Dark Boundaries (5 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

Tags: #The Boundaries 1

BOOK: Dark Boundaries
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Chapter Nine



I don’t know if I can do it! Feeling her tremble under me, seeing the horror in her eyes! It’s all too fucking much. This is not who I am. I’m not a rapist. I don’t hurt women. I don’t need to. Women throw themselves at my feet.

Why can’t Kristine be like that, easy, a slut? She’s anything but. Her face turns crimson when I touch her. Fear drowns those grey eyes.

I know I’m doing this to find my sister, but fuck …

Andrea’s my little sister. She is trusting in me to find her. She knows we are searching for her and that we’ll do anything to save her. I can’t let her down. I can’t fail my sister.

Kristine is a stranger. She’s a means to an end.

The house is surprisingly quiet. I guess Justin and Chase are busy with their girls. I’m glad we got all three and one didn’t escape.

I know I have to get it over with. Sooner, rather than later. The quicker she’s broken, the less fear she’ll feel. But I’m too tired right now. I walk to the living room and settle down on a couch. I need to sleep. I’ll feel more up for the task once I’m rested.

A kick to the couch wakes me up hours later. It’s dark in the room. “What?”

“I’ve made sandwiches. You might want to feed her,” Justin growls and leaves me alone.

This whole thing is taking its toll on him. I should have gone on this mission to save our sister alone. Justin isn’t cut out for this.

I decide to first check on her, before taking her food.

The first thing I see when I open the door is an empty bed. She’s lying in the opposite corner, curled with her back to me.

I close the door and go to the kitchen to get her food. When I go into the room again, she’s still in the same spot. Not sure if she’s sleeping, I whisper, “I brought you food, a sandwich.”

She doesn’t stir. I walk closer and set the plate down next to her head. I’ll allow her to feed herself today, but from tomorrow I can’t show her any sympathy.

I leave her be, giving her time to recover from the beating, or so I tell myself. I’m not ready to force her. I need to go for a run and get my act together. I need to only think of Andrea. No one else matters.

Three days pass. A doctor came to check on the girls and made sure they’re on birth control. The last thing we need is a pregnant girl. The only contact I’ve had with Kristine so far is when I bring her something to eat. Every time I enter the room she’s in the same position. She doesn’t eat any of the bread I take. The water disappears.

Today is different. Today I need to get this ball rolling. No more Mr. Nice-guy.

I wait until it’s dark so my eyes will be used to the dark before I go in. I’m not going to put on any lights. I want her to be completely at my mercy.  

After I’ve closed the door behind me, I wait a while. I hear her move to my left and slowly make my way to her. I can make out the outline of her slender body. When I get within touching distance of her she ducks and crawls along the floor. I wait until she reaches the other wall before I move fast. When I grab hold of her arm, she shrieks and the fear almost makes me let go of her. I pull her up against me, feeling shivers rake through her.

Instead of forcing her, I hold her to me. I let my fingers twist in her hair and press her face into my chest. Her naked body is soft against me.

“I’m so sorry I have to do this,” I whisper, all the determination I had coming in is vanishing as fast as the beats of her heart.

“Then don’t,” she pleads, her voice is muffled by my shirt.

Her hair smells funky. She’s long overdue for another shower. I’ve given her three days to get used to the fact that she’s been taken.

Tightening my hold on her arm, I pull her behind me. She follows me without fighting until we reach the stairs.

She digs her heels into the floor and yank back. “Please, no!”

I’m scared there will be a repeat of her escape attempt. I duck and dig my shoulder into her stomach. I toss her over my shoulder and quickly walk to my room. I need a room with a lock. She can use my bathroom.

Bill had the house made especially for breaking girls. There are four empty rooms to keep them in. The basement has been rigged for some training, that’s where I’ve been keeping her the past few days, seeing as the lock to her room is busted.

Upstairs are five rooms, each with their own bathroom. One for each of the guys and an extra room for Bill. They are all decorated sparsely, a bed, cupboard with things we’ll need to train the girls.

I haven’t even looked in the cupboards. I’ve been sleeping on the couch avoiding all of this. I have less than a month to train her, so I’ll have to start stripping her choices away today.

I set her down next to the shower and she immediately moves to cover her breasts and cross her legs, hiding from my view.

“Shower,” I snap, using more aggression in my voice than what I feel. She steps into the shower and then seems to be waiting for something. “Now, Kristine. You don’t have the luxury of privacy anymore. Shower in front of me.”

Her eyes dart wildly up to meet mine. They’re drowning in shock and I see a glimmer of anger flickering to life.

“Look, either you wash yourself or I do it for you, and then you’ll be punished,” I warn her, before her anger can fully fledge to life and give me problems.

She breathes hard, her face scrunching into a dark scowl. Her movements are aggressive as she opens the faucets and grabs the soap. “Un-fucking-believable,” she murmurs.

I know I should punish her for the remark, but I just can’t bring myself to. Instead I watch her soap her milky skin and I’m relieved to see the beating Eric gave her didn’t leave any marks.




Chapter Ten



Fucking asshole!

I might have been quiet these last few days and even when that pathetic excuse for a doctor poked and prodded me like I was nothing more than cattle, but it sure doesn’t mean I’ve given up. I want him to think I have. I want him to lower his guard, and then I’ll make my escape.

I dare a quick glance at him and frown. Why does he always look so guilt-ridden? If this is such a pain in his ass, why can’t he just let us go? His eyes look like dark pools of pain. I just don’t get it.

When I’m finished and there’s really nothing else to wash, unless I do it all again, he straightens from where he’s leaning against the counter. “Get out!” he snaps at me just like earlier. His voice is in total contrast with his face. He sounds angry but looks sad.

I step out of the shower. He grabs hold of my arm, his movement too fast for me to flinch away from. I hate that he thinks he has a right to touch me! But most of all I hate being naked. I feel exposed and vulnerable and I’d give anything for some clothes.

He drags me into the room. When I spot the bed, I yank back.
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
My breaths start to come faster and my heart is pounding so hard I feel it in my throat.

He keeps yanking me closer to the bed. I try to yank my arm free, but when that doesn’t work, I sink to the floor. His hand twists and he has to let go of me. I dart up and run for the door, but just as I reach it his solid body slams into mine. He grabs hold of my hands and shoves them against the door, his thigh lands between my legs, and he effectively pins me.

A feeling of utter helplessness washes over me, bringing on the tears I’ve come to hate so much. It shows him I’m scared and weak. I don’t want to be vulnerable in front of him.

“Don’t you dare!” I bite out the words, my voice hoarse with panic.

He shoves my hands higher, stretching me onto my toes and pins my wrists with one of his to the door. His other hand takes hold of my still wet hair and he moves it over my left shoulder. When I try to turn my head his fingers fold around the back of my neck. His mouth skims my right ear and I wish I could kick him between the legs, take away any chance of this monster ever having children.

“I’m sorry.” He’s back to whispering, sounding even more remorseful than before. And it’s definitely not what I expected him to say.

“Then don’t do it,” I resort to begging. Just maybe I can win his sympathy. “Don’t hurt me. Please.”

“On the bed,” he instructs. He must see the fear on my face, because he sighs as if I’m nothing but a burden to him.

A breath shudders through me and tears slip over my cheeks, but I make no effort to go near that bed.

He makes an impatient noise deep in his throat. He spins me around and shoves me hard in the direction of the bed. I fall half across the mattress, my knees hitting the floor. A whimper escapes my mouth, because I land face down, totally exposed to him. No man has ever seen or treated me like this!

He’s on me before I can push myself up, picking me up and tossing me onto the bed.
Please don’t hurt me! Please don’t hurt me
! I start to chant in my head.

When he touches my back, I cringe. I manage to keep still as his fingers trail down the length of my back. He touches my backside and I press my face into the cover. I try not to react, to give him any satisfaction of seeing me distressed.

His hand keeps working its way down to the top of my legs. The mattress dips as he sits down. I feel his leg press into my side. I want to scoot up, but I’m too scared.

His hand stills on my thigh and he just sits next to me. Time starts to crawl at a snails’ pace, as I wait for him to do something. He just sits next to me, and I keep still, not wanting to encourage him to do something.

After some time passes, my eyelids grow heavy and I struggle to keep them open. I use to love my sleep, now I’m fighting the tiredness that’s seeped into my bones. I don’t know how long I’ve been awake but I’m too scared to fall asleep, too scared of how vulnerable it will leave me.

I decide to close my eyes for a few seconds, just to let them rest.

The mattress dips and before my mind is fully awake, I feel Garrett straddling my backside. Panic lights up my foggy mind and everything seems overly bright. I bring my arms in under my chest, and push myself up. I try to throw Garrett off my body but he’s too heavy.

He leans down, his chest flush with my back. The material of his shirt scrapes against my skin. I try to get out from under him, my movements growing anxious with every second he’s on top of me.

His arms come around me, and as his one hand grabs one of my breasts, I freak out. I toss wildly, trying to elbow him.

“No!” he hisses. “Calm the fuck down. Think of your friends! I’m just going to hold you so you can get used to my touch.”

WTF? He’s groping my breast and he expects me to get used to it? But I’m scared he’ll hurt Riza and Kelly the way Eric hurt me. Or worse – kill one of us, so when he turns onto his side and pulls me along, I go with it. He keeps my back flushed with his chest. His hand never leaves my breast. His other arm slips around my abdomen, dangerously low. Then he just holds me, every breath he takes is skimming over the top of my head.

I don’t know what to do with my hands and end up covering my face. I don’t want to see his hands on me.

Minutes tick by in which not one of us move. I’m too scared to drift off to sleep. Scared he’ll move again and do something to me. My body is tense, every nerve wound tight.

“Let’s just rest a bit. It’s going to be a long day.” His voice is sleepy.

How the hell does he expect me to rest?

I wait, in the hopes that he’ll fall asleep and I can try to get away.

All hope is in vain. His breathing might be deep and slow, but his tight grip on me remains.

Whether it’s from the time that passes, or him not trying anything else, my body starts to relax. Again, it’s a mistake on my part. He moves fast, slipping his hand between my legs. He cups me. Terror lights my mind like the 4
of July and I try to move away from him, but I’m stuck between his hard body and the tight grip he has on me.

I grab hold of his arm and try to yank his hand off my breast. The man is so damn strong! Nothing I do help. In fact, it only makes him hold me tighter.

“Please don’t rape me!” I cry out when I can’t take much more. I’m ice cold with fear. I don’t even feel the warmth from his body, pressing so close to mine.

“I’m not going to rape you,” he says, his voice hoarse. “When I take you it will be your choice. Everything is your choice. Either your friends get hurt or you obey. You’ll always have a choice.”

Anger bubbles up in me. “That’s not a choice! Threatening to hurt my friends is still making me do something against my will. It’s still rape!” I cry out. This man is definitely deranged!

“You’ll either say yes or no. No, and your friends get hurt. Yes, and we have consensual sex. Think hard about the choice you make.”

I cover my face again, crying hard. I feel so frustrated, hopeless and above all scared out of my mind. He allows me to cry it all out. I can’t stand the thought of Riza and Kelly suffering because of me. I don’t want them to be beaten the way I was. I don’t want them to be killed.

I don’t want to die.

I’m surprised as his arms slacken around me. But then his finger trails from my shoulder to my elbow in a soft caress.

Nooo! This can’t be happening. He can’t make me choose!

He leans up on his elbow, raising himself half over me. “You need to decide now,” he whispers right by my ear.

My body starts to tremble as this nightmare becomes more real than ever.

I force myself to think of Riza and Kelly. They are all that matter. Their safety and lives come first.

When Garrett takes hold of my shoulder, nudging me to lie on my back, I swallow the whimper building up in my throat.

My friends … my sisters. They are all that matter.

Once I’m flat on my back, he leans over me. “Good girl,” he whispers his approval.

In that moment I don’t know who the bigger monster is, Eric who beat me killed Cathy and shouted until my ears ringed, or Garrett with his whispers and soft touches.

When his lips brush gently over my jaw, I can’t keep still. I squeak with fear and turn my face away from him. I can’t allow him to kiss me. It will make the whole thing too personal then. A kiss is for someone you like.

“Don’t, Kris. You need to make your choice and stick with it.” He takes hold of my jaw and turns my face back to his. “Disobey me and I won’t be forgiving.”

Forgiving! This man is deranged!

When he presses his mouth to mine, I can’t keep my lips from trembling. I pinch my eyes tightly shut.

His hand skims over my skin, from my shoulder all the way down, until his fingers brush over my pubic hair. One finger slips down and I cry out against his mouth. I fight to close my legs but his leg and hand keep them open.

Suddenly he yanks away from me, as if I’ve burned him. He leaves me crying on the bed as he walks to the door. When he opens it, my heart leaps to my throat. I want to beg him not to hurt my friends. I want to tell him that I’ll do anything to ensure their safety, but I can’t.

“How the fuck am I supposed to do this?” I hear him say under his breath. Anger radiates off his tense body.

Then he slams the door close behind him, leaving me with an overwhelming feeling of guilt. He rejected me! I can’t believe I feel this way. I should be thankful he doesn’t want me.

Then a sickening thought sends shivers down my spine.

What if he hurts Riza or Kelly? What if he rapes one of them?

I’ve let them down!





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