.”

“Stop?” Bart laughed.

“You heard me. This is going to stop. Period.”

Tilting his head, Bart glanced up and down the length of Michael. “Or what?”

“Or what?” My God his ex lover was arrogant as hell. Michael knew the man would challenge him. So why not pull out all the stops? “Or as majority owner of this company I will push you out the door.”

Bart seemed shocked, his face flushing. “What did you say?”

“You heard me.” Michael kept his voice even, his eyes unblinking as he allowed the understanding to sink in. And boy was the line in the sand drawn in blood. “Now, I have a list of rules that you
going to follow and the new regime starts today. You will follow my lead and obey every order I lay down. Clear?” He didn’t know where this brazen and authoritative side of him had come from, but he liked this guy.

“Rules? Obey you? Are you kidding me?” Bart snickered.

He leaned further over the desk. They could almost kiss. “Hear me. If you want to keep your position in this company as President and if you like the sexy new Mercedes you’re driving, you will do as I say. Do…you…understand?” His tone was terse, his stance completely dominating, and for the first time in the years he’d known his partner, his friend and his lover, the man was intrigued. And his cock was aching like a son of a bitch.

Tick. Tock.

“I asked if you heard me?” Michael demanded.

“You’re really going to do this shit?” Bart said between clenched teeth.

Easing around the desk, he twirled Bart around in his chair, placing one hand on the arm and with his other he cupped Bart’s face, squeezing until Bart grimaced. “I’m finally going to do something I should have done a long time ago. You need discipline and a strong hand. And I’m going to give it to you.” Michael leaned down and brushed his lips across Bart’s, holding the stance until the man moaned. Then Michael lowered his voice until he issued a husky whisper as he eased his hand down and stroked up and down on Bart’s crotch. “Do I make myself clear?” When Bart hesitated he clenched and twisted his hand.

“Yes, sir!”

The two simple words said by the man Michael absolutely hungered for surprised him. But he refused to allow his longing or his bewilder to show. He leaned back, winked and took two steps back. “Good boy. Now be in my office at precisely five to suck my cock. Then we’ll discuss the rest. Oh, and I’ll email some rules to you around four thirty.” Without waiting for Bart to answer or even make a noise, he nodded curtly and headed out the door. Holy shit, he’d actually done what he had wanted to do for almost a year. Now the question was, could he keep the order of things going?

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