Dark Boundaries (7 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

Tags: #The Boundaries 1

BOOK: Dark Boundaries
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Chapter Thirteen



She is beautiful with her silky blonde hair scattered over the bed, her cheeks pink from the fright of hearing the others screams. The black lace is so fucking sexy on her. I know she wants this, her body melting into mine tells me so. She’s responding to the kiss. She’s accepting my touch.

I grind myself against her. “Kris, take what you want,” I whisper, and then rain kisses along her jaw.

She slowly shakes her head, but I can see the wavering in her eyes. I reach between us and my knuckles brush over the valley between her legs as I undo the zipper to my jeans. I take out my cock and press it to her. If it weren’t for the scrap of lace between us, we’d be skin on skin. Her eyes widen and she quickly ducks her head down.

I place a finger under her chin and tilt her face back up to mine. “Don’t fight it. Make it something you can enjoy.” I can see she’s starting to over think this so I kiss her again. I can get addicted to kissing her. She doesn’t try to eat my face like others have done before, her kisses are sweet.

Her skin is soft as I brush my fingers up her thigh. I reach the lace and shove it aside. Before she can do anything I cup her, circling her slowly with one finger. She’s wet, fuck, she’s wet.

Her hips tilt upwards, looking for more. I use my one arm to keep my body from crushing hers and look down to where my fingers are circling her. I slip one finger down her wet heat and slip it in. Fuck she’s tight! I’m instantly rock hard with an intense need to fill her. I stop and roll onto her, placing my elbows on either side of her head.

“Take me and make yourself come,” I growl. It’s the last time I’m telling her to. Either she takes control or I will.

She reaches between us and her tiny hand folds around me. My eyes almost roll back into my head from pleasure. Her touch is perfect.

Her eyes dart to my chest and she bites her bottom lip. I kiss her and take that bottom lip between my teeth, teasing her. She guides me to her entrance and tilts her hips slightly, taking me in a few inches, then she freezes again. I’m done giving her control. “Good girl,” I growl as I thrust hard into her.

She throws her head back and cries out as I fill her completely. Her nails dig into my ass and she tries to hold me still against her. Her features are strained somewhere between pleasure and pain.

Bracing myself above her, I move the material from her left breast and take her in my mouth. I nip at her softly as I wait for her body to melt again. When she’s more relaxed I press harder into her and then swivel my hips, grinding against her. Her breath speeds up with the small movements I’m making.

Then she begins to move fast, rubbing herself against me. I hold still and let her take her orgasm. The fact that I got her this far alone is a miracle.

Frustration clouds her features. She can’t seem to reach it. Her lips open as if she wants to beg me, her eyebrows drawn together. “I can’t,” she whispers breathlessly. She actually looks disappointed. “It’s not going to happen, it never has.”

Not on my watch. I need her to come so she’ll know what sex can really feel like. It’s bullshit that women can’t come. With the right man that knows what he’s doing, their minds will explode. I start to move along with her, giving her what she needs. Instantly, relief washes over her face.

I press my mouth to her ear. “Tell me you want me.”

She shakes her head and I stop moving. She grinds her hips against me and I let my weight rest on her, taking hold of her hips to keep her from moving. “Say you want me and I’ll let you come, Kris.”

A tear slips down the side of her face. Puffs of hot breaths heat my ear and then I hear. “I want it.”

I lift her knees high at my sides, positioning her for deeper penetration. “That’s not what I want to hear. Just say it and I’ll make you feel good.”

After a few tense moments she cries, “I want you!” More tears are streaking from her eyes, but her words are music to my ears.

I kiss the side of her face, tasting a tear. “Good girl.” I almost pull all the way out and then thrust hard into her. She throws her head back and rakes her nails up my back. I lose control and slam into her until her body tenses under mine, her internal muscles gripping me tightly.

The ecstasy on her face is stunning. I pump in a few more times and reach my own orgasm with a groan. As soon as I’m done I withdraw immediately, not letting her have any form of intimacy. “Go shower.”

Her post-orgasmic bliss fades and a look of confusion replaces it.

“You’re a slave, nothing more. I fucked you and now you will go clean yourself.”

She shakes her head, frowning even more. “But-”

I got her to have sex without having to rape her. That was the point. Now I have to break her.

“I lied, Kristine. There is no sister,” I almost lose track of the plan when her eyes start to fill with hurt and a haunting look of betrayal. “You were never leaving. It was all a lie to get you to spread your legs. The fuck was bearable, but you need more experience. I can only imagine how mundane you’ve been in bed. I mean you came for the first time today. That’s got to suck. Your future master will want someone who can please him.”

A cry escapes her throat and she covers her mouth. She scrambles off the bed and runs into the bathroom. She closes the door behind her.

I huff a tired breath and get up. I slam the door open and she jumps where she’s standing, clutching the counter. “Don’t fucking close the door!”

I walk away, leaving the door open. I hear her turn on the shower and use the time to zip up my pants.

Why if she consented do I still feel my chest tightening? I scrub my hand over my face, feeling a hundred years old. I realize why I feel this way, it’s because I’m going to hurt her – a lot.



Chapter Fourteen



I lose it. I’ve been telling myself to think of Riza and Kelly. I let him have sex with me, thinking that’s all he wanted, that I’d be able to convince him to let Riza and Kelly go.

I let him have his way with me!
Shameful sobs rake my body, where I’m standing in the shower.
I had an orgasm for the first time ever, and it was amazing! I even started to feel something. Thinking he’s attractive, he might not kill me if I did what he said, I let him in, hoping to win him over.
It could’ve been worse. It could’ve been Eric, Warren or any of them. I could have been screaming like Riza and Kelly!

I keep making excuses for giving in to him after only four days of fighting.

I was so wrong. He’s a monster. He’s the type that kills you inside, leaving you an empty shell.

Blinding anger fills me. I storm out of the bathroom and don’t stop until I’m right in his face. I don’t even feel it as my fist slams into his face.

As I lift my arm to hit him again, he catches me by my wrist. “You should not have done that!”

He drags me behind him to the bed and grabs the cuffs from where he put them earlier. My heart clenches with fear. Oh shit! What’s he going to do to me now? Please, not another beating!

I yank back trying to free myself from his tight grip. He locks one part of the cuffs around my left wrist. Then he starts in the direction of the bathroom, hauling me behind him.

I try to kick at him and lose my balance, falling hard to my knees.

“Fuck, woman! You’re really testing my patience,” he shouts, then yanks me back up on my feet. My shoulder aches with the force he yanks me up with.

When we reach the bathroom, he shoves me into the shower. There’s a small railing on the side, to hang a face cloth on and he freaking cuffs me to it!

“No, I’m sorry!” I beg. I yank at the cuffs, making it dig into my skin.

Then it gets worse. He leaves.

Water pelts me for a few minutes in which I yank at the cuffs. I reach over and turn off the faucets. Soon after I start to shiver from the cold but I’m too heartbroken to care. I’m too degraded to think straight.

After a long while, my body starts to ache from leaning against the tiles and I slump down to the floor.

I start to go through the same motions, fight, cry, feel sorry for myself, then it’s back to fighting.

I feel guilty for giving in and not fighting harder. Then I feel angry because it’s so unfair that I’m stuck in this nightmare. Lastly is anxiety, nibbling at my stomach – what is happening to Riza and Kelly?

I’m shivering from the cold. I shiver so hard I hear every breath rattling in and out.

When I hear the door click open, I’m so relieved. I don’t want him to see how relieved I am so I hide my face against my knees. When I feel his hands on my bound one, I try to yank away, slamming the back of my head into the shower wall.

“I’m just taking the cuffs off,” he whispers. I don’t know if I should be happy that he’s calmed down or scared. “Get up.” I do as he says, but refuse to look at him. I keep my eyes trained on the wall.

“Get out of the shower.” I follow him out and stop when he stops. I’m in no hurry to have a repeat of earlier. I just need to be patient and clever about this. The moment will come when I can escape and go for help. I won’t fall for anything he says again. I learned my lesson.

Garrett picks up a fluffy towel he must’ve brought in with him. He starts to dry my arms in soft pats. When he pats over my breasts, I feel a wave of repulsion.

“Open your legs,” he murmurs. The thought of kneeing him in the face flashes through me but then I remember what happened because I punched him, and I do as he says.

He’s gentle as he brushes over me and then down each leg, until I’m dry. He throws the towel over a railing and then takes hold of my hand. He leads me into the bedroom and stops in front of the bed.

There are pieces of clothing on the bed. One is a gauzy red lingerie and panty set and the other a white lace bra and panty set.

“You will wear what I instruct you to wear. You will shower when I tell you to shower,” he says with almost no emotion. “When you go to the bathroom, whether it’s to shower or piss, you will leave the door open at all times. You no longer have such a thing as privacy and I won’t remind you of that again.”

For the first time I make eye contact, shocked that he expects me to wee in front of him, not even to mention a number two!

“You will not make eye contact with me, unless I tell you to.”

My father always told me that if someone looks you in the eye, you can trust them. Those who avoid eye contact have something to hide. Well, it doesn’t matter if I look into Garrett’s eyes, they’re deceiving.

He continues, “You’re to keep your eyes on the floor, downcast, unless I instruct you otherwise.” He takes hold of my cheek and forces me to look down. That’s when I notice the fresh blue shirt and jeans he’s wearing. He took a shower.

“When you’re finished putting on the red set, you’ll get a reward.” I’m too scared to ask what, but he doesn’t let me wonder for long. “You’ll get to see one of your friends.”

I can see if they are okay! I quickly turn around and reach for the red panty. “You’ll dress in front of me. Turn back.” I glance up at him, upset that he won’t even give me this slither of privacy! “Eyes down!” he snaps.

I look down at the panty and then slip it on. I take the lingerie and pull it over my head. He starts to walk around me, admiring the lace that’s practically one with my body, it’s so tight.

“Your skin is the perfect white,” his voice is hoarse, almost sensual.

I feel panic rising and move to take a step away from him.

“Stand still,” he barks. He grabs hold of my hips and yanks me back against his chest. “You will not move unless I give you permission,” he grinds the words out. “You are now a body that exists for the purpose of satisfying me.”

I shake my head. I’m Kristine Marshall! I’m a person with value. I won’t let him break me down.

“Kris,” he breathes my name, “so stubborn, so stupid. The sooner you give in the better things will be for you. As long as you fight it will hurt.”

“At least I’ll feel human then, asshole. Hurt me all you want, you can’t take that away from me. I’m Kristine Marsh-” The rest of the words get stuck on a shriek as I’m yanked back. He puts a foot on the bed and then yanks me over his leg. My butt is in the air, my toes only just reaching the floor. He takes hold of my arms and yanks them back, then pins my wrists to my lower back. A smack cracks over my backside, scaring the hell out of me.

“No!” I shriek, realizing the man is busy spanking me like I’m some child. His hand comes down hard on my butt again and I try to lift my feet to the bed so I can push myself away from him. He yanks the panties down, leaving my whole backside exposed. Then suddenly I feel his finger pressing against my entrance. I did not expect that, and try to squirm away from his touch. But he keeps me firmly in place and he rubs a circle around my clit. Then his hand disappears. I don’t know what to expect next. My whole body tenses and then he smacks me, half over my backside and half over my sex.

I’m so shocked it takes me a few seconds before I arch my back, fighting to get free. He is too strong and as his finger circles my entrance a now familiar feeling of humiliation floods me.

He smacks me again, on the same spot, half over my backside and half over my now throbbing core. He repeats the action. He circles my clit then smacks me again, and keeps repeating the whole process until I feel tears burning hot in my eyes.

“No,” I whimper when it starts to sting like hell. It’s worse than before, when he had sex with me. This time I’m feeling used and abused.

My mind blanks as he yanks me up and then throws me on the bed. He takes hold of the panty I haven’t even had on for a full thirty minutes, and rips them off.

Taking hold of my knees he opens my legs. I glance down noticing he’s still dressed, but with a huge bulge pressing against his zipper. He positions himself between my legs and stares down at me.

“You will not come,” he says hoarsely.

I turn my face away, too embarrassed and filled with shame to acknowledge him. He presses his jean-clad bulge hard against me, sending unwelcome tingles and shivers racing over my body. “Look at me.”

I frown but keep my eyes turned away. First I’m not allowed eye contact and now he wants me to look at him? The man is really insane!

He takes hold of my jaw and forces me to look at him, but I drop my eyes to his neck.

“I said look at me! I want your eyes on me as I fill you,” he growls. “I want you to know who is coming inside you.”

I keep my eyes on his neck. I refuse to give him the one thing he wants. If I do that then he will win.

I can’t give in. I won’t. I will not acknowledge him. I will not give him the permission he wants.



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