DARK (9 page)

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Authors: Jordan Rowe

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All Jordan wanted to do was take a quick shower and fall asleep. But first, she looked at her bedroom nightstand to make sure there wasn’t a fresh glass of Dark Ice.

Unfortunately, the same tumbler she drank from early remained empty.

Jordan slid off her boots, tossed them in the closet, then pulled off her dress, bra, and panties, shoving them in the hamper. Her eyes became heavy as she turned on the shower, putting her hand in and waiting until it was hot.

“You fucking slut!” a voice roared from behind.

Jordan was able to turn for just a moment, seeing man wearing a purple alien mask with black olive shaped eyes, blue suit, and orange latex gloves.

Alien spun her around and bent her over the tub. The shower water poured down the back of her head, making it difficult to breathe.

“I’ve been thinking about fucking your whore ass for a long time.” He pushed both hands down on her back, making it just about impossible for her to move.

Jordan recognized the voice. It was her first ex-husband, Clayton.

She squirmed, feeling the pressure of his cock on her ass. There was no way she was going to let him do this.

With a sudden burst of strength, she swung back and blindly hit Clayton in the mask, feeling it crack between her fingers. She turned her body, punching with wild blows, knocking the mask off and connecting several times in his mouth, nose, and eyes.

Clayton’s face puffed like a balloon as blood trickled from the cuts. Jordan stood, then hurried out of the room, found her cell phone, and dialed 911. The operator told her to stay on the line, but Jordan needed a few moments alone with her ex.

She slid on a robe and went back to the bathroom, seeing that Clayton remained on the floor, holding his face with both hands. Jordan leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I would ram my fingers in your ass so you know how it feels, but I think you would like it.” She stood, then positioned her heel over one of his hands, then stomped down. The bone in his wrist snapped like an eggshell.

Clayton rolled over and actually started crying.

Jordan heard a pounding on the door. She jogged out of the bathroom, through the living room, and unlocked the door just before the police were going to kick it down. “He’s in the bathroom,” Jordan said to the officers.

She watched as they pulled Clayton’s hands behind him and squeezed the handcuffs around his wrists. Clayton screamed in agony, “My wrist is broken!” Tears streamed down his swollen face, but the officers ignored him.

A few minutes later, Detective Daane showed up. “Was that him?” she asked. “The same guy that attacked you the other two times?”

Jordan knew that Clayton was probably pissed that someone else was getting a chance to attack her while wearing a mask. Over the last week, he most certainly thought about doing it himself.

Jordan looked at the detective. “You told me that Clayton had an alibi for last week when I was first attacked?”

“He did. But you know rich executives. He probably paid off several people to secure his whereabouts.”

“Well, I’m glad you caught him,” Jordan said. “I can rest easy knowing that this won’t happen again.”

In reality, Jordan was looking forward to next Monday. She would spend her afternoon at Dark, then arrive back at the condo where the real masked intruder would have something sexual planned for her.


Every once in awhile, Jordan would wake up feeling as if she had her period. She would have cramps and utter exhaustion. However, Clayton paid for her to have a surgical procedure called endometrial ablation. The surgery took about ninety seconds as the doctor burned cells in the lining of her uterus. The bleeding stopped each month, but not the symptoms.

Clayton, would say, “It’s all in your head.”

In fact, Jeremy said the same thing, but with a twist, “First you complain about having periods, so Clayton arranges for that to stop. Now you complain to me that you are still having the symptoms. Is there no end to your bitching and moaning? It’s all in your fucking head.”

Jordan crawled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. It sucked having her ex-husbands enter her thoughts first thing in the morning, especially when she was feeling like shit.

And speaking of ex-husbands, her cell phone rang with the caller ID that said: IDIOT II. Jordan rubbed the back of her neck, then answered. “What?”

“So, you finally got rid of Clayton,” Jeremy said.

“How do you know what happened?”

“It’s on the front page of the newspaper.”

Jordan had suddenly become wide awake. “Did they mention my name?”


“Can they do that? No one interviewed me, or even called.”

“Well, they did.”

“Awesome,” Jordan said with heavy sarcasm. “Do you have anymore good news for me?”

“Actually, I do.” Jeremy paused. “I sold the restaurant.”

“Really? For how much?”

“None of your business.”

“Oh come on. Tell me.” Jordan was sincere with her curiosity.

“Just over two million.”

“Wow. That’s way over what you were hoping to get.”

“The new amusement park that will be built two blocks away was an incentive to raise the price and land me a buyer. I appreciate you giving me that information.”

“No problem. Who’s the buyer?”

“His name is Ellison Greer. He came in with his son, Becket.”

The name Becket sounded familiar. “What line of business are they in?”

“Ellison owns some private club for the rich, which he plans on handing over to his son Becket someday. The restaurant will eventually be handed over as well. Must be nice.”

Jordan continued thinking about the name, Becket. “What kind of private club?”

“Neither of them would go into details.”

Jordan about dropped the phone. The man at Dark that had given instructions while she was in the small room was named Becket.

Jeremy continued speaking. “The idea’s Ellison and Becket have for the new restaurant sound amazing. The entire restaurant will be lit with black lights. The servers will wear black pants with white shirts and glowing serving gloves so they seem to float around the room. The three course meal will feature food that glows, or has a glowing element mixed with it. After the guests eat, they will be taken to a second room to visit with other guests under the black lights where they will be served drinks and mingle on large glowing leather couches.”

Jordan cleared her throat. “What is he going to call the new restaurant?”

Jeremy said the one word that she already knew was coming. “Dark.”


A flurry of calls happened shortly after that. Jordan let them all go to voicemail.

Message One: “Honey, it’s mom. I knew that Clayton was bad news from the time you introduced him to your father and I. Can you sue him? Call me back.”

Message Two: “Hey Jordan, it’s Kady. I can’t believe what happened to you! Are you okay? Call me.”

Message Three: “It’s Jeremy again. You seemed a little freaked. Why don’t you stop by the restaurant so we can talk. Maybe we can have fun one more time before the restaurant is officially sold.”

Message Four: “Hey Jordan, it’s me. (Vanessa.) Are you okay, honey? Come by the store today. I’m going to have someone cover me so we can go to lunch.”

As Jordan cleared the messages, another call came in. She decided to answer. “Hello?”

“This is a representative from Dark,” a female said. “May I have your identity number please?”

Jordan let out a deep sigh. “Nine.”

“Excellent. Will you be attending Dark on Monday, October fifteenth?”

“Yes, I’ll be there.”

“Do you have any questions at this time?”

“No…wait…yes. Is Becket and his father opening a new restaurant in Downtown Nashville?”

“I’m not at liberty to discuss that.”

“Can I speak with Becket?”


“What if I have a problem with Dark? Who would I talk too?”



“Yes. Do you have a problem that you need to discuss?”

Jordan thought about the Dark Ice that had been placed in her bedroom. “Does anyone at Dark follow me?”

“Follow you? Why on earth would anyone from Dark want to follow you?”

“Because…I don’t know.”

“What specifically would you like to discuss at this time?”

“Um…nothing. I’ll see you on Monday.”

“No you won’t.”

“Excuse me?”

The woman chuckled. “You won’t be seeing anyone at Dark.”

Jordan hung up the phone. “Fucking hilarious.”


When her phone rang again, Jordan answered with a loud, “What!”

“Are you having a tough day?” the male voice said.

“Who is this?”

“I’ll give you a hint. This is my kind of place.”

Jordan actually smiled. “Say something interesting and maybe I won’t hang up on you.”

“I’m downstairs.”

“Really? That’s interesting. I figured you would be sleeping off your hangover.”

“I don’t get hangovers. But I’m guessing that Kady’s head is about to explode.”

Jordan laughed. “So, do you want to come up?”

“Only if you think it would be interesting.”

“Dial one, six, seven, two on the phone down there and I’ll buzz you.”

Jordan hung up, waited for Ryan’s call, then buzzed him. She still felt like shit, but a nice morning distraction may be exactly what she needed.

Jordan stripped off her cotton pajamas, waited for the knock, then opened the door. She grabbed Ryan by the arm, kissed him, then shut the door.

Ryan formed a grin. “I thought we were just going to talk?”

“Yeah right.” Jordan pointed at him. “Get your clothes off and meet me in the bedroom.”

As Jordan began to walk away, Ryan snagged her hand. “The bedroom is boring. How about the couch?”

“Nah. It’s not interesting enough.” Jordan looked around. “How about the balcony?”

Ryan took in a deep breath. “Well, if someone gets a photo of me, it could hurt my career.”

“Or, it could help your career,” Jordan said as she undid his belt. “Are we doing this or not?”

Ryan tore off his shirt and stripped down until he was completely naked. Jordan opened the sliding door, walked out to the balcony, and grabbed the concrete edge. Ryan licked her pussy from behind. He began with slow, deliberate strokes, then flicked his tongue in and out of her and licked up the wetness.

A plane roared by as Ryan entered her from behind. She had an instant orgasm, which took away all her worries. Ryan pulled his cock out, teased her with it, then shoved it deep inside. He continued doing this for several minutes as the morning sun shined on their naked bodies and the cool air caused her nipples to harden with desire.

Jordan turned and sat on the cold concrete. Ryan grabbed both of her legs and raised them in the air while thrusting his cock inside of her. She let out a tired scream as Ryan leaned forward and playfully bit down on her nipples, giving each one their due attention.

Jordan pulled him close, wanting his cock to remain deep inside of her. She kissed his chest and neck, whispering his ear, “Ram that cock into me.”

He grabbed her by the hair, thrusting with all his strength. Jordan screamed and smacked his ass. He continued fucking her until a gush of warm cum propelled inside of her. Jordan had several small orgasms as Ryan fucked her until his cock became limp.

She leaned down and sucked his cock, cleaning it with her mouth, and getting him hard again. She looked up in his eyes and whispered, “Keep fucking me.”


After another solid twenty minutes of fucking, Ryan was nice enough to drop Jordan off at Flavour. Vanessa left her assistant in charge and walked with Jordan to their favorite lunch spot, which was a hotdog stand three blocks away near a set of park benches.

“So,” Vanessa said, taking a bite of her hotdog with sauerkraut and brown mustard. “Clayton decides to attack you in the middle of the night.”

“Yep,” Jordan said. Her hotdog was loaded with chili and cheese, but she seemed to have lost her appetite after the first bight. “Clayton’s always been nuts.”

“True. But what else is going on with you?”

Jordan snapped her eyes up. “What do you mean?”

“Well, you’re sweating and it is sixty degrees out.” She took another large bite of her dog. “Are you spending your money on drugs or something?”

“I haven’t slept. I’m sure you can understand.”

“Give me a break. I know when something has changed in your life. If you can’t tell me, then are we even best friends?”

Jordan stood and tossed her hotdog in a garbage can. She felt sick to her stomach, as the sweat drizzled down her face and back. “I need to…” Jordan became dizzy and dropped down to the bench.

Vanessa tossed the rest of her hotdog in the garbage and sat next to Jordan. “Should I call an ambulance?”

“No. I just need a moment.”

Vanessa rubbed Jordan’s burning forehead. “I’ll call a cab and get you home.”

Jordan knew what was wrong. She needed Dark Ice. But where would she get it? “I need Zizi’s address,” Jordan blurted out. “You must have it on a credit card receipt or something.”

“I’m not giving you a customer’s address. What is your obsession with that woman?”

Jordan knew that Zizi had access to Dark Ice for clients to drink in her limo. It was possible that Zizi kept some at her house. “Just give me her fucking phone number,” Jordan shouted. “Can you do that?”

Vanessa stood. “I will call you a cab, but that’s it. You need help.”

They did not say another word to each other. Vanessa waited until Jordan was inside the cab, then stomped away. Jordan gave the driver the address for the condo. As the cab pulled away, Jordan thought she might throw up.

Then, she had another thought. She searched through her received calls and dialed the representative from Dark.

“Please give me your identity number.”

Jordan swallowed a lump that formed in her throat. “Nine,” she whispered.

“How may I help you?”

She kept her voice low so the cab driver would not hear. “I need some Dark Ice.”

“That is restricted for your Monday session.”

“I’m not feeling well.”

“Go to the hospital, or call 911.”

“Please, I need it.” Jordan’s shirt had become completely soaked with seat. “I know it’s addictive.”

“How would you know anything about Dark Ice?”

“Someone had it tested.”


“I just know…okay?” The cab driver glanced in the review mirror, then continued driving. Jordan lowered her voice again. “Get me some Dark Ice, or I’m going to the police.”

“Tell me who had the Dark Ice tested and I’ll make sure you get some.”

Jordan had no choice. “It was a male client at Dark...number nineteen.”

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